Masterpieces of Fantasy Art! |
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Masterpieces of Fantasy Art! Tom Corbett, Graham Ingels, Marvel Classics Omnibus, Kirby's Forever People, The Art of Sideshow, Milt Gross, Kyle Baker's Plastic Man, Alien Invasions, Sandman Deluxe Vol 1, Grant Morrison's JLA, a Hellboy tree ornament, and some red hot News and Notes (ok, mildly hot anyway), about a new PS ArtBooks sale and a virtual book fair this weekend. |
Art Books | Tom Corbett | New & Vintage Science Fiction Coming in December | 3...2...1...Gone Click here to see ALL New Arrivals, beginning with the latest and going back 30 days. |
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MASTERPIECES OF FANTASY ART Our Highest Recommendation. By Dian Hanson. Art by Frazetta, Boris, Whelan, Jones, Hildebrandt, Giger, Whelan, Matthews et al. This monster-sized tome features original paintings, contextualized by preparatory sketches, sculptures, calendars, magazines, and paperback books for an immersive dive into this dynamic, fanciful genre. Insightful bios go beyond Wikipedia to give a more accurate and eye-opening look into the life of each artist. Complete with fold-outs and tipped-in chapter openers, this collection will reign as the most exquisite and informative guide to this popular subject for years to come. Taschen, 2020....More. Item Code: MASFH Hard Cover, 12x16, 528pg, Full Color |
Another huge, 16-pound volume from Taschen, in the same format as The History of EC. See our website for all the latest Taschen volumes. See my note about the cardboard carton in the full description. |
Art Books |
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DC COLLECTING THE MULTIVERSE The Art of Sideshow By Andrew Farago. Recommended. Delve into DC Comics figures and sculptures with this deluxe book, which features insights from legendary artists and eye-popping photography. Sideshow is world famous for bringing DC Comics characters to life through remarkably realistic figures and highly expressive sculptures. From Batman and Wonder Woman to The Joker and Harley Quinn...key artists tell the story behind each extraordinary piece, revealing the design decisions and expert sculpting required to make the DC multiverse--from comics, film, television, video games, and beyond--into a reality. Insight Editions, 2020....More. Item Code: DCCOLMSH Hard Cover, 10x12, 296pg, Full Color |
Also see Sideshow Fine Art Prints [SIDF01H. $50, $42.50] and the Batgirl Maquette coming in February [DCHSB. $279]. |
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ALIEN INVASION The History of Aliens in Pop Culture By Mike Stein, Vincent Di Fate et al. Recommended. Aliens are coming for you! For the first time ever, read how aliens have invaded pop culture in all its guises and forms in this definitive history spanning over 100 years. See how depictions of aliens have evolved over the years in books, magazines, pulps, comics, on TV, and in movies! Meet aliens with eyes on stalks, robot aliens (as in H.G. Wells' The War of the Worlds), barrel chested aliens (as per Frank R. Paul's Martian of the 1930s), blob-like B-movie aliens of the 1950s, "realistic" aliens as featured in the 1977 movie Close Encounters of the Third Kind (supposedly based on the real alien found at Roswell), monstrous aliens such as H.R. Giger's creature in Ridley Scott's 1979 movie Alien, the friendly alien (a thin creature with hands and a tortoise-like head) that's the "hero" of Spielberg's 1982 movie, E.T.: The Extra-Terrestrial, aerial predator aliens with giant wings (as created by Wayne Barlow for his book Expedition, in 1990)—and many more. IDW, 2020....More. Item Code: ALIENH Hard Cover, 9x10, 176pgs, Text/Partial Color |
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GROSS EXAGGERATIONS The Meshuga Comic Strips of Milt Gross Oversized Newspaper Page size. Recommended. Presenting a comprehensive collection of the major newspaper Sunday pages Milt Gross: Nize Baby, Count Screwloose, and Dave's Delicatessen, along with other comic strips and offerings from his popular books and magazines. The king of "screwball" comic strips, Milt Gross worked in movies and animation, wrote humorous poetry and illustrated novels, and, most prolifically, comic strips. Beginning in the 1920s, his comics were born of the Yiddish humor in vaudeville and expanded to lampooning all the foibles and fallacies of American life. IDW, 2020....More. Item Code: GROEXH Hard Cover, 13x16, 144pg, Partial Color |
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GRIMM FAIRY TALE 15TH ANNIVERSARY Art Portfolio Recommended. Celebrate 15 years of Grimm Fairy Tales as Zenescope features twenty of its most iconic covers in this poster-sized art portfolio by some of the industry's top artists. Artwork by J. Scott Campbell (4), Stanley "Artgerm" Lau (5), Jay Anacleto (4), Mike Krome B (1), David Finch (1), and Eric Basaldua (4). Easily removable pages, printed on heavy cardstock measuring at 12 x 18 inches. Zenescope, 2020....More. Item Code: GRIMAPH Soft Cover, 12x16, 24pg, Full Color $24.99 |
More Portfolios: Take a look at some long out of print portfolios in as-new condition. These are warehouse finds that we put away years ago. Kull II by John Severin, 1977, signed, $125; Howard Chaykin's Cody Starbuck, 1980, $20; Kaluta's Dante's Inferno, signed, 1975, $100, one left; Voltar by Alfredo Alcala, signed, 1979, $90, four left; Dark Suns of Gruaga by Alex NiƱo, signed, 1978 (two left, DSUGRU. $150); Stephen King's The Stand by Berni Wrightson [RB1512. $200, one left).
Also see the contemporary DC Poster Portfolio series, same format as this Grimm. |
Tom Corbett |
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TOM CORBETT SPACE CADET #1 Stand by for Mars First published in 1952, to tie in to the popular television show. By Carey Rockwell. Art by Louis Glanzman, cover by Al McWilliams. Technical advisor: Willy Ley. Blast off! ...for thrilling interplanetary adventures, in prose novels starring courageous teen space explorer Tom Corbett and his pals, the brilliant but enigmatic Roger Manning and the affable Venusian engineer Astro. Here's the fabulous first novel of the future world of the Solar AllianceThe origin story of Tom Corbett and the crew of the rocket ship Polaris, their early days at the Space Academy, and their death-defying encounter on Mars — an encounter that forged three young cadets into adults, lifelong friends, and a legendary team of spacemen. Rocket Science Books, 2017....More. Item Code: TOMSM Soft Cover, 6x9, 170pg, Text/b&w $8.95 |
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TOM CORBETT SPACE CADET #3 On the Trail of the Space Pirates First published in 1953, to tie in to the popular television show. By Carey Rockwell. Art by Louis Glanzman, cover by Al McWilliams. Technical advisor: Willy Ley. Tom and the intrepid crew of the Polaris race against time to recover a stolen security key that's being used to destroy all law and order within the Solar Alliance. Their mission will take the cadets undercover into the seediest planetary stopovers along the space lanes; then onward to the legendary prison asteroid known as The Rock. And finally, to a fateful encounter with a deadly band of thieves and cutthroats, where the most dangerous man alive awaits to settle an old score with the Solar Guard's finest. This is book #3 in the Tom Corbett Space Cadet series. Rocket Science Books, 2017....More. Item Code: TOMOT Soft Cover, 6x9, 168pg, Text/b&w $8.95 |
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TOM CORBETT SPACE CADET #5 Revolt on Venus First published in 1954, to tie in to the popular television show. By Carey Rockwell. Art by Louis Glanzman, cover by Al McWilliams. Technical advisor: Willy Ley. On term break from Space Academy, Tom Corbett and Roger Manning accompany their pal Astro to his native planet Venus for a well-deserved rest. There the cadets plan to hunt the biggest game in the star system, but their vacation is soon interrupted when the intrepid crew of the Polaris stumble across a secret plot to overthrow the Solar Alliance. Lost in the Venusian Jungle, unable to contact the Solar Guard, separated from their ship and each other, the hunters have now become the hunted: caught between the heavily armed forces of a would-be tyrant mad for power ... and the tyrannosaurus Astro wounded years earlier — thirty tons of terror mad for revenge. Rocket Science Books, 2017....More. Item Code: TOMRV Soft Cover, 6x9, 168pg, Text/b&w $8.95 |
Tom Corbett became a huge hit in 1950 on television, and lasted for five seasons, a radio show, a Dell comics series, and a ton of merchandise and giveaways. Eight books were written based on the young space cadets. We've brought in three with our favorite covers, and will bring in the rest if enough of you show an interest. Seven have been reprinted so far, with an eighth due next year.
I can't personally recommend any yet, I haven't had a chance to read these. But here's more, direct from editor Tom English: “All the novels are quick and enjoyable reads, despite occasional scientific inaccuracies, and a few are page-turners. But I feel, along with many readers, that #5, The Revolt on Venus, is the best of the series, and a good place to start.” As for Tom Corbett in comics, PS Artbooks has done two books collecting the complete run from Dell and Prize Comics, 1953-55. Just last week we ordered more than 40 new on-sale/remaindered titles, including these two. We'll have both newly discounted $59.99, now $19.95 each, in about two weeks. |
New & Vintage Science Fiction |
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BLACK INFINITY Volume 1 Deadly Planets Recommended. TThe first issue of the new book-size, 200-page science fiction anthology, featuring both vintage and new stories, articles on TV, vintage digests and film, new and vintage art...all with a special theme. This issue it's Deadly Planets, with the complete SF novel Deathworld by Harry Harrison, plus seven strange tales of perilous worlds and hostile aliens, by award-winning authors Douglas Smith and Simon Strantzas, Clifford Simak, Jerry Sohl and others. Retro SF movie reviews, weird science fact, and a 1958 Harvey comics story by Jack Kirby and Al Williamson. Rocket Science Books, 2017....More. Item Code: BLAIN01 Soft Cover, 7x9, 202pg, Text/b&w $10.95 |
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BLACK INFINITY Volume 2 Blobs, Globs, Slime and Spores Recommended. Handsome book-format anthology of 13 tales on the title theme! Plus a brief history of gunk and goo in SF magazines, movies, TV and comics; not to mention science fact, retro movie reviews and comics, this time "Jelly Death" by Bob Powell & Howard Nostrand. 200 pages of slimy fun, with new stories by Rhys Hughes ("Swallowing the Amazon"), Gregory L. Norris ("The Tree Surgeon") and Marc Vun Kannon ("Boarding Party"). Plus Douglas Smith's "Out of the Light" and Kurt Newton's "The Old Mill." Rocket Science Books, 2018....More. Item Code: BLAIN02 Soft Cover, 7x9, 198pg, Text/b&w $10.95 |
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BLACK INFINITY Volume 3 Body Snatchers Recommended. Prose and art anthology with 13 tales of alien control, alien possession, and alien replacement! Plus a brief history of body snatchers in SF movies, TV (such as The Invaders) and in print; not to mention science fact, retro movie reviews etc. 200 pages featuring new and retro fiction by Philip K. Dick, Gregory L. Norris, Jack Williamson, Douglas Smith, Lester del Rey, Kurt Newton, Harry Harrison, John W. Campbell, and others. Rocket Science Books, 2018....More. Item Code: BLAIN03 Soft Cover, 7x9, 198pg, Text/b&w $10.95 |
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BLACK INFINITY Volume 4 Strange Dimensions Recommended. 13 tales of hidden worlds, spectral planes, parallel universes, multiple timelines, and alternate realities, by Douglas Smith, Philip K. Dick, Rhys Hughes, Clifford Simak, Gregory L. Norris, Alan E. Nourse, Kurt Newton, Murray Leinster, and others. Art by Virgil Finlay, Edd Cartier et al. Rocket Science Books, 2019....More. Item Code: BLAIN04 Soft Cover, 7x9, 202pg, Text/b&w $10.95 |
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BLACK INFINITY Volume 5 Derelicts Recommended. A thick anthology of of creepy science fiction adventure, featuring fantastic tales of mysterious abandoned ships in space and on the high seas, with Gregory L. Norris, Douglas Smith, James Dorr, David VonAllmen, Philip K. Dick ("Mr. Spaceship"), Alan E. Nourse, Jack Williamson ("Salvage in Space"), Andre Norton and many others. Plus: a tribute to Irwin Allen's Lost in Space (1965), retro movie reviews, weird science fact, a grim comics story by Bob Powell, and more. Rocket Science Books, 2019....More. Item Code: BLAIN05 Soft Cover, 7x9, 204pg, Text/b&w $10.95 |
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BLACK INFINITY Volume 6 Insidious Insects Recommended. A thick anthology of creepy science fiction adventure, featuring fantastic stories of strange encounters with insidious insects. Unforgettable tales by Ramsey Campbell, Kurt Newton, Philip K. Dick, Gregory L. Norris, James Dorr, Robert Sheckley, Murray Leinster (a complete novella, "The Planet of Dread"), Jason McCuiston, Tom English and many others, new and vintage work. Special features include an illustrated tribute to the legendary 1964 television series The Outer Limits by author and screenwriter Gary Gerani, and more. Rocket Science Books, 2020....More. Item Code: BLAIN06 Soft Cover, 7x9, 208pg, Text/b&w $10.95 |
We just discovered this with the latest issue, #6. But since all the back issues remain available, we brought in copies of each. It's a fun anthology, with a theme for each issue around which old and new stories, and articles on film, tv and comics, will revolve. I didn't put any personal recommendations on these since I haven't yet had time to read any, but they boast many excellent authors, with both new and vintage artwork scattered through each book.
If you like this series, you might also like another specialty publication, The Digest Enthusiast. It looks at vintage collectible digests, 1940 on: their writers and editors, history & notoriety, artists. We have #1, 5-8, 10-12 in stock. Up to #11 they are $10 each [DIGE01, etc]. #12 is $18.99. |
Comic Book Archives |
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PLASTIC MAN RUBBER BANDED The Deluxe Edition Collects #1-20, the complete run, 2004-2006. Recommended. Master cartoonist Kyle Baker writes and illustrates this slapstick update of the Jack Cole icon of the 1940s. Here is the series in its entirety for the first time. Plastic Man must come to terms with his criminal past when the FBI assigns him to catch himself...his underworld alter ego, Eel O'Brian. Can Plas clear his name? Maybe, with the help of his beautiful, ruthless new partner, FBI Agent Morgan. Or, maybe not, thanks to the completely useless help of his old crime fighting sidekick, Woozy Winks. DC Comics, 2020. ...More. Item Code: PLASRBH Hard Cover, 7x10, 480pg, Full Color |
Just three copies are left of Plastic Man by Gail Simone & Adrian Melo, DC 2019 [PLASTN. $16.99]. |
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THE SANDMAN DELUXE EDITION Book One Collects Sandman #1-16, and Sandman Mystery Theater #1, 1989-90. Our Highest Recommendation. By Neil Gaiman. One of the most popular and critically acclaimed graphic novels of all time, Neil Gaiman's award-winning masterpiece The Sandman, is finally being collected for the first time in deluxe hardcover format. this first volume with a entirely new, wrap-around cover by Michael Kaluta and Dave Stewart. DC Comics, 2020....More. Item Code: SAND01H Hard Cover, 7x11, 528pg, Full Color |
See the website for Absolute Sandman Overture (the most recent prequel), The Absolute Death, the Sandman Gallery Edition, Grains of Sand: 25 Years of the Sandman exhibit book, Sandman Boxed Set and more by Neil Gaiman. |
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JLA By Grant Morrison Omnibus Collects JLA #1-17, 22-26, 28-31, 34, 36-41, 1,000,000 & much, much more, 2000-2005. In 1996, Grant Morrison—the visionary writer of The Invisibles, Animal Man, Doom Patrol and more—joined forces with artist Howard Porter to relaunch the Justice League of America in JLA. They revitalized this seminal series by gathering DC's greatest heroes—Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, Green Lantern, the Flash, Aquaman, and Martian Manhunter—and propelling these icons into inventive, modern stories with the highest of stakes. Based now on the moon, the JLA took on classic threats including the White Martians, the Injustice Gang, and the Key as well as new foes like Prometheus. DC Comics, 2020....More. Item Code: JLAGH Hard Cover, 7x11, 1504pg, Full Color |
More Justice League, click here. |
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ACCIDENTS AND OLD LACE AND OTHER STORIES By Otto Binder, Al Feldstein et al. Highly Recommended. The stories "Ghastly" Graham Ingels drew while he was at the pinnacle of his powers at EC. In "Marriage Vow," a woman returns from the grave to fulfill her wifely duty to her murderous husband, until death does them...together; and in "The Sliceman Cometh," an executioner during the French Revolution can't escape the severed head of an innocent man. Fantagraphics, 2020....More. Item Code: ACCIDH Hard Cover, 7x10, 232pg, b&w |
Just last week we listed the latest EC Artists Set. See the series online. |
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MARVEL CLASSICS COMICS Omnibus Collects #13-36, 1976. Recommended. By Doug Moench, Chris Claremont et al. Art by John Buscema, Michael Golden, Gil Kane, Rudy Nebres, Alfredo Alcala et al. Masterworks of literature — retold in the Mighty Marvel Manner, in the style of Classics Illustrated! In the late 1970s, respected comic book writers and talented artists joined forces to adapt classic novels: Last of the Mohicans, Treasure Island, Robinson Crusoe and Ivanhoe, horror staples Frankenstein and The Invisible Man, The Iliad and The Odyssey, the dystopian sci-fi of The War of the Worlds, and tales of Edgar Allan Poe! Plus Robin Hood and Alice in Wonderland, Charles Dickens, Mark Twain, Jules Verne, and many more! Marvel, 2020....More. Item Code: MARVCCH Hard Cover, 7x11, 1264pg, Full Color |
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FOREVER PEOPLE By Jack Kirby Collects #1-11, 1971-72. Recommended. By Jack Kirby. For the first time in 20 years, a new edition with Big Bear, Mark Moonrider, Serafin, Beautiful Dreamer, and Vykin, five young heroes who, with the help of the Mother Box, have the ability to morph into the mighty Infinity Man. Included in this volume are major battles with Darkseid, Desaad, and Glorious Godfrey as well as memorable team-ups with Superman and Deadman. DC Comics, 2020....More. Item Code: FOREP Soft Cover, 7x10, 304pg, Full Color |
More of the latest Jack Kirby on our website. |
Graphic Novels |
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BIONIC By Koren Shadmi. Bionic is a coming-of-age tale for the digital generation, taking place in the near future. It's the story of Victor, a geeky teenager on a hopeless quest to win the love of the gorgeous Patricia — but when she returns from a horrible accident with astonishing new robotic parts, both their lives will be changed forever. Adult themes, nudity. Top Shelf Productions, 2020. Mature readers....More. Item Code: BIONI Soft Cover, 7x10, 192pg, Full Color |
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STARSHIP DOWN A taut sci-fi drama by exciting newcomer Justin Giampaoli (Rome West) with captivating art by comics virtuoso Andrea Mutti (Rebels, The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo, Control). Government and religious agencies clash as our understanding of human history collapses when a UFO discovered in a confidential location in a Russian mining operation calls into question the origin of humanity. Dark Horse, 2020....More. Item Code: STARDO Soft Cover, 7x10, 96pg, Full Color |
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DAPHNE BYRNE Hill House Comics. Collects #1-6, 2019-2020. By Laure Marks. Art by Kelley Jones. In the gaslit splendor of late 19th-century New York, rage builds inside 14-year-old Daphne. Her mother has become easy prey for a group of occultists promising to contact her dead husband. But Daphne experiences a genuine supernatural encounter—a strange, insidious presence in her own body. "Brother," a charming entity with unspeakable appetites, visits her in her dreams and whispers in her ear. Soon, Daphne is sharing his terrifying power. Striking art very much in the Berni Wrightson style by the masterful Jones. DC Comics, 2020....More. Item Code: DAPHBH Hard Cover, 7x10, 160pg, Full Color |
New from Michelle Nolan |
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BASEBALL AND FOOTBALL PULP FICTION Six Publishers, with a Directory of Stories, 1935-1957 Signed Signed bookplate! Recommended. By Michelle Nolan. This first-ever volume focusing on sports pulp fiction, devoted to America's two most popular pastimes of the 1935-1957 era—baseball and football—provides extensive detail on authors, along with examination of key plots, themes, trends and categories, and more than 70 covers, including an 8-page color section. Commentary relates the works to real-life baseball and football of the period. Complete index to every cover artist (when known), cover theme, author and story title for 1054 issues! McFarland, 2020....More. Item Code: BASEBS Soft Cover, 7x10, 228pg, Text/Partial Color $39.95 |
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ALSO AVAILABLE LOVE ON THE RACKS Signed Signed bookplate. Highly Recommended. By Michelle Nolan. This is the first book to examine the cultural phenomenon of romance comics, which flourished from 1947 until the 1970s. Noted comics historian and collector Michelle Nolan covers the origins, the boom and bust, and each individual title in detail. Includes information on types of romance comics—the good and the awful—creators, from Simon and Kirby to Matt Baker, and a myriad of artists better known for their superhero, sci-fi and horror work! And pin-up art galore, with lots and lots of cover and splash page art. McFarland, 2008....More. Item Code: LOVRA Hard Cover - No Dustjacket, 7x10, 230pg, Text/Partial Color $29.95 |
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ALSO AVAILABLE ARCHIE RIVALS IN TEEN COMICS 1940-1970s An Illustrated History Signed Signed bookplate. Highly Recommended. By Michelle Nolan. This is the first book to comprehensively examine the multitude of non-Archie teen humor comic books, including girls and boys such as Miss America, Patsy Walker, Hedy Wolfe, and Millie the Model, from Atlas/Marvel; Judy Foster, Buzzy, Binky and Scribbly from DC; Candy from Quality Comics; Ginger and Suzie from MLJ/Archie, Jetta, Slick Chick, Teena, Farmer's Daugher, Hap Hazard and dozens of others. It covers, often for the first time, the history of the characters, who drew them, why (or why not) they succeeded. Highlights and unusual stories, major plotlines and a history of the development of each series. 70 cover reproductions. McFarland, 2020....More. Item Code: ARCRIS Soft Cover, 6x9, 250pgs, Text/Partial Color $39.95 |
See more fine reference books from McFarland on our website. |
Coming in December |
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HELLBOY HOLIDAY ORNAMENT Recommended. Santa isn't the only big red guy that loves the holidays! Now you can celebrate with Mike Mignola's Hellboy. Based on the limited-edition Holiday Hellboy game piece from Mantic Games, this fully painted 3.75 x 3.25 ornament can be hung or displayed on a flat surface. The hell-iday season is here! Dark Horse, 2020. Due: Dec. ...More. Item Code: HELLHO na, 4x3, na, Full Color $29.99 |
Here's a link to more Hellboy on our site. |
3...2...1...Gone |
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Here's another batch of 25 items that are going away soon, down to just one, two or three copies left. Click here to see the full list of items low in stock. |
Mature ReadersNo new items this week, but we did receive a few items this week that were previously out of stock. Playboy The Complete Centerfolds 1953-2016 is now in stock, and we also received all items in the Sensual Goddess series. |
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Nude Photography | Erotic Art | Erotic Films: DVDs | Adult Graphic Novels | All Pin-Up & Adult Click here to add yourself to our Adult's Only mailing list. |
News & Notes |
Our latest catalog has the complete list of 2021 calendars. You can download it here. It should be in your hand (if you've placed an order with us in the last 12-18 months) in just a few days. Normally we list all our calendars in two catalogs, but this year we are only putting them all in ONE. We have been listing them as each batch rolls in, in this email, but they are all collected together in the Holiday Catalog.
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Virtual Books! Instead of live book fairs, virtual book fairs are now an item! The Boston International Virtual Book Fair goes online Thursday, November 12. Thursday is Preview Day and costs $50 (it's for charity) but it's free to everyone beginning Friday, November 13. We have 50 books in the show, many of our best and latest acquisitions, and we'll post new books as ones sell out during the show. Click here to go to the exhibitor list. On Friday, click on our name, Bud Plant & Hutchison Books (under “P”) to see our listings. The bookfair opens at 8:00 am PST, and closes Saturday night, November 14th 10:00pm PST!
New PS ArtBook Sale I didn't think lightning would strike twice, but we've just arranged for a truck shipment of an entirely new batch of about 50 Pre-Code and Silver Age Archives from PS that have been remaindered. We expect to be listing them beginning in two or three weeks, a batch each week. A handful are in stock now and we've just marked down our remaining copies that used to be full price. But if any are out of stock, just hang in there and we'll have our new supply shortly. We also have a few older titles that are still marked down, none of which we can get more of at that price, so act now as supply is limited. ~Bud
Our Catalog and Contact Info We publish a color catalog every two months—if you’ve placed an order in the last 12 months, you will receive it hot off the press. If this is your first order, or if you’d like an extra copy, you can add one to your order: click here. Or call or send us your address and we’ll mail one to you. You can also download it here Place your order before noon PST, Monday through Friday for SAME DAY shipping (for in-stock items). Note: FREE SHIPPING OVER $300. If your order total is $300 or more and you are in the U.S., we pay the standard shipping cost. Contact us: or 530-273-2166 Mon-Fri 9-4 |
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Website IndexSee our website for thousands of books of the Unusual and Hard-to-Find ~ Hundreds on Sale! |