
Thursday, December 26, 2024

Deathstroke, Eerie Archives, Swamp Thing, Batman the Cult, Harrow County Omnibus, British Silver Age, Red Sonja and a new Flash Sale!

Our final December Deal is morphed into this week’s new items list. We selected 10 more books to put on Flash Sale, many as low as $5. The last Flash Sale was so well received, we’re tempting you again. Also there are four new freebies, plus two from Free Comic Book Day. Buy any regularly priced item, with no order minimum, and you can take all six! Meanwhile, we’ve got Deathstroke, Eerie Archives, Swamp Thing, Batman the Cult, Harrow County Omnibus, Penthouse Comics 6, British Silver Age, a very impressive Red Sonja and a new Gun Honey! Happy Holidays!

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Click here to see ALL New Arrivals, beginning with the latest and going back 30 days.

THE ART OF RED SONJA 50th Anniversary Poster Book
Highly Recommended. Art by Arthur Adams, Frank Cho, Mike Mignola, Joseph Michael Linsner, Jim Cheung, Shannon Maer et al. An absolute all star list of artists offering up superb paintings for your wall—well priced for this oversized (12x16), impressive production. - Bud. 2023 marks fifty years of the She-Devil with a Sword’s adventures, and to honor the occasion Dynamite is going big! Join the celebration with this oversized trade paperback showcasing 20 of the most gorgeous Red Sonja covers ever to see print, as rendered by some of the greatest names in comics! This is how a posterbook should be done! Super heavy stock for each page, removeable. And it lays flat for full enjoyment. - Bud. Dynamite, 2024....More.

Item Code: ARTRPB
Soft Cover, 12x16, 42pg, Full Color

More Red Sonja.

By Nick Neocleous and Alan Class. Do you love those cool early covers from the 1950s and 1960s Atlas titles, then Marvel, Charlton, ACG and Tower Comics? Classic work by Kirby, Ditko, Wood, Maneely, Steranko, Everett and others? Here is a whole new way of seeing these, including the earliest Marvel superhero titles, all with new and different logos. Alan Class published comics that were distributed throughout the UK from 1959 to 1989, including Sinister Tales, Strange Planets, Creepy Worlds, Uncanny Tales, Astounding Stories, and many more, reprinting American comics but in newly-named British titles. But who was Class and what was his deal? All is revealed here, along with glorious full-page, full-color reprints of tons of covers you've never before seen — not like this... Moonage, 2024....More.

Item Code: SECUNK
Soft Cover, 8x12, 124pg, Partial Color
Here is more about British comic art, comics history and superheroes.

GUN HONEY Collision Course Adam Hughes Cover
Collects #1-4. Recommended. By Charles Ardai. Art by Ang Hor Kheng. Cover by Adam Hughes. The best-selling series is back in a third volume! After nearly a year in hiding from government agents looking to kill her, Gun Honey — Joanna Tan — launches a plan to turn the tables that will take her from the jungles of Borneo, to the streets of Yokohama, and the sands of the Gobi Desert. But when four armed groups converge on one secret location, will anyone survive the explosive collision? "The finest kind of Pulp Noir." - Ed Brubaker. Plenty of nudity and violence. Bonus cover gallery, interview with Joanna Tan, feature on artist Ukrainian painter "Rare Tempter," aka Nadia Tuziak. Titan, 2024. Mature Readers....More.

Item Code: GUNHCCV
Soft Cover, 7x10, 112pg, Full Color
The first volume was just called Gun Honey [GUNHO. $17.99]; Volume 2 is Heat Seeker, with covers by Bill Sienkiewicz [HEGH01B. $24.99] and by Artgerm [HEGH01A. $24.99], though it's still called volume one. Don’t ask me to explain it, I dunno! But both are in stock!

Recommended. Special Christmas cover by Jeremy MacPherson. Complete in this issue: Rick O’Shay by Stan Lynde, Buz Sawyer by Roy Crane, Sir Bagby by R&D Hackney. 19 pages of color Sundays featuring Flash Gordon by Dan Barry, Flash Gordon by Mac Raboy, Gasoline Alley by Dick Moores, Alley Oop by V. T. Hamlin, Casey Ruggles by Warren Tufts, Steve Canyon by Milton Caniff, and The Phantom by Lee Falk. Plus the following stories in b&w: Mandrake the Magician, Krazy Kat, Buz Sawyer, Sir Bagby, Garth, and Chris Welkin, Planeteer! Manuscript Press, 2024....More.

Item Code: CR1224
Magazine, 8x11, 128pg, Partial Color
Back issues! And here is more with The Phantom, Flash Gordon, Mandrake, Krazy Kat, Buz Sawyer, Alley Oop of course, artists Burne Hogarth and other characters found in Comics Revue. Most issues have original covers by artists including Thomas Yeates. Some early issues are now half price while they last. See our Flash Sale below for Thomas Yeate’s signed sketchbook.

Comics Archives


BATMAN THE CULT Deluxe Edition
Collects #1-4, 1988 and a bonus Wrightson sketch section. Highly Recommended. Deacon Blackfire, a charismatic shaman with roots as old as Gotham City itself, has amassed the city's homeless into an army, one he seemingly uses to fight crime. But Blackfire has a hidden agenda — he's brainwashing Batman into being his ally.... In 1988, comics legends Jim Starlin (Thanos) and Bernie Wrightson (Swamp Thing) teamed for this four-issue series, one of the most celebrated Batman stories ever. It stands next to classics of its era like Batman: Death in the Family and Batman: The Killing Joke. Wonderful artwork by Wrightson at his best!! DC Comics, 2024....More.

Item Code: BATCULH
Hard Cover, 7x11, 224pg, Full Color
$39.99 $36.99
Here’s more from Berni Wrightson.

Collects #42-46, 1972-73. Highly Recommended. Introduction by Tim Truman. Features classic stories from comic-book legends Richard Corben, Doug Moench, Reed Crandall, and Paul Neary, color covers by Luis Dominguez and Sanjulian, as well as mind-melting contributions from Eerie regulars Tom Sutton, Steve Skeates, Esteban Maroto, and Jerry Grandenetti. Whether traveling through space in "Someday" or trapped in a mad scientist's greenhouse in "The Root of Evil," you'll be pleased with these timeless tales of horror, many beautifully drawn. Dark Horse, 2024....More.

Item Code: EER09
Soft Cover, 8x11, 272pg, b&w
$24.99 $21.99
Here are previous volumes, plus Creepy Archives.

SWAMP THING By Rick Veitch Book One Wild Things
Collects Swamp Thing #65-73; Annual #3 and more, 1984-88. Recommended. With Alfredo Alcala and Tatjana Wood. Rick Veitch originally joined DC’s seminal Swamp Thing series as an artist during writer Alan Moore’s game-changing run, bringing to life some of the most inventive horror and fantasy concepts ever seen in mainstream comics. Following Moore’s departure, Veitch took over as both writer and artist, continuing the revered creative legacy of Swamp Thing, and adding elements of time travel and metaphysics to one of the most unique comics of its era. DC Comics, 2024....More.

Item Code: SWAMT01
Soft Cover, 7x10, 352pg, Full Color
$29.99 $26.99
Here’s more Swamp Thing, more Rick Veitch, and more Alfredo Alcala artwork.

Collects #1-32, 2015-18. Massive slipcased volume. New painted cover. Emmy always knew that the woods surrounding her home crawled with ghosts and monsters. But on the eve of her eighteenth birthday, she learns that she is connected to these creatures — and to the land itself — in a way she never imagined. Could Emmy be the reincarnation of an infamous witch? As supernatural forces that baffle the imagination align against her, Emmy must decide whether she will embrace or deny her destiny, with the fate of every soul — living or otherwise — hanging in the balance! The entirety of the dark southern gothic fairy tale by Cullen Bunn and Tyler Crook, along with all extras from every library edition! Dark Horse, 2024. Rush Service and International shipping could require an additional charge....More.

Item Code: COMHAH
Hard Cover, 8x13, 1080pg, Full Color
$149.99 $125.00

DEATHSTROKE The Terminator By Marv Wolfman Omnibus Volume 1
Collects Deathstroke #1-26, Annual #1-2, and more, 1991-2018. New introduction by Wolfman. In 1980, comics legends Marv Wolfman and George Pérez introduced Deathstroke in the The New Teen Titans — the world's deadliest mercenary and assassin. The deadly villain soon became one of the most popular antagonists — morally ambiguous and complex, straddling the line between anti-hero and full-on villain. A decade later, Wolfman returned to Slade Wilson, now the title character of his own comic book series — Deathstroke: The Terminator! These stories are now collected in the omnibus format for the first time, with Wolfman joined by artists including Steve Erwin, Will Blyberg and Art Nichols, and fellow writer Steven Grant. DC Comics, 2024. ...More.

Item Code: DEAT01H
Hard Cover, 7x11, 920pg, Full Color
$125.00 $110.00

CONAN THE BARBARIAN The Original Comics Omnibus Volume 2
Collects Conan The Barbarian #27-51, Annual #1 & more, 1973-76. Highly Recommended. By Roy Thomas. Art by John Buscema and Gil Kane. Tired of the thieving life, Conan signs on as a mercenary for the warring kingdom of Turan. The enemy will report on Conan’s legendary skill in battle — if any of them live to tell the tale — but palace intrigue may prove more dangerous to the barbarian. After all, it’s never wise to bed a wizard’s woman. Then, Conan joins with Red Sonja for a multi-part adventure. Plus Roy Thomas and Gil Kane’s complete adaptation of “The Hour of the Dragon,” the iconic story of how Conan became king and conqueror and met the woman who would become his wife. Titan, 2024. ...More.

Item Code: CONOC02H
Hard Cover, 8x11, 856pg, Full Color
$125.00 $110.00
Volume 1 is in stock now, same discounted price [CONOC01H]. And here’s more Conan...

Men’s Adventure Mags


Item Code: ATOWH
Hard Cover, 6x9, 328pg, Text/Partial Color

ATOMIC WEREWOLVES AND MAN-EATING PLANTS When Men's Adventure Magazines Got Weird Hardcover
Includes 18 bonus pages, 19 complete stories plus three historical introductions. Art by Basil Gogos, Jack Davis, Jay Scott Pike et al. The men's adventure magazines of the 1950s, '60s and '70s left no male fantasy or interest unexplored. Among the mags' war stories, exotic adventure yarns, accounts of clashes between man and beast, and spicy tales of sadistic frauleins and tropical queens hungry for companionship were stories that added an extra dose of weird to the equation, emphasizing supernatural encounters, monstrous cryptids, demonic death cults, killer robots, vampirism, and, naturally, atomic werewolves and man-eating plants. New Texture, 2023....More.

Without the 18 bonus pages.
Item Code:
Soft Cover, 6x9, 312pg, Text/Partial Color


HE-MEN, BAG MEN & NYMPHOS Classic Men's Adventure Stories by Walter Kaylin Hardcover
Bonus story & art exclusive to hardcover. Art by Popp, Bama, Kunstler, Pollen et al. Robert Deis and Wyatt Doyle, editors of the acclaimed Weasels Ripped My Flesh! anthology, rescue a whopping 15 high-intensity Kaylin classics from pulp fiction purgatory, along with the jaw-dropping illustrations that accompanied their original magazine publication, plus reminiscences by Kaylin, his family, and his former editor, writer Bruce Jay Friedman. New Texture, 2024....More.

Item Code: HEBAGH
Hard Cover, 6x9, 348pg, Text/Partial Color
Here’s the softcover, also sans the bonus pages [HEBAG. $34.95]. Here’s more from same publisher, New Texture. We have their art books Pollen in Print and George Gross Covered. Just released is The Naked and the Deadly: Lawrence Block in Men’s Adventure Magazines. Editor Deis also publishes Men’s Adventure Quarterly.


Here's another batch of 30 items that are going away soon, down to just one, two or three copies left. You can now see the latest 3…2…1 items in a new section on our website, called ALMOST GONE, at the top of the home page, right next to CLOSEOUTS.

Sale, Sale, Sale!!
We have our next three sale groups all discounted and ready for your orders.They will become our Jan, Feb and March sale emails. But right now you can see all these --click on Jansale, Febsale and Marsale. If you want to browse through all next-up savings at once, click on nrp0125.

Imperfect Editions


Collects #1-5. Recommended. Superstar writer Dan Panosian (Unkindness of Ravens, Black Tape) and artist Giorgio Spalletta (007: For King & Country) explore the morbid side of escapism in this twisted tale that blurs the line between fantasy and reality. Even if Alice escapes Wonderland and makes it back home, would it even be the home she remembers? Wonderland is her new home, but the mad residents have turned against her. As Alice’s sister Edith and her childhood friend Earl fight for a way to bring her back, Alice has been crowned the new Queen of Hearts! Handsomely drawn. Boom! 2024. Condition: Bumped corners. ...More.

Item Code: ALICNR
Soft Cover, 7x10, 128pg, Full Color
$19.99 $9.99

Collects The Flash (2016) #1-35, Batman #21-22 and more, 2016-18. Superstar writer Joshua Williamson, along with artists Carmine Di Giandomenico and Howard Porter, sends Barry Allen — a.k.a. the Flash — on some of the wildest adventures of the modern age in this series spinning out of the DC Rebirth event. In a changed DC Universe, the Flash must face off against threats like he's never encountered before. His legendary Rogues Gallery of villains — Captain Cold, Mirror Master, Weather Wizard, and Heat Wave — have new surprises in store for him, while enemies old and new threaten at every turn. DC Comics, 2024. Condition: Bumped corners. Rush Service and International shipping could require an additional charge. ...More.

Item Code: FLAJW01HR
Hard Cover, 7x11, 1008pg, Full Color
$125.00 $75.00
We’ve only got two copies of this Flash. Click here for all available Imperfect Editions, we have 83 in stock at 40% to 50% off, generally due to a small dent or two. I take these to comic and book shows and they are my most popular item there —people have to look hard to find the imperfections and never put one back! All are in short supply and subject to selling out.

Mature Readers


All the story arcs begun in the first year of Penthouse conclude in this issue, the last for 2024. Gun Crazy by Steve D and Jef concludes with the wild ride of Dolly Sanchez and Lanoya O'Brien, two girls fighting for survival; I Spit On Your Grave by Morvan, Macutay & Ortiz and The Dead All Have The Same Skin by Morvan, Erramouspe & Varas also both conclude. Miss October carries on, by Desberg and Queireix. Plus a nude photo shoot Blonde on the Roof and actress Barbara Dunkelman is interviewed. Penthouse, 2024. Adult Material. ...More.

Item Code: PENT06
Magazine, 8x11, 96pg, Full Color
Penthouse Comics closes out the first year of its new series (it’s bi-monthly) and wraps up all the story lines! We have the regular (above), the adult cover [PENT06V. $12.99], and a special one-for-10 copies variant [PENTF. $25] while supply lasts. Here are the previous issues.

All New Flash Sale!

One of our December Deals was putting 16 books and magazines on sale, including Jim Vadeboncoeur’s Images which have been very popular at $5 each. We’re extending the Flash Sale discount until January 15 so that everyone has time to get some favorite deals. You can click here to see all 26 Flash Sale items, including 14 for only $5.00!

TWIXT TWO WORLDS #3 By Thomas Yeates Signed
Special Limited-time Price! Signed & numbered, 1,000. Highly Recommended. Art by Thomas Yeates. Edited by Dwayne Covey. Thomas Yeates' third sketchbook has pen & ink and pencil drawings of Tarzan, John Carter, Dejah Thoris, and many other lesser known Edgar Rice Burroughs characters; plus Sheena, Domino Lady, Doc and Pat Savage, Zorro and more. Jane, La of Opar, Dejah Thoris and others are often partially nude and very attractively done. These are mainly spontaneous convention sketches of characters and scenes, selected by the customer, drawn by hand in pencil and finished by hand in wet india ink. Yeates is the current artist on the Prince Valiant Sunday strip”who also appears here with Aleta. Thomas started his career illustrating with The Swamp Thing for DC Comics in the 1980s. Bud Plant, 2018. Mature Readers....More.

Item Code: TWIS
Soft Cover, 9x11, 48, b&w
$20.00 $7.50

Closeout Price! Highly Recommended. Franz Wacik (1883-1938) was an extraordinary Austrian talent who also designed for the theater, painted frescoes and murals, and illustrated children’s books. While his startlingly original work is largely unknown today, this volume (primarily composed of Wacik’s work for the satire magazine Die Muskete) will be a revelation for many. Wacik’s expertise encompassed a diverse array of fantastical subjects, including bizarre creatures and fairy tale settings. Illustrated Press, 2023. ...More.

Item Code: FRAWAH
Hard Cover, 9x12, 224pg, Full Color
$44.95 $15.00
Click here for more books from editor and writer Dan Zimmer and his Illustrated Press. The much-missed Illustration Magazine is Dan’s—we have many out of print back issues right now.

COMIC BOOK IMPLOSION An Oral History of DC Comics Circa 1978
New printing. 2019 Eisner Award Nominee: Best Comics-Related Book. Recommended. By Keith Dallas and John Wells. A series of massive cutbacks and cancellations in 1978 quickly became known as “The DC Implosion.” One of the most notorious events in comics gets an exhaustive oral history from the creators and executives involved (Jenette Kahn, Paul Levitz, Len Wein, Mike Gold, and Al Milgrom, among many others), as well as detailed analysis and commentary by other top professionals, who were “just fans” in 1978 (Mark Waid, Michael T. Gilbert, Tom Brevoort, and more) — examining how it changed the landscape of comics forever! TwoMorrows, 2024....More.

Item Code: COMBOO
Soft Cover, 8x11, 136pg, Text/Partial Color
$26.95 $10.00

MARVEL MUSEUM The Story of the Comics
Closeout Price! Recommended. By Ned Hartley. The complete story of Marvel Comics, illustrated with artwork from the official Marvel archives, touching on the MMMS (the first Marvel fan club), Stan’s go-to assistant Flo Steinberg, Roy Thomas, Jack Kirby, Steve Ditko, Marvel’s early days as Timely and Atlas, and each of the the characters and groups that have morphed into the big screen, from Guardians of the Galaxy and Thor, to Doctor Strange and Black Widow. This gives readers the experience of a fascinating exhibition from the pages of a beautiful oversized (11x14) hardcover book. Studio Press, 2019....More.

Item Code: MARMUSH
Hard Cover, 11x15, 96pg, Text/Full Color
$32.00 $10.00

TRAILBLAZERS A Tribute to Canada's WWII Comic Creators
Closeout Price! Limited, 300. Highly Recommended. A very special homage by contemporary artists, celebrating the 80th Anniversary of the first published Canadian comic books and their creators. Canadian wartime comic enthusiast Ivan Kockmarek has edited an anthology of tributes to Canada’s original comic creators by some of the best current creators. Contributors include: Michael Gilbert (on Mr. Monster's creator Fred Kelley, naturally), Ken Steacy, Ho Che Anderson, Dave Sim, James Waley (Orb), Eric Kim, Ronn Sutton (of Dark Horse fame), Ron Kasman et al. North End Books, 2021....More.

Item Code: TRAILB
Soft Cover, 7x10, 56pg, b&w
$20.00 $5.00

Closeout Price! By Alex Grand and Joshua Berman. Art by Charbak Dipta. Based on a series of interviews with eye witnesses, court reports, and newspaper articles carefully used to construct an authentic and visually visceral ride through the life of a well connected cannabis pioneer. Joey Berkowitz has a complicated past, extending through East Coast mobs, the psychedelic 60s, the New York celebrity drug culture, Berkeley Peace movement, the Paris riots, Altamont, Woodstock, laundering money in Southeast Asia, and sitting meditation courses in Tibet. Join Joey as he manages to escape prosecution time and time again by the seat of his pants, ultimately becoming a noteworthy shrink in Seattle where he manages to find himself a central figure in the worldwide cannabis legalization scene as its most notorious authorizing doc, dispensary financier, and industry stalwart. Comic Book Historians, 2023....More.

Item Code: HASHM
Soft Cover, 7x10, 128pg, Full Color
$13.99 $5.00

WOMEN OF WONDER Celebrating Women Creators of Fantastic Art
Closeout Price! Our Highest Recommendation. Edited by Cathy Fenner. Introduction by Lauren Panepinto. From the co-editor of Spectrum, a spotlight on women creators of fantastic art (traditionally seen as a largely male domain, though women have always been active participants) from Kewpie creator Rose O'Neill and pulp illustrator Margaret Brundage to Spectrum Grand Masters Diane Dillon and Kinuko Y. Craft. Underwood Books, 2015. Out of print....More.

Item Code: WOMOW
Soft Cover, 9x12, 128pg, Full Color
$24.95 $5.00

Closeout Price! Highly Recommended. Art by Ralph Steadman, Peter de Seve, Milton Glaser, et al. Edited with an introduction by Steve Brodner. Based on the 2008 Society of Illustrators' exhibit, "Artists Against the War", this draws from the history of graphic protest and demonstrates the many ways that illustrators — in comics, editorial cartoons, illustrations for magazine articles, and so on — have reflected on the representations and misrepresentations of war, specifically in Iraq and Afghanistan. 56 nationally-known contributors, an all-star list including Grossman, Arisman, Kuper, Sorel, Holland, Billout, Silverman, Tim O'Brien, Banyai et al. Underwood Books, 2011....More.

Item Code: ARTAGH
Hard Cover, 8x10, 110pg, Partial Color
$19.95 $5.00

DARK THOUGHTS ON WRITING Advice and Commentary from Fifty Masters of Fear and Suspense
Closeout Price! Publisher file copy. Interviews with Ray Bradbury, Neil Gaiman, Stephen King, Dean Koontz, Anne Rice, Clive Barker and 45 more writers! For anyone interested in writing horror, as well as true fans of the genre, Dark Thoughts is a source of inspiration and revelation with behind-the-scenes looks at the most popular and acclaimed authors of our time. Stanley Wiater extracts something out-of-the-ordinary from each of his interview subjects, whether it's their special writing tricks, strange fan mail or views on censorship. Underwood Books, 1997. Out of print. ...More.

Item Code: DARTHO
Soft Cover, 6x9, 206pg, Text Only
$15.00 $5.00

Closeout Price! Publisher file copy. Wrap-around dust jacket art by Ilene Meyer. In this sixth entry in the series of Dick’s letters, the great sci-fi author continues his metaphysical and religious quest initiated by the Valis visions of 1974. In these letters to friends, fans, agents, and other sci-fi writers, Dick speculates on the visionary and archetypal material that intruded into his novels in the latter part of his life, which marked a turning point in his literary career. These intensely personal letters express Dick's deepest thoughts on science fiction, human nature, philosophy, and more. Underwood Books, 2009. Out of print....More.

Item Code: SECLET
Hard Cover, 7x10, 288pg, Text Only
$39.95 $5.00
Here's all our Underwood books, most deeply discounted.

Free Comics!


You can order one of each of all six titles with any size order! But only one per title, please.


Rare Books This Week!




This week: All our new Rare Books this week are Mature Reader titles—pin-up and nude photography. We have two copies of The Book of Calendar Photography, two of Sex: Take Walk on the Wild Side, The Female Form, Stare, Private Passion, Berko Photographs 1935-51, two of Vanessa Beecroft Performances, Gunther Blum Unpublished, Sylvia Blum Nudes, Women by Women, Asian Ladies, Dahmane Dressed Nudes, Erotic Art and Hollywood Nudes in 3-D, an old favorite of ours! And more! Click on Nude Photography/Sort by Latest to see all titles.

Rare Books Sale!

We still have just over 70 titles from our newest group of 20% off items, bringing the number of Sale Rare Books to over 800! We've separated them by categories below:

Comic Archives - Artists & Illustration - Comics Reference

Comic Strip Collections - Graphic Novels

Pulps & Fiction - Pin-Up & Erotic Art - Nude Photography  


News & Notes


Prince Valiant Illustrator’s Special

Back in stock — we expedited a quick shipment from the U.K. and it just rolled in. Snag one while it’s still in print. They only did 1000; our first shipment sold out very quickly. Hardcover [IQS19H. $53.99]. Here’s more Valiant


Coming 2025 Sale Items

We are Spring Cleaning early. I just marked down 300 more titles that were NOT in the last December Clearance Sale. You can wait and see them each month, beginning in January….or you can get a jump on things and see them all here, using the search code NRP0125. You can sort these by price, latest or popularity….Some we have as few as two copies. Almost Gone means we only a few copies remaining.




Our Catalog and Contact Info

We publish a color catalog every two months—if you’ve placed an order in the last 12 months, you will receive it hot off the press. If this is your first order, or if you’d like an extra copy, you can add one to your order: click here. Or call or send us your address and we’ll mail one to you. You can also download it here.

Place your order before noon PST, Monday through Friday for SAME DAY shipping (for in-stock items).

Note: FREE SHIPPING OVER $300. If your order total is $300 or more and you are in the U.S., we pay the standard shipping cost.

Contact us: or 530-273-2166 Mon-Fri 9-4

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Website Index

See our website for thousands of books of the Unusual and Hard-to-Find ~ Hundreds on Sale!

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