Thursday, May 30, 2019

Bernie Wrightson Artifact Edition is back, Illustration Magazine, Life on the Moon by Robert Grossman, Iron Man, Mysterious Traveler, The Phantom, Bettie Page and more!

The Bernie Wrightson Artifact Edition is back in print—it's primo. Illustration Magazine has a fine new issue, with coverage of three very different but excellent artists. Life on the Moon was a final project by the high profile magazine cover artist, Robert Grossman.

All Quiet on the Western Front is adapted to a graphic novel by Wayne Vansant. Taschen releases a bargain-priced Golden Age of DC Comics. Also: Iron Man, Mysterious Traveler, The Phantom, Bettie Page, Marvel's Decades, and Norman Mailer's Moonfire. And more!

Bernie Wrightson  |  The Moon Fantasy and in Reality!  |  Graphic Novels & Pulp
Comics & Archives  |  Statues  |  Coming in July
Rare & Out of Print  |  Mature Readers  |  News & Notes  |  Website Index

Click here to see ALL New Arrivals, beginning with the latest and going back 30 days.

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Highly Recommended. Art by Joe De Mers, Alex Redmond, E. Simms Campbell. Cover feature is on Joe De Mers (1910-84), known for his many slick magazine illustrations of fashion and beautiful women for Esquire, The Saturday Evening Post and others, and some major film posters c.1940s and 50s. Finally a look at a personal favorite, E. Simms Campbell, famous for his gag cartoon illustrations for Esquire and Playboy, and for his comic strip Cuties in the 1940s. And a look at pulp cover artist Alex Redmond with dozens of his 1930s-era Real Detective and Real Love, among othersNudity. Illustrated Press, 2019...More.

Item Code: IL64
Magazine, 9x11, 80pg, Partial Color


Bernie Wrightson

New Printing and new cover! Our Highest Recommendation. Bernie Wrightson began his career in the late 1960s, just barely out of his teens, and within a decade, rose to prominence as the preeminent horror artist of his generation. Showcases his early groundbreaking work in the DC Comics Mystery books, such as House of Mystery (14 plates), and his legendary artistic turn on the very first issues of Swamp Thing (73 plates), plus work from House of Secrets, Batman: The Cult, Unexpected, Spectre... Plus a number of rarely seen and completely (until now) unseen treasures. 152 pages plus three foldouts with six oversized pieces of art, including full color work. IDW, 2019...More.

Item Code: BWAEH
Hard Cover - No Dustjacket, 12x17, 144pg, b&w

BERNIE WRIGHTSON Art and Designs For The Gang of Seven Animation
Closeout Price! Highly Recommended. Preface by Michael Wm. Kaluta. Bernie Wrightson's extensive design work for the Gang of Seven Animation Studio has never before been documented and if you are like we are, this is going to be entirely new material to you. And what fine, fine work it is. This in-depth monograph utilizes the archives of the studio and features concept drawings, model sheets, and hundreds of designs for projects including Biker Mice From Mars, The Juice, and Freak Show. All of the artwork in this book has been scanned directly from the original artwork so fans can savor Wrightson's genius up close and personal. Hermes, 2017. Out of Print....More.

Item Code: BWADH
Hard Cover - No Dustjacket, 8x11, 240pg, Full Color
$60.00 $45.00

Finally available in softcover! Highly Recommended. A collection so terrifying, so huge, so gritty and raw that it had to be called MONSTROUS! Collecting the collaborations between two horror legends — Steve Niles and Bernie Wrightson — this Monstrous Collection includes three complete tales: Dead She Said, The Ghoul, and Doc Macabre, each a piece of the dark, dangerous universe Niles has created in the shadows... Enjoy them here, collected together for the first time in black and white. The hardcover is out of print. Brilliant work by Wrightson. IDW, 2017...More.

Item Code: MONSC
Soft Cover, 7x11, 200pg, b&w
$24.99 $21.99

See more by Bernie on our website, including original copies of The Macabre, a DC comic devoted to Berni's work from 1983. Thirteen left [BWMA. $10].


The Moon Fantasy and in Reality!

LIFE ON THE MOON A Completely Illustrated Novel
By Robert Grossman. From an artist who reveled in illustrating "the un-illustratable," a historical graphic novel based on the "Great Moon Hoax," the most successful newspaper hoax ever. It's told in comic book fashion, but one panel per page, with all text underneath. In 1835, New York newspaper The Sun published a series of six articles declaring the discovery of life--and even civilization--on the Moon. According to the Sun, the lunar inhabitants included unicorns, bison, bipedal tail-less beavers, and intelligent humanoids with bat-like wings. IDW, 2019. Mature Readers...More.

Item Code: LIFMH
Hard Cover - No Dustjacket, 6x9, 400pg, Partial Color
$39.99 $34.99

AVENGERS OF THE MOON A Captain Future Novel
Highly Recommended. By Allen Steele. An old-fashioned, SF pulp adventure with a modern sensibility. The author of Arkwright reprises the popular Edmond Hamilton series from the 1940s pulps. Curt Newton has spent his life hidden from humankind, raised by a robot, an android, and the disembodied brain of a renowned scientist. Curt's innate curiosity and nose for trouble inadvertently lead him into a plot to destabilize the Solar Coalition and assassinate the president. To uncover the evil mastermind--Curt must become Captain Future. TOR, 2018...More.

Item Code: AVENM
Soft Cover, 6x9, 300pg, Text Only

Recommended. Introduction by Colum McCann and captions by leading Apollo 11 experts. One of the greatest writers of the 20th century, Norman Mailer was hired by Life Magazine in 1969 to cover the Moon shot. He enhanced his reportage in the brilliantly crafted book, Of a Fire on the Moon, which is excerpted here. Equally adept at examining the science of space travel and the psychology of the men involved--from Saturn V rocket engineer Wernher von Braun to the crucial NASA support staff to the three astronauts--Mailer provides provocative and trenchant insights into this epoch-making event. Illustrating this volume are hundreds of crystal-clear photographs, often full page, of the capsule, equipment, one the moon, from the NASA vaults, magazine archives, and private collections. Taschen, 2019...More.

Item Code: MOONFIH
Hard Cover - No Dustjacket, 11x13, 348pg, Full Color

THE MOON From Inner Worlds to Outer Space
By Marie Laurberg, Anja C. Andersen et al. The moon has long furnished humankind with an artistic icon, an image of longing and object of scientific inquiry. Encompassing art, film, literature, architecture, design, natural history and historical objects, and published on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the first manned landing (July 20, 1969), The Moon surveys the iconography of the moon, from Romantic landscape paintings to space-age art. It takes the 1969 landing as a thematic fulcrum and a culmination of the deep-rooted cultural conceptions invested in the space race in the 1960s, from David Bowie to Disney. Louisiana Museum of Modern Art, 2018...More.

Item Code: MOONFH
Hard Cover - No Dustjacket, 8x10, 128pg, Text/Partial Color

You might also enjoy taking a look at When is High Moon? an entertaining anthology.  Don't miss the gorgeous Kay Nielsen's East of the Sun, West of the Moon in regular and super deluxe portfolio; ERB's Swords Against the Moon Men (HC and SC), and Drawing Down the Moon: The Art of Charles Vess –with illustrated signed bookplate, one of our very favorite books [DDWS $29.99].


Graphic Novels & Pulp

All six issues. Variant covers by Adam Hughes, Jae Lee, Lopresti et al. By Gail Simone. Art by Walter Geovani. Bleeding Cool says: "A compelling and well-made fusion of two classic characters brought together under an excellent creative team. It fuses fantasy and early-20th Century expedition genres...” Infinite Worlds says "Gail Simone certainly knows how to write for strong female leads, and when you throw in the King Of The Jungle, the results are sure to impress.” It's 1921 and Korak the Killer is after Eson Duul, a thoroughly evil man. But bring in time travel and Tarzan and a Red Sonja you've never seen the likes of before, and you have quite a story. Includes six variants of cover #1 and three each of #2-6. Dynamite, 2019...More.

Item Code: REDTAR
Soft Cover, 7x10, 160pg, Full Color
$19.99 $17.99

See more of Red Sonja and Tarzan on our website.

Double Z and Death on Ice, plus radio play Death Paints a Picture. Recommended. Special Eulogy to writer Bill Elliott by Jim Steranko. The Dark Avenger crushes crime in two pulp thrillers and a lost Shadow radio adventure by Walter B. Gibson—with a postscript by legendary artist Jim Steranko! First, a master crook known only as “Double Z” terrorizes New York with serial slayings that are publicized in advance! Then, The Shadow investigates violent “Death on Ice" at a mountain resort, as the Fool Killer stalks helpless victims! BONUS: “Death Paints a Picture” in a long-lost Shadow radio script. Sanctum, 2019...More.

Item Code: SHT141
Soft Cover, 7x10, 112pg, Text/b&w

Back issues and more Shadow on the website.
By Erich Maria Remarque. Art by Wayne Vansant. Hailed by many as the greatest war novel of all time and publicly burned by the Nazis for being “degenerate,” Erich Maria Remarque's masterpiece, All Quiet on the Western Front, is an elegant statement on a generation of men destroyed by war. Caught up by a romantic sense of patriotism, Paul Bäumer and his classmates join the fighting in the trenches of the Western Front in World War I. He is soon disenchanted by the constant bombardments and ruthless struggle to survive. Through years in battle, Paul and those he serves with become men defined by the violence around them, desperate to stay as decent as they can while growing more and more distant from the society for which they are fighting. Dead Reckoning, 2019...More.

Item Code: ALLQ
Soft Cover, 7x10, 176pg, Full Color

See our website for more stories of the wars, by Wayne Vansant and others. I very highly recommend this one, a great read:

Highly Recommended. By Garth Ennis. Art by Russell Braun. As the German Army smashes deep into Soviet Russia and the defenders of the Motherland retreat in disarray, a new squadron arrives at a Russian forward airbase. They will risk fiery death flying obsolete biplanes as night-bombers against the invader. But these pilots and navigators are women, who must, and do, prove themselves capable even as most lose their lives. In the lethal skies above the Eastern front, they will become a legend known to friend and foe alike as the Night Witches. And one woman will survive, to move up to flying fighters and becoming a hero of Soviet Russia for her determination and skill. Dead Reckoning, 2019...More.

Item Code: NIGWI
Soft Cover, 7x10, 256pg, Partial Color


Comics & Archives

New edition, Bargain-Priced. Our Highest Recommendation. By Paul Levitz. 1935-1956! Superman's story, and those of Batman, Wonder Woman, and hundreds of other DC Comics characters, are all told in The Golden Age of DC Comics. The single most comprehensive book on the subject, this volume traces the company's first decades, from its pulp origins up to the comic book burnings of the McCarthy '50s in more than 400 pages bursting with comics, art, comics, photographs, and more comics. Originally $60, now smaller sized but still with every page, every illustration. Taschen, 2019...More.

Item Code: GADCH
Hard Cover, 10x13, 672pg, Full Color

I expect the other DC volumes, Silver and Bronze, will follow. I hope so. See our reference section for more on The Golden Age and the Silver Age of comics. Check out the Twomorrows series on all of comics, decade by decade--two volumes each for the 1940s and the 1960s. The first half of the 1940s has just been announced [ACB07H. $44.95, $39.95]. Here's two:

1990-1999. Highly Recommended. By Keith Dallas and Jason Sacks. This ambitious series covers every decade of comic book history from the 1940s to today. Here are all the pivotal moments and behind-the-scenes details of the decade when Marvel Comics sold 8.1 million copies of an issue of the X-Men, saw its superstar creators form their own company, Image, cloned Spider-Man...and went bankrupt. Superman died, Batman had his back broken, and the runaway success of Neil Gaiman's Sandman led to DC Comics' Vertigo line of adult comic books. It was the decade of gimmicky covers, skimpy costumes, and mega-crossovers. TwoMorrows, 2018...More.

Item Code: ACB06H
Hard Cover - No Dustjacket, 8x11, 288pg, Full Color
$44.95 $39.95

Highly Recommended. By Bill Schelly. This ambitious series will document every decade of comic book history from the 1940s to today! Here is a year-by-year account of the most significant publications, notable creators, and impactful trends, including: the rise of the great EC "New Trend" titles, Harvey Kurtzman's Mad, and Carl Barks' classic work on Donald Duck and Uncle Scrooge! The re-tooling of The Flash in Showcase #4 that kicked off the Silver Age of Comics, and the introduction of DC's Martian Manhunter, Adam Strange and the new Green Lantern! TwoMorrows, 2013...More.

Item Code: ACB03H
Hard Cover - No Dustjacket, 8x11, 240pg, Full Color

Set of five variant covers--interior is the same--by Julius Ohta, David Williams & Kelsey Shannon, Scott Chantler. By David Avallone. Art by Julius Ohta. Flying saucers in the sky, treason on the ground, and only two brave young women can save the world from invasion and domination. Lucky for us those two women are the Queen of Pin-ups and the Queen of England! If you thought Downton Abbey was great but needed more extraterrestrials (and who didn't?), you'll want to read the fourth chapter of this Bettie Page adventure, brought to you by David Avallone (Elvira: Mistress of the Dark, Twilight Zone: The Shadow) and Julius Ohta (Sherlock Holmes). Dynamite, 2019...More.

Item Code: BET04P
Comic, 7x10, 32pg ea, Partial Color

We got in #5 last week, and #1-3 are all still available. See our website for more of the variant sets of previous Bettie comics, and photo collections.

DECADES Marvel in the 80's Awesome Evolutions
Witness major shakeups in the Marvel universe. A new generation of creators crafting character-defining runs changed everything, with new faces donning Iron Man's armor and slinging Captain America's shield! Bold makeovers include Spider-Man's black costume, Storm's mohawk, Thor's battle armor and the Hulk's return to gray! Super team shake-ups: She-Hulk joining the Fantastic Four and the transformation of the original X-Man, Angel, into Apocalypse's Horseman of Death! And Peter Parker? Marriage to Mary Jane! Marvel, 2019...More.

Item Code: DECA80
Soft Cover, 7x10, 240pg, Full Color
$24.99 $21.99

Now in stock are Marvel's Decades 40s, 50s, 60s, and 70s, same discounted price.

Collects #11-15,1959. Recommended. By Steve Ditko, Carl Burgos, Rocco Mastroserio, Matt Baker, Bob Powell, et al. This volume from Charlton is as good as it gets, with a roster of writers and artists that includes the truly remarkable and now late lamented Steve Ditko (the Traveler's creator) together with Carl Burgos, Rocco Mastroserio, Charles Nicholas, Bill Molno, Matt Baker, Bob Powell, Alan Mandel, George Woodbridge, John D'Agostino, Cal Massey, and Mannie Banks. Includes a bonus, the original pre-Ditko Mysterious Traveler #1 (from 1948) and the strange and bizarre pre-code horror title, Horror from the Tomb #1 (from 1954). PS Artbooks, 2019...More.

Item Code: SATM03H
Hard Cover - No Dustjacket, 7x10, 335pg, Full Color

The previous two volumes, both stuffed with vintage Ditko work, are also available.

THE PHANTOM The Complete Newspaper Dailies Volume 15 1957-58
Recommended. By Lee Falk. Art by Wilson McCoy. Reprinted for the first time in their entirety are six complete continuities: “The Calyle's Good Mark,” “The Crybaby,” “The Underwater Diamond Thieves,” “The Betrothal,” “The Swamp Rats,” and “Oogooru and the Witchmen.” Strips from this issue are taken directly from King Feature's proofs, crystal clear and nice large size, two dailies to each page. Included in the volume is a comprehensive essay discussing the end to the Wilson McCoy years, plus a complete 13-page story, adapted from one of the sequences here, into a Gold Key Phantom story in 1964. Hermes, 2018...More.

Item Code: PH15H
Hard Cover, 12x8, 272pg, b&w
$60.00 $54.95

See our website for previous volumes, as well as the Sunday collections, and the Story of the Phantom prose novels, now up to Volume 10.

MARVEL MASTERWORKS The Invincible Iron Man Volume 12
Collects Iron Man #95-112, 1977-78. Recommended. By Bill Mantlo, Gerry Conway et al. Art by Carmine Infantino, Keith Pollard et al. It's time for an upgrade! Iron Man increases his armor's power as his title gains a powerful new writer: Bill Mantlo! Never before collected, Mantlo's run delved into Tony Stark's supporting cast, added a dose of industrial intrigue and brought back iconic adversaries. It begins with accusations of Stark Industries bribing U.S. senators, gets dangerous with the return of Ultimo and reaches a fever pitch when an all-new Guardsman comes calling! Plus Madame Masque and the Jack of Hearts. Marvel, 2019...More.

Item Code: MMIM12H
Hard Cover, 7x10, 344pg, Full Color
$75.00 $65.00

See the website for more Iron Man, including:

THE INVINCIBLE IRON MAN Bob Layton Artist Select Deluxe Signed
Signed & numbered, 999! Foil-stamped slipcase. Recommended. By David Michelinie. Art by Bob Layton. Bob Layton's two long runs on The Invincible Iron Man, alongside writer/co-plotter David Michelinie and an array of peerless pencillers, remains the series' high-water mark. Now the best are curated by Bob himself, here in deluxe, oversized fashion! Including one amazing one with Layton inks on Barry Winsor-Smith's pencils. 400 pages of Iron Man classics with Ant Man, the Hulk, Captain America, Spider-Man, two two-part Doctor Doom tales, and more! New interview with Layton! IDW, 2018...More.

Item Code: IIMASD
Hard Cover, 9x13, 388pg, Partial Color



Numbered & limited, 5000. By Frank Cho. Harley Quinn Red, White & Black statues are based on art from the comics industry's top creators and re-create their vision of the red-hot villain in vivid 3-D detail. For the latest statue in the line, the team drew inspiration from Frank Cho's variant cover for Harley Quinn #50. One can see panic in Harley's eyes as she scrambles to rid herself of the bomb and, in the process, save the ducks! Typical Harley priority! Custom nameplate stand, with the duck family unaware of their peril. Nice work by Cho, with Harley's classic costume. DC, 2019...More.

Item Code: HQRED
8 tall, Full Color

See our website for more by Frank Cho, and for more Harley statues, some on sale. We just got in his Liberty Meadows: Cover Girls in at half price, order it now or full details next week.


Coming in July

MARVEL MASTERWORKS Captain America Volume 11
Collects Captain America #201-214 & Annual #4, 1976-77. Recommended. By Jack Kirby. Jack Kirby concludes his '70s Captain America tenure with adventures that only the King of the Marvel Age of Comics could create! It begins when the Falcon goes missing in an other-dimensional asylum - that's run by the inmates! The tale of the Night People and Agron the Unburied One is a tense sci-fi horror thriller unlike any other. Then comes "The Swine," a storyline packed with iconic moments: the debut of Arnim Zola; the return of the Red Skull; and Nazi X, the android with Hitler's brain! Marvel, 2019. Due July. ...More.

Item Code: MCA11H
Hard Cover, 7x10, 304pg, Full Color
$75.00 $65.00

Find all of our Marvel Masterworks on the website.

Recommended. The greatest Thor tales drawn by Jack "The King" Kirby. They're stories so utterly epic that even Marvel's King-Size format struggles to contain them. Featuring Thor's first appearance; a bruising battle between Thor and Hercules; the mind-bending first appearance of Ego the Living Planet; the invasion of Asgard by Ulik and his horrifying troll army; and concluding with a multi-part saga where Thor faces the immeasurable power of the world-devourer Galactus that reveals Galactus' origin.

Marvel, 2019. Due July. ...More.

Item Code: KIRMH
Hard Cover - No Dustjacket, 320pg, Full Color
$100.00 $85.00

Collects Fantastic Four, 1961 series, #48-50, 74-77, 120-123 and 242-244. Highly Recommended. By Stan Lee and John Byrne. Art by Jack Kirby and John Buscema. The Fantastic Four's first encounters with Galactus, together and in full color, in one HUGE Artist's Edition sized tome. We still can‘t figure out how they did this for just $50! First, Stan Lee and Jack Kirby introduce the World-Eater and his enigmatic herald, the Silver Surfer, as they come for Earth in one of the greatest comic book sagas ever told! Next, Stan and Jack bring big Guy back -- but what does he want this time? Then John Buscema's powerful pencils illustrate the arrival of new herald Gabriel the Air-Walker, signaling doom for the human race! Finally, John Byrne takes over as Terrax leads the Devourer back to Earth -- and the entire Marvel Universe pitches in to help the FF save the planet! Marvel, 2018...More.

Item Code: FFBEH
Hard Cover - No Dustjacket, 14x22, 312pg, Full Color
$50.00 $44.99

MARVEL COMICS The World Outside Your Window
The Marvel Universe has always reflected the world outside your window -- from the moment Captain America charged into battle in World War II, to the present day! Marvel's characters face relevant and real-life issues alongside their extraordinary adventures — from grappling with alcoholism, to participating in politics, to celebrating diversity and everything in between! These powerful stories from Marvel's 80-year history feature iconic heroes tackling heavy-hitting subjects including drug abuse, teen suicide, HIV, terrorism, school shootings and more! Marvel, 2019. Due July. ...More.

Item Code: MARWH
Hard Cover - No Dustjacket, 8x11, 320pg, Full Color
$50.00 $39.95

SUPERMAN The Golden Age Omnibus Volume 6
Collects Action #106-124, Superman #44-54 and World's Finest Comics #26-36, 1947-49. Recommended. Superman stories collected for the first time in their entirety, in this oversize omnibus series. Superman's adventures continue into the late 1940s with these stories in which the Man of Tomorrow becomes a British lord, foils conman J. Wilbur Wolfingham, thwarts the latest scheme of the Prankster, unravels the "Mother Goose Crimes," confronts the magically powered imp from the fifth dimension, Mr. Mxyztplk, and battles the mythical Atlas! And much more, including many iconic covers. DC, 2019. Due Aug. ...More.

Item Code: SG06H
Hard Cover, 7x11, 824pg, Full Color
$125.00 $105.00

Previous Omnibus volumes are available.

Recommended. Legendary comics creator Jack Kirby's mind-boggling imagination is on full display in this massive hardcover that includes tales of super-hero adventure, mystery, war, fantasy, and science fiction. For the first time, DC collects Kirby's epic 1970s work from the pages of In The Days of the Mob #1, Spirit World #1, The Demon #1-16, The Sandman #1-6, OMAC #1-8, Our Fighting Forces #151-162, Super Powers #1-5 (1984), Super Powers #1-6 (1985), 1st Issue Special #1, 5 and 6, DC Comics Presents #84, Richard Dragon, Kung Fu Fighter #3, Weird Mystery Tales #1-3 and Forbidden Tales of the Dark Mansion #6. DC, 2019. Due Aug. ...More.

Item Code: DCUBH
Hard Cover - No Dustjacket, 7x11, 1472pg, Full Color
$150.00 $125.00

See the website for more Bronze Age collections.


Rare & Out of Print

Our plan was to send out the latest Rare & Out of Print email yesterday, but unfortunately because of technical diffuculties, it is scheduled for Tuesday June 4th. We have reduced the price on many items for this email, and you can see them all by clicking here.

Click here to add yourself to our Rare & Out of Print mailing list.

All  |  New Arrivals   |  Artists & Illustration  |  Fantasy & Sci-Fi  |  Illustrated Fiction

Comic Book Archives  |  Comic Strip & Cartoon   |  Comic Artists  |  Pin-Up  |  Erotic Art



Mature Readers

Tokyo Sweet Gwendoline is a large, oversized book with art by the three top (and extreme) erotic illustrators: Sorayama, Katsuya Terada, and Rockin' Jelly Bean. Explicit, beautifully drawn.

And we have a coming item, a new edition of R. Crumb's Sex Obsessions.

Nude Photography  |  Erotic Art   |  Erotic Films: DVDs  |  Adult Graphic Novels  |  All Pin-Up & Adult

Click here to add yourself to our Adult's Only mailing list.


News and Notes


Out of Print Report

EC Fan Addict #2-4: We thought we'd seen the last of a couple of these, but Roger found a box of #2 and 20 more copies of #4, then it's OP. He still has plenty of #3. We just ordered the last 20 we are going to see, unless Roger can figure out a way to economically reprint this and perhaps #1. We're working on him to make this work. These are way too good to let them sell out. So you can safely order #2-4, but don't wait too long on #4.

Download Catalog
Complete Crepax 1: Dracula, etc is OP. We have one copy left. The slipcased Vol 1 &2 is also gone. We still have copies of the slipcased 3&4 [CREP02P. $150, $125].

Detective Comics #1000/Steve Rude 1930s variant is sold out from the publisher. We have seven copies left. Beware, the other variants will probably follow suit [DETCOSR. $9.99].
Simon Bisley Sketchbook 2018 signed, we have five copies left [SBS18S. $30]. The unsigned edition is also OP.

Now completely sold out: Illustrated Call of Cthulhu by Gary Gianni (great book, sorry to see it go), Red Sonja: Ballad of the Red Goddess, Will Eisner's The Spirit: The Corpse-Makers Remarked (the hc [WESPCHS. $39.99] and sc [WESPCH. $19.99, $17.99] editions are still available), Sex and Horror: The Art of Emanuele Taglietti and The Art of Alessandro Biffigandi, and John Byrne's X-Men Artifact Edition.

Vampirella 50th Anniversary 2019 Calendarsigned by Michael Linsner.

We thought this was sold out, both regular and signed. But we just now found three copies that have a bumped lower right corner, which we had set aside. Published at $59.99, yours for $34.99 [VAMP19S.]

Everett Raymond Kinstler 1926-2019

“Ray” Kinstler passed away on May 26th. My former partner in Bud Plant Illustrated Books, Jim Vadeboncoeur, Jr. literally wrote the book on him, and brought Ray to San Diego Comic-Con to kick it off a number of years ago. That was the one time I got to meet Ray and his wife, and they were both delightful. He loved telling anecdotes about fellow artists, life in New York, and famous people he'd met. Unlike some comic artists from the pre-code days, Ray was happy to talk about his comics work even as he negotiated the “fine art” world.

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Everett Raymond Kinstler
August 5, 1926 - May 26, 2019

Kinstler's work hangs in museums, boardrooms, banks, private collections, The White House, and in the homes of his clients and friends. Before portraiture became his life's work, he spent the 1940s and 1950s honing his craft in comic books: Hawkman for DC's The Flash, Black Hood and Black Terror for Standard, and dozens upon dozens of covers, inside cover contents pages, and stories for those delightfully lurid Avon titles like Eerie, Cowpuncher, Jesse James, Strange Worlds, etc. And illustrating for pulp magazines like The Shadow and Doc Savage.

He also went on to draw Zorro and Max Brand for Dell Comics, Classics Illustrated, the obscure but provocative White Princess of the Jungle, and pulp fiction paperback covers.

He also encountered such notable figures as James Montgomery Flagg, Dean Cornwell, and many actors and actresses who he painted.

Normally I would leave it at that. I don't want to capitalize on Ray's passing. But I think that even he would approve of me letting you know about his book, which is a great book and an even greater bargain. He worked closely with Jim to create it, and was very proud of the results.
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When Jim Vadeboncoeur moved to Paris, he left me with his inventory of Ray's book, which we have been offering ever since it came out. At the time I took it over, I reduced the price dramatically since Jim had quite a few left. Like many publishers, Jim couldn't know what demand would be when he set the print runs. Underwood Books liked it so much, they did a softcover edition (long gone)—but we still have a stock of both the Deluxe Limited & Signed Edition [EVED. Published at $95.00, now $30.00] and Hardcover [EVEH. Published at $44.95, now $15.00].



Our Catalog and Contact Info

We publish a color catalog every two months—if you’ve placed an order in the last 12 months, you will receive it hot off the press. If this is your first order, or if you’d like an extra copy, you can add one to your order: click here. Or call or send us your address and we’ll mail one to you. You can also download it here

Place your order before noon PST, Monday through Friday for SAME DAY shipping (for in-stock items).

Note: FREE SHIPPING OVER $300. If your order total is $300 or more and you are in the U.S., we pay the standard shipping cost.

Contact us: or 530-273-2166 Mon-Fri 9-4

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Website Index

See our website for thousands of books of the Unusual and Hard-to-Find ~ Hundreds on Sale!

~ Just Arrived

~ Artists & Illustration

~ Comic Related

~ Coming Soon

~ Pulps & Fiction

~ Nostalgia & Special Interest

~ Rare & Out of Print

~ Pin-Up & Adult

~ Collector's Supplies

Rare & Out of Print Books List #5

When we bought the Underwood Books archives, we set aside several less-than-perfect copies of the limited editions. We lead off with several of these, deluxe and out-of-print Frazetta books. From the Jim Vadeboncoeur collection comes all six of the Virgil Finlay books published by Gerry de la Ree, and more. We've also just now reduced prices on more than 70 Rare Books. Some are included here, but many more can be seen by clicking here.

We add new Rare Books to the website most weeks, so watch our weekly emails or just click anytime on new arrivals, on our website.

For the full selection of our Rare Books, scroll to the bottom of this and you can click on each category, from Artists and Illustrations to Comics Related and Erotic. Or to see all the Rare & Out of Print books in one shot, click here. You can sort them by newest and by price.

Reminder: we only have ONE copy of most of these -- so it is first come, first served. Condition of each is described in brief here, click on each item for more detail and longer descriptions.

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Frank Frazetta

Closeout Price! Signed & limited, #879 of 2500! Our Highest Recommendation. Edited by Arnie and Cathy Fenner. Includes German linen slipcase. Frank's health at the time of publication prevented him from signing these books, but as with Icon, each book is hand-stamped with the Frazetta seal of certification and Frank's signature. Only in this deluxe edition will you also get an additional 16 pages not in the trade edition, including two previously unpublished oils and one watercolor and 13 very rare or unpublished major b&w illustrations. These are VERY early numbers, starting  in single digits. We will fill orders numerically beginning with the earliest. Underwood Books, 1999. Out of Print. Mature Readers. Six to eight 1" to 2" long scuff where pages were pried apart from glue on edge, at page tops. Else as new....More.

Item Code: RB1091
Hard Cover, 9x12, 176pg, Partial Color
$300.00 $200.00

Closeout Price! Signed & limited, #669 of 1200! Publisher's File Copy. Highly Recommended. Edited by Arnie and Cathy Fenner. The deluxe edition offers 16 more pages not found in the trade edition including unseen and previously unpublished artwork, some in full color: a newly discovered two-page humor strip from a 1961 issue of Teen Life magazine (previously unknown to collectors); Frazetta's conceptual drawings for an unrealized Lancer cover featuring Conan crucified, and more. Bound in German linen and individually numbered and slipcased. Each volume is embossed with Frazetta's seal of certification since he was physically unable to sign at the time of publication. Underwood Books, 2001. Out of Print.. About half the pages have a slight crease in the lower right side, like they were bumped in binding....More.

Item Code: RB1086
Hard Cover, 9x12, 176pg, Partial Color
$250.00 $145.00

We have other versions of Testament that are not hurt copies.
Numbered or lettered, limited, #168 of 1200! Edited by Cathy and Arnie Fenner. The largest and most comprehensive Frazetta book ever published, featuring over 100 full color paintings and numerous drawings and photographs. Included is an illustrated biography and an introduction by Doc Savage cover artist James Bama. This was the first in the trilogy from Underwood, and the print run was raised to 2500 for the 2nd and 3rd; this is the rarest with less than half that number. Frazetta was unable to sign due to his stroke, but his signature was made into a stamp and hand-stamped on each copy on a specially illustrated limitation page. This also has 16 extra pages not in the trade edition, and a black cloth slipcase. Underwood Books, 1998. Out of Print.. Eight pages have two light dents or creases in the lower half. You need to look hard to see them but you can feel them....More.

Item Code: RB1087
Hard Cover, 9x12, 180pg, Full Color
$450.00 $375.00

Limited, 120! Our Highest Recommendation. Edited by Arnie and Cathy Fenner. Signed by Danton Burroughs (ERB's grandson), who wrote the introduction; Nick MeglinMad magazine editor and Frank's life-long friend who wrote the foreword; Michael Friedlander, who contributed an article on observing the master at work; and by Arnie and Cathy Fenner. Beside the additional 16 pages, this also has an unpublished piece not in any other edition, mounted to the inside cover of the black cloth traycase. Bound in full leather with gold embossed titles. Underwood Books, 1999. Out of Print.. Very, very light scuff to the slipcase front. Lacks number and Frazetta stamp....More.

Item Code: RB1088
Hard Cover, 9x12, 208pg, Partial Color
$850.00 $650.00

Click here to see all of our Underwood Books File Copies.
SMALL WONDERS The Funny Animal Art of Frank Frazetta
Frazetta's first published work was a story called Snowman in Talley Ho Comics, a tale featuring talking animals. For the next few years, Frazetta worked with characters like Hucky Duck, Dodger Dequoil (of the Brooklyn Squoile) and Barney Rooster. This collects much of Frazetta's charming art from that era. A menagerie of delights awaits you inside! Kitchen Sink Press, 1991. Out of Print.. Very Good. The bottom right corner is bumped, creasing all the interior pages and covers. Beside the bump, this book is in mint condition....More.

Item Code: RB244
Soft Cover, 8x11, 80pg, b&w

Limited #2287/4000 By Claybourn Moore. This is a beautiful cold cast porcelain figure based on "A Fighting Man of Mars" painting by legendary fantasy artist Frank Frazetta. The figurine was sculpted by Clayburn Moore. This is a limited edition collectible, number 2287 of 4000. The figurine is like new with no flaws. There are a few scratches on the bottom of the wooden base, and the box has a 2 inch sized dent in one corner. This piece captures the elegance, voluptuousness and enchantment of the female form, which are hallmarks of the Frazetta style. She is a 1/6 scale figurine that is 10 inches tall. She comes hand painted, fully assembled and ready for display. Moore Creations, 1996. Out of Print.. As New in a Fine minus box....More.

Item Code: RB855
10" tall, Full Color

Click here to see more Frazetta items.

Virgil Finlay

Limited 1050! Art by Virgil Finlay. Edited by Gerry de la Ree. This is the largest volume of quality artwork by the late Virgil Finlay (1914-1971) yet published. It includes the bulk of the Finlay black and white collection owned by Gerry de la Ree. It contains more than 120 drawings dating from the early 1930's including some of his pre-professional work. Emphasis is placed on his post World War II illustrations (1948-54) when the artist reached his peak. Gerry de la Ree, 1975. Out of Print.. Very Fine. Slight smudging on jacket. First few pages have moisture wrinkles....More.

Item Code: RB1099
Hard Cover, 9x11, 128pg, b&w

We also have one copy each of books 2-6, and the seventh book here:
Limited 1300! Art by Virgil Finlay. Edited by Gerry de la Ree. This is the seventh in a series of books published by Gerry de la Ree of the works of Virgil Finlay. This book is dedicated to his art and poetry. Gerry de la Ree, 1981. Out of Print.. Fine. Light sunning at the top half inch of the cover. Light corner and edge wear....More.

Item Code: RB1105
Soft Cover, 9x11, 128pg, b&w

Limited 1300! By Donald Grant. Art by Virgil Finlay. Wonderfully illustrated of course including 4 full page full color illustrations. Limited to 1,000 copies.Contains an Appreciation by Sam Moskowitz, and a 57 page checklist by Gerry de la Ree. 4 full-page color plates. Numerous black & white illustrations. Green cloth. Pictorial dust jacket.From the Jim Vadeboncoeur collection. Donald Grant, 1971. Out of Print..Very fine in a fine minus jacket. Light sunning to the spine and the top inch of the cover. Light corner and edge wear....More.

Item Code: RB1106
Hard Cover, 7x10, 153pg, Text/b&w

An original Italian art book. By di Giuseppe Lippi. This is an impressive Italian collection that seems to be unique, rather than a translation of a U.S. volume. It offers 27 pages of illustrated intro, with pictures of pulp covers, early non-stipple work from interiors of Weird Tales, even extensive footnotes. Plus a checklist, bibliography, and detailed sources for all 116 full page plates. The plates themselves are chronological, from 1934 to 1969. Some suffer from less-than-ideal reproduction, perhaps from printed sources, so these are not up to recent books that scanned from original art. Note: Except for story and book titles, this is entirely in Italian. Mazzotta, 1981. Out of Print.. Very fine in a Fine jacket....More.

Item Code: RB1107
Hard Cover, 8x11, 173pg, b&w

Click here to see additional items by Virgil Finlay.

Syd Mead

Concepts of Syd Mead By Syd Mead. 167 pages, with over 200 illustrations of futuristic designs and illustrations by artist Syd Mead including full color rendering for movies such as Bladerunner, 2010, Star Trek: The Motion Picture, as well as designs for Honda, Norwegian CarIbbean Cruise lines and many others. This publication is a staple for design studios in Hollywood and Detroit as well as bookshelves of Syd Mead's fans around the world. Oblagon, 1985. . Fine. The plastic jacket has caused the cover to slightly curl. Light wear to edges and corners....More.

Item Code: RB1097
Soft Cover, 11x11, 167pg, Partial Color

By Syd Mead. This very scarce book was published by US Steel in 1962. It is a glimpse into US Steel's idea of the future for steel technology, engineering and design for future cars and multi-use transportation vehicles. It was designed and illustrated by Syd Mead. This is one of five books Syd Mead illustrated for US Steel that included "Concepts", "Progressions", "Innovations" and "Interface". These were promotional books sent to the heads of automotive design centers, engineers and the like and not sold commercially to the public. Thus, these books remain quite scarce. This copy includes a 9x12 "Data Specification Card" with sliding panels; we are unsure if this is simply laid in or actually was included with some or all books. United States Steel, 1962. Out of Print.. Very Good to Fine minus. See full description for details....More.

Item Code: RB1092
Hard Cover - No Dustjacket, 14x11, 95pg, Full Color

We also have a second copy availabe in slightly lesser condition.
By Syd Mead. A showcase of Syd Mead's futuristic designs and illustrations including work for products, entertainment (movies, TV, interactive games, theme parks), fantasy, toys, vehicles, architectural interiors and more. Oblagon, 2001. Out of Print.. Good. Both corners have bumps as well as the top of the spine. Bottom bump has creased the pages about a half inch. Shrink wrap still with book, albeit loose, it still has protected the covers. ...More.

Item Code: RB638
Soft Cover, 12x12, 174pg, Partial Color
$150.00 $120.00

By Syd Mead. We thought this was long sold out--it was first published by Mead's own company, Oblagon, in 2000. But Design Studio did a new edition in 2010, which is what we offer here. Having illustrated the future for the past 40 years, Syd Mead continues to amaze and surprise us with his stunning pieces. Design Studio, 2010. . Fine minus. A bump to the top corner has bent the pages slightly....More.

Item Code: RB1093
Soft Cover, 11x11, 176pg, Full Color

By Syd Mead. Anthology of renderings of what fashions the future may hold, by the man who designed the spectacular sets for Blade Runner. Oblagon, 1987. Out of Print.. Very Fine. Cover has some scuffs and light wear. Cover slightly rolled at the top of the spine. ...More.

Item Code: RB639
Soft Cover, 12x12, 115pg, Partial Color
$150.00 $120.00

Click here to see additional titles by Syd Mead. Sentury & Sentinel II were just marked down for this email.

Underground Comix

Volume One Comix By Gilbert Shelton, Jaxon, Robert Crumb, Fred Schrier, Dave Sheridan, Spain Rodriguez et al. Underground comics anthology. Artists include Gilbert Shelton, Jaxon, Robert Crumb, Fred Schrier, Dave Sheridan, Spain Rodriguez, Greg Irons, Robert Williams, Jim Franklin, S. Clay Wilson and Foolbert Sturgeon. Rip Off Press, 1973. Out of Print.. Very Fine plus. Slight curl to the top corner....More.

Item Code: RB1065
Soft Cover, 7x10, 128pg, b&w

The Fabulous Furry Freak Brothers By Gilbert Shelton. The Fabulous Furry Freak Brothers is the creation of Gilbert Shelton and is one of the most popular underground comix ever produced. Rip Off Press, 1974. Out of Print.. Very Good. Corner bumps, creases to the cover and spine....More.

Item Code: RB1084
Soft Cover, 7x10, 94pg, b&w

Click here to see the other items we have by Gilbert Shelton.
The New Adventures of Jesus By Foolbert Sturgeon. In this comic adventure, tag along with Jesus as he makes his way through various situations and humorous predicaments. Rip Off Press, 1979. Out of Print.. Fine minus. Bump to the bottom corner and crease to the top of the spine. Interior pages clean....More.

Item Code: RB1085
Soft Cover, 7x10, 96pg, b&w

Warehouse find. From 1981. Highly Recommended. By Robert Crumb. Robert Crumb is an artist and illustrator recognized for the distinctive style of his drawings and his critical, satirical, subversive view of the American mainstream. While he is perhaps best known for his Keep on Truckin' and Fritz the Cat cartoons, his "Short History of America" series is an urbanist classic. Arguably his most timeless image, this series shows the gradual metamorphosis of a single plot of land from virgin wilderness to urban decay in 12 panels. It first appeared in black & white in 1979 in the ecological magazine Co-Evolutionary Quarterly and in Snoid Comics. It was rearranged and colored by Peter Poplaski in 1981 and quickly became Kitchen Sink Press' best-selling poster. Kitchen Sink Press, 1981. Out of Print.. These posters have been stored rolled which did not crease the poster, but it will not lay flat on its own. If framed, this will not be noticed. The edges have some wear and discoloration....More.

Item Code: SHAPO
23.5x16.5, Full Color

Click here to see other items by Robert Crumb.
By Wallace Wood, Gray Morrow, Harvey Kurtzman, Warren Sattler, Reed Crandell, et al. Published by renowned artist Wallace Wood, Witzend is a critically acclaimed fanzine showcasing some of the best artists of the era. Issue #2 includes: Orion by Gray Morrow, Hey Look (by Harvey Kurtzman, Feeble Fable by Warren Sattler, Edgar Rice Burroughs portfolio by Reed Crandall, illustration by Frank Frazetta, cartoon by Will Elder, 3-page comic story by Art Spiegelman, 1-page comic by Steve Ditko, 2-page comic by Don Martin, illustration by Al Williamson, 2 illustrations by Roy Krenkel, and Animan by Wood. Front cover by Wood. Back cover by Ralph Reese. Wallace Wood, 1967. Out of Print.. Fine/Very Fine. Slight wear on the cover, and a tiny ding to the end pages....More.

Item Code: RB138
Soft Cover, 8x11, 36pg, b&w
$90.00 $65.00

We have other issues of Witzend that have also been reduced.
Limited 1200! Highly Recommended. By Basil Wolverton. Oversized book collecting all kinds of Basil Wolverton artwork in a rare large format. Comes with the original brown cardboard mailer from the publisher, Glenn Bray, hand addressed (in 1975) to underground and EC Comics and store owner legend Gary Arlington, publisher and founder of the San Francisco Comic Book Company. Note: The mailer is worn and has small tears on the flap, as you would expect. But what a provenance! Glenn Bray and Basil Wolverton, 1975. Out of Print.. Very Fine. A few creases near the spine, and one on the front cover. Slight edge and corner wear....More.

Item Code: RB428
Soft Cover, 11x16, 56pg, b&w
$200.00 $150.00


Artist Monographs & Art Books
Many Reduced!

Signed & Limited 250! By Robert E. Howard. Art by Gary Gianni. This is a FACSIMILE of the original manuscript for The Black Stranger. Published in 2002 in an edition of 250 signed (by Gary Gianni, illustrator) and numbered copies (this is copy 237). The facsimile manuscript is 98 pages long (disbound, i.e. loose) and printed on cream-colored paper. It is housed in an unusual (and fragile) illustrated cardboard fold-over cover which has a clasp that has a string to attach to a second clasp to hold things tight. Gary Gianni's signature and the limitation notation are on the front of the cardboard fold-over cover. Wandering Star, 2002. Out of Print.. Fine. Both bottom and top right corners have bumps with the bottom and top right slightly creasing the pages inside....More.

Item Code: RB276
na, 9x11, 98pg, Text/b&w
$200.00 $150.00

MALICIOUS RESPLENDENCE The Paintings of Robert Williams Deluxe
Signed & limited 500! By Robert Williams. Introduction by Walter Hopps. This infamous artist's paintings get the lush treatment they deserve in this career-spanning collection. Williams' transcendent work integrates his formative underground influences with a mastery of fine art techniques. A career-spanning collection of the infamous lowbrow master. Williams sprang from the custom car culture of Southern California and the roots of the Underground Comix movement (Williams, of course, was one of the founding ZAP artists, along with R. Crumb), ultimately transcending the constraints of both by cultivating his mastery of oil paints and forging a career as the preeminent artist among a generation of imagist painters gathering inspiration from the shadowed corners of contemporary culture. Fantagraphics, 1997. Out of Print.. Very Fine. Comes with a black cloth slipcase that is scuffed and has a small bump to the back corner....More.

Item Code: RB323
Hard Cover, 12x12, 283pg, Partial Color
$200.00 $125.00

Highly Recommended. By Sal Quartuccio. Art by John Buscema. Buscema is a legend due to his mastery of anatomy and the dynamics of his figures. He proved his skills with one of the most popular characters of the '70s: Conan. Buscema, with writer Roy Thomas, created a new archetype that will remain a beacon in comics history. This is one of the earliest, if not the very first professional magazine devoted to his work, published the the publisher known as SQP today. Very well done. SQP, 1978. Out of Print.. Very Fine. Small bump on the bottom of the spine....More.

Item Code: RB447
Soft Cover, 8x11, 32pg, b&w
$60.00 $50.00

Compiled by Jeffrey Jones and George Pratt. Beautiful pen and ink sketches by renowned artist Jeffrey Jones, with a sprinkling of his painted work interspersed throughout. Interior is black and white, with rich color dust-jacket. Compiled with the help of George Pratt and David Spurlock, with an intro by Michael Friendlander. Includes a conversation with Jeffrey Jones and George Pratt. Vanguard, 2000. Out of Print.. Very Fine. Jacket has a small fold and a few scuffs and scratches. The jacket has a protective plastic cover....More.

Item Code: RB471
Hard Cover, 7x10, 124pg, b&w
$85.00 $65.00

Also available are many beautiful art prints by Jeffrey Jones.
CHROMA The Art of Alex Schomburg
By Jon Gustafson. Introductions by Harlan Ellison, Stan Lee and Kelly Freas. He defined and crystallized the exuberant images of the newborn field of Science Fiction. He captured and recorded the impossible super-heroic battles of World War Two for the Golden Age of Comics. He is Alex Schomburg, pioneer illustrator, master craftsman, visionary extraordinaire. Chroma, the first book devoted to the wide spectrum of Schomburg art, is a visual delight, presenting scores of works, most in full color, with text by art historian Jon Gustafson and commentaries by some of the top names in Science Fiction and Comics. Father Tree, 1986. Very Fine. Cover has a crease about 2" long and a few scratches on the front. Back cover is scuffed....More.

Item Code: RB565
Soft Cover, 9x11, 108pg, Full Color
$50.00 $40.00

By Michael T. Gilbert. The Wraith, Gilbert's homage to Will Eisner's The Spirit, was published in a handful of stories in the 1970s, and here find their first collection. Michael T. Gilbert, 1998. Out of Print.. Very Good. Bump in the top right corner, slightly effects the inside pages....More.

Item Code: RB120
Hard Cover, 7x10, 95pg, b&w
$125.00 $75.00

By Walt Reed. A comprehensive reference covering over 140 years and 650 artists from the Civil War through the entire 20th century, The Illustrator in America includes a biographical sketch on each artist along with a time-line chart that provides the various influences of styles and schools needed to understand the artists and their work. First published in 1964 and revised in 1984, this third edition is the first offered in paperback. Included in this incredible compendium are the works of Winslow Homer, Norman Rockwell, Jessie Wilcox Smith, J.C. Leyendecker, Milton Glaser, Chris Van Allsburg and many more. Harper Design, 2003. Out of Print.. Fine. Has minor shelf wear and some dirt smudges on the edge pages. Cover has a few scuffs....More.

Item Code: RB533
Soft Cover, 9x12, 452pg, Partial Color
$75.00 $60.00

By Joseph Clement Coll. Essays by Nick Meglin and Gary Gianni. Coll defined the look of adventure illustration. No one has ever captured the menace of the Devil Doctor or Athelstan King's journeys into mystic lands the way Coll did. The struggle between the gallant Sir Denis Nayland Smith and his arch-nemesis the insidious Dr. Fu Manchu in Sax Rohmer's classic sagas breathe and move on the page. Every nuance of form and fantasy one could imagine is evoked in Talbot Mundy's incredible tale of intrigue, King of the Khyber Rifles. Flesk, 2004. Out of Print.. Very Fine. There is some smudges on the end pages and minor cover wear....More.

Item Code: RB598
Soft Cover, 9x11, 208pg, b&w
$75.00 $60.00

JOSEPH CLEMENT COLL The Art of Adventure
Limited, 800! By John Fleskes. Introduction by Al Williamson and Mark Schultz. Coll executed hundreds of drawings for Associated Sunday Magazines. Because of the magazines' rarity, these images have remained relatively unknown. Selected from a near complete run — from 1904 to 1917 — over 220 of the finest are reproduced here, many for the first time since their original publication. Over 40 have been scanned direct from the original art and rendered for the most part at full size, revealing the tonal effects lost in the original printed form. This is the first time such a large collection of Coll's originals has been assembled in one volume, showcasing his brilliant imagination and ease at handling adventure art. All images include the corresponding source information. A bibliography of Joseph Clement Coll's work for Associated Sunday Magazines is included as well. Flesk, 2003. Out of Print.. Very Fine. Small quarter inch bump to top right corner....More.

Item Code: RB601
Hard Cover, 9x11, 168pg, b&w
$95.00 $75.00

Signed & limited 200! By Jordi Bernet, Will Eisner, Joe Kubert, Manuel Auad. #34 of 200 copies of the deluxe hardbound edition, signed and numbered on custom bookplate. Edited by Manual Auad, introduced by Will Eisner and foreword by Joe Kubert. 240 pages of Bernet's linework, bibliography and awards listing. Auad. Out of Print. Mature Readers. Slight laminate creasing to covers else fine....More.

Item Code: RB614
Hard Cover, 9x12, 240pg, b&w
$200.00 $150.00

Signed & numbered, 1500! By Barry Windsor Smith. Limited Edition Portfolio. Signed and numbered to 1,500 (# 231) on the first plate by Barry Windsor Smith. This portfolio set contains 4 full-color 16.25 x 13.5 inch plates inside a textured paper cover with a black & white print on the front. Each plate is a woman who represents one of the four primary elements of Earth, Wind, Water, & Fire. Produced in 1979 by Smith's own imprint Gorblimey Press and published by BLACK LOTUS, these dramatic designs came at the height of Barry's career and are some of his finest work. Black Lotus, 1979. Out of Print.. Fine. Cover has a couple small coffee stains. First print has two small stains. Other three prints have slight corner and top edge curl....More.

Item Code: RB715
16x13, 4 prints, Full Color
$200.00 $150.00

Limited 3000! By Barry Smith. This book, Shelf Stuff, marked the beginning of a wider range of publications for the Gorblimey Press. It is a collection of drawings that were either working designs for material already published by GbP, or simply unused panneaux that were just lying on the shelves around the Gorblimey studio, now pulled together to form a rare collective insight into the house of an inspired artist. Gorblimey Press, 1975. Out of Print.. Fine. Cover has some shelf wear, dirt smudges and slightly bent corners....More.

Item Code: RB720
Magazine, 8x11, 24pg, b&w
$80.00 $50.00

An Uncommon Story of Art and Love By Alice A Carter. This is the true story of three women artists -- Jessie Willcox Smith, Elizabeth Shippen Green, and Violet Oakley -- who captivated early-twentieth-century Philadelphia with their brilliant careers and uncommon lifestyle. Nicknamed by their mentor, the famous illustrator Howard Pyle, "The Red Rose Girls" took over the Red Rose Inn, a picturesque estate on the city's venerable Main Line, and set up an unconventional household. Joined by their friend Henrietta Cozens, the women forged an intense emotional bond and made a pact to live together forever. Using their initials they adopted an acronymic surname, calling themselves the "Cogs family" -- C for Cozens, O for Oakley, G for Green, S for Smith. Harry N. Abrams, 2000. Out of Print.. Very Fine. Light shelf wear. Jacket is in a clear brodart protective sleeve....More.

Item Code: RB733
Hard Cover, 9x11, 216pg, Partial Color
$90.00 $60.00

First Edition. By Chris Achilleos. Foreword by Ray Harryhausen. One of the most popular fantasy artists in the world, Chris Achilleos has created near photo-realistic paintings of fantasy, science fiction, stunning women and nature in all its forms to illustrate hundreds of books, magazines and posters for almost 40 years.Sirens collects the cream of Achilleos's illustrations, including Doctor Who and Star Trek, movies, amazons, fighting fantasy and pin-ups, accompanied by a discussion of the artist's techniques and influences, in a feast for the eyes. Paper Tiger, 1986. Out of Print.. Very Fine. Cover has a small crease and a few scuffs and scratches....More.

Item Code: RB736
Soft Cover, 9x12, 128pg, Full Color
$75.00 $55.00

We have this same title also available in a hardcover and softcover.
First United States Edition By Peter O'Donnell. Illustrated by Enrique Romero. This seventh novel in the Modesty Blaise series will not fail to please any of Modesty's innumerable fans. Modesty and her partner, Willie Garvin, are hot on the trail of a captured British Intelligence agent, but when they confront the agent's bizarre captors-a criminal tycoon, a genteel lady assassin, two inscrutable Chinese killers, and the invincibe Mr. Sexton, the world's premier combatant-even Modesty begins to doubt that she can succeed in this operation. Her task is further complicated when Willie's girlfriend and a young pilot also are taken hostage. Their situation seems hopeless until the Silver Mistress appears, bringing this thrilling saga to an astonishing climax. Archival Press, 1981. Out of Print.. Very Fine. A few small wrinkles in the jacket....More.

Item Code: RB1094
Hard Cover, 6x9, 254pg, Text/b&w

WINGS OF TWILIGHT The Art of Michael Kaluta Signed
Highly Recommended. By Michael Kaluta. A beautiful full-color compendium of the best of one of comic art's most revered artists! Includes a brief biography and 75 mostly full color illustrations. Michael is an artist who loves beauty, from beautiful women to fantasy worlds--and he has the talent to bring each vision to life with the most vivid detail and imagination possible. NBM, 2001. Out of Print.. Very Fine. Tiny bump to the bottom corner....More.

Item Code: RB1096
Hard Cover, 9x12, 80pg, Full Color

EC ARCHIVES Shock Suspenstories 3 Book Set
By William Gaines & Al Feldstein. Russ Cochran's EC Library--three volume, slip-cased hardcover set reprinting the Shock Suspenstories comic books, and collecting issues #1-18. This beautifully bound hardcover set reprints eighteen complete issues of the comic book Shock SuspenStories, originally published in 1952. Includes stories by William Gaines & Al Feldstein, with art by Jack Kamen, Jack Davis, Joe Orlando, Graham Ingles, and Wally Wood. Featuring a foreword by Steven Spielberg, this book looks back at some of the edgiest and best written stories in comic history. Russ Cochran, 1981. Out of Print.. Fine minus. The slipcase has some wear and rubbing where the color has come off. The spine of the books have slight sunning and rubbing in a couple spots near the top. ...More.

Item Code: RB1098
Hard Cover - No Dustjacket, 9x13, 600pg, b&w

By Johnny Craig, George Evans, Joe Orlando, Reed Crandall et al. In 1954 the Senate Subcommittee on Juvenile Delinquency conducted hearings on comic books. In response, the industry formed a new trade association (the Comics Magazine Association of America). This association formulated a new Code to self-censor the industry and on October 26, 1954, adopted the Comics Code which controlled what content would be permitted in comics. The guidelines focused exclusively on crime and horror comics. Soon, the genre was no longer commercially viable. Russ Cochran, 1988. Out of Print.. Very Fine. Some tiny wear on the spine, otherwise the book cover and inside pages are in excellent shape....More.

Item Code: RB100
Hard Cover - No Dustjacket, 9x12, 200pg, b&w
$60.00 $40.00

PS, The Preventive Maintenance Monthly is a series of United States Army technical bulletins published since June 1951 as a monthly magazine with comic book-style art to illustrate proper preventive maintenance methods. This is for a lot of 4 original magazines, issue numbers 142, 149, 151 and 164. American Visuals, 1964-66. Out of Print.. Good. Some wear and rubbing on the covers....More.

Item Code: RB89
Soft Cover, 5x7, 254pg, Partial Color
$65.00 $50.00

By Alex Toth. Edited by Manuel Auad. Alex Toth is one of the major practitioners of the comic medium. His mastery of realism within a stunning illustrative style is his great contribution to the standards of this art/writing form. - Will Eisner. Kitchen Sink Press, 1995. Out of Print.. Fine. Both covers have some scuffing and wear. Corners have some slight curling....More.

Item Code: RB348
Soft Cover, 8x11, 144pg, b&w

First Edition. By Nicola Gordon Bowe. The definitive biography of Clarke and a critical survey of his oeuvre. Stained glass, symbolism, decadence, Celtic mysticism, Art Nouveau, and the Ballets Russes--all these elements claim a place in the the art of Harry Clarke (1887-1931), the Dublin artist now recognized internationally as a bizarre genius of his age. Irish Academic Press, 1989. Out of Print.. Very Fine. Light shelf wear....More.

Item Code: RB661
Hard Cover, 7x10, 301pg, Partial Color
$200.00 $150.00

By Nicola Gordon Bowe. Beautifully illustrated with numerous reproductions of the artist‘s work. The first major book about Clarke and his work, including book illustrations, such as from the seminal Tales of Mystery and Imagination, 1919, by Edgar Allan Poe, which has been reprinted over and over since then. Plus more book illustrations, his very rarely seen stained glass work, and much more little-seen work. H. Keith Burns, 1983. Out of Print.. Very Fine/As New. ...More.

Item Code: RB662
Hard Cover, 8x12, 160pg, b&w
$125.00 $100.00


Marvel Masterworks & DC Archives

First Edition, First Printing. Collects The Amazing Spider-Man #51-61 & Annual #4, 1967-68. By Stan Lee, John Romita, Don Heck and Larry Lieber. The first brand-new Spider-Man Masterworks volume in 12 years debuted just in time for SPIDER-MAN 2! This action-packed volume collects an "amazing" selection of Spidey tales by legends Stan Lee & John Romita Sr. Includes a four-part Doctor Octopus epic, plus appearances by the Kingpin, Ka-Zar, the Spider-Slayer, Captain Stacy and more! And an introduction by John Romita Sr. himself! Marvel, 2004. Out of Print.. As New....More.

Item Code: RB501
Hard Cover, 8x11, 296pg, Full Color
$200.00 $125.00

Collects X-Men #1-10, 1963-1965. By Stan Lee, and Jack Kirby. This is a collection of X-Men Comic books Nos 1-10 compiled into 1 Graphic Novel with an introduction by Stan Lee. The X-Men #1, September 1963: "X-Men"; The X-Men #2, November 1963: "No One Can Stop the Vanisher"; The X-Men #3, January 1964: "Beware of the Blob"; The X-Men #3, March 1964: "The Brotherhood of Evil Mutants"; The X-Men #5, May 1964: "Trapped: One X-Man!"; The X-Men #6, July 1964: "Sub-Mariner! Joins the Evil Mutants"; The X-Men #7, September 1964: "Return of the Blob"; The X-Men #8, November 1964: "The Uncanny Threat of ...Unus, The Untouchable!"; The X-Men #9, January 1965: "Enter, The Avengers!"; The X-Men #10, March 1965: "The Coming of...Ka-Zar!"; Marvel, 1987. Out of Print.. Fine. Book has a small bump to the bottom edge, and sunning to the spine of the jacket....More.

Item Code: RB531
Hard Cover, 7x10, 231pg, Full Color
$60.00 $45.00

Collects Fantastic Four #1-10, 1961-63. By Stan Lee, Jack Kirby. While testing an experimental spacecraft Reed Richards, Ben Grimm, and Sue and Johnny Storm were exposed to a bombardment of mysterious cosmic rays. Upon their return to Earth, they found that they had gained wondrous abilities, the likes of which had never been seen before. That voyage was the first of many extraordinary adventures for these friends, who became known to the world as: Mr. Fantastic, The Thing, The Human Torch, and The Invisible Girl - The Fantastic Four! Marvel, 1987. Out of Print.. As New. Still in shrink wrap....More.

Item Code: RB551
Hard Cover, 7x10, 246pg, Full Color
$85.00 $65.00

First printing. By C.C. Beck, Jack Binder, Mac Raboy, Dave Berg, William Woolfolk et al. Follows Captain Marvel as he faces villains from Nazi Germany to Mars using the power of Solomon (wisdom), Hercules (strength), Atlas (stamina), Zeus (power), Achilles (courage), and Mercury (speed), otherwise known as "Shazam!" DC, 2003. Out of Print.. Very Fine. Book has some light thumbing, and slight bump to top of spine. Dust jacket is in a protective plastic cover. ...More.

Item Code: RB467
Hard Cover, 7x10, 196pg, Full Color

Reprints BATMAN #164-167 and DETECTIVE COMICS #327-333, 1964. By Bob Kane, John Broome, Carmine Infantino, Murphy Anderson, et al. Follows Batman as the Caped Crusader and his youthful sidekick, Robin, protect the citizens of Gotham from villains including the Joker and gang leader "Boss" Barron. DC, 2003. Out of Print.. Very Fine. Tiny curl to the top of the jacket. Book is still in original shrink wrap....More.

Item Code: RB516
Hard Cover, 7x10, 240pg, Full Color

We have other Marvel Masterworks and DC Archives available, some just reduced.

Carl Barks

WALT DISNEY'S DONALD DUCK 50 Years of Happy Frustration
Limited, 5000! By Flora O'Brien. Published in 1984 by Three Duck Editions of England and distributed in the U.S. by Scribner. This copy is numbered 1965 of 5000. Included are copies of congratulatory letters from Clarence; Ducky; Nash, Jack Hannah, and Carl Barks. There is also a nice color facsimile print, The Duck Family Tree (suitable for framing, of course). The book is marvelously illustrated throughout, with the drawings adding much to the text that details the history of one of the world's favorite ducks. 96 pages. Limited edition with silk backed buckram, full color pictorial onlay, gilt lettering, and all edges heavily gilded. In buckram slip case, with gilt lettering. Three Duck Editions, 1984. Out of Print.. Very Fine. There is a small indentation on the front of the slipcase....More.

Item Code: RB563
Hard Cover - No Dustjacket, 9x11, 96pg, Partial Color
$200.00 $150.00

Signed & Limited 300! By Carl Barks. This RARE 1996 signed Cover Calendar Art Poster by Carl Barks depicts his original comic book cover art for "The Old Castle's Secret" which was first released in June 1948. Besides having status as one of Barks' best stories, this is also notable for being Donald and Huey, Dewey and Louie's first treasure hunt with their uncle, Scrooge McDuck. This Carl Barks Print is the actual Calendar Cover Art for this 1996 Poster and is SIGNED by Carl Barks. It measures approximately 14 Inches by 20 Inches. The frame and matte shown in the picture ARE included. The frame is a black plastic with a clear plastic cover. Walt Disney. Out of Print....More.

Item Code: RB683
21x28, 1 print, Full Color
$300.00 $200.00

Highly Recommended. By Carl Barks. Presents the humorous adventures of the miserly duck in comic strip format. Also includes a biography of Uncle Scrooge's creator, Carl Barks. First trade edition published to celebrate the 40th anniversary of Uncle Scrooge. Features several stories in color. Edited by Edward Summer and recolored by Peter Ledger. Includes an appreciation by George Lucas. This was the first-ever massive collection recognizing the huge popularity of the wonderful Barks character. George Lucas, who of course produced the Star Wars films, used his newfound wealth to finance this imprint. Celestial Arts, 1987. Out of Print.. Very Fine. Edge pages have a few minor bumps, the top bump affecting the first 15 pages. Very slight curling on the bottom corner. ...More.

Item Code: RB645
Soft Cover, 9x13, 376pg, Full Color
$150.00 $100.00


Antiquarian Books

By Godfrey Blunden. Art by Norman Lindsay. Here are nineteen examples of just one facet of Norman Lindsay's genius, his watercolours. Fourteen of the plates appeared in the Norman Lindsay Watercolour Book, published in 1939, and the five added to this edition appeared in Art in Australia and The Home. Ure Smith, 1969. Out of Print.. Fine. There is tape on the edges of the dust jacket. Interior pages have slight sunning, and cover pages have slight water stains....More.

Item Code: RB269
Hard Cover, 10x12, 75pg, Full Color

First edition. By Arthur Szyk. Introduction by Robert W. Straus Jr. Illustrated throughout. Contains 38 pages of plates, with 8 illustrations in color. Vitriolic caricatures of Hitler, Mussolini, Hirohito, Nazism, Vichy France, the Hitler-Stalin Pact, the betrayal of Poland, the invasion of Ethiopia, the Balkans, etc. Szyk fled Nazi-controlled Europe for the United States in 1940. His widely published caricatures made him one of America's most famous political satirists during World War II. He was a gifted artist, considered one of the greatest modern practitioners of the art of illumination, especially in miniature format. In 1939, following Germany's invasion of Poland, he focused on producing anti-Nazi editorial cartoons published in many Western newspapers and magazines. In late 1940, after a period of residence in England, he emigrated to the United States with his family. Putnam, 1941. Out of Print.. Fine. Edge pages are discolored from age, and the cover and spine have some light wear. No dust jacket....More.

Item Code: RB444
Hard Cover - No Dustjacket, 8x10, 100pg, Partial Color
$125.00 $95.00

The Book of Lawson Wood By A.E. Johnson. Art by Lawson Wood. 56 plates and figures, 8 in color. Part of the Brush, Pen, and Pencil series, which also featured volumes about John Hassall, Frank Reynolds, and others. Contains extensive information about the artist and his work, wonderful illustrations. 2nd edition with decorated cloth. Macmillan, 1930. Out of Print.. Very Fine. Spine and edge pages have slight age discoloration....More.

Item Code: RB438
Hard Cover - No Dustjacket, 6x8, 43pg, Partial Color
$150.00 $120.00

First Edition. By Dr. Josef Augusta and Zdenek Burian. From Wikipedia: Zdeněk Michael Frantisek Burian (February 11, 1905 in Kopřivnice, Moravia, Austria-Hungary – July 1, 1981 in Prague, Czechoslovakia) was a Czech painter, book illustrator and palaeoartist whose work played a central role in the development of palaeontological reconstruction. Originally recognised only in his native Czechoslovakia, Burian's fame later spread to an international audience during a remarkable career spanning six decades (1930s to 1980s). He is regarded by many as one of the most influential palaeoartists of the modern era, and a number of subsequent artists have attempted to emulate his style. This book has 23 color plates (four double page), 80 pages text by Augusta illustrated with b&w fossil photos. Paul Hamlyn, 1966. Out of Print.. Fine book in a very good jacket....More.

Item Code: RB1083
Hard Cover, 10x14, 127pg, Partial Color

First Edition. By Josef Augusta and Zdenek Burian. Prehistoric Man features a 45-page history by Prof. Augusta, accompanied by 52 full-page color plates from paintings by Zdenek Burian, with each plate having a facing page of explanatory text. Covering the various stages in the development of early man, from Java Man to the late paleolithic period -- man as hunter, gatherer, artist, tool user, with information on burial customs, magic and religious rites, etc. Artia for Paul Hamlyn, 1960. Out of Print.. Fine. Slight edge wear, and end pages on top are discolored. Spine slightly sloped, and cloth worn off the very bottom corner....More.

Item Code: RB671
Hard Cover - No Dustjacket, 10x14, 99pg, Partial Color

We have two other copies of this book in varying condition.
First Edition in price-clipped dust jacket. By Marjorie Henderson Buell. Little Lulu is a comic strip created in 1935 by Marjorie Henderson Buell. The character, Lulu Moppet, debuted in The Saturday Evening Post on 23 February 1935 in a single panel, appearing as a flower girl at a wedding and mischievously strewing the aisle with banana peels. Little Lulu replaced Carl Anderson's Henry, which had been picked up for distribution by King Features Syndicate. The Little Lulu panel continued to run weekly in The Saturday Evening Post until 30 December 1944. In 1945, Marjorie turned the character over to John Stanley. David McKay, 1941. Out of Print.. Very Fine with just a hint of wear to tip of dj spine....More.

Item Code: RB83
Hard Cover, 7x8, 68pg, Tritone
$125.00 $90.00

Click here to see many other Lulu items, many just reduced.
This was an unauthorized pirated edition, reprinting what I believe is the 1938-39, or 1939-1940 Disney Christmas catalog. A very thick catalog of Mickey Mouse merchandise -- page after page of everything Mickey. Watches, Big Little Books, storybooks, pins, comforters, and white photos on every page with items + manufacturers. No pricing. Walt Disney, 1970. Out of Print.. Very Good/Fine. A three quarter inch bump on the back cover tear the cover and back five pages....More.

Item Code: RB643
Soft Cover, 9x12, 97pg, b&w
$150.00 $100.00


Pin-Up & Adult

First Edition By Max Allan Collins and Drake Elvgren. This 1998 Editor's Choice Award winner of the Independent Publishing Association quickly sold out the first printing of 10,000. It is a lively biography of American pin-up artist Gillette Elvgren, a commercial advertising artist of the WWII era. Told by the son of the artist, included are art techniques, pin-up paintings and a behind the scenes personal view of this legendary artist who inspired servicemen worldwide. Collectors Press, 1998. Out of Print. Mature Readers. Very Fine. Jacket has a one inch crease in the back. Light thumbing on a few interior pages....More.

Item Code: RB764
Hard Cover, 10x12, 196pg

Click here to see other items with work by Gil Elvgren.
BETTIE PAGE The Life of a Pin-Up Legend-Signed by Dave Stevens
Signed by Dave Stevens on the half-title page. First ptg. The ultimate girl-next-door, and one of the most popular Playboy centerfolds, Bettie Page challenged the conservative 1950s, posing as a fierce dominatrix among many other fetish scenarios, from bondage and spanking, to just looking good in high heels and nylons. And sometimes nothing else. This earned her both a cult underground following and a Senate Committee investigation for the industry she worked in. This book chronicles Page's life and career, telling the incredible story of a woman who has left an indelible mark on the history of popular culture. 500 photos. General Publishing Group, 1996. Out of Print.. Very Fine/ As New....More.

Item Code: RB1042
Hard Cover, 9x11, 288pg, Partial Color

Edited by Gianni Brunoro. Volume 14 - 1st printing. "Les Biches" Edited by Alberto Becattini. Cover by Vittorio Giardino. Italian erotic comic anthology. NOTE: Some text is in Italian. Glamour International, 1989. Out of Print. Mature Readers. Fine. There is some rubbing on the spine and edges, and a couple tiny folds on the cover....More.

Item Code: RB207
Soft Cover, 12x12, 96pg, Partial Color
$60.00 $50.00

We have many more volumes of Glamour International available. Click here to see them all.
Edited by Gianni Brunoro. Volume 15 - 1st printing. "La Bocca (la bouche)" Edited by Alberto Becattini. Cover by Leone Frollo. Italian erotic comic anthology. NOTE: Some text is in Italian. Glamour International, 1991. Out of Print. Mature Readers. Very Fine. There is some rubbing and small creases on the spine, and a couple scratches on the covers....More.

Item Code: RB209
Soft Cover, 12x12, 96pg, Partial Color
$60.00 $50.00

Volume 16 - 1st printing. "Vampires" Edited by Alberto Becattini. Cover by John Bolton. Italian erotic comic anthology. NOTE: Some text is in Italian. Glamour International, 1991. Out of Print. Mature Readers. Very Good. Small bumps to corners, some wearing to the top of the spine, scratches and dings to the cover....More.

Item Code: RB214
Soft Cover, 12x12, 96pg, Partial Color
$60.00 $50.00

Edited by Gianni Brunoro. A special issue of the long-running Italian journal devoted to good girl and erotic art in comics and illustration (and more generally in pop culture). It is completely tri-lingual: all the text is in English, French and Italian. Glamour International, 1989. Out of Print. Adult Material. Good. Both covers are a bit rough. Scratches, wear, thumbing and a couple folds on the back....More.

Item Code: RB216
Soft Cover, 12x12, 96pg, b&w
$60.00 $50.00

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