The Marvel Art of books |
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A new issue of Illustration Magazine is here, #70. Plus new graphic novels, Fantastic Four Epic Collection 6, The Marvel Art of The Savage Sword of Conan and of Adam Kubert, Batman: Road to No Man's Land, The Disney Princess, Wild Minds (of Animation), Venom Epic Collection, The Art of Ralph Steadman, Super Friends Vol 2, two new Budd Root Cavewoman items and an advance look at tomorrow's CYBER SALE. |
Graphic Novels | Comics Archives | Art Books Christmas Gift Suggestions | 3...2...1...Gone Trouble seeing images? Click here to view on our blog. Click here to see ALL New Arrivals, beginning with the latest and going back 30 days. |
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ILLUSTRATION MAGAZINE #70 Highly Recommended. Featuring the work of Joe Bowler, best known for his spectacular slick magazine illustrations of the 1950s of fashion, beautiful men and women, and adventure. The feature is illustrated with numerous original paintings and rare tear sheets. Next up, the work of Roger Kastel, creator of movie poster art from Jaws and Doc Savage to The Empire Strikes Back, plus abundant paperback covers. Also Morton Roberts, "A Brief Life at Yale", plus reviews of the latest books, exhibitions and events! Illustrated Press, 2020....More. Item Code: IL70 Magazine, 9x11, 80pg, Full Color $15.00 |
Missing any back issues? Check here. |
Graphic Novels |
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MIRKA ANDOLFO UN/SACRED Volume 1 Recommended. The accomplished Mirka Andolfo (Unnatural, Mercy, DC Bombshells) brings to life a Heaven (and a Hell) filled with humor and lovable characters. Nudity and sex, but nothing explicit. It's all in good fun as Angelina, a voluptuous angel, and Damiano, a mischievous devil, fall madly in love. But, while she does not intend to give in to temptation, he would very much like to... This is the tale of their bizarre and spicy daily life! A sex-positive—and incredibly funny—slice of life...full of angels, devils and gags! looks like fun. Ablaze, 2020. Mature readers....More. Item Code: MIR01H Hard Cover, 7x10, 168pg, Full Color |
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PLUNGE Hill House Comics. Highly Recommended. Well drawn, articulate and intelligent, very well written. A distress signal goes out from a ghost ship that's been lost for over forty years...but what the salvage team finds upon their arrival will haunt them for the rest of their lives. New York Times bestselling author Joe Hill tempts you to explore the wreckage and discover where ghost stories start. DC Comics, 2020....More. Item Code: PLUNG Hard Cover, 7x10, 168pg, Full Color |
This reminds me of Carthago: Origins and Carthago: Adventures. I highly recommend both. |
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THE MAGICIANS Alice's Story New Softcover edition - hardcover is sold out. Highly Recommended. By Lev Grossman and Lilah Sturges. The Magicians Alice's Story is an all new chapter set in the world of The Magicians trilogy of novels by New York Times bestselling author Lev Grossman, retelling the events of the first novel through fan-favorite character Alice Quinn. And for me, unfamiliar with the series, I found it an outstanding stand-alone graphic novel. It features exceptionally good characterization and strong artwork. -Bud. Alice Quinn is manifestly brilliant, and she's always known that magic is real. During her years at Brakebills College for Magical Pedagogy, she rises to the top of her class, falls in love with Quentin Coldwater, and witnesses a horrifically magical creature invade their dimension. Archaia, 2019. Mature Readers....More. Item Code: MAGAS Soft Cover, 7x10, 208pg, Full Color $16.99 |
The hardcover edition came out in 2019 and is completely sold out. |
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THE KILL LOCK Collects #1-6. By Livio Ramondelli. Banished for their crimes, four robots are bound to each other's fates in this sci-fi graphic novel. Each found guilty of an irredeemable crime, they find themselves banished from their home world and bound together by the Kill Lock—a programming link that means if one of them dies, they all will. Now a soldier, an addict, a murderer, and a child find themselves forced to protect each other while in search of a cure to survive. Their only clue is a bot known as The Axial, supposed to be the creator of the Lock and keeper of its secrets. Unusual and intriguing. IDW, 2020....More. Item Code: KILOCK Soft Cover, 7x10, 176pgs, Full Color |
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WYOMING DOLL Translated from the 2004 French graphic novel. Highly Recommended. By Franz. Two families en route to Wyoming. An ambush by Crow warriors. A massacre — and two little girls missing. Logan, a naive and inexperienced young man who served as scout to the small convoy, makes a promise: he'll find the girls. Meanwhile, Salmon Leap, a young Lakota warrior turned away by the father of the woman he loves, seeks a glorious death — but finds Sharon, one of the two girls, who quickly bonds with him. A complex, epic adventure than spans more than a decade, and offers nuanced views of good and bad in the old west. Cinebook, 2020....More. Item Code: WYOM Soft Cover, 7x10, 68pg, Full Color $16.95 |
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Here's more western stories in graphic novel form. |
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THE REGIMENT The True Story of the SAS Book 2 First published in France in 2017. Recommended. By Vincent Brugeas. Art by Thomas Legrain. After the disaster that was their first mission, the SAS refused to give up, and their second wave of raids proved a powerful validation of the concept behind their unit. Unfortunately, they still have many enemies at headquarters, and now they must capitalize on their success. While they lack neither daring nor imagination, they will have to contend with an enemy who knows how to adapt, and learn to live with the terrible human cost of the war... Cinebook, 2020....More. Item Code: REG02 Soft Cover, 8x11, 56pg, Full Color $13.95 |
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ALSO AVAILABLE REGIMENT The True Story of the SAS Book 1 First published in France in 2017. Recommended. By Vincent Brugeas. Art by Thomas Legrain. The true and incredible story of the origins of a unit that would become legendary during the Second World War, and remains to this day one of the finest Special Forces in the world. It's 1941 and Europe is under the Nazi heel. Great Britain still holds out, but the situation worsens with every passing day. And in North Africa, gateway to the Middle East and its immense oil reserves, Rommel now threatens Egypt, keystone of British defences. In those desperate times, three unconventional officers band together to create a small, elite unit that will become a military legend: the SAS. Cinebook, 2019....More. Item Code: REG01 Soft Cover, 8x11, 64pg, Full Color $15.95 |
Here's more books on the history of war, particularly World War II. |
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RONIN ISLAND Volume 3 Series Conclusion. Collects #9-12, 2020. Recommended. By Greg Pak (Star Wars). Art by Giannis Milonogiannis. The final battle for the island is here. Hana and Kenichi finally return to the home island seeking refuge with their new travel companions, but are denied entry by Elder Jin and the Islanders who fear the newly mutated byōnin (monsters who were once humans). Caught between the Island's defenses, the Shogun's oncoming forces, and deadly byōnin, Hana and Kenichi must rally their own troops and make one final stand to protect the homeland that has abandoned them...together in strength. Boom!, 2020....More. Item Code: RONISL03 Soft Cover, 7x10, 112pg, Full Color $14.99 |
Books 1 and 2 are still available. This is a standard full color graphic novel, not manga, but click here to see Manga online. And here for more Samurai-related stories, such as Sky Hawk and the Isabellae series, Volumes 1 and 2. |
Comics Archives |
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BATMAN ROAD TO NO MAN'S LAND Omnibus By Chuck Dixon. A gripping and heartwrenching collection masterfully brought together by Chuck Dixon. Azrael is back in Gotham, bringing Bane back with him in an attempt to get him in custody. Azrael's plan is halted when an earthquake provides the perfect escape for Bane. Catwoman's world begins to unravel as the Angle Man is back in Gotham—his mind set on murder. Batman and his allies are faced with enemies they've faced before...and some they haven't...while trying to save Gotham, its people, and their own souls. DC Comics, 2020....More. Item Code: BATRH Hard Cover, 7x11, 1256pg, Full Color |
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ABSOLUTE SWAMP THING By Alan Moore Volume 1 New Printing. Collects #20-34, 1984-85. Oversized, Slipcase. Highly Recommended. Art by Stephen R. Bissette, John Totleben, Rick Veitch, et al. Before the groundbreaking graphic novel Watchmen, Alan Moore made his debut in the U.S. comic book market with the revitalization of the horror comic book Swamp Thing. NowDC Comics and Vertigo present an all-new vision of this landmark achievement. Comprising three deluxe hardcover volumes, Absolute Swamp Thing by Alan Moore debuts completely new coloring for every page, crafted exclusively for this definitive collector's edition by legendary color artist Steve Oliff (Akira, Miracleman). This first volume includes the issues The Saga Of The Swamp Thing #20-34 and Swamp Thing Annual #2 and features a monumental new afterword from Bissette accompanied by a wealth of historic behind-the-scenes material from the title's original creative team. DC Comics, 2020....More. Item Code: ABS01H Hard Cover, 9x13, 448pg, Full Color |
Here's more Swamp Thing. |
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VENOM EPIC COLLECTION Volume 1 Symbiosis Collects Amazing Spider-Man #258, 300, 315-317, 332-333, 346-347 & much more, 1984-94. Venom goes Epic! When Spider-Man learns that his black costume is secretly an alien symbiote, he rejects the suit — and the spurned creature soon finds a new host! Disgraced reporter Eddie Brock has reasons of his own to hate Spider-Man, and together the two merge into the twisted engine of revenge known as Venom! And so begins a rivalry for the ages! Venom has the same powers as Spider-Man, but is bigger, stronger, doesn't trigger his spider-sense...and he knows Spidey's secret identity! Against such a dangerous, determined and deadly foe, how far will Spider-Man have to go to survive? Marvel, 2020....More. Item Code: VEN01 Soft Cover, 7x10, 472pg, Full Color |
Here are more Spider-Man collections. |
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FANTASTIC FOUR Epic Collection Volume 6 At War with Atlantis Collects Fantastic Four #88-104; Annual #7, 1969-70; & The Lost Adventure, 2008. Highly Recommended. In the final issues of Stan & Jack's amazing run, plenty of explosive action and family drama, including: the Mole Man, an interstellar gladiatorial arena, Doctor Doom, a mission to save Apollo 11, the Inhumans, the Sub-Mariner, Magneto and more! To top it off, the completed version of Stan and Jack's "lost" FF issue! 18 pages of bonus material: original art for covers & penciled pages, house ads, etc. Marvel, 2020....More. Item Code: FFE06 Soft Cover, 7x10, 416pg, Full Color |
See more Fantastic Four Epic collections, Omnibus Editions and Artist's Editions online. |
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AVENGERS #57 AND X-MEN #4 Facsimile Set Facimile editions, complete with original ads, from 1964 and 1968. Highly Recommended. The Avengers meet one of their deadliest enemies — and greatest allies — in an unforgettable story by Roy Thomas and John Buscema, from 1968! It begins as the Wasp is terrorized in her apartment by "some sort of unearthly Vision" — and soon the synthezoid who can alter his density from ghostlike to diamond hard is making light work of Giant-Man, Hawkeye and Black Panther! And in X-Men #4, by Stan and Jack Kirby from 1963, Magneto brings together The Brotherhood of Mutants, which includes The Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver! Marvel, 2020....More. Item Code: AVXMP Comic, 7x10, 32pg, Full Color $9.95 |
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See our website for more replica editions from both Marvel and DC, as well as Vampirella original issues and rare pre-code horror, Eerie Tales and Weird Mysteries |
Art Books |
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THE MARVEL ART OF ADAM KUBERT Highly Recommended. By Jess Harrold. Introduction by Greg Hildebrandt and Jean Scrocco. The son of Joe Kubert has become a legend himself. Adam Kubert's contribution to the Marvel Universe is celebrated in this lavishly illustrated and well designed art book. Follow Adam's career from Wolverine and Uncanny X-Men runs that made him a fan-favorite, through his The Hulk, Spider-Man and Captain America and his modernized versions of classic characters in Ultimate X-Men and Ultimate Fantastic Four. Behind-the-scenes artwork demonstrating Adam Kubert's creative process, and a gallery of rare variant covers. Marvel, 2020....More. Item Code: MARAKH Hard Cover, 8x11, 224pg, Full Color |
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THE MARVEL ART OF THE SAVAGE SWORD OF CONAN THE BARBARIAN Highly Recommended. By John Rhett Thomas and Roy Thomas. The best art of the legendary Savage Sword in a deluxe art book, and narrated by Roy himself, who wrote, edited and oversaw the artists from the beginning. With Conan's success as a color comic and a test run in mag Savage Tales, the decision was made to spin Conan off into his own magazine—with longer, more mature stories and art in black and white, behind beautiful painted covers. Conan took on a new savagery under masters such as Barry Windsor-Smith, John Buscema and Ernie Chan. The series' fully painted covers offered gorgeous illustrations by Boris Vallejo, Michael Kaluta, Earl Norem and many others. Marvel, 2020....More. Item Code: MARVASH Hard Cover, 8x11, 224pg, Full Color |
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ALSO AVAILABLE THE MARVEL ART OF CONAN THE BARBARIAN Highly Recommended. Art by Barry Windsor-Smith, Neal Adams, John Buscema, Gil Kane et al. A very handsomely designed hardcover gallery of classic Conan comic art—covers, interiors and splash pages, original art. With attributions and running commentary. The Cimmerian fought his way through three decades, 1970-2000, of phenomenal storytelling in Conan the Barbarian, King Conan, and related titles. Here is the very best, from seminal masterworks of Barry Windsor-Smith, to stunning interpretations by Gil Kane and Neal Adams, to a character-defining legacy by John Buscema, to Silvestri, Kaluta, Mignola and others! Introduction by Roy Thomas, afterword by Michael Allred. Marvel, 2019....More. Item Code: MARACH Hard Cover - No Dustjacket, 9x11, 224pg, Full Color |
See our website for archives of Savage Sword, Conan comics, and new Conan graphic novels. |
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THE DISNEY PRINCESS A Celebration of Art and Creativity By Charles Soloman. The inside look at how each of the princesses came to be, with behind-the-scenes stories and rare art from the Disney archives. From Snow White to Moana, explore how the personality, style, and spirit of each princess developed and evolved. Insights from directors and artists, and even photos of the live-action actors and models who inspired the animators. 200 colorful illustrations, photos, and graphics. Chronicle Books, 2020. ...More. Item Code: DISPRH Hard Cover, 8x10, 240pg, Full Color |
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RALPH STEADMAN A Life in Ink By Ralph Steadman. A massive and oversized definitive retrospective of this revered and provocative British illustrator. Renowned for his work with iconic American writer Hunter S. Thompson, he formed an unlikely duo that created "Gonzo" journalism. Explores Steadman's signature ink-splattered style; Features a diverse body of work that includes satirical political illustrations; Includes art from dozens of award-winning children's books, such as Alice in Wonderland, from his 50-year career. Chronicle Chroma, 2020. ...More. Item Code: RALSTH Hard Cover, 9x12, 320pg, Partial Color |
Comic Strip & Animation History |
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WILD MINDS The Artist and Rivalries that Inspired the Golden Age of Animation Recommended. By Reid Mitenbuler. In 1911, famed cartoonist Winsor McCay debuted one of the first animated cartoons, based on his sophisticated newspaper strip “Little Nemo in Slumberland,” itself inspired by Freud's recent research on dreams. McCay unleashed an art form and the creative energy of artists from Otto Messmer and Max Fleischer to Walt Disney and Warner Bros.' Chuck Jones. Their origin stories, rivalries, and sheer genius, were as colorful and subversive as their creations — from Felix the Cat to Bugs Bunny to feature films such as Fantasia — which became an integral part and reflection of American culture over the next five decades. Atlantic Monthly Press, 2020....More. Item Code: WILDMH Hard Cover, 6x9, 432pg, Text/b&w |
See our website for animation from Disney to Cuphead, Calvo to Miyazakiworld, They Drew as They Pleased and Monsters of the Imagination. |
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LITTLE DEBBIE AND THE SECOND COMING OF ELMO DAILY COMIC STRIPS 1960-61 Signed Signed by Frank Young & numbered. Recommended. By Cecil Jensen. Introduction by Frank M. Young. For a dozen years, Cecil Jensen created a comic strip called "Little Debbie." It had once been known as "Elmo" — one of the darkest and wildest strips ever made. In the summer of 1960, the 58-year-old journeyman brought Elmo and his weird world back into the strip for a final hurrah that is among comics' greatest surprises! This gathers the final 13 months which appeared in a handful of newspapers. Labor of Love, 2020....More. Item Code: LITTDE Soft Cover, 8x8, 236pg, b&w $16.99 |
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ALSO AVAILABLE ELMO 1 DAILY COMIC STRIPS 1946-48 Signed Signed & numbered by the author. Recommended. By Cecil Jensen. Introduction by Frank M. Young. Created by journeyman political cartoonist Cecil Jensen, Elmo hit the American comics page in the fall of 1946. With an absurd cool worthy of Nathanael West and dust-dry humor on par with W. C. Fields or S. J. Perelman, Elmo was the right idea at the wrong time. Exiled from his own strip within two years, this can-do Candide shoulda been a contender. Though a blip on the national radar, Elmo offered readers quirky humor, surprising violence and a cast of craven, conniving and quixotic characters—including a bevy of beautiful young ladies, both good and bad. Labor of Love, 2019....More. Item Code: EL01S Soft Cover, 8x8, 175pg, b&w $14.99 |
Thanksgiving Cyber Sale |
You will get a special mailing from us on Friday, November 20th, with 110 newly discounted items that we are closing out. However, to reward you regular readers here, you can get a jump on these NOW. Click here for the complete list. You can also sort these by Newest, Lowest Price, Highest Price and Most Popular. There's a tiny drop-down menu for you to pick each choice. We have as few as 2 or 3 copies of some items, so act now if you want the best selection. Tomorrow the listing will go out to our entire email list. |
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Titles include these Marvel collections: Timeless Tales, Marvel Decades series, Marvel Visionaries Roy Thomas and Steve Ditko, Black Panther. Plus Moonfire 50th Anniversary, Men at Sea and these Disney books: Pencils, Pens and Brushes: A Girl's Guide to Disney Animation and Ink & Paint: The Women of Walt Disney's Animation. We're taking Thanksgiving off! And on the subject of holidays, we are all taking the four-day weekend off for Thanksgiving. This means that we will send out the eblast early, on Wednesday November 25, but we will not be here on the phones or to ship orders on Thursday and Friday the 26th and 27th. We'll catch up with orders on Monday the 30th. Another reason for you to get your Cyber Sale orders in NOW. |
Christmas Gift Suggestions |
There is a special section in the latest catalog (pictured below). If you didn't get one yet, download it and see page 16. Also, this catalog is the one and only time we'll list ALL the 2021 Calendars. You'll find them on page 8, or just click here. Here's a few more special Gift Suggestions: |
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THE GREAT TREASURY CHRISTMAS COMIC BOOK STORIES Highly Recommended. Art by John Stanley, Walt Kelly, and Richard Scarry. Edited by Craig Yoe. This is the perfect gift for Christmas and could become a well-read, treasured family book. Expert Craig Yoe selects stories to delight those from ages 3 to 100! Classic illustrators and cartoonists like Richard Scarry, Walt Kelly, and John Stanley are featured with multiple stories, plus selected works by Golden Age masters Jack Bradbury, Dan Noonan, Klaus Nordling, and Alberto Gioletti. Warm and fuzzy brightly colored comics full of humor, whimsy, and holiday love. IDW, 2018....More. Item Code: GRTR Soft Cover, 7x10, 176 pg., Full Color $24.99 |
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FROM ALL OF US TO ALL OF YOU The Disney Christmas Card Highly Recommended. By Jeff Kurtti. For nearly nine decades, Disney artists have created annual seasonal art for greeting cards, advertisements, and in support of motion picture releases, TV programs, and the parks. Featuring beloved Disney characters and scenes, these seldom-published examples of vintage Disney art create a one-of-a-kind festive collection. Center opening cover and a dozen removable holiday cards, each in its own envelope, exclusively-designed as a unique bonus feature to showcase both rare and original Disney art and artifacts! Disney Editions, 2018....More. Item Code: FROMAH Hard Cover, 12x9, 144pg, Full Color $50.00 |
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CLASSIC STORYBOOK FABLES Signed Closeout Price! With a signed bookplate. Our Highest Recommendation. Illustrated by Scott Gustafson. Children and adults alike will delight in reading aloud these enduring and enchantingly told stories, richly illustrated and fabulously reimagined by award-winning artist Scott Gustafson. Eight wonderful stories with full page and even double-page full color illustrations. Stories include The Little Red Hen, The Princess and the Pea, The Emperor's New Clothes, The Ugly Duckling, The Crow and the Pitcher, The Boy Who Cried Wolf, Beauty and the Beast, The Mice in Council, and The Boy Who Went to the North Wind. Artisan, 2017....More. Item Code: CLASFH Hard Cover, 11x12, 84pg, Full Color |
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DC COMICS SUPER HEROINES 100 Greatest Moments Bargain-priced new collection. Recommended. By Robert Greenberger. From Batgirl to Wonder Woman, all of the greatest female characters of the DC Comics universe are paid homage. Broken down, moment by moment, readers are able to follow pivotal points in the development of their favorite heroines, from one or two for minor characters, to 11 for Wonder Woman, 7 for Batgirl, 3 for Black Canary. Overview of 100 notable scenes where women show just how tough they are. Key panels and pages are pulled from the silver and bronze age up to the present. Chartwell Books, 2018....More. Item Code: DCSGMH Hard Cover, 9x11, 304pg, Full Color $24.99 |
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EYVIND EARLE COASTLINES Notecard Set Almost Gone! Boxed set of 20 cards featuring two different designs, with envelopes. Highly Recommended. Eyvind Earle, Disney legend and internationally acclaimed artist, is widely recognized for his stylized paintings of American landscapes. In the 1950s Earle worked as lead stylist and background painter for Walt Disney Studios' Sleeping Beauty. Subsequently, Eyvind Earle achieved recognition for his independent commercial work in film, television, books and magazines. His fine art work including oils, acrylics, watercolors, scratchboards, serigraphs and sculptures are exhibited in private collections, art galleries and museums worldwide. Eyvind Earle Publishing, 2019....More. Item Code: EYVC na, 4x7, 20 cards, Full Color $20.00 |
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THE 10 CENT WAR: Comic Books, Propaganda, and World War II Recommended. Edited by Trischa Goodnow and James J. Kimble. How different types of comic books and characters supplied reasons and means to support the war effort. The contributors demonstrate that, free of government control, how effective these appeals were, while often racist and extreme. The book discusses the role of such major characters as Superman, Wonder Woman, and Uncle Sam along with a host of such minor characters as kid gangs and superhero sidekicks. It even considers novelty and small presses, providing a well-rounded look at the many ways that comic books served as popular propaganda. University Press of Mississippi, 2016....More. Item Code: THCEW Soft Cover, 6x9, 240pg, b&w $30.00 |
Three more personal favorites: Cats of Tanglewood Forest Hardcover, with signed bookplate by Charles Vess [CATTHS. $18] and its companion sequel, Seven Wild Sisters Hardcover [SEVWH. $18]. Both are written by Charles De Lint. And also The Magic Book by Noel Daniel (Taschen) [MAGIH. $40]. |
3...2...1...Gone |
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Here's another batch of 25 items that are going away soon, down to just one, two or three copies left. Click here to see the full list of items low in stock. |
Coming in December |
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SUPER FRIENDS Saturday Morning Comics Volume 2 Collects Super Friends #27-47, 1979-81. Inspired by the hit animated TV series, the 1970s stories starring Batman, Superman, Wonder Woman, and the Justice League of America. Villains include Felix Faust, Gorilla Grodd, and Sinestro, and aliens that stole Atlantis! Written by DC editor and historian E. Nelson Bridwell with art by classic DC artist Ramona Fradon, best known for her work on Aquaman and Metamorpho. Due: Dec....More. Item Code: SUPF02H Hard Cover, 7x10, 488pg, Full Color |
Volume 1 collects issues #1-26 & more, same discounted price [SUPF01H]. It's also drawn by Ramona Fradon! |
Mature ReadersWe have a very limited number of the Morbus Gravis Limited Edition. We announced it in advance but then didn't get enough to fill our advance orders. Now we finally have a small restock, but with only 700 produced, we don't expect it to last long. Also see the available Druuna and Serpieri collections, including two coming collections. And after a long absence, due to the virus, we have new Cavewoman: Greatest Hits, with two new nude Budd Root covers. I've also just discontinued quite a few of the older Cavewoman issues, with just 2 or 3 copies left, so look here for ones that say ALMOST GONE. I'm dropping some of the older 42nd Street: Peep Show Collections; we have 14 different ones in stock. Watch for the ALMOST GONE message, with a note on how many we have left. Last chance also on Voyeur: Aurora & Meredith DVD [VOYEUAM. $19.95] and Zoom Up Seiko's Thigh DVD [ZOOMS. $19.95]. |
Nude Photography | Erotic Art | Erotic Films: DVDs | Adult Graphic Novels | All Pin-Up & Adult Click here to add yourself to our Adult's Only mailing list. |
News & Notes |
I'm dropping the oldest volumes now that the series has come to an end. Last chance.
Christmas Shipping Deadlines Detailed in our latest catalog. In short, December 11 for East Coast orders, the 16th for West Coast; Friday the 18th for RUSH SERVICE. You can try later, but these are our best estimates. UPS and the US Mail make NO guarantees of delivery time during the holidays, and you already know these folks have been running slow ALREADY, ever since the Covid virus hit. Play it safe, order early. We also can run out of items that are more popular than we anticipated, another reason to order early.
This may be already out of print. We just ordered more and Taschen's warehouse listed just 60 left in stock. We have copies on hand now and another reorder coming, but heads up if you are on the fence on this.
The Art of Frank Cho: A 20 Year Retrospective The softcover edition has gone out of print and we have no copies left. But we believe we managed to secure one last order which is on the way now [ARTFC. $40]. Meanwhile, we still have the Publisher Exclusive Hardcover with a signed illustrated bookplate [ARTFCHS. $59.95].
Holiday Catalog (pictured below) You should have your copy by now, unless you are overseas. If you don't, you can add one to your order or call or email us and we'll send you a hard copy, or download it here, right now. ~Bud
Our Catalog and Contact Info We publish a color catalog every two months—if you’ve placed an order in the last 12 months, you will receive it hot off the press. If this is your first order, or if you’d like an extra copy, you can add one to your order: click here. Or call or send us your address and we’ll mail one to you. You can also download it here Place your order before noon PST, Monday through Friday for SAME DAY shipping (for in-stock items). Note: FREE SHIPPING OVER $300. If your order total is $300 or more and you are in the U.S., we pay the standard shipping cost. Contact us: or 530-273-2166 Mon-Fri 9-4 |
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Website IndexSee our website for thousands of books of the Unusual and Hard-to-Find ~ Hundreds on Sale! |