Wally Wood’s Galaxy Art and Beyond came in last June, immediately sold out, and never even hit our catalog. Now we finally have more copies! The Manara Library starts with new less costly softcover editions. Four new pop culture reference books from McFarland. Darwyn Cooke's Batman Deluxe Edition, Japanese history with The Black Ships, new Bombshells, Batman and Superman, Haunted Love! And a new 2017 Calendar Sale—now $3.99 ea. |
McFarland Popular Culture | Graphic Novels & Archives | Coming in May & June 2017 Calendar Sale--$3.99 ea | Mature Readers | News & Notes | Website Index |
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WALLY WOOD GALAXY ART AND BEYOND Back in stock! Our Highest Recommendation. By Roger Hill. After EC's demise in 1955, Wood segued into the field of science fiction pulp illustration, providing over 200 beautiful drawings and color cover paintings for magazines like Galaxy and for specialty book publishers. Wood left behind a legacy of great art, much of which has never been reprinted. This book features them all! Roger Hill (EC Fan Addict) has spent the past twenty years pulling together the history of Wood's involvement with the pulp digests and tracking down original art for this project. IDW, 2016...More. Item Code: WWGAL Hard Cover - No Dustjacket, 9x11, 160pg, Partial Color |
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MANARA LIBRARY Volume 1 New low-priced softcover edition. Highly Recommended. By Milo Manara, with Hugo Pratt. Introduction by Frank Miller. Showcasing some of the art form's most beautiful comics, this premier volume includes two of Manara's seminal works: the sweeping 139-page epic Indian Summer, a savage adventure that takes us to the Indian/settler wars in late 1700's America. This is a rare collaboration with Hugo Pratt. Plus Manara's The Paper Man, another adventure but now out west, with a beautiful and feisty Indian girl. Scattered explicit sex scenes and nudity make this for mature readers, but these stories are atypical for Manara, showing his skill creating an exciting action story. Dark Horse, 2017. Adult Material...More. Item Code: ML01 Soft Cover, 8x11, 208pg, Full Color |
See our website for the previous hardcover Libraries, still available. |
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ART DECO SCULPTURE Highly Recommended. By Alastair Duncan. A superb coffee table book packed with rare Deco work in three categories: the first features work by avant-garde sculptors (Csaky, Chiparus, Hagenauer, Janniot, Manship, Pompon, and others); the second shows commercial sculpture, comprising mainly large-edition statuary, commissioned by éditeurs d'art and foundries from sculptors as decorative works for the burgeoning 1920s domestic market, from statuettes to book ends; the third category covers architectural and monumental sculpture from around the world, with both contemporary and vintage photographs of astonishing works. Thames & Hudson, 2016...More. Item Code: ARDEH Hard Cover, 10x12, 408pg, Full Color |
See the website for more collections of Art Deco artwork. |
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DOC SAVAGE Empire of Doom Hardcover Signed Murray & DeVito Signed bookplate--Doc Savage/Shadow Team-Up! Recommended. By Will Murray and Lester Dent. Cover by Joe DeVito. Special edition with color jacket and 20 bonus pages that describe the origins of this new novel, and how the cover art was developed, with extra prelim artwork by Devito. Who were the strange raiders wearing the golden uniforms who pulled off the daring theft? And who was their leader, a being of seemingly supernatural abilities? Doc Savage doesn't know--but The Shadow does! Combining forces, the Man of Bronze and the Dark Avenger follow the trail of a superfoe from The Shadow's past--Shiwan Kahn, The Golden Master, who appeared in no less than four Shadow novels in the pulp era. Altus, 2016...More. Item Code: DOCEODD Hard Cover, 6x9, 455pg, Text Only $65.00 |
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ALSO AVAILABLE DOC SAVAGE The Sinister Shadow Deluxe Hardcover Signed Bookplate signed by Murray & Devito! Recommended. By Will Murray and Lester Dent. Special limited edition with very small distribution. Comes with a signed bookplate (which also has a faux Lester Dent signature), a 14-page Afterword by Murray, and a special back cover painting of Doc and The Shadow by Devito--all unique to this special hardcover edition, in dust jacket. Altus, 2015...More. Item Code: DOCSSD Hard Cover, 6x9, 502pg, Text Only $65.00 |
Sinister Shadow was the first Doc Savage/Shadow crossover by Will Murray. Both books are available in softcover Empire [DOCEOD. $24.95], Sinister [DOCSS. $24.95]. See our website for more Doc Savage: New Adventures of Doc Savage in softcover and deluxe signed editions, Doc and Shadow pulp reprints. |
McFarland Popular Culture Books |
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FILM FATALES Women in Espionage Films and Television 1962-1973 New edition. By Tom Lisanti and Louis Paul. Foreword by Eileen O'Neill. Profiled herein are 107 dazzling women, well-known and unknown, who had film and television appearances in the spy genre. They include superstars Doris Day in Caprice, Raquel Welch in Fathom, and Ann-Margret in Murderer's Row; international sex symbols Ursula Andress in Dr. No and Casino Royale, Elke Sommer in Deadlier Than the Male, and Senta Berger in The Spy with My Face; and forgotten lovelies Greta Chi in Fathom, Alizia Gur in From Russia with Love, and Maggie Thrett in Out of Sight. Well-illustrated. McFarland, 2016...More. Item Code: FILFA Soft Cover, 7x10, 340pg, Text/b&w $29.95 |
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ART AND INVENTIONS OF MAX FLEISCHER American Animation Pioneer. Recommended. By Ray Pointer. Foreword by Jerry Beck. By the 1930s, Fleischer and Disney were the leading producers of animated films but took opposite approaches. Fleischer's cartoons were rough rather than refined, commercial rather than artistic--yet with an artistry of their own. Both animators sought to create images and action that violated physical laws, supporting Fleischer's maxim: "If it can be done in real life, it isn't animation." This book covers his life and work, with rare illustrations detailing the technical aspects of his craft. Eight page color section. McFarland, 2017...More. Item Code: ARTINMF Soft Cover, 7X10, 302pg, Text/b&w $39.95 |
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THE HIPPIES A 1960s History By John Anthony Moretta. Among the most significant subcultures in modern U.S. history, the hippies had a far-reaching impact. Their influence essentially defined the 1960s--hippie anti-fashion, divergent and psychedelic music and artwork, dropout politics and "make love not war" philosophy extended to virtually every corner of the world and remain influential. Here is a serious look at the entire movement, from fifties folk beginnings to the end of the era in the late 70s. Well illustrated with the musicians, the promoters, the leaders, the events. McFarland, 2017...More. Item Code: HIPPI Soft Cover, 7x10, 420pg, Text/b&w $45.00 |
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TARZAN, Jungle King of Popular Culture By David Lemmo. Long before Comic-Cons and even Sci-Fi fandom, the first Tarzan fan club was formed in America in 1916. It began an Edgar Rice Burroughs fandom that continues today, with annual gatherings and an excellent monthly periodical, Burroughs Bibliophiles, published by the ERB Memorial Library. This book examines Tarzan in his various media representations in popular culture over the decades. Tarzan as hunter, warrior, secret agent, fighter of communists and Nazis--and in his numerous story arcs, including crossover adventures featuring historical characters like Arthur Conan Doyle and Nikola Tesla. McFarland, 2017...More. Item Code: TARJK Soft Cover, 6x9, 228pg, Text/b&w $29.95 |
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ALSO AVAILABLE CLASSICS ILLUSTRATED A Cultural History, Second Edition Major revised edition, with 100 more pages! Highly Recommended. By William B. Jones. A significant expansion of the critically acclaimed first edition, this carries the story of the Kanter family's series of comics-style adaptations of literary masterpieces from 1941 into the 21st century. Over 100 more pages expand on the 70-year history of Classics Illustrated and the careers and contributions of such artists as Alex A. Blum, George Evans, Henry C. Kiefer, Gray Morrow, Rudolph Palais, and Louis Zansky. New chapters cover the recent Jack Lake and Papercutz revivals of the series, the evolution of Classics collecting, and the unsung role of William Kanter in advancing the fortunes of his father Albert's worldwide enterprise. Enhancing this lively account are new interviews and correspondence with editor Helene Lecar, publicist Eleanor Lidofsky, artists Mort Kunstler and Lou Cameron, and the founder's grandson John "Buzz" Kanter. McFarland, 2011...More. Item Code: CLAIH Hard Cover - No Dustjacket, 9x11, 381pg, Partial Color |
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ALSO AVAILABLE HISTORY OF THE DOC SAVAGE ADVENTURES Now in softcover. By Robert Michael Cotter. Doc Savage is the prototype of the modern fictional superhero. The character exploded onto the scene in 1933, with the Great Depression and the gathering clouds of war as a cultural backdrop. The adventure series is examined in relation to historical events and the changing tastes of readers, with special attention paid to the horror and science fiction elements. The artwork features illustrations, covers, and original art, examining the paperbacks, pulps, comic books, radio and film. McFarland, 2016...More. Item Code: HSDS Soft Cover, 7x10, 234pg, Text/Full Color $25.00 |
Graphic Novels & Archives |
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BLACK SHIPS Illustrated Japanese History The Americans Arrive By Sean Michael Wilson. Art by Akiko Shimojima. A new graphic novel telling of a pivotal moment in modern Japanese history--when four American “Black Ships” arrive in Japan in 1853 under the command of Commodore Perry to force Japan to open up to trade. The book compellingly portrays the apprehension and confusion of the Japanese people witnessing the Black Ships steaming into view over the horizon; the anxious response of the samurai; the cat-and-mouse game that ensued; the protracted negotiations; and the eventual agreement signed on March 31st, 1854. North Atlantic, 2017...More. Item Code: BLSHI Soft Cover, 6x9, 106pg, b&w $12.95 |
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DARK HORSE & DC JUSTICE LEAGUE Volume 2 Predators, Green Lantern, Tarzan, Batman, Catwoman, Young Justice League and Spyboy. Recommended. By John Ostrander, Ron Marz and Peter David. Art by Graham Nolen, Randy Elliot, Rick Leonardi et al. In this collection of DC Comics crossovers, Dark Horse brings never republished material featuring a host of heroes back to fans in a single volume. The JLA take on the most frightening hunters in the universe—the Predators—in adaptive superhero form! Batman teams up with Tarzan to resist the claws of the Catwoman as two orphan heroes protect their own jungles--with the best artwork in the collection. It's really sharp. Kyle Rayner must don the mantle of Green Lantern to turn back the tide of Aliens that Hal Jordan once permitted to live. Dark Horse, 2017...More. Item Code: DCDJL02 Soft Cover, 7x10, 336pg, Full Color |
See the first volume for more crossover stories [DCDJL01. |
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BATMAN AND SUPERMAN World's Finest Silver Age Omnibus Volume 1 Collects World's Finest #71-94, and Superman #76. They had been fighting crime separately for years but it wasn't until the historic Superman #76 in 1952 that Superman, the Man of Steel, finally teamed up with the Caped Crusader himself—Batman. That story proved so popular that the team quickly became the main feature in World's Finest Comics—and thus the greatest partnership in comics was born. Their adventures together would feature heroes and villains such as Robin, Batwoman, Lex Luthor, Bat-Mite and Mr. Mxyzptlk, as well as more alien threats than might seem possible. DC, 2017...More. Item Code: BSF01 Hard Cover - No Dustjacket, 7x10, 328pg, Full Color |
Also available is the much larger, hardcover Omnibus Volume 1 [BSF01H. |
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BATMAN: EGO AND OTHER TAILS Deluxe Edition Highly Recommended. By Darwyn Cooke and Paul Grist. Art by Darwyn Cooke. All-new introduction by Amanda Cibber. Also with Bill Wray, Tin Sale, Jeph Loeb, J. Bone, Jimmy Palmiotti. We lost Darwyn Cooke way too soon. But here DC has handsomely collected a decade of the best work by this award-winning writer/artist...his beautiful and touching Dark Knight tales. Co-starring The Spirit, Catwoman, short-shorts from Batman Black and White and Harley Quinn. Newly extended version with 70 pages of material not in the first printing, including many double-page variant covers. DC, 2017...More. Item Code: BATEGH Hard Cover, 7x11, 272pg, Full Color |
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DC COMICS BOMBSHELLS Volume 3 Uprising Collects #13-18, 2016. Recommended. By Marguerite Bennett. Art by Mirka Andolfo, Laura Braga, Sandy Jarrell et al Europe, 1941. War is raging across the continent. The forces of darkness are on the march—and the magic powers of heroes like Zatanna, Mera and Constantine have been stripped away. In the underground cabarets of Berlin, the Joker's Daughter rules with an iron fist. And deep inside enemy territory, a rebel alliance is forming. Batwoman, Catwoman, Zatanna, Harley Quinn, Poison Ivy, Raven, Constantine, the Huntress and Renee Montoya are ready to strike hard and fast against the Nazi menace. DC, 2017...More. Item Code: DCB03 Soft Cover, 7x10, 200pg, Full Color |
Both previous Bombshells collections are still available [DCB01, DCB02. |
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HAUNTED LOVE Volume 1 Recommended. Art by Nick Cardy, Joe Kubert, Carmine Infantino et al. These are really bargain priced, when you think about it. 144 full color pages in hardcover, discounted to just over 20 bucks! Far less expensive than typical Archives editions! Haunted Love is the unholy spawn of Haunted Horror and Weird Love! An essential collection for any comic horror fan. This is horror with a heart--a beating, bloody one at that--with clear homages to the narrative construction of American horror literature, particularly H.P. Lovecraft and Edgar Allan Poe, in the tales of sinister romance. IDW, 2017...More. Item Code: HAUL01H Hard Cover - No Dustjacket, 9x11, 144pg, Full Color |
Also in stock are all four Weird Love collections from the same Yoe Studios [WEILH, WEILH02, etc. |
Coming in May and June |
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75 YEARS OF DC COMICS The Art of Modern Mythmaking New Edition New Bargain Priced Edition! Our Highest Recommendation. By Paul Levitz. We love the large-sized reproductions from the earliest days of comics, classic covers and story pages rarely seen. Great anecdotes, rare memorabilia, inside stories and much more make this the quintessential history of DC's 75 years. Excellent coverage of 1936-1975, which is where our personal interests lie, but carrying on right up to the present. Part coffee-table book, part critical analysis, and one hell of a huge art book. At 16 pounds, this is the largest and most impressive book ever devoted to comics. Taschen, 2017. Due June. ...More. Item Code: 75YH Hard Cover, 12x16, 720pg, Full Color |
If you'd like the original edition, we can still special order one for you: [75H. |
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PRE-CODE CLASSICS Out of The Shadows Volume 1 Limited, 1,700. Collects #5-9, 1952-53. Recommended. By Alex Toth, Tuska, Roussos. Grandenetti, Moreira, Andru, Katz et al. Standard Comics did not believe in #1 issues--they started all their horror titles with #5. But what titles--these were above-average in both art and story, with the all-star list of talent in our credits, and good, solid storytelling. Their titles including The Unseen, Adventures into Darkness and this-- each lasted just ten issues or so. All well done E.C. imitations. Alex Toth is brilliant here; Jack Katz (The First Kingdom) is bizarre and fun. The other creators are very competent and still fun to look at and read. PS Artbooks, 2017. Due May. ...More. Item Code: PCOS01H Hard Cover - No Dustjacket, 7x10, 180pg, Full Color $59.99 |
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PRE-CODE CLASSICS NIGHTMARE Volume 1 Limited, 300! Collects #3, 1953 and #10-13, 1953-54. Recommended. By Everett Raymond Kinstler, Kubert, Toth, Murphy Anderson, Colan, Matt Baker et al. St. John was a mid-sized comics publisher with a varied list of titles, best known for the superb romance comics by Matt Baker. In June 1952 they joined the horror binge with two titles, Strange Terrors and Weird Horrors. Strange Terrors ended after seven issues, to be replaced by Nightmare #3, picking up from the excellent Ziff-Davis series. Like Standard, St. John had a wonderful amount of talent to draw upon, making their short duration with horror a particularly good one. PS Artbooks, 2017. Due May. ...More. Item Code: PCN01H Hard Cover - No Dustjacket, 7x10, 180pg, Full Color $59.99 |
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SUPERMAN The Golden Age Omnibus Volume 4 Action #66-85, Superman #25-33 and World's Finest #11-17. Recommended. By Jerry Siegel and Joe Shuster, with Jack Burnley and others. The Man of Tomorrow aids in a government housing project, gets tricked by the Prankster, matches wits with the Thinker, solves a series of house robberies and much, much more! Now available in an oversize hardcover, the original adventures of the Man of Steel from the 1940s. Some of the earliest adventures of Superman are collected for the first time in one massive hardcover. This is classic Superman, much of it from the war years with great covers and superior artwork. DC, 2017. Due May. ...More. Item Code: SG04H Hard Cover, 7x11, 500pg, Full Color |
Volumes 2-3 are still available, Volume 1 is sold out. A reduced page but bargain-priced softcover (390 pages, with Superman #1-3, Action #1-19, and World's Fair #1) of Volume 1 is also available [SUGA01. |
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THE COMPLETE CHESTER GOULD'S DICK TRACY Volume 22 Dailies & Sundays, 1964-65. By Chester Gould. Two worlds are in turmoil when the inter-species romance between Junior and Moon Maid heats up. Can the twinkling of little antennae be too far in the future? Back on Earth, Diet Smith introduces the Two-Way Wrist Television fifty years before the Apple Watch, while Moon Maid turns vigilante and a series of events reveal a mob plot to kill both her and Dick Tracy. The clues eventually lead to Mr. Bribery, who proudly displays his collection of shrunken heads of the people who have crossed him. IDW, 2017. Due June. ...More. Item Code: CC22H Hard Cover, 11x9, 272pg, b&w |
See our website for back volumes. |
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AMAZING SPIDER-MAN Ultimate Newspaper Comics Collection 1983-84 Volume 4 By Stan Lee. Art by Fred Kida and Floro Dery. The merry Marvel team-up you've been waiting for, as Spider-Man crosses paths with the one, the only, the regal Sub-Mariner, in an extended newspaper page story, unique to this series. Plus Aunt May turns criminal, Mary Jane Watson finds she has not one but two rivals tugging at Peter's heartstrings, and Spidey is caught between the mysterious Cerebrum Institute and a fanatical terrorist organization! Never before collected strips. IDW, 2017. Due June. ...More. Item Code: ASU04H Hard Cover, 11x9, 324pg, Partial Color |
The three previous volumes are also available. |
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TEENAGE MUTANT NINJA TURTLES Artisan Edition By Kevin Eastman. Peter Laird. This book reproduces all the original art to the first issue of one of the most important comic book phenomena of the last 35 years -- The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. Scanned directly from the original art, mimicking the experience of the original hand drawn page, and collecting all the layouts (also hand drawn) by the creators of what has been called "this generation's Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck." Rounding out the volume is an extensive gallery of other TMNT images, also scanned directly from the original art. IDW, 2017. Due June. ...More. Item Code: TMNTAEH Hard Cover - No Dustjacket, 8x12, 144pg, b&w $50.00 |
2017 Calendar Sale: Now $3.99 ea |
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We still have some calendars left after our half-price sale in February. So I’m reducing every remaining calendar to just $3.99, regardless of the original price ( |
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Mature Readers Calendar Sale2017 Calendar Sale: As mentioned above, all of these have just now been reduced to $3.99. We have quite a few of the adult titles left, including Construction Chicks, Hot Rides, Lingerie by Johnny Cresslin, The Hot List, and others. Again, quantities left can be very small, so act accordingly. Nude Photography | Erotic Art | Erotic Films: DVDs | Adult Graphic Novels | All Pin-Up & Adult |
News and Notes |
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Wind in the Willows by David Peterson (Mouseguard) has already gone out of print. We bypassed our distributor and managed to snag some of the last copies straight from the publisher, so we still have this complete with a signed, full color bookplate. Library of American Comics: Krazy Kat 1934 has also gone out of print—we also still have a few copies but they will be gone shortly. |
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Illustrated Press: I announced their new Dean Cornwell edition last week. They also just let us know that we can’t get any more of Masterworks: The Golden Age of Illustration Volume 2. We have just six copies left as I write this. We still have plenty of Volume 3. Also, Illustration #55 should be in stock by next week. We are currently unable to contact the daughter of the late Larry Lowery, president of the Big Little Book Club and publisher of The Big Little Times and The Golden Age of Big Little Books [GAB. $125]. She has our deepest sympathy. I had hoped we could continue to handle his fine book, but our requests are going unanswered. So for now, we have just two copies left of this fine book, which I gave my Highest Recommendation. We also have in stock Gemstone’s Big Big Little Book Book [BIGBI. $19.95]. ~Bud |
Our Catalog and Contact Info We publish a color catalog every two months—if you've placed an order in the last 12 months, you will receive it hot off the press. If this is your first order, or if you'd like an extra copy, you can add one to your order: click here. Or call or send us your address and we'll mail one to you. You can also download it here. Contact us: csr@budsartbooks.com or 530-273-2166 Mon-Fri 9-4 |
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Website IndexSee our website for thousands of books of the Unusual and Hard-to-Find ~ Hundreds on Sale! |