It's a great pre-holiday week. The good books are rolling in, featuring the fine art of Todd Schorr, Peter Wheat by Walt Kelly, two new Wrightson collections, the art of Clark Ashton Smith and William Blake, and Roy Thomas' Little Books of The Avengers, Cap and the FF. Also Tom Corbett Volume 1, Star Hawks Volume 2, Barbarella #1 Variant Covers set, James Bond, Dick Tracy Feature Books, Ditko's Out of this World and Joe Sinnott Deluxe and Signed editions. Enjoy! |
To receive your Christmas Gifts before the holiday—See Shipping Deadlines in News & Notes below. Every order shipped out this month will include our Christmas card, with art by Thomas Haller Buchanan and a picture of our staff. Happy Holidays from all of us here! |
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NEVERLASTING MIRACLES The Art of Todd Schorr A massive volume, oversized with 304 pages. Our Highest Recommendation. An exquisite career retrospective, presenting the best works of artist Todd Schorr. One of the leading figures in the world of contemporary surrealism, Schorr has continually and systematically set the bar ever higher in his quest to bring classic old master painting technique to his pop-culture-infused subject matter. In addition to Schorr's previously celebrated paintings, here are 87 previously unseen new pieces: 33 new paintings, plus drawings, color studies, and images of his large sculptural work. Last Gasp, 2017...More. Item Code: NEVH Hard Cover - No Dustjacket, 11x12, 304pg, Full Color |
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WALT KELLY'S ADVENTURES OF PETER WHEAT Volume 1 Collects #1-14. Walt Kelly's Peter Wheat comics are renowned for their humor, artistic flair and appeal to both children and adults. The Peter Wheat comic books are extremely rare and have never been collected as a series before, due to their scarcity and rarity. Between 1948 and 1951, Kelly drew thirty-five issues of The Adventures of Peter Wheat, a sixteen page comic book given away to bakeries to promote Peter Wheat bread. The stories were fairy tales starring Peter Wheat, an elf-sized boy who lived in a hollow tree on the edge of a wheat field where he and the Little Folk battle Dragonel, Queen of the Hornets. Hermes, 2017...More. Item Code: WKADP01 Soft Cover, 7x10, 240pg, Full Color |
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WALT KELLY'S ADVENTURES OF PETER WHEAT Volume 1 Hardcover #1-14, 1948-49. Highly Recommended. Walt Kelly's Peter Wheat comics are renowned for their humor, artistic flair and appeal to both children and adults--and their incredible scarcity. Never before have they been collected. Between 1948 and 1951, Kelly drew thirty-five issues of The Adventures of Peter Wheat, a sixteen page comic book given away to bakeries to promote Peter Wheat bread. The stories were fairy tales starring Peter Wheat, an elf-sized boy who lived in a hollow tree on the edge of a wheat field where he and the Little Folk battled Dragonel, Queen of the Hornets. Hermes, 2017...More. Item Code: WKADP01H Hard Cover - No Dustjacket, 8x10, 240pg, Full Color |
There are two wonderful collections: Walt Kelly's Fairy Tales and Walt Kelly's Fables and Funnies. Also Pogo: The Complete Dell Comics Volumes 1-4 and The Pogo Comic Strip collections 1-4, as well as slipcased sets of Volume 1 & 2, and Volume 3 & 4. His work is also in Alice in Comicland. See our website. |
Bernie Wrightson |
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THE MONSTROUS COLLECTION OF STEVE NILES & BERNIE WRIGHTSON Finally available in softcover! Highly Recommended. A collection so terrifying, so huge, so gritty and raw that it had to be called MONSTROUS! Collecting the collaborations between two horror legends — Steve Niles and Bernie Wrightson — this Monstrous Collection includes three complete tales: Dead She Said, The Ghoul, and Doc Macabre, each a piece of the dark, dangerous universe Niles has created in the shadows... Enjoy them here, collected together for the first time in black and white. The hardcover is out of print. Brilliant work by Wrightson. IDW, 2017...More. Item Code: MONSC Soft Cover, 7x11, 200pg, b&w $24.99 |
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BERNIE WRIGHTSON Art and Designs For The Gang of Seven Animation Almost Gone! Highly Recommended. Preface by Michael Kaluta. Bernie Wrightson's extensive design work for the Gang of Seven Animation Studio has never before been documented and if you are like we are, this is going to be entirely new material to you. And what fine, fine work it is. This new in-depth monograph utilizes the archives of the studio and features concept drawings, model sheets, and hundreds of designs for projects including Biker Mice From Mars, The Juice, and Freak Show. All of the artwork in this book has been scanned directly from the original artwork so fans can savor Wrightson's genius up close and personal. Hermes, 2017. Out of Print....More. Item Code: BWADH Hard Cover - No Dustjacket, 8x11, 240pg, Full Color $60.00 |
This is already out of print; our supply may not last long. We have just 15 as I write this. |
Art Books |
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IN THE REALMS OF MYSTERY AND WONDER Clark Ashton Smith Signed Almost Gone! Signed & limited, 300! Signed by Conners and by Smith in facsimile. Collected Prose Poems and Artwork of Clark Ashton Smith. For many years, Smith's artwork was a mere rumor to most of those who read his stories and poems. For the first time, over two hundred of Smith's sculptures, paintings and drawings, including paintings that he did for his well-known poem “The Hashish-Eater,” as well as drawings that he did to illustrate Lovecraft's story “The Lurking Fear” and his own stories in Weird Tales. Also included are all of Smith's prose poems, including several that have not been collected, as well as memoirs and appreciations by Donald Sidney-Fryer, Fritz Leiber, Eric Barker, and others of Smith's friends and fellow writers. Centipede, 2017. Out of Print....More. Item Code: INRHS Hard Cover, 7x10, 440pg, Partial Color $250.00 |
We have a very limited number of these and cannot order more. It's already out of print. |
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GIRL GANGS, BIKER BOYS AND REAL COOL CATS Pulp Fiction and Youth Culture, 1950 to 1980. Recommended. Edited by Iain McIntyre and Andrew Nette. Foreword by Peter Doyle The rise of postwar youth culture--including delinquents, bad girls and drugs--was depicted in mass-market pulp fiction--specifically, paperback cover art. New styles in music, fashion, and culture were shadowed in cover designs, hyping and exploiting kid's behavior, dress, and language for mass consumption and cheap thrills. Featuring 400 full-color covers, a mix of both artwork and photos, many never before reprinted, along with 70 in-depth author interviews, illustrated biographies, and previously unpublished articles. Some nudity, adult text. PM Press, 2017. Mature Readers...More. Item Code: GIRLG Soft Cover, 8x10, 336pg, Full Color |
For more books on vintage paperback cover art, see our website. |
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THE BOOK OF IMPRUDENT FLORA Recommended. By Claudio Romo. With a nod to Jules Verne, Claudio Romo deftly combines the narrative arts of literature and illustration to create a form all his own, part graphic novel, part imaginary bestiary. With totally bizarre illustrations throughout, the book is written as a travel diary by Lázaro de Sahagún, eminent naturalist and explorer and concerns his voyage to the mysterious Specular Isle, and subsequent cataloguing of the astonishing life forms, each with a unique history and mode of existence. Gingko Press, 2017...More. Item Code: BOIMH Hard Cover - No Dustjacket, 9x9, 64pg, Text/Full Color $24.95 |
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WILLIAM BLAKE Dante's Divine Comedy By Sebastion Schütze and Maria Antonietta Terzoli. Completed in 1321 and written by Dante Alighieri (1265–1321), this is widely considered the greatest work ever composed in the Italian language. The epic poem describes Dante's journey through Hell, Purgatory, and Heaven. Today, Blake's illustrations, left in various stages of completion at the time of his death, are dispersed among seven different institutions. This Taschen edition brings these works together again, alongside key excerpts from Dante's masterpiece. Taschen, 2017...More. Item Code: WIBLH Hard Cover - No Dustjacket, 7x10, 464pg, Text/Partial Color $35.00 |
Taschen “Little Books” |
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THE LITTLE BOOK OF THE AVENGERS Highly Recommended. By Roy Thomas. Iron Man! Thor! The Hulk! Wasp! Ant-Man! These five iconic characters made their debut as the first incarnation of the most exciting super-team ever assembled in September 1963, in The Avengers No. 1. From Captain America to Black Panther to Beast and Mockingbird and She-Hulk, they gained and lost members, added former super villains to the team, and fought every threat imaginable—each one bigger than the last. Taschen, 2017...More. Item Code: LBAVE Soft Cover, 5x7, 192pg, Full Color $9.99 |
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THE LITTLE BOOK OF CAPTAIN AMERICA Highly Recommended. By Roy Thomas. He made his debut in late 1940 in Captain America Comics, fighting Nazis at every turn. Twenty years after World War II, he was found frozen in ice. Now a man living in the wrong time, he became the leader of the Avengers, and fought some of the Marvel Universe's greatest villains: Red Skull, Baron Zemo, MODOK—and even Cap's former sidekick, now known as the Winter Soldier. With 192 pages of images, and text by Roy Thomas, The Little Book of Captain America is your ultimate guide to comics' greatest super patriot! Taschen, 2017...More. Item Code: LBCAP Soft Cover, 5x7, 192pg, Full Color $9.99 |
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THE LITTLE BOOK OF THE FANTASTIC FOUR Highly Recommended. By Roy Thomas. They debuted in November 1961, and have gone on to be iconic not only as a team, but as individuals. Reed “Mister Fantastic” Richards, Sue “Invisible Girl” Storm, Johnny “Human Torch” Storm, and Ben “The Thing” Grimm are heroes, who love and fight with each other as only families can ... and they take down otherworldly bad guys like Dr. Doom and Galactus. More than 50 years, thousands of comics, four animated and four feature films later, they remain one of the most enduring and exciting super-teams in pop culture. Taschen, 2017...More. Item Code: LBFAN Soft Cover, 5x7, 192pg, Full Color $9.99 |
Last week we listed new The Little Book of Spider-Man. Also available are Taschen's The Little Book of Superman [LBSUP], of Batman [LBBAT], and of Wonder Woman [LBWON], and Little Book of Pin-Ups: Vargas [LBVAR], Elvgren [LBELV] and Peter Driben [LBDRI]. All are $9.99 each. Perfect stocking stuffers or mini-gifts. |
Comic Book Archives |
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PRE-CODE CLASSICS TOM CORBETT SPACE CADET Volume 1 Limited, 1700. Issues #1-7, 1952-54, including the first three Four-Colors. Highly Recommended. By Alden McWilliams, John Lehti, Frank Thorne et al. Al McWilliams went on to draw Twin Earths, the long-running space strip--here he shows his incredible skill with fully painted covers, some of the best of the 1950s. He also does the inside art for the first two issues. One of the great Dell titles of the early 1950s, complete with stills and notes from the wildly popular television show that this is based on. Much like DC's Tommy Tomorrow, a clean-cut young team of spacemen tackling adventures on other worlds: space pirates, lost races, and even a spaceship graveyard. Fun stuff! Incredibly great painted covers throughout. PS Artbooks, 2017...More. Item Code: PCTCSC01H Hard Cover - No Dustjacket, 7x10, 252pg, Full Color $59.99 |
Volume 2 is limited to 700 copies and contains #8-11 and Vol 2 #1-3, 1954-55. It actually appeared first and is also in stock now [PCTCS01H. $59.99]. |
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SILVER AGE CLASSICS OUT OF THIS WORLD Volume 1 Collects #1-6, 1956-57. Highly Recommended. By Steve Ditko, Vince Alascia et al. The collection cover here has a great invention by Ditko, showing things in another dimension pulling a passerby out of our world, in "From All Our Darkrooms." In the old days, all printing was made by making negatives of the art, and here Ditko uses exactly that process to create this other dimension. PS Artbooks liked the idea so much, they've printed five of the best covers inside, full sized, and in this same negative aspect. We've shown one here. It's very cool to have this different take on the covers. PS Artbooks, 2017...More. Item Code: SAOW01H Hard Cover - No Dustjacket, 7x10, 216pg, Full Color $49.99 |
You can also pre-order Volume 2: #7-10 and Volume 3: #11-16. They are scheduled for January and April [SAOW02H, SAOW03H. $49.99 each]. For more Steve Ditko collections, see our website. We have a few copies left of the highly recommended Ditko art book, slightly hurt at half price: |
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ALSO AVAILABLE DITKO UNLEASHED Hurt Closeout Price! Our Highest Recommendation. His astounding career from the early 1950s to the present, with work for Charlton, Warren, Marvel and DC are shown, both as printed pages and scans from Ditko's beautiful original art! This is a museum catalogue that accompanied a massive exhibition in Palma de Mallorca, Spain, in the Fall of 2016. By the same Eisner Award-nominated team who created the gold-standard for museum catalogues: Woodwork: Wallace Wood 1927-1981, Flesh & Steel: The Art of Russ Heath, and Big John Buscema: Comics & Drawings. IDW, 2016. . Note: One or more bumped corners, otherwise new copies....More. Item Code: DITUHR Hard Cover - No Dustjacket, 10x13, 368pg, Full Color |
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MUMMIES CLASSIC MONSTERS OF PRE-CODE HORROR COMICS Recommended. From movies and pulp fiction, to banned pre-Code comic books, it's back from the dead! This tome unleashes the best of those mind-melting comics from their musty sarcophagi. SEE! The brutal attack of "The Living Mummies!" SENSE! The strangest "Case of the Beckoning Mummy!" FEEL! As "The Unburied Mummy" intensifies its powerful grip upon your puny throat! And there's a tomb-full more! PLUS! A crumbling gallery of classic mummy comic book covers, and spine-tinglIng guest appearances by Frankenstein's Monster and Charlie Chan! IDW, 2016...More. Item Code: MUMM Soft Cover, 7x10, 368pg, Full Color |
See all of the Chilling Archives of Horror series on our website. |
Comic Strip Collections |
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STAR HAWKS Volume 2 1978-1979 1978-79. Highly Recommended. By Ron Goulart. Art by Gil Kane. This classic 1970s science-fiction newspaper strip predates Star Wars—and nearly 40 years after its debut, Star Hawks remains fresh and exciting for new generations of sci-fi and fantasy fans. This second of three volumes reprints more than 300 strips in the unique two-tier format, seven days a week. Each strip is on its own page so readers can relish Gil Kane's incredible achievement exactly as it first appeared in the newspapers. IDW, 2017...More. Item Code: STARH02H Hard Cover - No Dustjacket, 9x6, 328pg, b&w |
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ALSO AVAILABLE STAR HAWKS Volume 1 1977-1978 Highly Recommended. By Ron Goulart. Art by Gil Kane. The classic 1970s science fiction newspaper strip, the only comic strip to be produced in a two-tier format, thereby greatly expanding how Kane could lay out each installment. Each strip is on its own page so readers can relish Kane's incredible achievement. Nearly 40 years after its debut, Star Hawks still looks fresh and exciting. This first of three volumes reprints more than 300 double-sized strips and includes an introduction by Ron Goulart, with rare promotional material and a photo of Ron and Kane in their studio! IDW, 2017...More. Item Code: STARH01H Hard Cover - No Dustjacket, 9x6, 320pg, b&w |
We also have just one copy of the 2003 Star Hawks: The Complete Series. Signed by author Ron Goulart and limited #929 of 1000. It has just been reduced from |
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THE COMPLETE JAMES BOND Volume 3 Octopussy The Classic Comic Strip Collection 1966-69 Five stories 1966-69. By Jim Lawrence. Art by Yaroslav Horak. James Bond is back in action in this deluxe omnibus with four stories: Octopussy and The Hildebrand Rarity, based on the short stories by Ian Fleming, which are presented alongside The Harpies and River of Death, two unique adventures created by Jim Lawrence. This lavishly presented, high-action adventure is restored from the original Daily Express comic strips. "Adapting Bond" is the introduction by Neal Purvis and Robert Wade, famed co-writers of most of the recent Bond films, including Daniel Craig's superlative Casino Royale. Titan, 2017...More. Item Code: CIFJB03H Hard Cover - No Dustjacket, 12x11, 256pg, b&w |
Volume 1 1958-60: Doctor No and Other Stories and Volume 2 1960-66: Goldfinger and other Stories, are also in stock, same discounted price [CIFJB01H, CIFJB02H]. In the same format is Ian Fleming's James Bond: Spectre, The Complete Comic Strip Collection 1961-64. All at the same discounted price. |
Barbarella is Back! |
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BARBARELLA #1 Comic Set Set of four variant covers-interior is the same--by Kenneth Rocafort, Joe Jusko, Joseph Michael Linsner & Roberta Castro. Recommended. By Mike Carey. Art by Kenan Yarar. In the 41st century, government agent Barbarella finds herself in a war zone, where the theocratic rulers of Parosia arrest and imprison her. Once she knows what the Parosians do to their own citizens Barbarella decides to make this fight her own... Jean-Claude Forest created the character of Barbarella in 1962, but it was the 1968 film starring Jane Fonda that cemented the character for all time as an icon of science fiction and the sexual revolution. We like the look of this new series, and especially the fine and each-one-different variant covers. Dynamite, 2017. Mature Readers...More. Item Code: BAR01P Soft Cover, 7x10, 32pg ea, Full Color $15.99 |
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ALSO AVAILABLE BARBARELLA And The Wrath of The Minute-Eater By Jean-Claude Forest. Adapted by Kelly Sue Deconnick. The erotic classic of the outer-space adventures of the beautiful Barbarella, now in a brand new English-language adaptation. In Book 1 (first collected in 1964), Barbarella's spaceship breaks down and she finds herself trapped on the planet Lythion. There, she has a series of adventurous, bawdy, encounters with a variety of strange beings, from robots to angels. In Book 2, "Wrath of the Minute-Eater" (first published in 1974), Barbarella's traveling Circus Delirium enters another dimension, led by the mysterious and alluring aquaman, Narval, whose machinations catapult Barbarella & Co. into a complex battle for the planet Spectra. Humanoids, 2015. Mature Readers...More. Item Code: BARWH Hard Cover - No Dustjacket, 8x11, 152pg, b&w $34.95 |
Dick Tracy Feature Books: Warehouse Find |
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DICK TRACY FEATURE BOOK #4 The Detective Almost Gone! Warehouse find, 1982. Limited edition reprint. By Chester Gould. The very first DT Feature Book from 1937, and one of the earliest-ever DT collections as a complete comic book. With the huge popularity of Dick Tracy, Dell quickly jumped on the comics bandwagon and began collecting the daily strips. The results were these Feature Books, published by Dell Comics in 1937-38 and collecting complete or nearly complete episodes in one issue. Although the interiors were stil black & white, like the strips themselves, the covers were in glorious color and the size, 9x12, was striking for fans of the times. This is a facsimile reprinting of the original comic. Pacific Comics Club, 1982...More. Item Code: DTDET04 Soft Cover, 8x11, 96pg, b&w $14.95 |
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DICK TRACY FEATURE BOOK #8 The Racket Buster Almost Gone! Warehouse find, 1982. Limited edition reprint. By Chester Gould. With the huge popularity of Dick Tracy, Dell quickly jumped on the comics bandwagon and began collecting the daily strips. The results were these Feature Books, published by Dell Comics in 1937 and 1938 and collecting complete or nearly complete episodes in one issue. Although the interiors were still black & white, like the strips themselves, the covers were in glorious color and the size, 9x12, was striking for fans of the times. This is a facsimile reprinting of the original comic. Quite violent, with a severed finger found that is traced to a gangster, Junior getting trapped in a train tank car, bad girls... Pacific Comics Club, 1982...More. Item Code: DTRB08 Soft Cover, 8x11, 72pg, b&w $14.95 |
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DICK TRACY FEATURE BOOK #9: And The Famon Boys Almost Gone! Warehouse find, 1982. Limited edition reprint. By Chester Gould. With the huge popularity of Dick Tracy, Dell quickly jumped on the comics bandwagon and began collecting the daily strips. The results were these Feature Books, published by Dell Comics in 1937 and 1938 and collecting complete or nearly complete episodes in one issue. Although the interiors were still black & white, like the strips themselves, the covers were in glorious color and the size, 9x12, was striking for fans of the times. This is a facsimile reprinting of the original comic. Pacific Comics Club, 1982...More. Item Code: DTFB09 Soft Cover, 8x11, 72pg, b&w $14.95 |
See our website for the entire IDW Dick Tracy reprint series, as well as a few half-price hurt copies. |
Coming in March and April |
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FRANK CHO'S SAVAGE WOLVERINE Artist's Edition Frank Cho is a modern comic art master and has developed his own, unique style, one that has made him a fan favorite. This Artist's Edition collects the first five issues of The Savage Wolverine in all its glory, and, like all Artist's Editions, at full size of the original art. Fans of Cho will be fully impressed by his gorgeous art and intense action scenes--this will be an Artist's Edition you will treasure for years to come! IDW, 2018. Due Apr. ...More. Item Code: FCSAEH Hard Cover - No Dustjacket, 14x21, 144pg, b&w $150.00 |
See all of Frank's work on our website, including his signed 2013 sketchbook, Savage Beauty [FRSB01. $20]. Also Apes and Babes, Jungle Girl, Drawing Beautiful Women and several statues. |
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GOAT GETTERS JACK JOHNSON, The Fight of The Century And How A Bunch of Raucous Cartoonists Reinvented Comics By Eddie Campbell. A rip-roaring and exhaustively researched new take on the origin of the comic strip by one of the leading cartoon storytellers of our time. With more than 500 period cartoons, this illustrates how comics were developed by such luminaries as Rube Goldberg, "Tad" Dorgan, and George Herriman in the sports and lurid crime pages of the daily newspaper. This wild bunch of West Coast-based cartoonists established the dynamic anatomy and bold, tough style that continue to influence comics today, as well as their own goofy slang that enriched the popular lexicon. IDW, 2018. Due Apr. ...More. Item Code: GOAGEH Hard Cover - No Dustjacket, 11x9, 320pg, Full Color |
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WALT DISNEY'S TREASURY OF CLASSIC TALES Volume 3 Recommended. By Frank Reilly. Art by Jesse Marsh. From the Disney vaults--fourteen more never-before reprinted Sunday comics adaptations of popular Disney animated and live-action features from the late 1950s and early 1960s, including Swiss Family Robinson, Kidnapped, 101 Dalmations, The Parent Trap, Toby Tyler, Darby O'Gill and the Little People, In Search of the Castaways, and Babes in Toyland! IDW, 2018. Due Apr. ...More. Item Code: WDTC03H Hard Cover, 12x9, 220pg, Full Color |
Volumes 1 and 2 are in stock now, same discounted price. Volume 1 has Alice in Wonderland, Peter Pan and Cinderella, among many others. Volume 2 includes Davy Crockett, Littlest Outlaw, Johnny Tremain, The Seven Dwarfs and the Witch Queen, Sleeping Beauty, Old Yeller, etc. |
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JOE SINNOTT EMBELLISHING LIFE Limited Edition Recommended. By Joe Sinnott. Master illustrator Joe Sinnott's career in comic books spans over 40 years. Best known for being the premier inker at Marvel Comics, his star began to rise in the early Master illustrator Joe Sinnott's career in comic books spans over 40 years. While he is best known for being the premier inker at Marvel Comics, his star began to rise in the early 1950s at Timely as he penciled and inked a wide variety of artistic genres ranging from Western to horror, science fiction, supernatural-fantasy — and yes — superheroes. He moved over to Charlton Comics, Treasure Chest, and Dell for a time, but he eventually worked for Stan Lee at Marvel. Hermes, 2018. Due Apr. ...More. Item Code: JSEMD Hard Cover - No Dustjacket, 9x12, 256pg, Full Color $95.00 |
JOE SINNOTT EMBELLISHING LIFE Signed Signed bookplate! By Tim Lasiuta and Brian Peck. Art by Joe Sinnott. Master illustrator Joe Sinnott's career in comic books spans over 40 years. While he is best known for being the premier inker at Marvel Comics, his star began to rise in the early 1950s at Timely as he penciled and inked a wide variety of artistic genres ranging from Western to horror, science fiction, supernatural-fantasy — and yes — superheroes. He moved over to Charlton Comics, Treasure Chest, and Dell for a time, but he eventually worked for Stan Lee at Marvel. Hermes, 2018. Due Apr. ...More. Item Code: JSEMHS Hard Cover - No Dustjacket, 9x12, 256pg, Full Color $60.00 |
Bargain Books up to 75% OffThese books are low in stock, and may have already been marked down once. I've marked them down even further just for this listing, to clear them out to make way for new items. First come, first served.
COMIX Beyond the Comic Book Pages DVD [COMIB. LITTLE BOOK OF VINTAGE TERROR [LBVT. PICTORIAL CONFESSIONS #1 [PICR01. REACHING FOR THE SKY New York 1929-1932 [RESKH. You can see all of our discounted items on the website, under Closeouts at the end of each category (such as Artists and Illustration, Comics Related, etc). |
Rare & Out of PrintWe have two copies of the 1984 book Walt Disney's Donald Duck 50 Years of Happy Frustration. Also just listed from the DC archive editions is The Golden Age Green Lantern Volume 1. Click here to join our Rare & Out of Print email list. All | New Arrivals | Artists & Illustration | Fantasy & Sci-Fi | Illustrated Fiction Comic Book Archives | Comic Strip & Cartoon | Comic Artists | Pin-Up | Erotic Art |
Mature ReadersThis week we have a new issue of the low-priced Suicide Girls series, filled with pictures of hip young ladies with tats and piercings, who boldly go where few have gone front of a camera sans clothes. Suicide Girls #4. Previous issues of this series are gone. We have just two left of The Suicide Girls UK Holiday DVD [UKV. $20]. And we have Heidi Klumm by Rankin, a major art book of nude photos of former model and current star of television. Like Diane Webber and Bettie Page, Heidi had no problem taking off her clothes and having fun with the camera. She smiles and dances, looks sultry and pouts, poses and teases in this extra-large, deluxe volume. This was first announced in our October catalog as a coming item, but we slipped up until now on getting it promoted here. Nonetheless it has been an exceptional seller for us given its price of $110. I've written an entirely new description now that I have seen a copy. It includes a double fold-out that is nearly five feet long, with 14 images of Heidi quickly losing her clothes until she has nothing left on. We also have two titles from our Rare & Out of Print section. The Glamour International special Sweet Bettie two, and from Glittering Images, Diva Bondage. Also from our Bargain books: SHOT BY KERN [SHKH. Nude Photography | Erotic Art | Erotic Films: DVDs | Adult Graphic Novels | All Pin-Up & Adult |
News and Notes |
Holiday Shipping Deadlines The U.S. Postal Service always slows down in December. We recommend if you are ordering for Christmas, get your order to us by December 10th. If you are on the west coast, you can probably push it to the morning (before noon) of the 15th. But no guarantees. If you choose our RUSH SERVICE, you can order up to December 19th before noon, Pacific Standard Time. We are here every weekday 8am to 4pm if you have any questions or wish to place your order by phone.
Our new catalog is reaching customers right now. It is pictured below. You can download it instantly here, ask for one with your order, or call if you haven’t gotten yours yet. We are working on making the next catalog interactive, so you can download it and then click on each item to get fuller desciptions and more pictures from each item. I’m excited, that’s a cool step forward. |
Hurt or Blemished Books Above I included Ditko Unleashed hurt. Occasionally we offer slightly bumped or dinged books that we refuse to sell as new copies. You can save half the cover price and sometimes more on these. We’re working on adding quite a few new titles to the 33 we have online right now. See our website for all available titles and the latest new additions over the next three or four weeks. Click NEWEST in the SORT BY field. |
Cullen Murphy on Fresh Air This week I caught Terry Gross interviewing the son of John Cullen Murphy on NPR, about his new book Cartoon County [CARCH. $27]. It’s a fascinating interview about growing up with a comic strip artist for a father, in a very artistic area of the country with famous names as part of the extended family. I hadn’t realized that Cullen wrote Prince Valiant for 14 years. Hal Foster turned the art chores over to his father, John Cullen Murphy in 1970, who drew it for the next 24 years until Gary Gianni took it over. Foster continued to write it until 1980, when Cullen took over. You can listen to the entire piece here. ~Bud
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Our Catalog and Contact Info We publish a color catalog every two months—if you’ve placed an order in the last 12 months, you will receive it hot off the press. If this is your first order, or if you’d like an extra copy, you can add one to your order: click here. Or call or send us your address and we’ll mail one to you. You can also download it here Place your order before noon PST, Monday through Friday for SAME DAY shipping (for in-stock items). Note: FREE SHIPPING OVER $300. If your order total is $300 or more and you are in the U.S., we pay the standard shipping cost. Contact us: or 530-273-2166 Mon-Fri 9-4 |
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Website IndexSee our website for thousands of books of the Unusual and Hard-to-Find ~ Hundreds on Sale! |