Late Summer Clearance Sale! |
Deeply Discounted! We're making space for new items. |
We're leading off with 16 new or newly-on-sale books from Dover and their imprint, Calla Books. These were offered to us on a special “white sale.” This is when a publisher offers us a special price so that we can essentially offer a brand new book as a sale book, with new pricing. And we can also bring in items we've never handled before, again on sale. Following these are another sixty items, most of which have never before been offered at these discounts. We have a Moebius section, statues, Posters & Prints, $20 and under items, and a general mix. Plus, there are 43 more new listings, so we've linked you to our website for 43 new Under $10 items. See all the new sale items by clicking here, or by typing "sepsale" in the search box on our site. Our most recent catalog, with the Holiday Kinuko Craft cover, should be in your hands in the middle of Octoberif you've ordered from us in the last 18 months. Or download it right now by clicking here. |
Dover & Calla White Sale | Moebius | Statues | Posters & Prints Under $20 | $20 and Over | Website Index |
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Dover & Calla White Sale |
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USS STEVENS The Collected Stories Highly Recommended. By Sam Glanzman. Legendary Golden Age artist Sam Glanzman set many of his tales aboard the USS Stevens, the actual World War II destroyer on which he served. This full-color, hardcover treasury collects every single Stevens tale he ever published, more than 60 short adventures from Our Army at War, G. I. Combat, and other 1970s DC war comics as well as longer pieces from Marvel's 1986 revival of Savage Tales magazine and the more recent Joe Kubert Presents. Plus, this outstanding collection also includes the final, four-page story about the warship, newly written and illustrated by Glanzman himself. Dover, 2016...More. Item Code: UST Hard Cover, 7x10, 384pg, Full Color |
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ATTU The Collected Volumes By Sam Glanzman. A rebellious caveman, cast out by his mountain-dwelling tribe, finds adventure in the lowlands among giant tigers, dinosaurs, and visitors from another planet. Rendered in stark black-and-white by Sam Glanzman, the acclaimed creator of the U.S.S. Stevens stories, this gripping graphic novel collection combines prehistory, super-science, and time travel. Dover, 2016...More. Item Code: ATTUC Soft Cover, 8x11, 160pg, b&w |
USS Stevens was a bestseller at the full price for many months. Glanzman just passed away a little more than a year ago, in 2017, one of the last of the early Golden Age creators. His career began in 1939, working for Funnies, Inc., and his first noted comic was Amazing Man from Centaur. He served on the U.S.S. Stevens in WWII and was discharged in 1946. |
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NIGHT AND THE ENEMY Recommended. By Harlan Ellison and Ken Steacy. These five Earth-Kyba war stories by master speculative-fiction author Harlan Ellison, winner of multiple Hugo, Nebula, and Edgar awards, have been adapted and painted in full color by Ken Steacy. Unavailable for nearly three decades, this story cycle of mankind's war with an alien race is linked by a specially written framing device. Also: new introductions by Ellison and Steacy, never-before-seen pre-production artwork, and Ellison's short story "The Few, the Proud," previously available only in a limited edition. Dover, 2015. Mature Readers...More. Item Code: NIEM Soft Cover, 8x11, 96pg, Full Color |
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PEN DRAWING AND PEN DRAUGHTSMEN A Classic Survey of the Medium and Its Masters Highly Recommended. By Joseph Pennell. One of the must-have early reference books by a renowned artist himself, first published in 1920, the heyday of fine pen & ink illustration. Joseph Pennell highlights his opinionated "technical suggestions" with more than 400 illustrations by 250 famous artists, including Dürer, Manet, Renoir, Beardsley, Pyle, Hiroshige, Rackham, Clement Coll, Franklin Booth, Edwin Abbey, Schwabe, Kley--all the name artists from 1880-1920. Each of the high-quality reproductions is accompanied by a critique of its style and execution and comparisons to the artist's other works and those of contemporaries. Dover, 2013...More. Item Code: PENDRA Soft Cover, 9x12, 432pg, Text/b&w |
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BELLS AND OTHER POEMS By Edmund Dulac Highly Recommended. By Edgar Allan Poe. Illustrated by Edmund Dulac. This lavish compilation features the best of Poe's verse, including "The Raven," "Annabel Lee," "To Helen," "The Conqueror Worm," and other favorites. The poems are enhanced by 28 color plates and numerous black-and-white images by Edmund Dulac, one of the foremost artists from the Golden Age of Illustration. A Calla Edition, originally published by Hodder and Stoughton, New York and London, 1912. One of Dulac's finest works, with superb fantasy themes perfect for the Poe tales. Calla, 2013...More. Item Code: BELOH Hard Cover - No Dustjacket, 9x11, 226pg, Text/Full Color |
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SINDBAD THE SAILOR AND OTHER STORIES FROM THE ARABIAN NIGHTS Highly Recommended. Art by Edmund Dulac. Facsimile reproduction of the magnificent 1914 edition, complete with ornate gilt-embossed cover on decorated blue cloth! Here are the timeless stories from The Arabian Nights, faithfully retold by English author Laurence Housman and magnificently enhanced with 23 color plates by illustrator Edmund Dulac, from the Golden Age of Illustration. His popularity rivaled that of fellow illustrator Arthur Rackham. Dulac's romantic and exotic images provide the perfect accompaniment to "Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves," "Aladdin and the Wonderful Lamp," "The Story of the Three Calenders," and "The Sleeper Awakened." Calla, 2016...More. Item Code: SINBH Hard Cover - No Dustjacket, 8x11, 272pg, Full Color |
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TANGLEWOOD TALES By Virginia Frances Sterrett Highly Recommended. By Nathaniel Hawthorne. Illustrated by Virginia Frances Sterrett. This handsome edition features beautifully crafted stories of Theseus and the Minotaur, Circe the Enchantress, Proserpine's abduction into the Underworld, and Jason's quest for the Golden Fleece. The numerous black and white and eleven color illustrations by Sterrett are superb. She illustrated just three major works in her all-too-brief life of just 30 years: "Old French Fairy Tales", "The Arabian Nights", and this title in 1919--her second book. If you like Dulac, Rackham and Kay Nielsen, you cannot miss this. Calla, 2012. ...More. Item Code: TANGTH Hard Cover - No Dustjacket, 9x11, 262pg, Partial Color |
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AMERICAN BEAUTIES The Artwork of Harrison Fisher Harrison Fisher's portraits of healthy, poised, active, and confident women set the standard for the concept of American beauty during the early years of the twentieth century. The artist enjoyed enormous popularity from 1905 to 1920, serving as a judge in nationwide beauty contests and maintaining a celebrity status that was unparalleled for an illustrator. This original publication recaptures the images that made Fisher famous, compiling his very best black-and-white and color illustrations for Cosmopolitan, The Saturday Evening Post, and The Ladies Home Journal as well as for books and other publications. Dover, 2012...More. Item Code: AMERBE Soft Cover, 8x11, 152pg, Partial Color |
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THE VANISHING RACE Recommended. By Dr. Joseph K. Dixon. Art by Joe D. Horse Capture. Never before available from us. A century ago, a Philadelphia philanthropist sponsored a series of journeys to the American West to document Native American cultures and traditions. The Wanamaker Expeditions, conducted between 1908 and 1913, visited Crow Agency, Montana, near the site of the Battle of Little Bighorn. In words and images, the expeditions recorded the tribal lifestyle rapidly disappearing. This book offers fascinating glimpses of life, including 80 historic, sepia-tint photos, from that transitional period among the Crow, Blackfeet, Cheyenne, Dakota, and other tribes of the northern plains. First published in 1914 by Doubleday Page. Cloth binding with sepia jacket. Calla, 2015...More. Item Code: VANRH Hard Cover, 7x10, 232pg, Text/b&w |
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WHITE COLLAR Novel in Linocuts First-ever new printing of the 1940 rarity. Recommended. By Giacomo Patri. Introduction by Rockwell Kent. Inspired by the wordless woodcut novels of Lynd Ward. Recounted in 128 striking black-and-white linocuts by artist Giacomo Patri, the story takes place between 1929 and 1933, from just before the stock market crash to the devastating years immediately afterward. The protagonist, an earnest young man with a promising career in advertising, descends into unemployment, debt, and homelessness. Desperate to provide for his family, he discovers common ground with blue-collar workers and the benefits of union organizing. Dover, 2016...More. Item Code: WHITH Hard Cover, 8x11, 144pg, b&w |
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THE GOLDEN ASSE By Lucius Apuleius. Art by Jean De Bosschere. Written in the second century A.D., this picaresque classic is the ancient world's only surviving complete novel. An inquisitive young man is transformed into an ass by a magic potion, and the narrative offers tales of love, intrigue, and witchcraft ― a story-within-a-story technique that inspired many later authors, including Boccaccio, Cervantes, and Rabelais. This lavish hardcover edition--bright red cloth with gold embossed titles--reproduces the John Lane/Bodley Head version, published in London in 1923, complete with the at-the-time racy plates: 16 full-page, eight in color, and numerous black-and-white images by noted illustrator Jean de Bosschère. Calla, 2016...More. Item Code: GOLAH Hard Cover - No Dustjacket, 7x10, 282pg, Text/b&w |
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JOAN OF ARC Recommended. By F. Funck-Brentano. Art by O.D.V. Guillonnet. This expertly translated and lavishly illustrated biography traces The Maid of Orléans' progress from ordinary peasant girl to seer of mystic visions to savior of France. Forty full-page color plates by French artist and illustrator O. D. V. Guillonnet enhance historian Frantz Funck-Brentano's highly readable narrative. Originally published in 1912 as part of a series of young adult biographies of French leaders. Calla, 2016...More. Item Code: JOARH Hard Cover, 9x12, 184pg, Text/Full Color |
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THE SCARLET LETTER Originally published in London, 1920. Recommended. By Nathaniel Hawthorne. Art by Hugh Thomson. Nathaniel Hawthorne's 1850 masterpiece unfolds among the rigidly intolerant Puritans of the Massachusetts Bay colony, where Hester Prynne is condemned to wear the scarlet letter as a badge of shame. Deluxe hardcover (gold-embossed cover, 31 full color plates). Hugh Thomson at his peak was as popular as Rackham and Dulac, doing many notable signed & numbered vellum-covered books in the same years before World War I, during the Golden Age of Illustration. Calla, 2016...More. Item Code: SCARLH Hard Cover - No Dustjacket, 7x10, 296pg, Text/Full Color |
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WILL BRADLEY'S GRAPHIC ART Highly Recommended. Art by Will Bradley. Will Bradley (1868–1962) was among the first American artists to realize the immense possibilities creative design held for the business world. Experimenting with typefaces, decorative illustrations, layouts, and print, he produced posters, advertisements, book designs, and magazine covers that were practical as well as striking and original works of art. At the turn of the century, Bradley was in the forefront of the American Arts and Crafts Movement, and his iconic posters from the 1890s brought Art Nouveau into the forefront of American graphic art and advertising design. 89 b&w and two color plates plus 16 full color plates. Dover, 2017...More. Item Code: WILBRA Soft Cover, 8x11, 144pg, Partial Color |
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RING O' ROSES TREASURY Nursery Rhymes and Stories Highly Recommended. By L. Leslie Brooke. This beautiful collectible unites two enduringly popular titles by L. Leslie Brooke, a distinguished author/illustrator of a century ago: The Golden Goose Book, featuring "The Three Little Pigs," "Tom Thumb," and "The Three Bears," and Ring O' Roses, which includes scores of beloved nursery rhymes. Completely reset and designed, this wondrous work is filled with more than 60 lovely full-color plates as well as 128 black-and-white illustrations. Dover, 2017...More. Item Code: RINOH Hard Cover, 7x10, 144pg, Partial Color |
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ART NOUVEAU GRAPHIC MASTERPIECES 100 Plates From "La Decoration Artistique" Reprinting 100 plates, 1904-10. Recommended. By Henry Guédy. Designers, collectors, and Art Nouveau aficionados will be delighted by this original collection of 100 plates of decorative full-color graphics. These authentic images are reproduced from the now extremely hard-to-find periodical La Decoration Artistique, published in Paris in the decade before World War I. They constitute some of the rarest and best material printed during the Art Nouveau period. Uncommonly graceful and appealing masterworks in a new beautifully designed hardcover edition. Calla, 2017...More. Item Code: ARNGMH Hard Cover, 10x12, 208pg, Full Color |
Click here for more Calla Books, starting with discounted titles. |
Moebius |
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MADWOMAN OF THE SACRED HEART Recommended. By Alexandro Jodorowsky and Moebius. Alan Mangel has it all. As a popular Philosophy Professor at the world famous Sorbonne university, he is wealthy, married, and academically acclaimed. On his sixtieth birthday, Alan will lose everything. Humanoids, 2013. Mature Readers...More. Item Code: MADWH Hard Cover, 7x10, 192pg, Full Color |
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THE EYES OF THE CAT Recommended. By Moebius & Jodorowsky. This is a very special graphic story, told with almost no words. It was the very first collaboration between Jodorowsky and Moebius, done purely for the love of the project and for no pay whatsoever. The original edition was distributed for free, but soon it was pirated and today they sell for 100 Euros (about $150). The story features a sightless monk and a powerful, predatory eagle flying through a deserted city, Directed by the monk, it is looking for new eyes for his master. There are no panels, each page is a full, finely detailed drawing printed in black on striking yellow paper. Humaniods, 2016...More. Item Code: EYECH Hard Cover - No Dustjacket, 8x11, 60pg, Full Color |
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BEFORE THE INCAL By Alexandro Jodorowsky. Art by Zoran Janjetov. The prequel to Moebius and Jodorowsky's masterpiece The Incal, this story cycle recounts the youth of John Difool and the adventures that propelled him into his encounter with the mighty artifact known as the Incal. Written by Alexandro Jodorowsky, who once again builds on the vast universe he has created and developed over many different titles, and drawn by European sensation Zoran Janjetov, Before The Incal is here compiled into a single volume. Nudity, adult themes. Humaniods, 2016. Mature Readers...More. Item Code: BEFIH Hard Cover - No Dustjacket, 8x11, 302pg, Full Color |
THE INCAL By Alexandro Jodorowsky. Art by Moebius, Yves Chaland and Zoran Janjetov. John Difool, a low-level detective in a degenerate dystopian world, finds his life turned upside down when he discovers an ancient, mystical artifact called "The Incal." Difool's adventures will bring him into conflict with the galaxy's greatest warrior, the Metabaron, and will pit him against the awesome powers of the Technopope. These encounters and many more make up a tale of comic and cosmic proportions that has Difool fighting for not only his very survival, but also the survival of the entire universe. Nudity, adult themes. Humaniods, 2016. Mature Readers...More. Item Code: INCAH Hard Cover - No Dustjacket, 8x11, 314pg, Full Color |
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FINAL INCAL By Alexandro Jodorowsky. Art by Ladrönn. Lowly class ‘R' detective John Difool and his faithful companion, Deepo, are unwillingly hurled into yet another universe-saving mission, as their world is faced with the threat of an all-devouring metallic virus. Visionary storyteller Jodorowsky returns to the epic mythology he created with the late Moebius in the early 80s. For the conclusion of the legendary spiritual space adventure series, he partners with Eisner-winning artist Ladrönn, whose work is very much in the Moebius style. A world-spanning sci-fi epic! Humaniods, 2016. Mature Readers...More. Item Code: FINCH Hard Cover - No Dustjacket, 8x11, 158pg, Full Color |
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PANDORA'S EYES Oversized Recommended. By Vincenzo Cerami and Francesco Gaston. Art by Milo Manara. Pandora is a beautiful young woman living with her adoptive parents in a major European city. Out of the blue, she learns that her real father might be a terrible mob boss wanted by the international authorities. When she is kidnapped and taken to Turkey, she is forced to confront her dangerous past and investigate the motives of the people closest to her. It's all about a beautiful innocent, in high heels and very short skirt, lost on a wild and dangerous journey. Unlike most Manara books, this is not adult. But a hint of nudity and the abundant exposure of Pandora makes this at least Mature-rated. Humanoids, 2016. Mature Readers...More. Item Code: PANDOH Hard Cover - No Dustjacket, 9x13, 64pg, Full Color |
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ANGEL CLAWS Numbered, 800! By Alexandro Jodorowsky. Illustrated by Moebius. In "Angel Claws," frequent collaborators Alexandro Jodorowsky and Moebius (The Incal, Eyes of the Cat) indulge their darkest sides as they describe a young woman's quest for sexual awakening. Brief text with a small tonal illustration on each left-hand page accompanies the facing page's explicit, full-page illustrations. Bondage, s&m, piercing, female dominance and other fetishes, and finally metaphysical ecstasy! Humanoids, 2012. Adult Material...More. Item Code: ANGELHC Hard Cover - No Dustjacket, 12x16, 71pg, b&w |
Click here to see more Moebius items. |
Statues & Snow Globe |
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FRANK FRAZETTA'S DEATH DEALER Snow Globe Limited Edition! By Frank Frazetta. The Death Dealer is one of the most iconic dark-fantasy creations of our time and one of Frazetta's best known images. With his menacing stare and bloodied weapon, here he overlooks the ash and bones of the fallen. The glass sphere is 4.7 inches in diameter. 6.5 inches high, including the sculpted base of literally dozens of cool skulls! We like it! In a full-color collector's box. Dark Horse, 2015...More. Item Code: FRADSG 6.5" tall, Partial Color |
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WOMEN OF DYNAMITE JUNGLE GIRL Statue Limited, 600. Recommended. By Frank Cho. Sculpted by Jason Smith. The powerful beauty, created by Frank Cho, takes her place as one of the brand-new Women of Dynamite statues! Based on the masterful comic creator's art and sculpted by the ever-talented Jason Smith, the blonde warrior stands atop the skeletal remains of a triceratops skull.She's holding a spear in one hand, a knife in the other. Her brief outfit leaves very little to the imagination, and she has that full, voluptuous figure that Frank Cho is so skilled at drawing. Dynamite, 2015. Out of Print....More. Item Code: WODJG 12" tall, Full Color |
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WOMEN OF DYNAMITE RED SONJA Black & White Statue Limited, 99! By J. Scott Campbell. Sculpted by Jason Smith. Only 99 of these beautiful black-and-white statues exist! An extremely Limited Edition Red Sonja statue based on the work of comics sensation J. Scott Campbell and sculpted by the talented Jason Smith, featuring the stark contrast of light and darkness. Hand-painted on cold-cast porcelain, the Red Sonja statue stands approximately 11.5 inches in height with a 5.5-inch base. This variant edition of the Women of Dynamite statue comes packaged in a four-color box with a hand-numbered Certificate of Authenticity. Dynamite, 2016...More. Item Code: WODRSB 11.5" tall, b&w |
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DC COMICS BOMBSHELLS HALLOWEEN BATGIRL Statue Limited, 5200. Based on the art of Ant Lucia. Sculpted by Jack Mathews and Karen Palinko. Calling all ghouls and goblins -- Batgirl is here in this new Bombshells statue, and she's a real treat! She's sporting fangs and a pointed hair-do, backpack, and retro gold, red and black bustier with tiny bat-symbols on the sides. Fully laden utility belt, orange cowl, and tall lace up boots complete her Halloween outfit. Comes in a colorful box. DC, 2016...More. Item Code: DCBHB 10.5" tall, Full Color |
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SPIDER-GWEN Statue Limited, 3,000! Sculpted by Clayburn Moore. The Spider-Woman of Earth-65 is taking the Marvel Universe by storm, whether she's fighting alongside other spider-heroes against the Inheritors, or playing with the Mary Janes in a battle of the bands! This 12-inch scale statue of the unmasked "Spider-Gwen" shows her alighting on a pillar, preparing to shoot a webline while balanced on one foot. Sculpted by Clayburn Moore, this resin statue is limited to an edition of 3,000, and comes packaged with a certificate of authenticity in a full-color window box. Diamond Select, 2016...More. Item Code: SPGW 12" tall, Full Color |
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DC DESIGNER SERIES WONDER WOMAN Statue By Adam Hughes Designed by Adam Hughes. Sculpted by Jack Mathews. Wonder Woman takes her lasso in hand in this new Designer Series statue envisioned by Eisner Award-winning artist Adam Hughes, whose work has appeared on so many issues of Wonder Woman. DC, 2017...More. Item Code: DCDWW 12" tall, Full Color |
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WONDER WOMAN The Art Of War Statue Limited & numbered, 5,200! Designed by Bruce Timm. Sculpted by Jonathan Matthews. Legendary animator and multiple Eisner Award winner Bruce Timm brings his unique animation-style vision of the Amazon Princess. A new ART of WAR statue! It's pure Timm, with long legs and lasso and a very clear 'tude--hands on hips, ready for her next challenge. On a large gold colored base with her "WW" logo. Color box. DC, 2016...More. Item Code: WOWARBT 7.5" tall, Full Color |
Click here for more Statues on sale. |
Posters & Prints |
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CTHULHU POSTER By Richard Luong Highly Recommended. A very large, creepy, magnificent painting of a huge Cthulhu, towering hundreds of feet above a lost sailing ship, sails shredded, about to be crushed and sunk into oblivion. It's a dark, stormy scene in the midst of a swirling, crashing ocean--Lovecraft superbly brought to life for your wall. We very much like Luong's excellent Art of Richard Luong, so when he told us he'd privately printed up this cool print, we had to offer it. 2016...More. Item Code: CTHPO 39x24, Full Color |
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WRIGHTSON HORROR & FANTASY #8 Breakfast Poster Warehouse find, 1976. Recommended. By Berni Wrightson. A naked red-haired girl sits with baby dragons, while Mom is perched above this strange nest. She clutches a moose, but she looks a bit puzzled at this strange little human amongst her offspring. What's going on here? A fun print, #8 in the long-unavailable "Horror and Fantasy" series from Christopher Enterprises, who was first to publish Wrightson's legendary collection, A Look Back. Christopher., 1976. Out of Print....More. Item Code: WR08 18x24, 1 print, Full Color |
NESSIE AND FRIENDS Print Signed Warehouse find. Signed & numbered. By Ken Anderson. A fun print by a longtime Disney animator. Nessie blows on the bagpipes with her little friend sitting on her head. Pen and ink, crayola and color wash. Printed on acid-free Lithofect Plus paper. Stabor, 1992. Out of Print....More. Item Code: NESPRD 18x24, 1 print, Full Color |
THE MAP OF ZOMBIES Signed Poster Signed! By Jason Bradley Thompson. From the artist who gave us H.P. Lovecraft's Lands of Dreams Poster and The Dream-Quest of Unknown Kadath graphic novel. This is something else, like no other work we've handled. It charts, like a family tree, the world of Zombies, as catalogued in films, games, podcasts, television, and books. Are they live or dead? Do they have zombie animals? Hungry? Funny? Alien? Good? Evil? JBT, 2013...More. Item Code: MAPZ 24x36, 1 print, Full Color |
See our website for more of our posters and prints. |
Under $20 |
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BLACK DOG The Dreams of Paul Nash Hurt By Dave McKean. Best known for his Sandman collaborations with Neil Gaiman, McKean's own graphic novel Cages won multiple awards for Best Graphic Album. Here is his new original graphic novel based on the life of Paul Nash, a surrealist painter during World War I. A real soldier's memoirs, a moving piece about how war and extreme situations change us, in Nash's case by turning his landscapes into powerful and fantastical psycho-scapes. Dark Horse, 2016. . Note: These copies have slightly bumped corners and may have a slight tear at the spine....More. Item Code: BDOGR Soft Cover, 9x12, 120pg, Full Color |
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SUPERGIRL BOOK Volume 1 Supergirl #1-9, Annual #1, Plus #1 and a story from Showcase ‘96 #8: 1996-97. Highly Recommended. By Peter David. Art by Gary Frank. The start of the classic series that created a revolutionary new identity for the Maid of Might! Who is Linda Danvers? To her parents, Linda is a former good girl who now dabbles on the wrong side of the law. To her friends, she's a struggling artist and the ultimate Supergirl fan. To her boyfriend, Buzz, she's an eager accomplice as they try to harness dark forces more powerful than either of them can control. And after Buzz tries to use her to summon a demon, Linda Danvers is...dead? DC, 2016...More. Item Code: SUGB01 Soft Cover, 7x10, 144pg, Full Color |
GHOST GEORGE CHANCE Omnibus Volume 1 Calling the Ghost & The Ghost Strikes Back, from issues #1 & 2, 1940 By G. T. Flemming-Roberts. Magician George Chance, AKA the crime-fighter known as The Ghost, who has done more in the service of the Law than any other man of his generation. Master of the science of criminology, remorseless crime-tracker and criminal catcher! When The Ghost walks, the underworld stirs into deadly life to combat him. Altus, 2016...More. Item Code: GHGC01 Soft Cover, 6x9, 252pg, Text/b&w |
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DRAWN TOGETHER The Collected Works of R. and A. Crumb. By Aline & Robert Crumb. Our foremost male-female cartooning couple recall their success at shocking America with Weirdo Magazine, which they co-edited; the life-altering birth of their precocious daughter Sophie, who becomes an artist too; and their astonishing move to the safe haven of France and into comic book legend--and still a surprising amount of no-holds-barred lust and sex. Liveright, 2012. Out of Print. Mature Readers...More. Item Code: DRWTH Hard Cover, 9x12, 264pg, Partial Color |
ATTACK OF THE KILLER TOMATOES BLU-RAY & DVD Produced and directed by John DeBello and Steve Peace. A deluxe collection of a cult classic. After a series of bizarre and increasingly horrific attacks from pulpy, red, seeded fruit, Mason Dixon (David Miller) finds himself leading a "crack" team of specialists to save the planet. But will they be quick enough to save everyone? There's nowhere to hide! THE KILLER TOMATOES ARE EVERYWHERE! Newly remastered, in regular DVD and Blue Ray both, audio commentary by DeBello, Peace and Costa Dillon, Deleted Scenes, seven featurettes, the original 8mm short film and "Gone with the Babusuland," which inspired Tomatoes, trailer, photo gallery, easter eggs and collectible poster. Four Square Productions, 2017...More. Item Code: ATTAC DVD & Blu-Ray disc, 87 min, 1 disc, Full Color |
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100 MANGA ARTISTS Edited by Julius Wiedemann. From classic maestros—like Osamu Tezuka (Astro Boy) and Katsuhiro Otomo (Akira)—to newcomers such as Hajime Isayama, each entry includes biographical and bibliographical information, descriptions of main characters, and of course plenty of examples of the artist's finest manga spreads and covers. Note: some nudity and adult material, since this covers the entire spectrum of manga. Taschen, 2017. Mature Readers...More. Item Code: 100MAH Hard Cover, 6x8, 672pg, Partial Color |
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ART OF JAIME HERNANDEZ The Secrets Of Life And Death Recommended. By Todd Hignite. Intro by Alison Bechdel. His moving stories chronicle the lives of some of the most memorable and fully formed characters the comics form has ever seen. His female protagonists, masterfully delineated with humor, candor, and breathtaking realism, come to life. Here we go behind the scenes with highlights of his entire career, from early fanzine-style work to today. Abrams, 2010. . Note: These copies have slight bumps and scuffs....More. Item Code: ARJHS Hard Cover, 9x12, 224pg, Partial Color |
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RETURN OF THE ZOMBIES Chilling Archives of Horror Comics #18. Recommended. Edited by Steve Banes and Craig Yoe. Cover by Frank Frazetta. By popular dead-mand, more never before assembled terrifying tales of the walking dead! Dug from graves these are grisly, gory, gruesome Pre-Code comic book stories that rotted kids' minds in the '50s and were condemned by the Senate! The most deft and depraved artists of the time serve up these spine-chilling horrors! Read “An Army of Walking Dead”, “The Zombie Disciple”, “The Fleshless Ones”, “Dial C for Corpse”! If you dare devour, “The Corpse That Prowled by Night”, “The Dead are Never Lonely”, “Born in the Grave”, “Zombie Vengence”, and much morbid more. IDW, 2016...More. Item Code: RZOMH Hard Cover - No Dustjacket, 9x11, 148pg, Full Color |
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SCARLET TRACES Volume 1 War of the Worlds From 2004-2005. Recommended. By Ian Edginton. Art by D'Israeli. The ground-breaking series is collected in the first of two volumes. Starting with their visionary adaptation of the original novel, this includes the first of three sequel stories set a decade after the Martian invasion. When the bodies of young women are found washed up on the banks of the Thames, Captain Robert Autumn, retired solider and adventurer, and his former Sergeant-Major Archie Currie are drawn into a mystery that leads them to the corridors of power and the Martian King! 2000 AD, 2017...More. Item Code: COMST01 Soft Cover, 7X10, 144pg, Full Color |
Also Available is SCARLET TRACES Volume 2 |
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LENNON The New York Years Recommended. By David Foenkinos and Eric Corbeyran. Art by Horne. Lennon adapts David Foenkinos' legendary novel to graphic album form, with striking black-and-white illustrations by French artist Horne. In imagined meetings with a fictional psychiatrist, Lennon recounts in his own words his tumultuous life. Flashbacks mix early Beatles successes and extreme behavior, with the New York years of 1975-80. This recounts setting aside his career, meeting and leaving and rejoining Yoko, working to spread peace, doing heroin, on-the-road encounters with nubile and willing young ladies, and the extremely bizarre business of being John Lennon, one of the most famous personalities on earth. IDW, 2017. Mature Readers...More. Item Code: LENNH Hard Cover with CD - No Dustjacket, 7x11, 156pg, b&w |
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WONDER WOMAN AMAZON HERO ICON Recommended. By Robert Greenberger. Foreword by George Perez. A fine illustrated look at the first lady of comics: 250 best covers, interior pages, and sketch treatments, beginning with her inception in the early 1940s, and every decade since then, right up to present-day. Lots of fine work by Terry Dodson, Alex Ross, Jim Lee, George Perez, and Brian Bolland, to name only a few. And a complete exploration of the many faces of DC's #1 super-heroine. Chartwell, 2015...More. Item Code: WWAMH Hard Cover, 9x12, 208pg, Full Color |
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SUPERHEROINES AND THE EPIC JOURNEY Mythic Themes in Comics, Film and Television. By Valerie Estelle Frankel. Foreword by Trina Robbins. The heroine's journey echoes throughout ancient legend. Each young woman combats her dark side and emerges stronger. This quest is also a staple of American comic books. Wonder Woman with semi-divine powers gives us a new female-centered creation story. Batgirl, Batwoman and Black Widow discover their enemy is the shadow twin, complete with the savagery they've rejected in themselves. From Jessica Jones and Catwoman to the new superwomen of cutting-edge webcomics, they are examined here. McFarland, 2017...More. Item Code: SUPEJ Soft Cover, 6x9, 290pg, Text Only |
GARTH WILLIAMS American Illustrator A Life By Elizabeth K. and James D. Wallace. Complete with more than 60 illustrations, this is the first full biography of Garth Williams written with the help and cooperation of his family. Stuart Little, Charlotte's Web, The Rescuers, the Little House books--here is the illustrator that brought those stories to life. And Williams had his own extraordinary existence--his first home in New York, then Aspen, and finally Mexico, married four times. He met people who shaped the 20th century: Winston Churchill, E. B. White, Laura Ingalls Wilder, and countless more. Beaufort, 2016...More. Item Code: GWAH Hard Cover, 6x9, 250pg, Text/b&w |
THE OSAMU TEZUKA STORY A Life in Manga and Anime Over 900 pages! Recommended. By Toshio Ban. Translated by Frederik L. Schodt. This graphic-format biography of Osamu Tezuka—Japan's "God of Manga"—looks at one of the twentieth century's great creative artists (Astro Boy, Kimba the White Lion, Black Jack). It is also an anecdotal study of the evolution of Japan's early manga and anime business and its heroes. Toshio Ban joined Tezuka Productions in 1974 as one of Tezuka's assistants, emulating Tezuka's style. Thus this is like an autobiography in Tezuka's own style. Wonderfully detailed intro by Frederik Schodt. Stone Bridge, 2016...More. Item Code: OSAM Soft Cover, 7x9, 914pg, b&w |
Also on sale from Osamu Tezuka is ASTRO BOY Omnibus 2. |
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HARVEY HORRORS WITCHES TALES Volume 3 Hardcover Collects #15-21, 1952. Recommended. By Bob Powell, Rudy Palais, Lee Elias et al. Includes an acid-in-the-face story, "Battle of the Birdmen," "The Shower of Death," "Elixir of Evil," "The Torture Jar," "Art for Death's Sake," "The Fiend from the Nether World," and lots more, 24 stories plus all ad, contents pages, and text stories. PS Artbooks, 2013...More. Item Code: HHW03H Hard Cover - No Dustjacket, 7x10, 288pg, Full Color |
Click here for all our Harvey Horror on sale. |
DIGITAL PAINTING TECHNIQUES Volume 8 Foreword by Denis Zilber. Now in its eighth year, Digital Painting Techniques continues the tradition of showcasing the latest digital painting trends and techniques from industry experts. This volume presents detailed tutorials on how to create custom brushes and illustrate scenes from differing points of view; how to design characters, costumes, and machines; as well as techniques used for matte painting. Featured artists include Forian Aupetit, Victor Mosquera, Davide Tosello, Finian MacManus, Andrei Pervukhin, Jesper Friis. 3DTotal, 2016...More. Item Code: DIG08 Soft Cover, 8x11, 288pg, Full Color |
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ELSEWORLDS BATMAN Volume 1 Recommended. By Jose Garcia-Lopez, Howard Chaykin, P. Craig Russell, Kelley Jones et al. Featuring Batman as a holy priest, Harry Houdini alongside the Dark Knight, Dr. Wayne reanimating a Frankenstein-like Bat-Man, Batman as a Green Lantern, a supernatural Bat-Man fighting the evil wizard known as the Dark Joker, a future Robin (in the year 3000) fighting off an alien invasion, and other tales! DC, 2016...More. Item Code: ELWB01 Soft Cover, 7x10, 606pg, Full Color |
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HOWARD THE DUCK The Complete Collection Volume 3 Collects Howard the Duck Magazine #2-7, 1979-81. By Bill Mantlo et al. Art by Gene Colan, John Buscema and Michael Golden. Discover rare, never-before-collected tales of the duck with delusions of adequacy as Marvel's trawl through the annals of Howard history plunders the magazine era! As rendered by legends like Colan, Buscema and Golden, Howie has never looked better, while his adventures get wilder than ever. Since he moved from comics to a magazine, no more comics code--so there's abundant nudity here. Howard reunites with muck monster Man-Thing and meets Santa Claus, and Drakula, the undead duck! Marvel, 2016. Mature Readers...More. Item Code: HOWD03 Soft Cover, 7x10, 360pg, b&w |
Also on sale at $19.99 are Volumes 1 and 2. The new Volume 4 is at our regular discount [HOWD04. $34.99, your price $29.99]. |
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STEVE DITKO ARCHIVES Volume 1 Strange Suspense Highly Recommended. By Steve Ditko. Before Spider-Man and Dr. Strange, before Mr. A, the legendary comic book artist Steve Ditko was conjuring all manners of horrors at his drawing table. In his first two years in the industry (1953 and 1954), Ditko drew tales of macabre suspense that were not yet hobbled by the imminent Comics Code Authority (adopted in Oct. 1954). These stories featured graphic bloodshed, dismemberment and blood-curdling acid baths as the ugly end to the lives of the dark and twisted inhabitants of Steve Ditko's imagination. Fantagraphics, 2014...More. Item Code: SRA01 Soft Cover, 7x9, 238pg, Full Color |
$20 and Over |
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RAVILIOUS & CO The Pattern of Friendship By Andy Friend. Introduction by Alan Powers. Eric Ravilious was one of the best-known twentieth-century British artists, but this is also a biography of the group of fellow creators with whom he associated--men and women who inspired, challenged, and influenced one another--from their student days up through the Second World War. For many, his watercolors capture the spirit of midcentury England, as do his wood-engraved works, recalling the work of Lynd Ward and Clare Leighton. Here are his fellow students at the Royal College of Art such as Edward Bawden, Barnett Freedman, Enid Marx, Percy Horton, Peggy Angus, and Helen Binyon. Thames & Hudson, 2017...More. Item Code: RAVILH Hard Cover, 7x9, 336pg, Partial Color |
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TARZAN ON THE PRECIPICE Hardcover Wild Adventures of Edgar Rice Burroughs Series #2. By Michael A. Sanford. Art by Will Meugniot. An all-new Tarzan novel published by the fabled Edgar Rice Burroughs, Inc! With Tarzan alone in Wisconsin after nobly allowing Jane to leave with his cousin – who believes he is the rightful heir to the Greystoke estate – Tarzan is despondent and seeks the wilderness to console himself. And there is a vast wilderness just north of him in Canada. Intending to be alone, Tarzan is soon anything but... He discovers a lost Viking civilization and he must run a gauntlet of heavily armed Norsemen with axes, swords and hammers. ERB, 2016...More. Item Code: TARPRH Hard Cover, 6x9, 216pg, Text/b&w |
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TARZAN TRILOGY Hardcover Wild Adventures of Edgar Rice Burroughs Series #3. By Thomas Zachek. Art by Douglas Klauba. Cover art by Joe Jusko. Tarzan Trilogy includes three Tarzan novellas that take place in 1937-39: "Tarzan and the Fountain of Youth," "Tarzan and the Cross of Vengeance," and "Tarzan the Conqueror". The three tales take place at Point Station, a remote English outpost near the Waziri homelands. Set during the advent of World War II, we see more and more European intrusion of Tarzan's beloved Africa. ERB, 2017...More. Item Code: TARTRH Hard Cover, 6x9, 380pg, Text/b&w |
Tarzan Trilogy and Tarzan on the Precipice are both also available in softcover at the regular retail price of $19.95. |
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THE ART OF CASTLE IN THE SKY A Film By Hayao Miyazaki Highly Recommended. The definitive examination of the art and animation of Studio Ghibli's masterpiece of fantasy and flight, Castle in the Sky, in a brand new edition. The latest in the perennially popular line of Studio Ghibli art books, this includes interviews, concept sketches, and an introduction by Miyazaki that sets the stage for the film in 1984. This was the first feature film produced by the legendary Studio Ghibli. Sheeta, a girl who has the power to defy gravity, is on the run from pirates when she meets the young inventor Pazu. Together they explore the secrets of Laputa, a flying city constructed by a long-lost race of people. VIZ, 2016...More. Item Code: ARTCSH Hard Cover - No Dustjacket, 9x12, 194pg, Full Color |
ARCHIE The Swingin' Sixties Volume 2 Daily Newspaper Comics, 1963-65. By Bob Montana. Continuing the Eisner Award-winning series collecting the Archie newspaper strip, we reach the mid-1960s when the now-famous cast of Archie, Jughead, Betty, Veronica, and Reggie are part of a rich ensemble presented by cartoonist Bob Montana. As Bart Beaty notes, "The strip is not so much about Archie as it is about the interaction of all those characters who exist in his orbit. The relatively large cast is particularly suited to the gag-a-day format." IDW, 2014...More. Item Code: ARS02H Hard Cover - No Dustjacket, 12x9, 276pg, b&w |
Also on sale is ARCHIE'S SUNDAY FINEST. |
ATRIUM SECRETION 13 Years of Hidden Truths Signed Signed bookplate! By Gris Grimly. Take an intimate tour of Grimly's dark side with this epic collection of his most demented drawings! Known for his sinister sense of humor, Grimly releases his most daring work here, with illustrations culled directly from the pages of his personal sketchbooks. Laced with morbid wit and executed with an inimitable style, this features his most extreme ideas, from disembodied heads on plates to creepy, axe-wielding monsters. Includes signed bookplate. Baby Tattoo, 2011...More. Item Code: ATRHS Hard Cover, 8x11, 180pg, Full Color |
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COMPLETE JUNIOR AND SUNNY Gift Edition Limited, 250! Headlight Comics from 1947-48. Highly Recommended. By Al Feldstein. Compiled by Grant Geissman. Handsome Limited Edition with an exclusive gold-embosssed leatherette cover, AND slipcase, AND matching full box, both with onlaid color covers. Plus a portfolio of extras: 16 collectible post cards, a temporary tattoo sheet and a print of Sunny #11 revisted, a Feldstein re-creation from 2002. Covers and complete stories long considered to be prime examples of late 1940s "headlight" and "Good Girl" art comics. IDW, 2015. . Note: May have a slight waviness to the onlaid pasted-down cover on the slipcase (which is inside the box), as well as very slight scuffing to the cover and very minor dents to the box cover....More. Item Code: CJSD Hard Cover - No Dustjacket, 9x11, 400pg, Full Color |
See our website for the Deluxe Edition, on sale at $105, and the regular trade edition. |
ELFQUEST The Art of the Story By Wendy and Richard Pini. Art by Wendy Pini. Elfquest: The Art of the Story handpicks a selection of Wendy and Richard Pini's favorite Elfquest tales, scanned directly from the original art. These self-contained pieces are some of the finest Elfquest stories ever told. Every unlettered art page is paired with its as-published twin and in-depth running commentary by the Pinis, so readers can easily follow each tale and see for themselves the creative process that is the “art of the story.” Flesk, 2016...More. Item Code: ELFAH Hard Cover - No Dustjacket, 9x12, 304pg, Partial Color |
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FOR ART'S SAKE The Aesthetic Movement in Print & Beyond 1870-1890 Highly Recommended. From the Eric Holzenberg collection. With Howard Pyle, Walter Crane, Owen Jones et al. Published to accompany the exhibition of the same name in early 2017 by the prestigous Grolier Club. Foreword and Introduction, followed by extensive descriptions (placing each in its context) of 129 rare books, prints and other objects displaying the exceptional artistry and wit of the Aesthetic Movement. This was a unique mix of medievalism and Japonisme that captivated Oscar Wilde, inspired William Morris, and dominated decorative arts from 1870-1890--the immediate forerunner of the Art Nouveau movement. Beautifully illustrated in full color. The Grolier Club, 2017...More. Item Code: FORAH Hard Cover - No Dustjacket, 9x12, 136pg, Text/Full Color |
AESTHETIC TRACTS Innovation In Late-Nineteenth-Century Book Design Recommended. By Ellen Mazur Thomson. The title comes from a lecture by Sarah Wyman Whitman, the prolific Boston book cover designer. In 1894 she asserted that designers should accept the challenge posed by mass-produced cloth-covered books and transform them into objects of beauty. This draws on examples from France, Great Britain, and the U.S., showing how poets like Rossetti and Mallarme, artists like Whistler and Grasset, binders like T.J. Cobden-Sanderson, sought to craft book designs that were beautiful and eloquent expressions of individual artistry. Oak Knoll, 2015...More. Item Code: AESTH Hard Cover, 7x10, 177pg, Partial Color |
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RED RANGE A Wild Western Adventure Signed Signed by Lansdale, Glanzman & Bissette plus bonus postcard. By Joe R. Lansdale and Sam Glanzman. Afterword by Stephen R. Bissette. "The first page of RED RANGE itself begins full tilt with graphic ultraviolence as Lansdale and Glanzman plunge us into a 19th century Klan lynching of a black Texas family. Abruptly in the midst of the atrocity, the Kluxers are interrupted by a mysterious rider who's a deadly shot with both his pistols and long-range Sharps buffalo rifle. It's the feared and hated (by the KKK, at least) Red Mask, a tough, lethal, black man who wisely keeps his identity concealed." --Locus. And then there are the dinosaurs! Drew Ford, 2017...More. Item Code: REDRAD Hard Cover - No Dustjacket, 7x10, 112pg, Full Color |
RED RANGE A Wild Western Adventure By Joe R. Lansdale and Sam Glanzman. Afterword by Stephen R. Bissette. "The first page of RED RANGE itself begins full tilt with graphic ultraviolence as Lansdale and Glanzman plunge us into a 19th century Klan lynching of a black Texas family. Abruptly in the midst of the atrocity, the Kluxers are interrupted by a mysterious rider who's a deadly shot with both his pistols and long-range Sharps buffalo rifle. It's the feared and hated (by the KKK, at least) Red Mask, a tough, lethal, black man who wisely keeps his identity concealed." --Locus. And then there are the dinosaurs! Drew Ford, 2017...More. Item Code: REDRA Hard Cover - No Dustjacket, 7x10, 96pg, Full Color |
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PAT SAVAGE Six Scarlet Scorpions Deluxe Hardcover Signed Signed bookplate! Recommended. By Will Murray and Lester Dent. Cover by Joe Devito. Bookplate signed by Murray and Devito (and in facsimile by Lester Dent); special hardcover edition in jacket; bonus 16-page section with a personal afterword by Murray, and photos and text about creating the cover, by Devito. The first solo adventure of Doc Savage's cousin Pat. When a man so anemic that he could be a vampire’s victim comes to Patricia Savage for rescue, the impetuous girl can’t say no. Accompanied by Doc Savage aide, Monk Mayfair, Pat finds herself in the worst danger of her life--and wanted for murder! Altus, 2016...More. Item Code: PATSSH Hard Cover, 6x9, 366pg, Text Only |
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DOC SAVAGE Empire of Doom Hardcover Signed Signed bookplate by Murray & DeVito --Doc Savage/Shadow Team-Up! Recommended. By Will Murray and Lester Dent. Cover by Joe DeVito. Special edition with color jacket and 20 bonus pages that describe the origins of this new novel, and how the cover art was developed, with extra prelim artwork by Devito. Who were the strange raiders wearing the golden uniforms who pulled off the daring theft? And who was their leader, a being of seemingly supernatural abilities? Doc Savage doesn't know--but The Shadow does! Combining forces, the Man of Bronze and the Dark Avenger follow the trail of a superfoe from The Shadow's past--Shiwan Kahn, The Golden Master, who appeared in no less than four Shadow novels in the pulp era. Altus, 2016...More. Item Code: DOCEODD Hard Cover, 6x9, 455pg, Text Only |
Also on sale are DOC SAVAGE GLARE OF THE GORGON and DOC SAVAGE Flight into Fear Deluxe Hardcover Signed. We also have softcovers, at regular price, of all these titles. |
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POLLY AND HER PALS Complete Sunday Comics Volume 2 1928-30 1928-30. Our Highest Recommendation. By Cliff Sterrett. Sterrett's most brilliant Sunday pages, from the height of his Surrealistic Period, in a large 12 x 16 format. Right up there with Gasoline Alley's surreal work and Krazy Kat, these are the finest and wildest strips of their time! Also: topper strips "Dot and Dash" and "Sweethearts and Wives." The majority of these have never before been reprinted. IDW, 2015...More. Item Code: POL02H Hard Cover, 12x16, 176pg, Full Color |
75 YEARS OF MARVEL Highly Recommended. By Roy Thomas and Josh Baker. From the very first issue of pulp impresario Martin Goodman's Marvel Comics in 1939, the comic book creators of Marvel's Golden Age flipped the traditional fantasy script by placing the inhuman and the invincible into the real world. With the likes of the fiery android Human Torch, vengeful sea prince Sub-Mariner, and pip-squeak-turned-paragon Captain America, Marvel created a mythological universe grounded in a world that readers recognized as close to their own, brimming with humor and heartache. Taschen, 2014...More. Item Code: 75MH Hard Cover, 11x16, 720pg, Full Color |
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STAR WARS The Marvel UK Omnibus Stories from 1978-82, plus 350 bonus pages. By Archie Goodwin, Chris Claremont, ohn Stokes, and Alan Moore. Art by Walt Simonson, Dave Cockrum, Carmine Infantino, et al. The entire Star Wars heroes and villains in adventures first published a long time ago and far, far away -- in Britain in the '70s and '80s! Now, for the first time, these rarely seen tales are collected in a single hardcover -- along with a veritable treasure trove of UK-exclusive covers, pinups, posters, articles, interviews, star profiles, activities and other goodies never before seen by American eyes! Savor early stories by classic British creators, tales slated for the U.S. series but never published in America and fascinating Star Wars rarities all new to U.S. readers! Marvel, 2017...More. Item Code: STWMH Hard Cover, 7x11, 808pg, Full Color |
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GOLIATH Signed Signed & numbered, 175, variant cover. By Michael Friedlander. Art by Michael Ploog. Signed by both creators on a special illustrated page. An oversized, 88-page richly-painted storybook for all ages. The small prehistoric family, the Ty clan, face incredible dangers every day. Now they must embark upon an epic journey to discover a new land. Their strength and determination comes from their belief in magnificent stories, passed down through the generations, that speak of giant Guardians that protect and watch over them. Is that Goliath, the ape-creature? Fully painted on every page in bold, bright watercolor. FPG, 2016...More. Item Code: GOLSD Hard Cover - No Dustjacket, 12x12, 84pg, Full Color |
GOLIATH By Michael Ploog By Michael Friedlander. Art by Michael Ploog. Goliath is an oversized, 88-page richly-painted storybook for all ages. It follows the adventures of a small prehistoric family, the Ty clan. They live in very difficult times and face incredible dangers every day. Now they must embark upon an epic journey to discover a new land. Their strength and determination comes from their belief in magnificent stories, passed down through the generations, that speak of giant Guardians that protect and watch over them. Is that Goliath, the ape-creature? Fully painted on every page in bold, bright watercolor. FPG, 2016...More. Item Code: GOLSH Hard Cover - No Dustjacket, 12x12, 84pg, Full Color |
Website IndexSee our website for thousands of books of the Unusual and Hard-to-Find ~ Hundreds on Sale! Click on the links below to see all of our Closeout items in each section. |