Charles Vess gets his first Artist's Edition, signed and limited. Underwood File Copy offering of Jeffrey Jones' hand-colored prints and more surprises. The Art of Harley Quinn is her most impressive collection yet, huge and fun. Check out the award-winning Paper Girls, #1-10 in a deluxe hardcover. And a real surprise, a beautifully done book, Death: A Graveside Companion. Really!! Here's a link to our brand new catalog, just sent to the printers and in your hands in December. |
Artists Editions |
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THE BOOK OF BALLADS AND SAGAS Original Art Edition Signed Signed & limited, 550! Read each story from the original artwork! Our Highest Recommendation. By Neil Gaiman, Charles De Lint et al. Art by Charles Vess. Twenty-two years ago, artist Charles Vess teamed up with an all-star ensemble of ground-breaking and award winning writers including Neil Gaiman (Sandman), Jane Yolen (Lost Girls), Sharyn McCrumb (The Ballad of Frankie Silver), and Jeff Smith (Bone) to produce The Book of Ballads – which re-imagined the greatest English, Irish, and Scottish folktales in sequential art. From the original art, here is that work--plus 50 pages of new material, scripts, thumbnails, original sketches and much more. Titan Comics, 2017...More. Item Code: BBSHS Hard Cover - No Dustjacket, 10x15, 160pg, Full Color $100.00 |
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JAIME HERNANDEZ Studio Edition Recommended. In this millennium, every page Hernandez draws is die-cut flawless and ready for reproduction; but it wasn't always that way. Fantagraphics Studio Edition: Jaime Hernandez collects almost 200 pages of the raw, un-retouched original art, via select stories from the first fifty issues of the Love and Rockets comic book. These include such classic and beloved stories as “The Death of Speedy,” “Chester Square,” and “Wigwam Bam.” Plus a new interview conducted by Gary Groth and 30 pages of never-before-published material in various stages of completion. Fantagraphics, 2017...More. Item Code: JHSTH Hard Cover - No Dustjacket, 11x14, 192pg, Full Color $150.00 |
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ALSO AVAILABLE ART OF JAIME HERNANDEZ The Secrets Of Life And Death Closeout Price! Recommended. By Todd Hignite. Intro by Alison Bechdel. His moving stories chronicle the lives of some of the most memorable and fully formed characters the comics form has ever seen. His female protagonists, masterfully delineated with humor, candor, and breathtaking realism, come to life. Here we go behind the scenes with highlights of his entire career, from early fanzine-style work to today. Abrams, 2010...More. Item Code: ARJHS Hard Cover, 9x12, 224pg, Partial Color |
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MIKE MIGNOLA'S HELLBOY Artist's Edition New Printing New cover for this printing. Recommended. By Mike Mignola. Features the first five issues of Hellboy in Hell as well as a wealth of historic supplementary material: the first three Hellboy stories, the two initial four-pagers produced for promotional purposes, and the 10-page story from John Byrne's Next Men #21, plus "The Corpse," and two other tales selected by Mignola for inclusion. All but three pages of Mike Mignola's Hellboy Artist's Edition have been shot from the original art to showcase Mignola's gorgeous work. IDW, 2017...More. Item Code: MMHAEH Hard Cover - No Dustjacket, 12x17, 200pg, b&w $150.00 |
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ALSO AVAILABLE MIKE MIGNOLA'S THE AMAZING SCREW-ON HEAD Artist's Edition Recommended. The second Artist's Edition by the Eisner Award-winning artist and creator of Hellboy. This presents the Eisner Award-winning story of Screw-on Head's epic battles with Emperor Zombie and a host of other bizarre and quirky villains, all in the greatest Mignola tradition! This also includes a great selection of other stories as well as an expansive gallery section from Hellboy, Goon, Rusty Razorclam, Scatterbrain, Abu Gung, Exorcist of Vorsk et al. IDW, 2016...More. Item Code: MMASAEH Hard Cover - No Dustjacket, 12x17, 160pg, b&w $125.00 |
Jeffrey Jones: Underwood Publisher File Copies |
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JEFF JONES AGE OF INNOCENCE HAND COLORED Print set Signed by Jeff Jones and Roger Dean, from 52! Highly Recommended. Intended for the super-deluxe 52-copy, 1995 Age of Innocence, Jones carefully hand-colored this print that was reproduced from his original pen drawing. Only 26 copies were bound up into books. So here we have made up a set of the print, the un-numbered limitation page with a special reproduction, the limitation page which is hand-lettered (beginning with AA = 26) and matched to the print number, and SIGNED in full by both Jones and Roger Dean, who wrote the introduction. . Out of Print....More. Item Code: JJAGEP 9x12, Partial Color $200.00 |
We also have available one set of three preliminary color try-outs, with a signed note from Jeff [RB312. $900] and also his final print before the 52 copies, with another signed note [RB313. $350]. See each item on the website for full details. |
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THE ART OF JEFFREY JONES Almost Gone! Publisher's File Copy. Highly Recommended. Edited by Cathy and Arnie Fenner. This features 185 stunning full-color works. And it's all written by the highly respected Cathy and Arnie Fenner, the editors for the first 20 years of the annual Spectrum, as well as the three Underwood art books on Frank Frazetta: Legacy, Testament, and Icon. From the 1960s through the early 1980s, Jeffrey Jones was one of the most respected creators of fantasy and science fiction art. We have only five copies, the first four are in original shrink-wrap, the fifth is open. Underwood Books, 2002. Out of Print. Mature Readers...More. Item Code: ARTJJH Hard Cover, 9x12, 160pg, Full Color $75.00 |
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ALSO AVAILABLE THE ART OF JEFFREY JONES Signed Deluxe Signed & numbered, 1200! 16 extra pages. Our Highest Recommendation. Edited by Cathy and Arnie Fenner. Jeff passed away in 2011, but thanks to publisher Underwood Books, we are able to offer his finest art book complete with signature and slipcase and 16 bonus pages, at a price far below anything on the internet. From the 1960s through the early 1980s Jeffrey Jones was one of the most respected creators of fantasy and science fiction art. Comfortable as both a book cover illustrator and as a comics artist, Jones gained a large and loyal following that resulted in his being honored with a World Fantasy Award for Best Artist. Underwood Books, 2002. Out of Print. Mature Readers...More. Item Code: ARTJJD Hard Cover, 9x12, 176pg, Full Color $140.00 |
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ALSO AVAILABLE THE ART OF JEFFREY JONES Super Deluxe Almost Gone! Signed & lettered, 52, in half-leather, in special traycase, with 16 extra pages. Edited by Cathy and Arnie Fenner. Jeff passed away in 2011, but thanks to publisher Underwood Books, we are able to offer his finest art book. This includes a page with four extra drawings laid into the traycase cover; it's specially bound in black leather with gold titles; it includes an extra-illustrated signature page, tipped in, and limited to 52 lettered copies. The extra 16 page section missing from the trade edition is here too. Underwood Books, 2002. Out of Print....More. Item Code: ARTJJSD Hard Cover, 9x12, 176pg, Full Color $600.00 |
We also have Age of Innocence in super deluxe ($600, one copy), deluxe ($250, two copies, RB29 and RB314) and an unsigned softcover ($75), softcover signed ($125) and hardcover ($150). |
Comic Book Archives |
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ART OF HARLEY QUINN A Big, Oversized, Impressive--and Fun--Collection! Highly Recommended. Packed with the most iconic covers and panels in Harley Quinn history, The Art of Harley Quinn is the ultimate visual guide to one of the most beloved villains in comic books today. Eager girls don her costume at shows. She was the single best part of the recent Suicide Squad film. This deluxe art book provides the complete history of Harley Quinn comic art, detailing the creation and evolution of the character through exclusive interviews with the writers and artists who have brought the character to life. Insight, 2017...More. Item Code: ARTHQH Hard Cover - No Dustjacket, 11x14, 184pg, Full Color |
This is the second very cool Harley art collection to appear lately. For all Harley, see our website, use Advanced Search for “Harley” and sort by “Newest”. |
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PAPER GIRLS Volume 1 Collects #1-10, 2015-16. Recommended. By Brian K. Vaughan. Art by Cliff Chiang and Matt Wilson. From Brian K. Vaughan, New York Times bestselling writer of Saga, and Cliff Chiang, legendary artist of Wonder Woman, this gorgeous, oversized deluxe hardcover is the perfect way to experience the first two storylines of the smash-hit series that The Chicago Tribune named one of the "Best Books of the Year." In the early hours after Halloween of 1988, four 12-year-old newspaper delivery girls uncover the most important story of all time--think H.P. Lovecraft and aliens! Suburban drama and otherworldly mysteries collide in this critically acclaimed story about nostalgia, first jobs, and the last days of childhood. Image, 2017...More. Item Code: PAP01H Hard Cover - No Dustjacket, 8x11, 320pg, b&w |
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INCREDIBLE HULK Epic Collection Volume 2 Tales to Astonish #60-96, 1964-67. Highly Recommended. By Stan Lee and Gary Friedrich. Art by Jack Kirby, Steve Ditko, Bill Everett, Gil Kane, John Buscema, et al. After the cancellation of his debut series of only six issues, The Incredible Hulk returned in Tales to Astonish, sharing the book with Giant Man since Marvel still had a restriction on how many titles they could produce. But what great stories, as his character was further defined and he fought General "Thunderbolt" Ross, the Leader and his Humanoids, the Executioner, and more communists than you can shake a tank at. Plus Hercules, the Abomination, the Secret Empire, and going cosmic with the Silver Surfer and the High Evolutionary! Marvel, 2017...More. Item Code: IHE02 Soft Cover, 7x10, 432pg, Full Color |
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ALSO AVAILABLE INCREDIBLE HULK Epic Collection Volume 1 Collects Incredible Hulk #1-6, Fantastic Four #12, 25-26, Avengers #1-3, 5 et al, 1962-65. Highly Recommended. By Stan Lee. Art by Jack Kirby, Steve Ditko, and Dick Ayers. Dr. Bruce Banner was once a mild-mannered scientist, before he became the unstoppable engine of destruction known as the Hulk! Lee and Kirby's atomic update on the Jekyll/Hyde character mixed giant monsters with Cold War intrigue and psychological drama. Here's a fat collection of ALL the Hulk's first appearances, in chronological order, also including Spider-Man #14, Tales to Astonish #59 (his restart series) and Journey Into Mystery #112 (with Thor). Marvel, 2016...More. Item Code: IHE01 Soft Cover, 7x10, 392, Full Color |
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CLASSIC COMICS #117 Captains Courageous Recommended. By Rudyard Kipling, art by Peter Costanza. Pete Costanza would soon be a regular artist at ACG but here is some of his earliest work. He brings a modern style to this fine adventure on the high seas. An arrogant, spoiled rich boy is washed overboard during an ocean crossing. Miraculously saved by a fisherman in a tiny dory, it's just the beginning of his growing up in a hurry aboard a clipper ship outward bound to the Outer Bank off Newfoundland. Learning right from wrong and the nobility of the seaman, through adventure and adversity. Jack Lake, 2017...More. Item Code: CLC117 Soft Cover, 6x9, 48pg, Full Color $10.00 |
Click here to see more issues in the Classic Comics series. |
Pulps & Edgar Rice Burroughs |
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A SOLDIER OF POLODA Further Adventures Beyond the Farthest Star By Lee Strong. Cover by Chris Peuler. A sequel to the classic ERB adventure Beyond the Farthest Star. American officer Thomas Randolph is mysteriously teleported to a foreign planet where he lands in the center of a 100-year war that mirrors the Allied Powers' struggle against Adolph Hitler's Third Reich. Randolph – now Tomas Ran – finds himself behind enemy lines where he gains a first-hand view of the inner workings of the corrupt Kapar empire. Tomas will use his OSS skills to escape with the beautiful Unisan prisoner, Loris Kiri, to join her countrymen in their struggle against the Kapars. ERB, 2017...More. Item Code: SOPOL Soft Cover, 6x9, 310pg, Text/b&w $19.95 |
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A SOLDIER OF POLODA Hardcover By Lee Strong. Art by Earl Geier. Like fellow Earthman, Tangor from the story Beyond the Farthest Star, American OSS officer Thomas Randolph is mysteriously teleported to a foreign planet where he lands in the center of a 100-year war that mirrors the Allied Powers' struggle against Adolph Hitler's Third Reich. Unlike Tangor, Randolph – now Tomas Ran – finds himself behind enemy lines where he gains a first-hand view of the inner workings of the corrupt Kapar empire. Will Tomas, using his OSS skills, be able to devise a plan to escape with the beautiful Unisan prisoner, Loris Kiri, that will allow them to join her countrymen in their struggle against the Kapars? ERB, 2017...More. Item Code: SOPOLH Hard Cover, 6x9, 310pg, Text/b&w $34.95 |
See our website for more new ERB and Tarzan novels, including two that were recently added to our Rare and Out of Print section. |
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THE SHADOW #123 The Voice and Alibi Trail. Recommended. By Walter B. Gibson. Art by Edd Cartier and R.F. Schabelitz. First, “The Voice” commands and murder is done—but will The Shadow's taunting triumphal laugh finally ring out above all? Then, a Spanish playing card, a baggage claim ticket and a bank check are the enigmatic clues leading The Shadow along the murderous “Alibi Trail." Original color pulp covers by George Rozen and Charles Coll and classic interior illustrations by the stand-out talent Edd Cartier, and R. F. Schabelitz. Background commentary by pulp historian Will Murray. Sanctum, 2017...More. Item Code: SHT123 Hard Cover, 7X10, 310pg, Text/b&w $14.95 |
Art Books & Calendars |
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DEATH A Graveside Companion Very handsome and thorough look at the imagery of Death! Highly Recommended. By Joanna Ebenstein. Foreword by Will Self. A volume of unprecedented breadth and sinister beauty examines a staggering range of cultural attitudes toward death. The book is organized into themed chapters: The Art of Dying, Examining the Dead, Memorializing the Dead, The Personification of Death, Symbolizing Death, Death as Amusement, and The Dead After Life. Each chapter begins with thought-provoking articles followed by a breathtaking variety of death-related imagery and artifacts. From skulls to the dance of death, statuettes to ex libris, memento mori to memorabilia. Thames & Hudson, 2017. Mature Readers...More. Item Code: DEAGH Hard Cover - No Dustjacket, 8x10, 368pg, Partial Color $40.00 |
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FANTASTIC LINE ART OF ARTHUR RACKHAM Highly Recommended. Selected and edited by Jeff A. Menges. This original volume, the first available collection of Rackham's line art, features images from throughout his career, including illustrations for Alice in Wonderland, Peter Pan in Kensington Gardens, A Midsummer Night's Dream, and some rare periodical work such as two seldom-seen magazine features on the artist: "Arthur Rackham: The Wizard at Home," a 1905 article from The International Studio, and "Arthur Rackham: A Painter of Fantasies," a 1914 article from St. Nicholas Magazine. Dover, 2017...More. Item Code: FANLAR Soft Cover, 8x11, 162pg, b&w $16.95 |
See our website for more by Rackham. |
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BRIAN KESINGER PENNED DRAGONS & INKED TAILS 2018 Calendar Signed Signed! Recommended. An all-new work from our fan-favorite artist of the Walking/Traveling/Coloring/Dressing Your Octopus series. This fine Disney animator is off on a new project, 12 months of mermaid mischief and dragon desolation. Printed on high quality glossy stock and measuring 11x17 when open. Only copies from our pre-orders will be signed, so act now. Watch for Brian's two upcoming books: Penned Dragons and Inked Tails, which we suspect may feature artwork that is appearing in this calendar first. 2017...More. Item Code: BK18 11x17, 24pg, Two Color $20.00 |
See all of Brian's Octopus collections on our website. They make great Christmas gifts, all ages, guys and girls, everyone loves these. |
Back in Stock |
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THE COMPLETE FICTION OF HP LOVECRAFT At last--Bargain-Priced! Highly Recommended. HPL's sole novel, four novellas, and fifty-three short stories. Written between 1917 and 1935, Lovecraft's trademark fantastical creatures, supernatural thrills, and science-fiction, that have influenced writers and filmmakers, including Stephen King, Alan Moore, Guillermo del Toro, and Neil Gaiman. Includes The Case of Charles Dexter Ward, "The Call of Cthulhu," "The Dream-Quest of Unknown Kadath," "At the Mountains of Madness," "The Shadow Over Innsmouth," "The Color Out of Space," "The Dunwich Horror," and many more hair-raising tales. Chartwell, 2014...More. Item Code: CFHPH Hard Cover, 7x10, 1102pg, Text Only $14.99 |
This is the best priced collection ever done on HPL and it's been out of print for several months. If you want a slightly fancier edition, with gold embossing and a handsome slipcase (makes a killer gift), upgrade to The Complete Fiction of H.P. Lovecraft [CWHPH. $35, your price $29.95]. See our website for more HPL. And watch here for the upcoming Complete Clark Ashton Smith, coming next spring from Centipede Press. It's about time, his horror stories are truly out of this world. |
Coming in January & February |
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WE SPOKE OUT Comic Books and the Holocaust Recommended. By Rafael Medoff and Craig Yoe. Art by Neal Adams et al. Classic comic book stories about the Holocaust and interviews with their artists and writers, with a cover drawn especially for this book by Neal Adams. An amazing but forgotten chapter in comics history. Long before the Holocaust was taught in schools or presented in films such as Schindler's List, the youth of America was learning about the Nazi genocide from Batman, the X-Men, Captain America, and Sgt. Rock. IDW, 2018. Due Feb. ...More. Item Code: WESPH Hard Cover - No Dustjacket, 9x11, 280pg, Full Color |
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INSIDE MOEBIUS Part 1 Moebius Library #3. Recommended. By Jean Giraud. Moebius draws himself encountering his favorite characters—creations like Blueberry, Arzak, and Major Grubert—and also meets a younger version of himself! Working closely with Moebius Productions in France, Dark Horse presents a six-part look at the amazing artist. Part 1 collects the first two chapters in this fantastic exploration. All other parts will be published in 2018. This is the third volume in the Moebius Library hardcover series and the beginning of Moebius's most intensely personal project. Dark Horse, 2018. Due Feb. ...More. Item Code: INSM01H Hard Cover - No Dustjacket, 9x11, 216pg, Full Color |
Available now are World of Edena (Moebius Library 1), and ready in December, Art of Edena (Moebius Library 2). |
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EC ARCHIVES Vault of Horror Volume 1 Collects #12-17 (actual #1-6), 1950-51. Highly Recommended. Art by Johnny Craig, Wally Wood, Kurtzman, Al Feldstein, Graham Ingels, Jack Davis The next release in the continuation of the fine series that was started by Gemstone, and is now being carried on by Dark Horse! Twenty-four terrifying tales illustrated by the timeless talent at EC, with digitally remastered colors, based on the originals by Marie Severin. The first issue here ties with Crypt of Terror as the first EC horror title. Includes a morphine story and a classic werewolf cover, but that is just the beginning of the delightfully macabre tales in store for you. Dark Horse, 2018. Due Feb. ...More. Item Code: ECV01H Hard Cover, 8x11, 200pg, Full Color |
Volumes 3 and 4 are available now at the same discounted price. We also have one of the Complete EC Sets from Russ Cochran [RB90. $275]. Reminder, shipping in the U.S. is free on orders over $300. |
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PRE-CODE CLASSICS The Unseen Volume 2 Collects The Unseen #11-15 & Who Is Next? #5, 1953-54. Recommended. By Alex Toth, Nicky Cardy, George Tuska, John Fawcette et al. It was the 1950's — the Atomic Age, the Cold War, and just the before the Space Race. Comics books were the education, the entertainment, and, according to some, the downfall of America. What a great time! We loved to be scared — still do, it seems —from the comfort of our own home, secure in the knowledge that there's no real danger (or so we think). Final issues of this excellent series from Standard, along with Who Is Next?, a suspense one-shot featuring a town terrorized by a serial killer. PS Artbooks, 2018. Due Feb. ...More. Item Code: PCEUN02H Hard Cover - No Dustjacket, 7x10, 216pg, Full Color $49.99 |
You didn't miss Volume 1, it's also coming, scheduled for December. Same price. |
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PRE-CODE CLASSICS GHOSTLY WEIRD STORIES Volume 1 Collects #120-124, 1953-54. Recommended. Art by Jay Disbrow, L.B. Cole, Jack Kamen et al. The great Jay Disbrow (who died in 2017) is featured memorably in this often overlooked and certainly unsung gem, appearing alongside the likes of L.B. Cole and EC stalwart Jack Kamen. Disbrow does his wildest sci-fi, Cole provides killer covers that have become classics. A mix of new covers by Cole and new stories by Disbrow and reprints, including three Jo-Jo's and a Rulah story, The Mask from Capt. Flight, and Torpedo Man. Also "Devil and the Devil Pills" story! PS Artbooks, 2017. Due Feb. ...More. Item Code: PCGW01H Hard Cover - No Dustjacket, 7x10, 184pg, Full Color $44.99 |
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ROSS ANDRU'S THE AMAZING SPIDER-MAN Artist's Edition By Gerry Conway and Len Wein. Ross Andru was one of the most beloved artists ever to draw Spider-Man. Aside from Steve Ditko and John Romita, he is arguably the storyteller most associated with the webslinger. This Artist's Edition collects five complete issues, including the first three in his run, Amazing Spider-Man #125-127, and the first issue had John Romita inking Andru! Also included are issue #153 (the classic "The Longest Hundred Yards") and issue #167, featuring the Spider-Slayer! As with all Artist's Editions, there will be a special gallery section, presenting fine examples of Andru's Spider-Man work. IDW, 2018. Due Feb. ...More. Item Code: ROSSASH Hard Cover - No Dustjacket, 12x17, 144pg, b&w $125.00 |
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SUPERMAN The Golden Age Omnibus Volume 5 Collects Action Comics #86-105, Superman #34-43 and World's Finest Comics #19-25. Highly Recommended. A pivotal period in the Man of Steel's celebrated career—featuring such stories as “The Average American,” “Battle of the Redwoods” and “The Laughing Stock of Metropolis” and co-starring Lois, Mr. Mxyztplk, the Prankster and Lex Luthor—finally available for the first time in a single hardcover edition. With the end of the war, readers were ready for some comedy relief and more light-hearted fare, and Superman would reflect those changing priorities in a nation weary of war. DC, 2017. Due Jan. ...More. Item Code: SG05H Hard Cover, 7x11, 768pg, Full Color |
See our website for previous volumes, as well as the softcover series. |
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HISTORY OF GRAPHIC DESIGN Volume 1 1890-1959 By Jens Müller. Edited by Julius Wiedemann. A comprehensive history of graphic design from the end of the 19th century to the ruins of World War II. From its beginning as poster design to development into advertising, corporate identity, packaging, and editorial design. Organized chronologically. Over 2,000 seminal designs from all over the world, 72 of which are profiled in detail besides 57 leaders in the field, including Alphonse Mucha, Edward Johnston (London Underground), El Lissitzky (constructivist graphics), Saul Bass (animated opening titles), and A. M. Cassandre (art deco posters). Taschen, 2018. Due Jan. ...More. Item Code: HG01H Hard Cover - No Dustjacket, 480pg |
Bargain Books up to 75% OffThese books are low in stock, and may have already been marked down once. I've marked them down even further just for this listing, to clear them out to make way for new items. First come, first served.
ALLEN WILLIAMS PERSONAL DEMONS 2016 Signed Sketchbook [AWPD16S. CAGES (Second Edition) [CGES. NOCTURNALS Black Planet Signed [NOCT. USAGI YOJIMBO SAMURAI Gallery Edition [USYGH. You can see all of our discounted items on the website, under Closeouts at the end of each category (such as Artists and Illustration, Comics Related, etc). |
Rare & Out of PrintTwo novels by Edgar Rice Burroughs, You Lucky Girl, and Marcia of the Doorstep. Both of these are signed by Danton Burroughs, Ned Dameron, and Dr. Henry H. Heins and stamped with a facsimile signature of Edgar Rice Burroughs. The next few books are Underwood File Copies that we only received only one copy of. Age of Innocence Deluxe by Jeffrey Jones, and signed by Jack Vance, Morreion: A Tale of the Dying Earth. Also from Underwood we have three copies of Ilene Meyer Paintings Drawings Perceptions Deluxe. Click here to subscribe to our Rare & Out of Print email list. All | New Arrivals | Artists & Illustration | Fantasy & Sci-Fi | Illustrated Fiction Comic Book Archives | Comic Strip & Cartoon | Comic Artists | Pin-Up | Erotic Art |
Mature ReadersTwo items this week, a new nude Cavewoman cover by Budd Root, Cavewoman Quiver. And the Pornomation DVD set —We've handled the individual volumes of this for several years, now all three are available at a discounted price in a slipcase. Nude Photography | Erotic Art | Erotic Films: DVDs | Adult Graphic Novels | All Pin-Up & Adult |
News and Notes |
The Bernie Wrightson Artifact Editions are now completely gone. They blew out last week after I mentioned they were nearly gone. Fair warning, The Prince Valiant Studio edition is also out of print, and our last copies are steadily going, we have 19 left as I write this. I stocked up on these and I’m glad I did. It’s a wonderful book. Also out of print is the highly recommended Reed Crandall Illustrator of the Comics, down to four copies left. |
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On November 4th Flying Colors in Concord, California put on a very special signing party for this new book, which we handle. I am signing all our copies. For more details and lots of pictures, see our Facebook page, both my posting and Joe Field’s own posting, he’s the owner of Flying Colors. Joe had the panel discussion and Q&A videotaped. Click here if you want to check it out. It was a fun event, with Star Reach’s Mike Friedrich, Dick Swan of Big Guy’s Comics, Brian Hibbs of Comix Experience, and Jim Friel, as well as Joe and author Dan Gearino. |
Earlier this week we sent out a special email with all of this year’s calendars. Some are already out of print, so act now for the best selection. Also included are previous years’ calendars at $2.99 and $3.99 each. See our Blog HERE for this special email, and scroll down past the weekly new items. ~Bud |
Our Catalog and Contact Info We publish a color catalog every two months—if you’ve placed an order in the last 12 months, you will receive it hot off the press. If this is your first order, or if you’d like an extra copy, you can add one to your order: click here. Or call or send us your address and we’ll mail one to you. You can also download it here Place your order before noon PST, Monday through Friday for SAME DAY shipping (for in-stock items). Note: FREE SHIPPING OVER $300. If your order total is $300 or more and you are in the U.S., we pay the standard shipping cost. Contact us: or 530-273-2166 Mon-Fri 9-4 |
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Website IndexSee our website for thousands of books of the Unusual and Hard-to-Find ~ Hundreds on Sale! |