I really like the Land of Terror ERB editions, and espeically Bob Eggleton's stunning wrap around cover art. From Calla comes a fine collection of vintage World War One Posters. We have a new collection by Everett Raymond Kinstler, and a very EC-like one from Richard Corben at a steal of a price.The Valerian series concludes with the final two volumes. Milton Caniff's Steve Canyon and the polar opposite, The Freak Brothers, are here—covering the entire spectrum of comic art! |
Edgar Rice Burroughs |
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LAND OF TERROR Eggleton Cover Slipcased Signed Signed & numbered! Limited, 200. Highly Recommended. By Edgar Rice Burroughs. Art by Bob Eggleton, John Coleman Burroughs, Frazetta, Krenkel and Jusko. ERB's sixth novel in the Pellucidar series is for the first time reprinted by ERB Inc. and G&D – in two beautiful editions with different bindings, different dust jackets, a limitation signed and numbered page, and die-cut bookmark. This "Grosset & Dunlap Edition" has Bob Eggleton's wonderful new wrap-around painting on the jacket, and the original John Coleman Burroughs cover from 1944 as a double-fold-out frontispiece, sans type. Plus 13 color illustrations including two by Frazetta, one a fold out, a Joe Jusko fold-out, and 7 newly colored Roy Krenkel drawings. Also, 27 chapter headings, never used, drawn by Coleman Burroughs for the 1944 edition. Grosset & Dunlap, 2018...More. Item Code: LANTEH Hard Cover, 5x8, 324pg, Text/Full Color $100.00 |
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LAND OF TERROR Original Cover Slipcased Signed Signed by Bob Eggleton & numbered, from 200! Highly Recommended. By Edgar Rice Burroughs. Art by Bob Eggleton, John Coleman Burroughs, Frazetta, Krenkel and Jusko. ERB's sixth novel in the Pellucidar series is for the first time reprinted by ERB Inc. and G&D – in two beautiful editions with different bindings, different dust jackets, a signed and numbered limitation page, and die-cut bookmark. This "ERB Edition" has John Coleman Burroughs' original cover painting on the jacket, and the new Bob Eggleton cover, featured on the jacket of the other version, here as a double-fold-out frontispiece, sans type. Plus 13 color illustrations including two by Frazetta, one a fold out, a Joe Jusko fold-out, and 7 newly colored Roy Krenkel drawings. Also, 27 chapter headings, never used, drawn by Coleman Burroughs for the 1944 edition. Burroughs Inc., 2018...More. Item Code: LANTOH Hard Cover, 5x8, 324pg, Partial Color $100.00 |
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ALSO AVAILABLE BACK TO THE STONE AGE EGGLETON COVER Slipcased Limited, 350. Recommended. By Edgar Rice Burroughs. Cover by Bob Eggleton, art by John Coleman Burroughs. The first new authentic Grosset & Dunlap edition in 75 years. Printed letterpress from the original printing plates in an edition of 350, with a wrap-round cover by Bob Eggleston, a fold-out 15x20 inch color map of Pellucidar, black cloth slipcase, color endpapers and 8 newly colored plates, belly band, and die cut color bookmark. After the events in Tarzan at the Earth's Core, the great dirigible 0-220 sailed back out of Pellucidar through the polar opening. But they left behind one long-lost member of the original crew who'd sailed in with Jason Gridley and Tarzan to the rescue of David Innes. That man was Lieutenant von Horst, and this is the story of his adventures! Grosset & Dunlap, 2015...More. Item Code: BACSEH Hard Cover, 5x8, 318pg, Text/Full Color $150.00 |
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ALSO AVAILABLE BACK TO THE STONE AGE ORIGINAL COVER Slipcased Limited, 350. Recommended. By Edgar Rice Burroughs. Cover and interior art by John Coleman Burroughs. The first new authentic Grosset & Dunlap edition in 75 years. Printed letterpress from the original printing plates in an edition of 350, with a wrap-round cover by John Coleman Burroughs, a fold-out 15x20 inch color map of Pellucidar, black cloth slipcase, color endpapers and 8 newly colored plates, belly band, and die cut color bookmark. After the events in Tarzan at the Earth's Core, the great dirigible 0-220 sailed back out of Pellucidar through the polar opening. But they left behind one long-lost member of the original crew who'd sailed in with Jason Gridley and Tarzan to the rescue of David Innes. That man was Lieutenant von Horst, and this is the story of his adventures! Grosset & Dunlap, 2015...More. Item Code: BACSOH Hard Cover, 5x8, 318pg, Text/Full Color $150.00 |
I don't know how they did it, but this new edition of Land of Terror is not only more limited, at just 200 copies of each variant, but is $50 less than their first replica edition, Back to the Stone Age. They are both lovely books and obviously a labor of love to put together. Don't miss out. This is not the only new ERB book to appear lately. Find them all on our website. |
Art Books |
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TAMARA DE LEMPICKA Recommended. By Gioia Mori. An aura of mystery has surrounded Tamara de Lempicka since she was born, not in Warsaw in 1902, as she claimed, but according to official records in 1898 in Moscow. The beautiful and scandalous Tamara was the extravagant muse of Art Deco, an icon of the roaring twenties, and a successful painter of intensely sensual portraits that were powerfully sculptural with Cubist lines, embellished with sophisticated decorative elements. This is as much about her as about her art, perhaps more so, with wonderful period photographs of the seductive woman and bon vivant, interspersed with unusual drawings and details of her works. 24 ORE Cultura, 2015. Mature Readers...More. Item Code: TAMDLH Hard Cover, 11x12, 320pg, Partial Color $48.00 |
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WORLD WAR ONE POSTERS An Anniversary Collection Highly Recommended. Art by Flagg, Lyendecker, Christy, Dunn, Brangwyn, Holwein et al. In commemoration of the 100th anniversary of America's entrance into World War I, this handsome volume presents the finest 100 of the war, each one full page and from the original poster. From thousands of examples produced in Europe, including Germany, France, England, Austria, Belgium, and the U.S., this collection offers a choice selection accompanied by detailed captions. WWI marked the first use of color lithographic posters as a propaganda tool, and they formed a major method of communications on both sides of the conflict. Calla, 2018...More. Item Code: WWOPH Hard Cover, 9x12, 208pg, Full Color |
See our website for more on Poster Art and history. |
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ARTHUR MELVILLE Adventures In Color. Recommended. By Kenneth McConkey and Charlotte Topsfield. A comprehensive survey of Arthur Melville's (1855-1904) rich and varied career as artist-adventurer, Orientalist, forerunner of The Glasgow Boys, painter of modern life and re-interpreter of the landscape of Scotland. His travels inspired spectacular watercolors and paintings. This book illustrates around sixty of his works, each with a catalogue entry, and an essay by Kenneth McConkey, which discusses Melville's art and career. His stunning watercolors remind us of Russell Flint, without the naked ladies, of Frank Brangwyn and Glasgow School artists like Margaret MacDonald and Charles Rennie MacIntosh. The Orientalist pieces are impressionistic but so fine. National Galleries Scotland, 2016...More. Item Code: ARMEL Soft Cover, 10x10, 136pg, Full Color $29.95 |
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IMPRESSIONS & OBSERVATIONS THE SKETCHBOOKS OF EVERETT RAYMOND KINSTLER Impressions, Observations, Enthusiasms: 1942-2017. Highly Recommended. By Everett Raymond Kinstler. Filled with sketches, water colors, pen and ink roughs, from his comic book days (Hawkman, Avon covers and those lovely ”contents pages”), to studies for comissions of famous people, include presidents and Dr. Seuss. ERK is just amazing; he was inspired by the fine line work of James Montgomery Flagg, whom he befriended later in life, and he had one of the longest and most rewarding careers in commerical illustraton and fine art. Never before collected work, a perfect companion to the JVJ book that we also handle. Westtown Publishing, 2017...More. Item Code: IMPROB Soft Cover, 10x10, 164pg, Partial Color $50.00 |
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ALSO AVAILABLE EVERETT RAYMOND KINSTLER Signed Deluxe Closeout Price! Signed & limited, 700! The Artist's Journey through Popular Culture 1942-62. Our Highest Recommendation. By Jim Vadeboncoeur, Jr. and Everett Raymond Kinstler. Signed by Everett and Jim Vadeboncoeur, Jr. on a hand-numbered bound-in print. The book comes in a red cloth-bound numbered slipcase with gold-stamped title. Kinstler's work hangs in museums, boardrooms, banks, private collections, The White House, and in the homes of his clients and friends. Before portraiture became his life's work, he spent the 1940s and 1950s honing his craft in comic books: Hawkman for DC's The Flash, Black Hood and Black Terror for Standard, and dozens upon dozens of covers, inside cover contents pages, and stories for those delightfully lurid Avon titles like Eerie, Cowpuncher, Dalton Brothers, Jesse James, Strange Worlds, etc. And illustrating for pulp magazines like The Shadow, Doc Savage and Detective Tales! JVJ, 2005...More. Item Code: EVED Hard Cover, 8x11, 244pg, Partial Color |
The unsigned hardcover edition, published at $44.95, is just $15 [EVEH.]. The signed edition was among our 2017 Bestsellers. It is priced thus due to my relationship as friend and former partner with the publisher, Jim Vadeboncoeur, Jr., (JVJ Publishing), who moved to Paris and placed his remaining stock with us. |
New from Richard Corben |
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SHADOWS ON THE GRAVE Collects issues #1-8, 2016-17. Highly Recommended. By Richard Corben. Richard Corben follows up 2014's Spirits of the Dead with a new collection of original short stories, all created for a special comix series and collected here for the first time. This is pure EC and Warren Magazines work, short stories all, gothic tales worthy of Poe, from Twilight Zone-style encounters with the weird, to a full-length fantasy epic featuring a barbarian reminiscent of Corben's most notorious creation, Den, immortalized in the 1981 animated film Heavy Metal. 24 stories, cover gallery, new introduction. Dark Horse, 2018. Mature Readers...More. Item Code: SHADGH Hard Cover - No Dustjacket, 7x10, 286pg, b&w |
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ALSO AVAILABLE EDGAR ALLAN POE'S SPIRITS OF THE DEAD Highly Recommended. By Richard Corben. A collection of Edgar Allan Poe's classics adapted by master horror comics artist and Eisner Hall of Famer Richard Corben. Includes The Conqueror Worm, The Fall of the House of Usher, The Raven, The Red Death, plus Morella and The Rue Morgue. And more! All in full color in a handsome, impressive new hardcover. Dark Horse, 2014...More. Item Code: EAPSH Hard Cover - No Dustjacket, 7x10, 216pg, Full Color |
See our website for 26 more collections with Corben work, from Creepy Presents Richard Corben, to Vampirella, Creepy and Eerie archives, Rat God, even the Conan Omnibus Volume 3. |
The Valerian Series Concludes |
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VALERIAN AND LAURELINE The Order of the Stones Original edition 2007. Highly Recommended. By Pierre Christin. Art by J.C. Mézières The expedition into the heart of the Great Void is launched, and Valerian and Laureline are on it. But in no time they're facing the mysterious force that threatens the entire galaxy: the Wolochs, gigantic sentient monoliths dead set on destroying any civilisation that might stand in the way of their domination. Wonderful juxtaposition of fully painted pages interspersed with more typical comic art work. Cinebook, 2016...More. Item Code: VAL20 Soft Cover, 8x11, 48pg, Full Color $11.95 |
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VALERIAN AND LAURELINE The Time Opener Original edition 2010. Final volume!! Highly Recommended. By Pierre Christin. Art by J.C. Mézières The evil hordes of the Wolochs are rampaging through space, and everywhere death and destruction follow. But despite the despair of some and the betrayal of others, Valerian, Laureline and a few other brave souls are resisting. They're hoping to use a mysterious artifact, the Time Opener, to banish the giant stones and bring back Earth. But what price must they pay to do so? And what sort of Earth will they get back if they succeed? Final concluding volume in the series. Cool mix of painted pages with regular comics work. Cinebook, 2017...More. Item Code: VAL21 Soft Cover, 8x11, 64pg, Full Color $15.95 |
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ALSO AVAILABLE VALERIAN AND LAURELINE COMPLETE COLLECTION Volume 3 Collects Books #6-8, first published 1975-78. Highly Recommended. By Pierre Christin. Art by Jean-Claude Mézières. Ambassador of the Shadows: the story that directly inspired Luc Besson's film. On the False Earths: Valérian finds an alien communications device, gets shot, and plunges into a river and then straight out into space. Laureline looks on in horror – this is the 206th time she has watched Valérian die! Heroes of the Equinox: Valérian competes as Earth's representative with three other champions from other worlds to find out who is the most suitable to repopulate the sterile planet of Simlane. Cinebook, 2017...More. Item Code: VAL03H Hard Cover - No Dustjacket, 9x11, 174pg, Full Color |
This collection includes the novel from which Luc Besson's film was adapted. We have 13 more Valerian collections, including the The Complete Valerian Volumes 1 and 2, and Valerian: The Illustrated Treasury [VALITH. $34.99, your price $29.99]. See our website. |
Archives, Comics Reference & Graphic Novels |
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TALES FROM THE CRYPT Volume 1 By Bernie Wrightson, David Anthony Kraft, Scott Oobdell, Stefan Petrucha, Jolyon Yates et al. These all-new tales are done in the grand tradition of the original EC classic horror comics, right down to the EC symbol on the cover. The Crypt-Keeper is back, along with the Old Witch and the Vault-Keeper, to scare the $#!+ out of you! In the true Tales From The Crypt tradition, you'll witness the most loathsome people doing the most vile, evil, and gruesome things to their victims, only to have the tables turned on them eventually in shock endings that will actually surprise and mortify you! Super Genius, 2017...More. Item Code: TALC01H Hard Cover - No Dustjacket, 7x10, 72pg, Full Color $14.99 |
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THE FABULOUS FURRY FREAK BROTHERS OMNIBUS Highly Recommended. By Gilbert Shelton. Take a trip with Fat Freddy, Phineas and Freewheelin' Franklin! Beginning in 1968, Shelton's ground-breaking stories set the template for much of the underground comix revolution and here, every story, strip and gag has been collected along with rare promotional items and a short history of the Freak Brothers. These hilarious and deviant stories feature mind-boggling artwork, mostly in b&w, with two large color sections. Knockabout, 2008. Mature Readers...More. Item Code: FABF Soft Cover, 7x10, 624pg, Partial Color $35.00 |
Check our website for Shelton's Wonder Warthog, Zap #16, and more from the underground world by R. Crumb, Spain, S. Clay Wilson and others. |
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COMIC BOOK CREATOR #16 Dean Haspiel & Dan Parent Highly Recommended. Edited by Jon B. Cooke. Career-spanning conversations with Brooklyn's own Dean Haspiel (the Emmy-winning alternative-slash-mainstream artist who collaborated with Harvey Pekar, and artist on Mark Waid's The Fox and The Red Hook webtoon) and Dan Parent (GLADD award-winning cartoonist and creator in the Archie universe). Plus In Remembrance: Rich Buckler; including Pt 1 of a two part interview; Russ Heath's missing Blazing Combat story; a visit with Marie Severin; Paul Power describes Jack Kirby's guest appearance on the Bob Newhart show; and Fred Hembeck. TwoMorrows, 2018...More. Item Code: CBCR16 Soft Cover, 8x11, 80pg, Full Color $8.95 |
Find all available back issues on our website, including special issues on Mark Schultz, Russ Heath, Kelley Jones, Michael Kaluta, Denis Kitchen, Peter Bagge, Michael Allred & Bob Burden, and the oversized Swampmen issue [CBR06. $21.95, your price $18.95], with Berni Wrightson and gang. We also have three issues that have been reduced to $4.95. |
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VAMPIRELLA The Dynamite Years Omnibus Volume 2 Collects #21-38 & Vampirella Annual #3, 2012-14. By Brandon Jerwa et al. Art by Heubert Khan Michael, Patrick Berkenkotter, et al. Vampirella, a lethal beauty waging a war against the undead and demonic, must defend her recent actions to a tribunal deep within Vatican City. Hell is coming to Earth, and only Vampirella and her trusted allies can stop it! Bad blood and old grievances are put aside when a deadly coven of witches threatens to unrival all time and reality, and Vampirella finds herself stranded one hundred years in the future. A vision of things to come forces our heroine to make a painful decision, forever altering her fate. Then, what begins in the shadowy jungles of a voodoo island empire will reach its astonishing conclusion in Hell itself! Everyone's favorite dark heroine will be pushed to the breaking point as her sanctuary is threatened, her love is at risk, and her own mother might just be her worst enemy after all! It's a story of endings and beginnings! Dynamite, 2017...More. Item Code: VAMD02 Soft Cover, 7x10, 496pg, Full Color |
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ALSO AVAILABLE VAMPIRELLA The Dynamite Years Omnibus Volume 1 Collects #1-20 & Vampirella Annual #1 & 2, 2010-12. By Eric Trautmann, et al. Art byJose Malaga, Patrick Berkenkotter, Eman Cassolos et al. In 2010, Dynamite reintroduced readers to Vampirella, the most iconic heroine in the history of horror! Now, for the first time ever, the raven-haired monster hunter's one-woman war on evil is collected in a massive Omnibus edition, an epic compendium of mystery, mayhem, and the macabre! In hot pursuit of the infamous Vlad Dracula, Vampirella discovers a far-reaching conspiracy far deadlier than the Lord of the Undead himself. And much more, including dozens of variant covers. Dynamite, 2017...More. Item Code: VAMD01 Soft Cover, 7x10, 536pg, Full Color |
Comic Strip Archives & Pulp Reprints |
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STEVE CANYON Volume 8 1961-62 Dailies and Sundays. By Milton Caniff. Milton Caniff tackles the escalating Cold War. Steve Canyon is trapped, alongside old friends Princess Snowflower and Doagie Hogan, in a net of intrigue between the USSR and Communist China! Next, as the Cuban Missile Crisis plays out in the waters south of Florida, Steve and the alluring Miss Mizzou attempt to stop another Red plot directed at the Panama Canal! These never-before-reprinted strips include full-color Sunday pages, and are reproduced from Caniff's own file copies. IDW, 2018...More. Item Code: SC08H Hard Cover, 11x9, 336pg, Partial Color |
Volumes 1-7 are all currently in stock at the same discounted price. |
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THE SHADOW #126 The Chinese Primrose and The Scent of Death, from 1940-41. Recommended. By Walter B. Gibson. Exotic fragrances conceal criminal plots in two unusual pulp thrillers. First, only The Shadow knows that beautiful aromatic golden roses mask “The Scent of Death." Then, the Knight of Darkness confronts an Asian princess and a murderous pirate in San Francisco’s Chinatown when “The Chinese Primrose” leads to the bizarre disappearance of a priceless necklace from the Manchu Dynasty! Finally, Carrie Cashin is hired to locate a “White Elephant” in her first adventure by Theodore Tinsley, from The Shadow Comics. Sanctum, 2018. ...More. Item Code: SHT126 Soft Cover, 7X10, 112pg $14.95 |
See our website for more reprints of The Shadow and Doc Savage. |
Warehouse Finds |
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THE SUPER HEROES MONTHLY MAGAZINE Set Warehouse find, 1981. Set includes Vol. 1 #12 and Vol. 2 #3. Recommended. Super Heroes Monthly Vol. 1 #12 includes "Invasion of the Ice People" (Superman and Wonder Woman) by Martin Pasko, Joe Staton and Jack Abel; "Ghost of the Killer Skies" (Batman); and "Menace of the Matter Master!" by Gardner Fox and Joe Kubert. Also includes a word search puzzle and a Brian Bolland DC heroes pinup. Super Heroes Monthly Vol. 2 issue #3 reprints some of the best DC stories for a British audience. Issue #3 includes: "Wanted: Santa Claus—Dead or Alive!" (Batman) by Denny O'Neil, Frank Miller and Steve Mitchell; "Star Light, Star Bright...Farthest Star I See Tonight" (Legion) by Paul Levitz, Jose Garcia and Dick Giordano; and "The Man Who Murdered Santa Claus!" (JLA) by Len Wein, Dick Dillin, and Dick Giordano. Also includes part two of DC Chronology (1968-1981) and Ask the Answer Man with Bob Rozakis. DC, 1981.Overall very fine or better condition....More. Item Code: SUPHEP Magazine, 8x11, 50pg ea., b&w $8.95 |
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THE SUPER HEROES MONTHLY Volume 1 No. 8 1981. Recommended. By Frank Robbins, Robert Kanigher, Len Wein et al. Art by Carmine Infantino, Joe Kubert, Neal Adams et al.This just might be the best issue, but we have the fewest copies available. The Flash‘s origin story in Showcase #4: “The Mystery of the Human Thunderbolt,“ from 1956–the comic that started the Silver Age and brought back The Flash as an all new hero-police scientist Barry Allen. And we have Batman with an early encounter with Man-Bat drawn by Neal Adams from Detective Comics #407, 1971: “Marriage: Impossible”; and a Superman and Lex Luthor story from Superman #248, 1972: “The Man Who Murdered The Earth” by Len Wein, Curt Swan and Murphy Anderson. DC, 1981.Overall very fine condition....More. Item Code: SUPH08 Magazine, 8x11, 50pg, b&w $15.00 |
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THE SUPER HEROES MONTHLY Volume 1 No. 11 1981. Very few available. Recommended. Art by Joe Kubert, Dick Dillin and Joe Giella. Super Heroes Monthly Vol. 1 #11 includes "Creature of a Thousand Shapes", The origin of Hawkman and Byth which first appeared in Brave & the Bold # 34 In 1961. The Justice League of America star in: "Earth's Final Hour!" First appeared JLA #86. New painted cover unique to this issue by Bryan Talbot. Uncirculated copy, in Very Fine or better condition. Someone at publisher Egmont knew their comics, and compiled some of DC's most iconic works into these cool magazine-size issues, reproducing the stories in crisp black and white, behind cool new painted covers. DC, 1981.Overall Very Fine or better condition....More. Item Code: SUPH11 Magazine, 8x11, 50pg, b&w $10.00 |
We have a fair stock of the two issues making up the set, so we priced these to blow them out. We have very few of the other two issues and don't expect them to last long. Click here to see more Warehouse FInds. |
Coming in April |
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DC COMICS VARIANT COVERS The Complete Visual History Recommended. By Daniel Wallace. Art by Adam Hughes, Jim Lee, Alex Ross et al. For the first time ever, explore the complete visual history of DC Comics variant comic book covers...including a new, exclusive cover art by Frank Cho. DC cover art is some of the most celebrated in comics. Now you can explore the world of these alternative works of art, with insight into the design process from leading comic artists and industry experts. Featuring an astounding collection of covers featuring DC Comics' remarkable characters. Insight Editions, 2018. Due Apr. ...More. Item Code: DCCOMH Hard Cover - No Dustjacket, 11x14, 184pg, Full Color $45.00 |
Coming in May |
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VAMPIRELLA ROCKIN JELLY BEAN Statue 1/6 scale. Designed by Rockin' Jelly Bean. Sculpted by Yoshiki Fujimoto. Dynamite Entertainment and Mamegyorai proudly present the newest Vampirella statue, based on the artwork of Japanese sensation Rockin' Jelly Bean! Japan's leading Lowbrow artist gives life and magic to this iconic horror heroine with the help of sculptor Yukihiro Fujimoto. She's young, she's incredibly shapely, with a fresh face and a pose with attitude. And she's tall, 11.3 inches of sexy. She stands atop a coffin base, complete with the hands of the undead clawing up from the ground. Dynamite, 2018. Due May. ...More. Item Code: VAMRJ 11 inches tall, Full Color $299.99 |
See all Vampirella statues and busts on our website. |
Coming in June |
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PRE-CODE CLASSICS WEIRD HORRORS Volume 1 Collects Weird Horrors #1-5, 1952. Art by Pete Morisi (PAM), Gus Ricca, George Tuska, Charles Sultan et al. St. John's criminally overlooked Weird Horrors has a cover style that's a riff on Marvel's later and much-loved Amazing Adult Fantasy. And believe me, you'll have to go a long way to match this first volume, with work from Gus Ricca, George Tuska, Charles Sultan, Bob Forgione, Enrico Bagnoli, Rafael Astarita, Paul Gattuso, Don Perlin and Albert Tyler, many of whom are not household names though their styles deserve for them to be right up there with the very best. #3 has a hashish story! PS Artbooks, 2018. Due June. ...More. Item Code: PCWH01H Hard Cover - No Dustjacket, 7x10, 184pg, Full Color $44.99 |
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PRE-CODE CLASSICS DARK MYSTERIES Volume 2 Collects #7-12, 1952. Art by Joe Orlando, Walter Johnson, Harry Harrison, A.C. Hollingsworth et al. You could be forgiven for thinking, hey, they must have run out, right? They must have exhausted all the good stuff by now with the ACG titles pretty near gone, along with Planet, Jet Power, all the Harvey titles, Tom Corbett, The Heap, Rulah, Strange Suspense, and who knows what else. Yeah, you'd think so, but check this out! A second collection featuring issues 7 through 12 of Dark Mysteries boasting some of the most weird and esoteric of the time. Dismemberment, hypo blood drainage, cannibalism, witch burning, severed heads...and that's all noted in Overstreet! PS Artbooks, 2018. Due June. ...More. Item Code: PCD02H Hard Cover - No Dustjacket, 7x10, 216pg, Full Color $49.99 |
Dark Mysteries Volume 1 is currently slated for a May release. And here is a replica edition, Dark Mysteries #19 [DM19. $14.95] of which we have just three copies left in stock. See more replica editions on our website. |
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MARVEL COVERS Artist's Edition 2nd Printing New Printing. Highly Recommended. By Arthur Adams, John Buscema, Gil Kane, Jack Kirby, Frank Miller, John Romita, Jim Steranko et al. An amazing 137 full-size iconic covers entirely from the original artwork, including two fold-outs! A "Best of" selection of gorgeous covers by a veritable who's who of the medium from A to Z. As many as 14 covers by one artist (Gil Kane), plus work by John Byrne, Dave Cockrum, Gene Colan, Michael Golden, Mike Mignola, Barry Windsor-Smith, Jim Starlin, Mike Zeck and 14 others! IDW, 2018. Due June. ...More. Item Code: MCAEH Hard Cover - No Dustjacket, 12x17, 144pg, b&w $125.00 |
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ALSO AVAILABLE MARVEL COVERS MODERN ERA Artist's Edition Todd McFarlane Cover Variant Todd McFarlane cover. By Arthur Adams, J. Scott Campbell, Todd McFarlane et al. Volume two of Marvel Covers charts NEW territory—literally--featuring covers from the last 25 years from a vast array of talents! Covers by industry legends also including Sam Kieth, Arthur Adams, Alan Davis, John Romita Jr., Travis Charest, and many others! Volume One was a popular hit, soon going into a second printing. Superlative reproduction and detail, some amazing work here. Plus icononic covers with Spidey, Cap, The X-Men, Wolverine, The Fantastic Four, etc. IDW, 2016...More. Item Code: MCMAEH Hard Cover - No Dustjacket, 12x17, 144pg, Full Color $125.00 |
The Sam Kieth variant cover of this “Modern” collection is available as a special order item. Allow an extra three to four weeks for delivery [MCMAEHK. $125]. |
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DON ROSA'S LIFE AND TIMES OF SCROOGE MCDUCK Artist's Edition Volume 2 Signed Signed Bookplate! By Don Rosa. Now, with the full cooperation and assistance of critically acclaimed and internationally renowned storyteller Don Rosa, IDW Publishing presents the second volume of The Life and Times of Scrooge McDuck. Included in this edition are a cover gallery and a selection of Rosa's layouts done for these stories. Rosa continues his historic overview of the life of Scrooge McDuck. Taking Carl Barks' iconic character and presenting his entire life from humble beginnings to unimaginable riches was a herculean task, but one Don Rosa met head on. IDW, 2018. Due June. ...More. Item Code: DRLAE02H Hard Cover, 14x20, 160pg, Partial Color $150.00 |
Volume 1 is available as a special order item, allow 3-4 weeks extra [DRLAE01H. $150]. |
Bargain Books up to 75% OffThese books are low in stock, and may have already been marked down once. I've marked them down even further just for this listing, to clear them out to make way for new items. First come, first served.
HORIZON BOUND ON A BICYCLE [HORBH. ARCHIE The Swingin' Sixties Volume 1 [ARS01H. ARCHIE The Swingin' Sixties Volume 2 [ARS02H. GUARDIANS OF THE LOUVRE [GUALH. LEX LUTHOR A Celebration of 75 Years [LEX75H. MICKEY MOUSE Emblem of the American Spirit [MMEH. PEANUTS Volume 2 (1954) [PE02. WARLORD OF MARS Dejah Thoris Volume 4 [WARD04. WARLORD OF MARS Dejah Thoris Volume 7 [WARD07. WILL EISNER Champion of The Graphic Novel [WECH. WILL EISNER'S SPIRIT The New Adventures Second Edition [WIL01H. You can see all of our discounted items on the website, under Closeouts at the end of each category (such as Artists and Illustration, Comics Related, etc). |
Rare & Out of Print
We kick off this week with an eleven book set of All-Star Comics Archives, and a collection of sketches and doodles in Will Elder's Chicken Fat. S. Clay Wilson offers his artistic spin on classic folk tales in Wilson's Andersen Seven Stories. Lastly we have Raw & Exposed, a portfolio of eight prints of the beautiful Bettie Page photographed by Bunny Yeager. We have one perfect set, and one set that is water damaged, thus the bargain price. All | New Arrivals | Artists & Illustration | Fantasy & Sci-Fi | Illustrated Fiction Comic Book Archives | Comic Strip & Cartoon | Comic Artists | Pin-Up | Erotic Art |
Mature ReadersWe have a new Cavewoman Pool Party, with a variant nude cover by Budd Root. And a set of two vintage reprints of erotic Italian comics, in English, that were produced by Pacific Comics Club more than 20 years ago. Our first Adults only email was sent out earlier this week. New to this email are never-before-listed issues of Scream Queens Illustrated, new SQP titles and new Warehouse Finds. If you missed it, you can contact us and we can send it to you. Due to restrictions from our Blog service provider, we are not posting the adults-only email there.To get on the list for future Adults-only emails, click here. Nude Photography | Erotic Art | Erotic Films: DVDs | Adult Graphic Novels | All Pin-Up & Adult |
News and Notes |
Pasadena Antiquarian Book Fair We will have a fully-stocked booth at the upcoming California International Antiquarian Book Fair in Pasadena on February 9-11; Friday 3-8, Saturday 11-7, Sunday 1-5. Special events include a celebration of 200 Years since Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein was first published. We will be bringing our finest rare and out of print illustrated and children’s books, vintage comic books, paperbacks and Big Little Books, a small selection of our best new books from Bud’s Art Books, and various out of print art books and comics related books. Come to the California International Antiquarian Book Fair and take part in an incredible opportunity to browse and buy books from over 200 booksellers from around the world. This is THE event of the year in books on the West Coast. |
Vintage Paperback Book Show, Glendale In March we will again be setting up at the Vintage Paperback Book Show in Glendale, California, March 18. |
Sacramento Antiquarian Book Fair And one week later, we’ll be exhibiting at the twice-annual Sacramento Antiquarian Book Fair, on March 24 at the Scottish Rites building. ~Bud |
Our Catalog and Contact Info We publish a color catalog every two months—if you’ve placed an order in the last 12 months, you will receive it hot off the press. If this is your first order, or if you’d like an extra copy, you can add one to your order: click here. Or call or send us your address and we’ll mail one to you. You can also download it here Place your order before noon PST, Monday through Friday for SAME DAY shipping (for in-stock items). Note: FREE SHIPPING OVER $300. If your order total is $300 or more and you are in the U.S., we pay the standard shipping cost. Contact us: csr@budsartbooks.com or 530-273-2166 Mon-Fri 9-4 |
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Website IndexSee our website for thousands of books of the Unusual and Hard-to-Find ~ Hundreds on Sale! |