I like the oversized DC Comics Variants from Insight Studios. We have a fine new book on Alphonse Mucha, a restock of Matt Baker: The Art of Glamour, Hellboy 1954, and the interesting first volume of Graphic Canon of Crime and Mystery. Plus an entire Batman section, Gil Kane speaks, Kong Island 3, The Best of Betty and Veronica, and three new Pre-Code archives. We are now stocking Alter Ego and have two new issues to kick off with. And Barbarella, Doc Savage: His Apocalytic Life and much more. |
Art Books | Comic Book Archives | Batman Graphic Novels | Comics Related | Pulp Related Bargain Books | Rare & Out of Print | Mature Readers | Website Index |
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Our latest catalog is now ready to be downloaded. The cover is from the new Life and Legend of Wallace Wood Volume 2. And it features special sections on Edgar Rice Burroughs and Omnibus volumes, and expanded Featured and Coming Items sections. | ![]() |
Art Books |
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DC COMICS VARIANT COVERS The Complete Visual History Large, handsome 11" x 14" size. Recommended. By Daniel Wallace. Art by Frank Cho, Adam Hughes, Jim Lee, Alex Ross et al. For the first time ever, explore the complete visual history of DC Comics variant comic book covers...including new, exclusive cover art by Frank Cho. DC cover art is some of the most celebrated in comics, but who can keep up with them all? Now you can explore the world of these alternative works of art, with insight into the design process from leading comic artists and industry experts. Featured artists also include Frank Miller, Neal Adams, Darwyn Cooke, Dave Johnson, Mike Allred, Dan Panosian, Jock and Brian Bolland. Insight Editions, 2018...More. Item Code: DCCOMH Hard Cover, 11x14, 184pg, Full Color $45.00 |
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ALPHONSE MUCHA Highly Recommended. Edited by Tomoko Sato. I thought the entire career of Mucha had been explored in previous books, but I am proved wrong here. With dozens of amazing photographs of the artist and his models, some nude, and preliminary drawings, roughs for paintings, and rare chocolate boxes and jewelry, this offers an intimate new look at the artist. Explore the development of Mucha's career and his achievements as a multifaceted and visionary artist. Six sections highlight Mucha as a commercial artist, a Bohemian; a fine-art painter; a photographer; a mystic; a patriot (i.e. returning to his Czech homeland to create the fabulous Slav Epic murals); and a philosopher. Skira, 2018...More. Item Code: ALMUCHH Hard Cover - No Dustjacket, 9x11, 248pg, Partial Color $40.00 |
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ALSO AVAILABLE LE PATER ALPHONSE MUCHA'S SYMBOLIST MASTERPIECE With Prints Closeout Price! With 10 additional 6x9 prints! Our Highest Recommendation. By Thomas Negovan. Special Kickstarter edition with two separate sets of prints, else the same as the softcover. By 1899, Alphonse Mucha had experienced four years as the most recognizable proponent of Art Nouveau graphics and the most celebrated illustrator in Paris. So Mucha insisted upon the release of a deeply personal work, and printed 510 copies of what he for the remainder of his life considered his masterpiece. This Symbolist story features a female deity protecting humankind, sophisticated occult themes and mystical illustrations. Century Guild, 2016...More. Item Code: ALPMP Soft Cover, 8x11, 59pg, Partial Color |
See our website for more Mucha, including two more books of his work, one bargain-priced at $20 and the other a highly recommended volume from Japan for $40. |
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DRAWN TO PURPOSE American Women Illustrators and Cartoonists Recommended. Published in partnership with the Library of Congress, Drawn to Purpose: American Women Illustrators and Cartoonists presents an overarching survey of women in American illustration, from the late nineteenth into the twenty-first century. Special attention is paid to forms that have heretofore received scant notice--book cover designs, editorial illustrations, and political cartoons. 250 color illustrations, including eye-catching original art from the collections of the Library of Congress. Details the personal and professional experiences of eighty women including Roz Chast, Lynda Barry, Lynn Johnston, Rose O'Neill and Jillian Tamaki. University Press of MIssissippi, 2018...More. Item Code: DRAPH Hard Cover, 9x11, 238pg, Text/Partial Color $50.00 |
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ALSO AVAILABLE BABES IN ARMS Women in Comics During The Second World War By Trina Robbins. Art by Barbara Hall, Jill Elgin, Lily Renee and Fran Hopper. During the Golden Age, publishers offered titles supporting the war effort — presenting fighting men and their feminine counterparts — babes in arms! Comic books during this period featured US servicewomen fighting all of the Axis bad guys and gave several of the most noteworthy women artists of the era opportunities to create action-packed, adventure-filled, four-color stories. Short bios, original art and photos of each artist are followed by 21 complete stories in full color culled from Speed Comics, Green Hornet, Wings, Fight, etc. Hermes, 2017...More. Item Code: BABAH Hard Cover - No Dustjacket, 8x10, 176pg, Full Color |
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MATT BAKER The Art of Glamour Back in stock: The life and career of the finest Good Girl artist of the Golden Age. Our Highest Recommendation. Edited by Jim Amash and Eric Nolen-Weathington. This presents an impressive career cut tragically short. It features a wealth of essays; interviews with Baker's friends, family, and co-workers; and a treasure trove of his finest artwork, including several complete stories, at last giving this wonderfully talented artist his full due. In the early 1940s, Matt Baker became of one the earliest African-American comic book artists. But it wasn't the color of his skin which made him such a significant figure in the history of the medium--it was his innate ability to draw gorgeous, exciting women and handsome, dynamic men in a fluid, graceful style. TwoMorrows, 2012...More. Item Code: MBARTH Hard Cover - No Dustjacket, 9x11, 192pg, Partial Color |
See our website for more work by Matt Baker. He appears in many of the PS Artbooks archives, and in several replica editions. |
Comic Book Archives |
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THE ADVENTURES OF CAPTAIN AMERICA Recommended. By Fabian Nicieza and Kevin Maguire. Art by Joe Rubinstein and Tom Christopher. Two retro-inspired, classic-style WWII Cap adventures for the price of one! First, revisit the awesome origin of Captain America -- with a twist! Plus: All-new pulp adventures told in the classic newspaper-strip format! Cap and his sidekick, Bucky serve up daily helpings of adventure filled with robots, secret underground cities, femme fatales and no-good Nazis just waiting for a sock in the jaw! Just like the newspaper strip that could have been, just like the vintage stories Batman, Superman and Wonder Woman starred in during the war years. Marvel, 2018...More. Item Code: ADVCA Soft Cover, 6x10, 304pg, Full Color |
Lots more of Captain America is on our website. |
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THE BEST OF ARCHIE BETTY AND VERONICA Volume 2 From the 1940s to today. Recommended. By Dan DeCarlo, Mark Waid, Adam Hughes, Bob Bolling, Eva Cabrera, Doug Crane et al. In the tradition of the popular The Best of Archie Comics series, another bargain-priced full-color $9.99 volume jam-packed with over 400 pages of the funniest and most iconic stories of the past 70 years. Archie's girl friends Betty and Veronica, hand-selected by Archie creators, editors, fans and historians from 200,000 pages of material. A must-have edition for anyone who has ever enjoyed the Betty and Veronica comics as well as a great introduction to the history of Archie and the girls. Archie, 2018...More. Item Code: BEBV02 Soft Cover, 5x7, 416pg, Full Color $9.99 |
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ALSO AVAILABLE BETTY & VERONICA By Adam Hughes Volume 1 Recommended. By Adam Hughes. Betty and Veronica are America’s sweethearts - until they turn on each other! Pops’ is being taken over by a huge coffee company and the girls go head-to-head over the issue. Friendships will shatter. Cities will burn. Nails will be broken. And the two girls lead off in the ring boxing! Wonderful art by good-girl master artist, Adam Hughes. A fun, slightly more serious take, especially from the art standpoint, on these two beautiful young ladies. Jughead's here, but Archie's essentially not around. Plus 37 regular and variant covers, plus a previously unreleased Sabrina cover, also by Hughes. Archie, 2017....More. Item Code: BETV01 Soft Cover, 7x10, 104pg, Full Color $12.99 |
Find more Archie on our website. |
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PRE-CODE CLASSICS BEWARE Volume 1 Collects #1-7, 1953-54. Recommended. Art by Harry Harrison, Sid Check, Roy Krenkel et al. Fresh from the fear-fraught fifties come the first seven issues of Trojan Comics' Beware, dragging along a whole bunch of festering corpses by way of an artists' assemblage that includes The Stainless Steel Rat himself, the great Harry Harrison, plus work by the fine Sid Check, Gerald Altman, Vince Napoli, Henry Kiefer, Roy Krenkel, Al Gordon, Leo Hagler, William Zeller, Albert Tyler, A.C. Hollingsworth, and Myron Fass. Plus severed-head panels and corpses on the cover (an SOTI issue), etc. PS Artbooks, 2018...More. Item Code: PCB01H Hard Cover - No Dustjacket, 7x10, 256pg, Full Color $59.99 |
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SILVER AGE CLASSICS OUT OF THIS WORLD Volume 3 Collects #11-16, 1959. Highly Recommended. By Vince Alascia, Steve Ditko, Matt Baker et al. Back in the post-EC days of the mid-to-late 1950's and early '60's, there was really only one place to go for your SF fix when you'd exhausted DC's output for that month: Out of this World, which would of course become synonymous with the work of Steve Ditko. Here we have three stories by him in #11 alone, plus more work in #12 and 16, and three gorgeous covers. Backup stories by Paul Reinman, Alascia, Mastroserio and the other regular Charlton artists. PS Artbooks, 2018...More. Item Code: SAOW03H Hard Cover - No Dustjacket, 7x10, 216pg, Full Color $49.99 |
Also available at the same price: Volume 1 (issues 1-6) and Volume 2 (issues 7-10). |
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PRE-CODE CLASSICS VOODOO Volume 1 Collects #1-7, 1952-53. Recommended. Art by Robert Webb, Matt Baker et al. Okay, horror fans, check out the seven blood-soaked and brain-damaged gore-fests that make up the first seven issues of Voodoo, boasting an artist line-up that includes Robert Webb, Matt Baker, and the entire Iger Shop. Here are reprints of two rare Baker South Sea Girl stories as well as Rulah, plus more Baker stories plus the best of the Iger Shop emulating Baker. Some fun and iconic covers on these first issues, including a man stabbed in the face, noted in Overstreet. PS Artbooks, 2018...More. Item Code: PCV01H Hard Cover - No Dustjacket, 7x10, 256pg, Full Color $59.99 |
For more PS Artbooks archives, both new releases and on-sale older titles, see our website or the last catalog, Spring 2018, PS Artbooks Sale, page 26. |
Batman |
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BATMAN By Neal Adams Book One Collects World's Finest #175-176 and The Brave and the Bold #79-85, 1967-69. Highly Recommended. Beginning in the late 1960s and continuing through the 1970s, Adams' reimagining of "the Batman" revitalized the Caped Crusader for an entire generation of fans, rescuing him from TV-inspired campiness and returning him to his roots as a shadowy urban vigilante. Experience all of Neal Adams' legendary Batman work--covers and stories--in chronological order! Alongside Adams' contributions to the Dark Knight's legacy from 1967 through 1969, you'll find the process of introduction, adaption and innovation that the young artist brought to this legendary crime-fighter! DC, 2018...More. Item Code: BATN01 Soft Cover, 6x10, 240pg, Full Color |
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ALSO AVAILABLE NEAL ADAMS VINTAGE Sketchbook Signed Signed! Recommended. Rarely seen layouts, pencils and images from Neal's "vintage" era at DC and Marvel. Also included are drawings from outside of comics, such as his Ben Casey newspaper strips and special advertising 1-page comics that are very cool (Chip Martin, College Reporter; Capitol Tapeman). Included is the original Man-Bat design, Ms Mystic, a superb Tarzan prelim, Superboy, The Avengers... Along with Ra's Al Ghul, Man-Bat is one of the most recognizable characters Neal ever created. Continuity Studios, 2017...More. Item Code: NEAVS Soft Cover, 8x11, 32pg, b&w $30.00 |
See our website for two more Adams' sketchbook, and more of Neal's work. |
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BATMAN AND HARLEY QUINN Collects Batman and Harley Quinn #1-7 and Harley Quinn and Batman #1-5. By Ty Templeton, Jeff Parker et al. Art by Rick Burchett, Luciano Vecchio et al. Harley Quinn's name has always been linked with The Joker. But when The Joker pushes Harley's buttons, she rats him out...to Batman. Before Batman can haul Harley off to Arkham Asylum, her best friend Poison Ivy swoops in and rescues her. Harley and Ivy soon begin a plot of their own against Batman. Harley just wants to have a little fun while she and Ivy scheme against Bats...but all-business Ivy isn't having it. Harley sets out to prove that she's more than Mistah J's henchwoman and Ivy's lackey. DC, 2018...More. Item Code: BATHQH Hard Cover - No Dustjacket, 7x10, 136pg, Full Color |
Do we have Batman!! See the website for Golden Age, Silver Age, Newspaper Strips, graphic novels and much more. |
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BATMAN AND SUPERMAN World's Finest The Silver Age Volume 2 Collects World's Finest #95-116, 1958-61. Recommended. By Edmond Hamilton, Bill Finger, et al. Art by Curt Swan and Dick Sprang. They had been fighting crime separately for years, but it wasn't until the historic Superman #76 in 1952 that Superman, the Man of Steel, finally teamed up with the Caped Crusader himself--Batman. That story proved so popular that the team quickly became the main feature in World's Finest Comics--and thus the greatest partnership in comics was born. Their adventures together would feature heroes and villains such as Robin, Batwoman, Lex Luthor, Bat-Mite, Mr. Mxyzptlk and more alien threats than might seem possible. DC, 2018...More. Item Code: BSF02 Soft Cover, 7x10, 304pg, Full Color |
Volume 1 is also available, or you can choose the massive World's Finest Omnibus: |
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ALSO AVAILABLE BATMAN AND SUPERMAN World's Finest The Silver Age Omnibus Volume 1 Hardcover Collects World's Finest #71-96, and Superman #76, 1952-58 & more. Recommended. By Edmond Hamilton. Art by Curt Swan, Dick Sprang et al. Superman and Batman first teamed up in these stories from comics' Golden & Silver Ages, reprinted here for the first time in one massive hardcover. Frequent guest stars are Robin, Lois Lane, Commissioner Gordon and Perry White. The two heroes work together to battle crime in the past, present and future, including each other's greatest foes: Lex Luthor and The Joker! Wonderful, classic art by Swan and Sprang. DC, 2016...More. Item Code: BSF01H Hard Cover - No Dustjacket, 6x8, 632pg, Full Color |
We have many new Batman listings in Rare books this week, including Bob Kane, Neal Adams, Frank Miller and others. |
Graphic Novels |
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BARBARELLA #4 Comic Set Set of four variant covers--interior is the same--by Stéphane Roux, Vincent Aseo, Stephanie Hans, Goran Sudzuka & Fran Strukan. Recommended. By Mike Carey. Art by Jorge Fornes. Barbarella may have narrowly averted a galactic war—as only she could—but she's still in need of a null-d regulator. Hitching a ride on a cargo transport seems like a no-brainer, but these great seas in the final frontier are rife with pirates! Plus: someone's about to learn first-hand the dangers of emotional intimacy! This all-new Barbarella story continues with our girl as a sexy galaxy-wide trouble shooter. Adult themes (she's in bed with a handsome purple guy this issue)! Great covers! Dynamite, 2018. Mature Readers...More. Item Code: BAR04P Soft Cover, 7x10, 32pg ea, Full Color $15.99 |
All previous sets remain available at the same price. And here is the original French adventures. |
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HELLBOY AND THE BPRD 1954 Four complete new stories from Hellboy's early days. Highly Recommended. By Mike Mignola and Chris Roberson. Art by Stephen Green, Patric Reynolds and Brian Churilla. No longer a rookie, Hellboy is joined by other Bureau agents in a series of far-flung mysteries that take them searching for yetis terrorizing an Arctic research team, into the American suburbs where a family is haunted by a phantom monkey, and to Hong Kong, where demons are drawn to a Chinese artifact. Dark Horse, 2018...More. Item Code: HE1954 Soft Cover, 7x10, 144pg, Full Color |
See the website for the two previous releases, and more Hellboy and Mike Mignola art. |
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KONG OF SKULL ISLAND Volume 3 Recommended. By James Asmus. Art by Carlos Magno and Jeremy Lawson. There are some who would see the Kong as monsters. Beasts waiting to unleash the anger they have within. When a coup is formed to take Ewata, the present ruler of the primitive peoples of the island, from power and show the Tagu and Atu people the power of the Kong, everyone's existence is thrown into chaos. The Kong--giant gorillas like King Kong--must battle enormous monsters and the tribespeople are caught in the middle. Final book in the trilogy. Boom, 2018...More. Item Code: KONS03 Soft Cover, 7x10, 112pg, Full Color |
Volume 1 and 2 remain available. #1 [KONS01. |
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THE BATTLE OF CHURUBUSCO American Rebels In The Mexican American War Introduction by Paddy Maloney, lead singer of The Chieftains. Recommended. By Andrea Ferraris. In 1847, Churubusco was the stronghold of the San Patricios, a motley battalion of soldiers — including some runaway American slaves — who deserted the United States Army for a just, if suicidal, cause, holding out against the expansionist plans of the U.S. and savage U.S. soldiers. In this graphic novel, Andrea Ferraris uses a bold charcoal technique to tell the story of the San Patricios through the eyes of Gaetano Rizzo, a 22-year-old Sicilian immigrant (based on a real soldier of the time). Fantgraphics, 2017...More. Item Code: BACHU Soft Cover, 7x9, 192pg, b&w |
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THE GRAPHIC CANON OF CRIME AND MYSTERY Volume 1 From Sherlock Holmes to a Clockwork Orange to Jo NesbNesbø. Recommended. Edited by Russ Kick. The first of two thick, impressive volumes retelling highpoints of classic crime and mystery works, by a wide variety of comic book artists. Organized thematically, this opens with "The Act" (think In Cold Blood and A Clockwork Orange), followed by sections dedicated to "Criminals," Whodunit," "Judgment" (Scarlet Letter, anyone?), and "Punishment." Here you'll find stunning and suspenseful adaptations starring Sherlock Holmes, Auguste Dupin, Hercule Poirot, etc. Seven Stories Press, 2017...More. Item Code: GRC01 Soft Cover, 8x11, 342pg, Partial Color |
Comics Related |
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SPARRING WITH GIL KANE Debating The History and Aesthetics of Comics Highly Recommended. Art by Gil Kane and others. Introduction by Gary Groth. Preface by Howard Chaykin. Gil Kane drew every major comic book character in his 50-year career — from Spider-Man and the Hulk to Superman and Batman — and conceived and drew independent “graphic novels” long before the term had any meaning to the larger public. He was also a fascinating raconteur and a formidable analyst, critic, and theorist of comics, a medium he loved. Included in this collection are interviews Kane conducted with a wide array of cartoonists: newspaper strip artists such as Hal Foster (Prince Valiant) and Walt Kelly (Pogo); fellow comic book creators such as Harvey Kurtzman; underground cartoonists Robert Crumb and Jack Jackson; and the literary critic Donald Phelps. Fantagraphics, 2018...More. Item Code: SPARG Soft Cover, 8x9, 308pg, Text/b&w |
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ALTER EGO 150 Celebrating 95 Years of Stan Lee! Highly Recommended. Edited by Roy Thomas.Alter Ego #150 lights the candles for Stan Lee's 95th birthday with a special celebration! Rare Lee interview by Will Murray, conducted in 1988; Ger Apeldoorn on Stan's non-Marvel writing in the 1950s, with reproductions of some truly rare items. Plus long time DC writer John Broome's autobiography, rebooting the Marvel Age in Britain in the 1970s, letters from Charlton creator Pete Morisi (PAM) to fan Glen Johnson, Ted White interviewing Stan way way back, Bill Black's Paragon and the almost-revival of Captain Marvel. Twomorrows, 2018...More. Item Code: AE150 Magazine, 8x11, 96pg, Text/Partial Color $9.95 |
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ALTER EGO 151 Features on the Golden Age Owl and superheroes of Dell and Gold Key Comics. Edited by Roy Thomas. It's The Owl! The Eye! Dr. Hypno! Solarman! Fantom of the Fair! These are just some of the fabulous Golden Age heroes drawn by Frank Thomas, whose life and times are celebrated by Mr. Monster's Comic Crypt's Michael T. Gilbert! Also: from Captain Midnight to Korak—from Magic Morro to Magnus, Robot Fighter—the scintillating (and often offbeat) Golden & Silver Age super-heroes of Western Publishing's Dell & Gold Key comics, annotated by Stuart Fischer! Art by Manning, Ditko, Kane, Marsh, Gill, Spiegle, Springer, Norris, Santos, Thorne, et al.! Plus FCA, Bill Schelly, & more! Twomorrows, 2018...More. Item Code: AE151 8x11, 96pg, Text/Full Color $9.95 |
We will be handling every issue of Alter Ego as it comes out from now on. #150 was our first issue to stock. I have been a subscriber for years and years, and enjoy each issue a great deal. |
Pulp Related |
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THE SHADOW #127 The Silent Death and Charg, Monster. Recommended. By Walter B. Gibson. Covers by George Rozen. The Master of Darkness battles fantastic science fiction threats in two outstanding pulp novels from 1933-34. First, as he tracks the scientific mastermind behind a deadly plague, The Shadow becomes the target of "The Silent Death." Then, the Dark Avenger follows a trail of brutal killings as he closes in on the sinister sanctum of "Charg, Monster." Bonus: a 1940s Supersnipe (The Boy With the Most Comics) story by George Marcoux, from The Shadow Comics V2 #4. Sanctum, 2018...More. Item Code: SHT127 Soft Cover, 7X10, 128pg, Text/b&w $14.95 |
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DOC SAVAGE His Apocalyptic Life The original 1973 "biography" plus bonus materials. By Philip José Farmer. Three-time Hugo Award winner and Nebula Grand Master, Philip José Farmer, biographer of Lord Greystoke, turned his superb research and narrative skills to one of the greatest heroes of our time, Doc Savage, to write this fictionalized account of the real man behind the exploits, in 1973. This collects that work, plus another 150 pages with four essays, three addenda, and six tributes, including one by Will Murray. All only available in this limited edition hardcover; new cover by Joe Devito. Meteor House, 2013...More. Item Code: DOCAPH Hard Cover, 6x9, 344pg, Text Only $35.00 |
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ALSO AVAILABLE HISTORY OF THE DOC SAVAGE ADVENTURES By Robert Michael Cotter. Doc Savage is the prototype of the modern fictional superhero. The character exploded onto the scene in 1933, with the Great Depression and the gathering clouds of war as a cultural backdrop. The adventure series is examined in relation to historical events and the changing tastes of readers, with special attention paid to the horror and science fiction elements. The artwork features illustrations, covers, and original art, examining the paperbacks, pulps, comic books, radio and film. McFarland, 2016...More. Item Code: HSDS Soft Cover, 7x10, 234pg, Text/Full Color $25.00 |
See the website for more on Doc, The Shadow, and other pulp heroes and histories. |
Bargain BooksThis is the first place our newly discounted books are listed that are almost gone. Most are in VERY short supply, as few as two or three copies. Don’t miss out, these will not be restocked.
100 MANGA ARTISTS [100MAH. THOUGHT GUN SHELLS Volume 1 Signed [THOHS. GODZILLA The Half Century War [GODHH. THE LAST DRAGON [LDRA. CEREBUS Cover Art Treasury [CCGH. DEADMAN KELLEY JONES Gallery Edition [DEAKJH. ORIENTAL ART [ORIAH. SUPERHEROINES AND THE EPIC JOURNEY [SUPEJ. CANDY TANGERINE MAN BLU-RAY & DVD [CANTM. You can see all of our discounted items on the website, under Closeouts at the end of each category (such as Artists and Illustration, Comics Related, etc). |
Rare & Out of Print
Continuing with our Batman theme this week, we have many new listings for The Dark Knight. We have all three volumes of Batman Illustrated by Neal Adams, Batman & Me, the signed autobiography by Bob Kane, and Frank Miller's The Dark Knight, which is also signed, and bargain priced at $275 (other listings start at $325 and go up fast!). We have multiple Archives from DC, including a set of Batman volumes 1-8, Robin Archives volumes 1&2, the Dynamic Duo volumes 1&2, and multiple volumes of Batman The Dark Knight. Click here to see the full listing of DC Archives. All | New Arrivals | Artists & Illustration | Fantasy & Sci-Fi | Illustrated Fiction Comic Book Archives | Comic Strip & Cartoon | Comic Artists | Pin-Up | Erotic Art Click here to add yourself to our Rare & Out of Print mailing list. |
Mature ReadersWe have a new double feature in the Peekarama series, Sunny & More Than Sisters. And from the original director of Deep Throat, we have a DVD/Blu Ray of Throat 12 Years After. Nude Photography | Erotic Art | Erotic Films: DVDs | Adult Graphic Novels | All Pin-Up & Adult Click here to add yourself to our Adult's Only mailing list. |
Our Catalog and Contact Info We publish a color catalog every two months—if you’ve placed an order in the last 12 months, you will receive it hot off the press. If this is your first order, or if you’d like an extra copy, you can add one to your order: click here. Or call or send us your address and we’ll mail one to you. You can also download it here Place your order before noon PST, Monday through Friday for SAME DAY shipping (for in-stock items). Note: FREE SHIPPING OVER $300. If your order total is $300 or more and you are in the U.S., we pay the standard shipping cost. Contact us: csr@budsartbooks.com or 530-273-2166 Mon-Fri 9-4 |
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Website IndexSee our website for thousands of books of the Unusual and Hard-to-Find ~ Hundreds on Sale! |