Thursday, June 27, 2024

EC Fan-Addict, Ernie Bushmiller Nancy book, Eerie Vol 6, Crime Suspenstories Vol 2, Alley Oop


Each issue of EC Fan-Addict sells out and the new one is going fast. Also this week—a cool new Ernie Bushmiller Nancy book, Eerie Vol 6, Crime Suspenstories Vol 2, three new Alley Oops, Dark Tides of Mars, The Art of Aleksi Briciot, Batman/Catwoman and Noir Burlesque. Plus more EC Comics news and from Humanoids, Jodorowsky’s Sons of El Topo.

Download our spanking new Summer Catalog right now—the cover is a super homage to Frazetta’s Death Dealer.

Download CatalogSummer 2024
Incredible Catalog

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Click here for last week's new items.

Click here to see ALL New Arrivals, beginning with the latest and going back 30 days.


MULTIVERSE The Art of Aleksi Briclot
Highly Recommended. Foreword by Andy Park (Marvel Studios). There's no way you haven't seen his art, whether it was while watching a movie, reading a comic-book, or playing a card or a video game. Aleksi Briclot visually develops universes, stories, and characters for Wizards of the Coast, Ubisoft, Image Comics, Dark Horse, Capcom, and Marvel Studios. It is now time for this extraordinary artist to have a monograph dedicated completely to his own art. We are VERY impressed, this is packed with wonderful artwork. - Bud Cernunnos, 2024....More

Item Code: MULABH
HC, 9x12, 272pg, FC


Nancy is Back!


THE NANCY SHOW Celebrating The Art of Ernie Bushmiller
Oversized. Highly Recommended. A companion catalogue of original art, memorabilia, and more from "The Nancy Show," a 2024 exhibition honoring Ernie Bushmiller at the Billy Ireland Cartoon Library & Museum. This book includes reproductions from the museum show, including over 100 pieces of original artwork, with special bonus material. Fantagraphics, 2024....More

Item Code: NANSHO
SC, 12x9, 152pg, PC

THREE ROCKS The Story of Ernie Bushmiller The Man Who Created Nancy
Highly Recommended. From Bill Griffith, creator of Zippy the Pinhead and Nobody's Fool, comes Three Rocks, a graphic novel biography of cartoonist Ernie Bushmiller, creator of the iconic comic strip Nancy. But this graphic novel is about more than a single comic book artist. It is the story of this American art form, tracing its inception back to 1895 with the Yellow Kid, the creation of Nancy in 1933, and all the strips that followed, including Peanuts and The Far Side. When Bushmiller died in 1982, Nancy was running in almost 900 daily newspapers -- a number few syndicated cartoonists ever achieve. Abrams ComicArts, 2023....More

Item Code: THREH
HC, 7x10, 272pg, b&w
In Rare Books, we have one copy of The Best of Ernie Bushmiller, signed and inscribed by co-author Brian Walker, from 1988. Fine minus condition. [RB2091. $100]. An aborted Nancy film is detailed in Hogan’s Alley #23 from 2021-- along with a fine piece on Frazetta’s work on Li’l Abner and a Bob Fuji profile [HA23. $7.50].

Comic Book Archives & Graphic Novels


By Enrico Marini. An atmospheric, violent crime caper set in 1950s New York, with everything from femme fatales to double-crosses. A heist gone wrong forces Slick to do a job for his employer, Rex, to repay the debt he owes. But Slick is in love with Caprice, Rex's ex-call girl wife-turned-burlesque legend and Rex also has the only way for Slick to avenge his murdered father. Titan, 2023....More

Item Code: NOIRBH
HC, 8x11, 228pg, FC
$29.99 $26.99

Collects Batman/Catwoman: The Gotham War, Batman #137-138, Catwoman #57-58: and more, 2023. By Chip Zdarsky, Tini Howard and Matthew Rosenberg. Art by Mike Hawthorne, Jimenez, et al. A coordinated effort in Gotham City has led to a reduction in violent crime, but at what cost? Villains scatter as their lives begin to crumble under a new regime. And as Batman recovers from his epic battle through the Multiverse, one name runs through his mind. One name at the heart of this new, safer Gotham: Catwoman. 23 pages of covers and variant covers. DC Comics, 2024....More

Item Code: BATCGH
HC, 7x10, 272pg, FC
$29.99 $26.99

Collects #28-31, 1970. Recommended. Frightening fables from creators Tom Sutton, Ken Kelly, Richard Corben, Dan Adkins, Pat Boyette, Doug Moench, Basil Gogos, Carlos Garzon, Nicola Cuti, and more. Also includes an in-depth interview with longtime Warren Publishing scribe Doug Moench. Dark Horse, 2024. ...More

Item Code: EER06
SC, 8x11, 248pg, FC
$24.99 $21.99
Here are back issues, and also click here for Creepy.

Collects #7-12, 1951-52. Highly Recommended. Before the dark days of the Comics Code, no publication presented the no-holds-barred portrayal of the dark side of criminality quite like EC. Featuring intense dramas of villainy, treachery, and love gone bad by comics giants Al Feldstein (writer), Johnny Craig, Graham Ingels, Jack Davis, and Jack Kamen. Dark Horse, 2024....More

Item Code: ECC02
SC, 8x11, 216pg, FC
Volume 1 is also in stock. Here are all of the EC Archives, inexpensive softcovers plus several hardcovers.

ROM The Original Marvel Years Omnibus Vol 2
Collects Rom #30-50, Rom Annual #1-2, Marvel Two-In-One #99, 1982-84. By Bill Mantlo. Art by Sal Buscema. Cover by Bill Sienkiewicz. Locked in an endless struggle with the Dire Wraiths, Rom's solemn quest to eradicate them from Earth brings him into conflict with the Metal Master and his army of spiders and Mystique and the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants. Plus a cosmic epic features Doctor Strange, the In-Betweener, the Living Tribunal...and the human form of Rom?! Has he been freed from his armor at last? Marvel, 2024....More

Item Code: ROM02H
HC, 8x11, 664pg, FC
$125.00 $110.00

ROM The Original Marvel Years Omnibus Vol 1
Collects Rom #1-29 and more, 1979-82. By Bill Mantlo et al. Art by Sal Buscema, Greg Larocque, Frank Miller et al. Early adventures of the greatest of Spaceknights: Rom. Centuries ago, Rom pledged his life to protect his planet, Galador, from the evil Dire Wraiths. Now, Rom has tracked these vile creatures across the cosmos to Earth, where they have infiltrated the highest levels of power -- including S.H.I.E.L.D. Armed with his energy analyzer, only Rom can see the Wraiths' true form and with his neutralizer, he can blast them into Limbo. But what will Earth make of this armored invader? Will Rom's quest be aided or hindered by encounters with the X-Men, the Fantastic Four, Jack of Hearts, Nova, and Power Man and Iron Fist? Marvel, 2023. ...More

Item Code: ROM01H
HC, 8x11, 712pg, FC
$125.00 $110.00

Alley Oop Threesome


Daily strips, 1989. Recommended. Alley Oop finds a new pal -- a baby T.Rex named Fang, who joins with Alley who's rescuing his friends from the dungeons of Lem. Also featuring the conclusion of Redbeard's Island, with Alley as a pirate captain... and the first-ever Moovian County Fair! Acoustic Learning, 2024....More

Item Code: ALLE89
SC, 9x8, 106pg, b&w

Daily strips, 1992. Recommended. Welcome new artist Jack Bender for a new era of Alley must rescue a medieval town being terrorized by a mysterious lurking creature -- who turns out to be an alien's pet, and our flying saucer boys want him back. Next Alley takes an airborne outing to protect the U.S. Air Mail in the early 1900's from sabotage. Tribute to Bender's career by former writer Carole Bender. Acoustic Learning, 2024....More

Item Code: ALLE92
SC, 9x8, 110pg, b&w

ALLEY OOP AGAINST THE OUTLANDERS The Complete Sundays 1979-1981
Recommended. By Dave Graue. Alley goes on a pterdactyl ride and comes down hard in a new kingdom..with no memory of who he is. And little green men turn up in Moo and create all kinds of havoc for our stone age cast. Plus lots of fascinating new dinos are turning up and becoming pets, of questionable value. Acoustic Learning, 2024....More

Item Code: ALLEAO
SC, 9x8, 156pg, FC

Reprints all dailies from 1939 to 1942. Highly Recommended. Foreword by Michael H. Price, apprentice to V.T. Hamlin! Never before collected: four years of rare Alley Oop Daily Strips! Alley Oop's time-traveling adventures begin! Join Alley as he fights in the Trojan War, joins Ulysses' Odyssey, visits Cleopatra's Egypt, sails the Spanish Main, plunges into World War II, and more! You've seen the Sunday pages; now enjoy the daily strips, all featuring the time-travel stories, from the very beginning. Beautifully restored from 1939-1942 in this oversize and impressively thick hardcover. Acoustic Learning, 2024....More

Item Code: ALLEFTH
HC, 10x13, 424pg, FC
Here’s lots more Alley Oop, including the bestselling V.T. Hamlin Sundays from the early days.

Barsoom before John Carter


Book #13 in the Wild Adventures of Edgar Rice Burroughs Series. By Chris L Adams. Art by Douglas Klauba. Barsoom is dying, its atmosphere thinning with each passing year, the seas that once flourished upon its surface dried up eons ago. When warrior-scientist Dat Voga is asked to become Helium's ambassador to distant cities that may provide a desperate chance at life for the people of Barsoom, he leaps at the opportunity. But a madman seeks to hasten the Red Planet's doom -- and Dat Voga is hurled headlong upon an odyssey across Time itself! ERB Inc., 2023. ...More

Item Code: DARTMH
HC, 6x9, 288pg, Text/b&w
Also available in a softcover edition [DARTM. $21.95]. Click here for more Edgar Rice Burroughs, from Tarzan and Mars, to The Moon Maid!

EC Lives!


EC FAN ADDICT Vol 6 Signed
Bookplate Limited to 250, signed by Grant Geissman. Our Highest Recommendation. Edited by Roger Hill and Grant Geissman. Art by Al Williamson, Jack Davis, Graham Ingels, et al. This new 136 page, full-color issue is loaded with even more vintage E.C. lore and rare artwork by E.C. artists. Front and back covers by George Evans. Features examine a recently discovered 1954 Williamson/Torres/Frazetta/Krenkel cover to Buster Crabbe #5, Jack Davis's early 1950s Lucky Star series, a previously unpublished 1967 interview with Dr. Fredric Wertham, Jack Davis and Coca-Cola, a conversation with Graham Ingels featuring -- for the first time -- all four large and ten smaller-sized Old Witch paintings by Ingels... Fantagraphics, 2024....More

Item Code: ECF06S
SC, 8x11, 136pg, Text/PC

As I write this, we are down to our last 100 copies with bookplates -- orders poured in as soon as the EC online community got wind of it, just two weeks ago. Order immediately if you want the bookplate; once gone, we’ll send out copies without the bookplate. We have 100 of these but cannot get more--it’s sold out from Fantagraphics, just like #5.

More from Roger Hill:


Signed extra-illustrated full color 7x10 bookplate! Now in softcover. Our Highest Recommendation. By Roger Hill. The special bookplate features a painting never before reproduced in full color featuring John Carter, Dejah Thoris & friends, and Tars Tarkas going into battle (nudity). From the 1940s to the '70s, Reed Crandall brought a unique and masterful style to American comic art. Using an illustrator's approach on everything he touched, Crandall gained a reputation as the "artist's artist" through his skillful interpretations of Golden Age super-heroes Doll Man, The Ray, Firebrand, and Blackhawk (his signature character); horror and sci-fi for the legendary EC Comics line; Warren Publishing's Creepy, Eerie, and Blazing Combat; THUNDER Agents and Edgar Rice Burroughs characters; and even Flash Gordon for King Features. TwoMorrows, 2021. ...More

Item Code: REEDCRA
SC, 9x11, 156pg, FC
This bookplate was signed by Roger in 2021 when this appeared in softcover. We have one copy of the hardcover from 2017, which immediately sold out [RB3052. $200].

MAC RABOY Master of the Comics
The first-ever book on this hugely talented artist. Our Highest Recommendation. By Roger Hill. Introduction by Roy Thomas. Beginning with his WPA etchings during the 1930s, Mac Raboy struggled to survive the Great Depression and eventually found his way into the comics. He perfected his art style on early stories of Dr. Voodoo, Zorro The Mystery Man, Bulletman, Spy Smasher, (all for Fawcett), The Green Lama and, finally, his crowning achievement, Captain Marvel Jr. Raboy went on to illustrate the Flash Gordon Sunday newspaper strip, and left behind a legacy of meticulous perfection. Through extensive research and interviews with son David Raboy, and with several of Mac Raboy's Golden Age assistants, author Roger Hill brings Mac Raboy, the man and the artist, into focus. TwoMorrows, 2019....More

Item Code: MACRAH
HC, 8x11, 160pg, FC

Our Highest Recommendation. Matt Fox (1906-1988) first gained notoriety for his bizarre cover paintings on the pulp magazine Weird Tales from 1943 to 1951. His created ghouls, demons, and grotesqueries of all types, evoking a disquieting horror vibe that no one since has ever matched. He went on into comics and his 1950s cover illustrations, his lone story for Chilling Tales, put them at the top of all pre-code horror comic enthusiasts' want lists. He brought his evocative storytelling skills (and an almost Basil Wolverton-esque ink line) to Atlas/Marvel horror comics of the 1950s and '60s as an inker, too! But since Fox never gave an interview, this unique creator remained largely unheralded until now! TwoMorrows. 2023. ...More

Item Code: CHILMHS
HC, 8x11, 128pg, FC

TOPS The Complete Collection of Charles Biro's Visionary 1949 Comic Book Series
Collects Tops #1-2, 1949. Oversized 11x14. Our Highest Recommendation. The extremely rare two-issue adult comics experiment created by Charles Biro and Lev Gleason Publishing in 1949. Some of the best craftsmen working in comics at that time drew these pulpy, sexy, and melodramatic stories: Dan Barry, George Tuska, Reed Crandall (pre-EC crime tales), Bob Fuji et al. Also articles by Dashiell Hammet and actor Melvyn Douglas. Profusely illustrated and informative Introduction by editor and historian Michael T. Gilbert (with Bill Spicer) and a whopping 27 beautifully illustrated Biographical & End Notes by Gilbert and Roger Hill! Fantagraphics, 2022. ...More

Item Code: TOPSH
HC, 11x14, 216pg, FC
$49.99 $44.99

Here’s a link to Tributes to Roger.

For more EC Comics material, click here.

We have a complete set of Squa Tront that will be listed in Rare Books by next week. Several issues are also now in stock, signed by editor John Benson…Squa Tront and Roger’s EC Fan-Addict are truly companion publications, filled with inside stories and newly discovered artwork by the EC creators. Roger worked with Jerry Weist on the early issues of Squa Tront.

Also don’t miss Bill Leach’s fine EC ‘zine, Horror from the Crypt of Fear. We have four issues in stock:

#14 – Al Feldstein interview by Steve Ringgenberg, Thommy Burns, EC panels at San Diego Comic Con… [HFTC14. $15]

#15 – Biggest issue yet, 138 pages, 58 in color: George Evans, Wertham, Graham Ingels tribute cover [HFTC15. $17.50]

#16 – Special Issue – Richard Corben’s Tales of the Plague [RCTALE. $9.95]. Limited to 500

#17 – The EC Checklist, every issue, every credit, even giveaways and Picture Stories from the Bible, American History and World History… [HFTC17. $15].


2020 Bestseller #2. Limited to 5000. From the leading authority on EC. Huge oversized volume. Our Highest Recommendation. By Grant Geissman. With exclusive 8x11 full color bookplate drawn by Angelo Torres, and signed by the author. Taschen presents the full, fascinating story of this fabled company, written and designed by EC-expert Grant Geissman. Even the most die-hard EC Fan-Addicts will find something new within these pages, with the Gaines family archives providing over 100 rarities that have never seen print. Cover images are reproduced from Gaines file copies. 1,000 illustrations include the rarest and most notorious covers, interior pages and panels, rare photos, vintage original artwork, and some of the most celebrated stories ever to be printed in four colors. Taschen, 2020. Rush Service and International shipping would require an additional charge....More

Item Code: HISECH
HC, 16x11, 596pg, FC

Back in Stock


Back in stock. Highly Recommended. By Robert Greenberger. Legendary for what he has done on the page and infamous for what he has said off it, Howard Chaykin ranks among the superstars of modern comics. Go behind the scenes with American Flagg! and Black Kiss, and experience the stories of his life as only he can tell them. Filled with no-holds-barred perspective from his longtime friends and colleagues, and featuring an extensive selection of artwork from throughout his career, including many never-before-published pieces from Chaykin's own archives, an in-depth journey from the 1970s to today with one of the medium's great storytellers. Dynamite, 2012. Mature Readers....More

Item Code: ARTHCH
HC, 9x12, 200pg, PC
$29.99 $27.99

Back in stock. Highly Recommended. By Sarah Lit and Hannah Gorfinkel. For the first time the definitive retrospective of Ramona Fradon's career. Packed with classic artwork along with never-before-seen sketches. Interview by Howard Chaykin. Fradon talks about her artistic career, accomplishments, and creations -- from her early days at DC in the 1950's with Aquaman, Metal Men, Metamorpho and Doom Patrol, to her later work on Marvel's The Cat and Fantastic Four and DC's Plastic Man, Freedom Fighters, Super Friends, and more! Dynamite, 2014....More

Item Code: ARTRFH
HC, 9x12, 144pg, PC
$29.99 $27.99
Here’s more work by both artists, Fradon and Chaykin.

Mature Readers

Sons of El Topo is here from Humanoids, by Jodorowsky and the outstanding artist José Ladrönn (The Incal). It’s essentially a wild, surreal and violent western. But due to depictions of nudity and rape, we’re listing it here in the adult section. Click here for much more by Jodorowsky, including his collaborations with Moebius. The Jodorowsky Library Volumes 2-6 are also all in stock. Volumes 2, 4, 5 and 6 are $39.99, $34.99. Volume 4 is $49.99, $44.95 [JODL02H, 03H, etc].

Going away are 42nd Street Forever #54, 56-58. Very few left. See all our adult DVDs here.

We sent out our latest Mature Readers email on Tuesday. Click here if you missed it, and click here to sign up for future mailings.

All  |  New Arrivals   |  Pin-Up  |  Nude Photography  |  Bettie Page

Graphic Novels  |  Erotic Art   |  DVD'S  |  Prints & Fun Stuff


Goners & Sale Preview

Here's another batch of 30 items that are going away soon, down to just one, two or three copies left. You can now see the latest 3…2…1 items in a new section on our website, called ALMOST GONE, at the top of the home page, right next to CLOSEOUTS.

We have a Summer Clearance Sale coming soon, but you can get a first glance now. Click here to see over 70 newly reduced items, or enter JUNSALE in the seach field on the homepage.


Coming in October


GIANT ROBOT Thirty Years of Defining Asian-American Pop Culture
A deluxe hardcover that celebrates the pop culture phenomenon, the fan magazine Giant Robot. Los Angeles, 1994. Two Asian-American punk rockers staple together the zine of their dreams featuring Sumo, Hong Kong Cinema and Osamu Tezuka. From the margins of alternative culture, Giant Robot burst into the mainstream with over 60,000 copies in circulation annually at its peak. Drawn and Quarterly, 2024. Due: Oct....More

Item Code: GIANRH
HC, 8x11, 464pg, FC
$49.95 $45.95

Recommended. An oversized, expanded edition of the award-winning national bestseller, named Graphic Novel of the Year by the National Cartoonists Society and the Washington Post, with 288 pages of new material, including commentary and unpublished preparatory material from Alex Ross. Abrams, 2024. Due: Oct....More

Item Code: FFFULH
HC, 10x13, 352pg, FC
We have just two left of the original hardcover from 2022 [FFFULLH. $24.95].

Collects #1-22, and Annual #1, 1988-89 and more. Recommended. Introduction by Jamie Delano. Foreword by Garth Ennis. Now, fans can revisit -- or experience for the first time --his earliest solo adventures, collecting the first Hellblazer stories from writer Jamie Delano and artists including John Ridgway, Richard Piers Rayner, Stephen R. Bissette, and more. Hellblazer helped usher in DC's seminal Vertigo label, and stands as the longest-running series of that imprint -- and now the earliest stories of that era are available in the omnibus format, alongside a host of extras. DC Comics, 2024. Due: Oct....More

Item Code: JOHH01H
HC, 1128pg, FC
$150.00 $130.00

THE FLASH By Mark Waid Omnibus Vol 2
1994-96. Picking up where The Flash by Mark Waid Omnibus Vol. 1 leaves off, Wally West has the same super-speed powers as his uncle Barry Allen, a.k.a. the Flash! Follow Wally's journey toward becoming a true hero. Collecting some of the most iconic tales from Mark Waid's time writing The Flash! DC Comics, 2024. Due: Oct....More

Item Code: FLMW02H
HC, 1216pg, FC
$150.00 $130.00
Vol 1 is in stock now, collecting issues #62-91 and Annual #4-6 from 1992-94 [FLMW01H. $150, $125]. Art by Greg LarRocque, Mike Wieringo and Carmine Infantino.

WANTED & BIG GAME Library Edition
Collects Wanted, 2003-04 and Big Game, 2023. By Mark Millar. Art by JG Jones. The graphic novel from Millarworld, and its sequel set twenty years later, collected together for the first time! Action thriller Wanted was the first book and the starting point for an entire universe of comic books and movies. Big Game is the sequel, set twenty years after the original and bringing together over twenty franchises for the first time, from Kick-Ass and Hit-Girl to The Ambassadors and The Magic Order. Dark Horse, 2024. Mature Readers. Due: Oct....More

Item Code: WANBGH
HC, 360pg, FC
$59.99 $54.99

Highly Recommended. The final ten years of daily strips from Jan. 1, 1990 through January 2000 from Charles Schulz's half century of Peanuts are presented here complete. Introductory essay and notes about the evolution of the strip in its final decade. Andrews McMeel, 2024. Due: Oct....More

Item Code: BIGPEH
HC, 9x12, 544pg, b&w
$45.00 $41.99
We have much more Peanuts in stock: A Golden Celebration, The Peanuts Collection, Boxed set, Artist’s Edition, Complete Peanuts 1979-82, Peanuts Every Sunday 1996-2000 and 1990s slipcased sets. Also The Big Book of Peanuts.

Rare Books

2001 - Signed/Limited

2014 - #62 of 1150

1996 - 2 available

Rare Books Tip - Dwayne now posts the new Rare Books to the website every Wednesday by 4pm PST. You can see all new listings a full day before we link to them in the Thursday evening email. Dwayne’s now cataloging vintage statues, such as Shi above the Tex Avery wolf below—see several in this week’s list and watch for more in the next few weeks. Some are as-new, some have defects and are seriously marked down. Most/all are in original boxes.

Go to the home page and scroll down to Just Arrived--Rare & Out of Print. Look at the first several screens, or click on the RARE & OUT OF PRINT main section for more per page. We post around 60 new titles a week.

Tex Avery - 1995

1993 - 2 available

1954 - Jack Cole!


News & Notes


Summer Sale

Our summer sale email went out earlier this week. If you missed it, click here to see it on our blog. Don’t miss the previous Rare Books list the week before. All new items, sales, and rare books newsletters are posted on our blog.




Our Catalog and Contact Info

We publish a color catalog every two months—if you’ve placed an order in the last 12 months, you will receive it hot off the press. If this is your first order, or if you’d like an extra copy, you can add one to your order: click here. Or call or send us your address and we’ll mail one to you. You can also download it here.

Place your order before noon PST, Monday through Friday for SAME DAY shipping (for in-stock items).

Note: FREE SHIPPING OVER $300. If your order total is $300 or more and you are in the U.S., we pay the standard shipping cost.

Contact us: or 530-273-2166 Mon-Fri 9-4

Download Catalog

Website Index

See our website for thousands of books of the Unusual and Hard-to-Find ~ Hundreds on Sale!

~ Just Arrived

~ Artists & Illustration

~ Comics Related

~ Calendars

~ Coming Soon

~ Pulps & Fiction

~ Nostalgia & Special Interest

~ Almost Gone

~ Rare & Out of Print

~ Pin-Up & Adult

~ Collector's Supplies

~ Closeouts

Friday, June 21, 2024

Bud's Early Summer Clearance Sale!

Early Summer Clearance Sale!

Below are sixty newly discounted items, with links to many more titles.

Click here for more Sale Items still available from our Spring Sale, and click here for the latest Closeouts just added.

Orders in the U.S. over $300 also qualify for FREE SHIPPING.

To view all this week's sale items, use search code JUNSALE. You can also get the jump on our upcoming new sale items too: use search codes NRP0124 and NRP0224.

Sort sale books by lowest price, highest price, and newest publication date using the filter box after your search, at the top of the listing.

Last Tuesday we send out a special Mature Readers email. Click here to see it, and click here to be added to the adult mailing list.

Summer 2024
Bud's Incredible Catalog


Artists & Illustration


Highly Recommended. Franz Wacik (1883-1938) was an extraordinary Austrian talent who also designed for the theater, painted frescoes and murals, and illustrated children’s books. While his startlingly original work is largely unknown today, this volume (primarily composed of Wacik’s work for the satire magazine Die Muskete) will be a revelation for many. Wacik’s expertise encompassed a diverse array of fantastical subjects, including bizarre creatures and fairy tale settings. Illustrated Press, 2023. ...More.

Item Code: FRAWAH
Hard Cover, 9x12, 224pg, Full Color
$44.95 $29.95
Click here to see more Illustrated Press books, and copies of Illustration Magazine.

Import from England. Highly Recommended. In this full-color coffee-table art book, noted researcher Stephen James Walker presents a complete visual history of the Hank Janson crime fiction series, from its inception in 1946 through to the last of the original novels in 1971, and beyond. Reproductions of every single cover — including, in full-page size and in better quality than ever seen before, all of the classic Reginald Heade painted covers of the 1940s and 1950s, including his foreign editions. Good girls, bad's all about racy themes and sex appeal on these vintage covers: nudity, bondage, violence, cleavage... The equivalent U.S. series might be Mike Hammer or Michael Shayne — except Janson was far longer-lived! Telos, 2021....More.

Item Code: HANJH
Hard Cover, 9x11, 256pg, Full Color
$65.00 $45.00

Highly Recommended. Featuring Petar Meseldžija, Arthur Barbosa, John Millar Watt and Philip Mendoza. This issue: cover feature artist John Millar Watt is an exceptional British artist we had never heard of before, prolific for forty years. He’s a cartoonist turned comic book artist turned celebrity illustrator. Petar Meseldžija: The fantasy illustrator has entered the world of fine art, a frequent Spectrum contributor and absolutely amazing fantasy artist. Philip Mendoza: The talented illustrator and master of anthropomorphic animal cartoons. Arthur Barbosa: known for his Flashman book covers. Book Palace, 2019....More.

Item Code: IQ26
Soft Cover, 9x11, 96pg, Partial Color
$24.99 $14.99
See more Illustrators and Specials here.

Highly Recommended. Includes several complete stories, as well as an outstanding sampling of covers and his finest pages from the mid 1960s to the late ‘70s. Viewing these pages, it’s easy to see why John Buscema has been called the Michelangelo of comics. Stan's go-to artist for the best in anatomy and drama, he set the standard on The Silver Surfer, The Avengers, Conan, Fantastic Four and Thor. An amazing illustrator who was nearly too good for comics! IDW, 2021....More.

Item Code: JBMHAEH
Hard Cover, 12x17, 192pg, b&w
$150.00 $99.00
Click here for more John Buscema.

COMICS JOURNAL LIBRARY Volume 4 Drawing the Line
Recommended. By Gary Groth. The fourth volume in this ongoing series of lavish coffee-table-books. Far-ranging and introspective interviews drawn from the Utne Award-winning magazine's archives, this volume gathers together four of the sharpest social commentators of our times: Ralph Steadman, Jules Feiffer, Edward Sorel, and David Levine. Each definitive conversation is complimented with generous amounts of illustration. Plus a full-color gallery of rarely seen work. Fantagraphics, 2004. Out of Print....More.

Item Code: CJL04
Soft Cover, 12x12, 120pg, Text/Partial Color
$22.95 $9.95
Volumes 5 & 7 are available in Rare Books.

COSMIC-70 The Art of Paul Davidson
Recommended. A visual archive of sketches, commissioned artwork and fantasy illustrations from comic book creator Paul Davidson. Paul revisits some of his most popular characters from Moon Knight, Silver Surfer and Conan to Judge Dredd and everything in between. The Newcastle-born artist has spent the past 25 years working as a concept artist for video games and illustrating books for publishers around world. His comic book career began with the creation of Dwarf Lords for Games Workshop’s “Warhammer” in the 90’s. After years of producing storyboards and concept art in the video games industry, Marvel lured him back into comics in 2008 to draw X-Men, Moon Knight and Silver Surfer to name a few. Berserker, 2022....More.

Item Code: COSMP
Soft Cover, 8x11, 100pg, Full Color
$30.00 $15.00
Also available signed with an original pencil drawing! [COSMPD. $65].

FANTASTIC ILLUSTRATED The Comics Art Techniques of Paul Davidson Signed
Signed with a full color cover! Foreword by Dan Abnett. Renowned Marvel & 2000AD artist Paul Davidson takes you on a behind-the-scenes look at his process and the art techniques used to illustrate a comic book. Here is a unique insight into the mind of a comic book creator as he develops an idea from sketching, inking, and finally coloring the final page. 100 pages of character design, concept art, and the how-to construction of a comic book page. Berserker, 2022. Out of print....More.

Item Code: FANPD
Soft Cover, 8x12, 100pg, Partial Color
$35.00 $20.00

FLEXIBLE The Art of Yo Shimizu
Highly Recommended. The first collection of Yo Shimizu's work, featuring 160 breathtakingly beautiful and overwhelmingly fantastic landscapes and characters, body armor and creatures. The book introduces a wide variety of Shimizu’s work to date, from fully-realized digital art to his prelim landscapes, hand-drawn in water color. These latter works remind us of Miyazaki storyboards. A bonus feature on the making of the cover illustration is included with bilingual Japanese and English text, giving readers a glimpse into the techniques that Shimizu uses when drawing. PIE International, 2022....More.

Item Code: FLEXAR
Soft Cover, 7x10, 192pg, Full Color
$39.99 $19.99

IT'S ABOUT TIME A Memoir in Pictures and Words Brian Bolland
Recommended. Foreword by Johnny Vegas. Introduction by Dave Harwood. An epic journey through the life and art of Brian Bolland in a totally unique format that we've never seen before. Told fumetti style, with actual photos (plus some artwork) of Brian from childhood to aspiring artist, marriage, meeting fellow artists, attending shows. This guy was hard-wired to his camera!! A visual journal of Bolland's development as an artist, writer and observer of the world around him, all narrated in the first person by Brian himself. Book Palace Books, 2023....More.

Item Code: ITSABH
Hard Cover, 7x11, 336pg, Full Color
$49.99 $29.99
More Bolland can be found here, incuding the The Killing Joke Gallery edition, coming out in September.

Experience a fresh take on the Marvel Universe with this collection of illustrations from twenty exceptional Japanese artists, including Yasuhiro Nightow, Akira Himekawa, Peach Momoko, Yusuke Murata, and Yoshitaka Amano. With entirely full page portraits and illustrations, this oversized hardcover explores a range of unique artwork, collected for the first time, celebrating characters from across the multiverse. A must-have for fans of Marvel Comics and Japanese art alike! Includes several pages done just for this edition. VIZ Media, 2023....More.

Item Code: MARMTH
Hard Cover, 8x12, 128pg, Full Color
$24.99 $12.99

Highly Recommended. By John Rhett Thomas. Explore the amazing visual history of Marvel Comics variant covers in this first-ever collection. Comprising some of the most sought-after and valuable comics, variant covers have become a tradition in comics publishing. The variant cover phenomenon began in 1986 and was immediately embraced by a devoted legion of fans. This showcases the finest and most famous variants alongside exclusive interviews from artists and industry experts. Featuring abundant fan-favorite characters: Spider-Man, Captain America, Iron Man, Black Panther, the X-Men, and many others. Marvel, 2020....More.

Item Code: MARVCOH
Hard Cover, 9x12, 216pg, Full Color
$45.00 $19.95

4th book in the "Background Illustrations and Scenes" series. Highly Recommended. Fantastical and magical scenery, desolate landscapes, and weird creatures, this book collects 111 dark fantasy artworks from 30 illustrators, including renowned illustrators such as Posuka Demizu, the illustrator for the bestselling manga series The Promised Neverland, and YoShimizu, the cover illustrator for the 2nd book in the series Beautiful Scenes from a Fantasy World. The cover Illustration here was drawn by Monokubu, who, with more than 217K followers on Twitter, is also getting attention in the Japanese illustration industry. Text in both Japanese and English. PIE International, 2021....More.

Item Code: MYSSC
Soft Cover, 10x10, 160pg, Full Color
$39.95 $24.95

Our Highest Recommendation. Pioneers of German Graphic Design tells the story of early 20th century art and design, the origins of concepts that are still innovative today...and why Germany became perhaps the most influential innovator in modern visual language. Apart from reproducing more than 1,000 iconic designs in magnificent quality, this volume exhibits a great diversity of important unpublished or forgotten pieces. It presents the inspirational stories of fourteen graphic designers who essentially shaped the modern profession, including the best known to us, Ludwig Hohlwein, Bayer, Julius Klinger, and Behrens. A full chapter with lots of examples is devoted to each of the 14 designers, plus an overview of the entire period. Callisto, 2017. Note: Some copies have a slightly bumped corner....More.

Item Code: PIOGGH
Hard Cover, 9x12, 400pg, Partial Color
$95.00 $45.00
Also available in Rare Books is Russian Graphic Design 1880-1917 [RB3787. $50].

RIVALS Gods & Machines
The Art of Paul Gerrard. Recommended. You may not know his name but you know his incredible designs. British concept designer Paul Gerrard has created some of the most memorable and celebrated costume and character designs in film and TV. From Hellboy and the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles to Battle: Los Angeles and Dungeons & Dragons (2023), his surreal sci-fi figures and landscapes have captured the imagination and admiration of movie and art fans worldwide. This stunning art book presents what we all want to know: What is the story behind these otherworldly, phantasmagorical creatures? Schiffer, 2022....More.

Item Code: RIVAH
Hard Cover, 8x11, 144pgs, Full Color
$34.99 $14.99

SPECTRUM Volume 11 Hardcover
The Best in Contemporary Fantastic Art. Highly Recommended. Edited by Cathy Fenner and Arnie Fenner. 300 artists; seven categories, including one devoted to comics and graphic novels, a feast of disparate visions and artistic imagining. Featuring John Howe, fantasy illustrator and designer for Lord of the Rings; Peter de Seve, conceptual artist on Finding Nemo; Anita Kunz's work from Rolling Stone; bold new work by Michael Whelan; John Jude Palancar; Doug Chiang, design director for Star Wars; and Jon Foster, also of Star Wars fame. Underwood Books, 2004. Out of print....More.

Item Code: SPE11H
Hard Cover, 9x12, 208pg, Full Color
$39.00 $19.95
Also available in softcover, and on sale. [SPE11. $29.00, $14.95].

SPECTRUM Volume 19 Hardcover
Our Highest Recommendation. Edited by Cathy and Arnie Fenner. 300 diverse visionary artists, many world-renowned, including Michael Whelan, Donato Giancola, Leo & Diane Dillon, Kinuko Craft, and Peter de Sève. James Gurney (Dinotopia) is the featured Grand Master. Cover is by Brom. Here is the year's finest art, Gold, Silver and Bronze winners plus all carefully chosen runners up, picked by a jury of their peers. With art from books and book covers, graphic novels, video games, films, galleries, three-dimensional (statues, etc.) and advertising, Spectrum is truly an electrifying art book. Underwood Books, 2012. Out of print. ...More.

Item Code: SPE19H
Hard Cover, 9x12, 304pg, Full Color
$45.00 $14.95

SPECTRUM Volume 25 Hardcover Hurt
The Best in Contemporary Fantastic Art. Our Highest Recommendation. Edited by John Fleskes. The best-selling Spectrum series continues with this lavishly produced 25th annual. Spectrum is the premier showcase for imaginative fantastic arts in the book, comic, film, horror, illustration, sculpture, conceptual art, fine art and video-game genres. Nearly 500 works by more than 275 diverse visionaries, including Paul Bonner, J.A.W. Cooper, Olivia De Berardinis, Annie Stegg Gerard, Scott Gustafson, Edward Kinsella III, Gregory Manchess, Victo Ngai, Tran Nguyen, Greg Ruth, Yuko Shimizu, and many more. The Grand Master this year is Claire Wendling and the Spectrum Rising Star award goes to Miranda Meeks. The Year in Review by John Fleskes is must-read. Flesk, 2018. Out of print. Condition: May have bumped corners or spine. Jackets may be torn or curled....More.

Item Code: SPE25HR
Hard Cover, 9x12, 304pg, Full Color
$45.00 $19.95
Also available in softcover, and on sale. [SPE25R. $35.00, $14.95]. Click here for more Spectrum Volumes and Quarterlys.

STRANGE DAYS Aliens, Adventurers, Devils, and Dames
Highly Recommended. 32 oversized, full-color, framable examples of this best of the fabled pulp covers. Included are works by some of pulpdom's most renowned artists: Virgil Finlay, Hannes Bok, Edd Cartier, Margaret Brundage, Jerome Rozen, Belarski, Enoch Bolles and Walter Baumhoffer...all reproduced from the original paintings! Underwood Books, 2009. Out of print....More.

Item Code: STRDH
Soft Cover, 11x15, 32pg, Full Color
$17.95 $9.95
One of many amazing closeouts from Underwood Books.

Comic Book Archives


BATMAN SPAWN The Classic Collection
From 1994. Hardcover. Recommended. For the first time in three decades, this edition of the classic meeting between comics’ caped avengers of the night reprints Batman/Spawn: War Devil #1 by legendary Batman creators Doug Moench, Chuck Dixon, Alan Grant, and Klaus the Spawn/Batman one-shot by Frank Miller and Spawn creator Todd McFarlane, which brings Batman to Spawn’s home turf of New York City! Two heroes with different methods in two very different tales. DC Comics, 2022....More.

Item Code: BATSCC
Hard Cover, 7x10, 112pg, Full Color
$19.99 $9.99

Collects Captain America #43-50, #600-601, 2004; CA: Reborn #1-6, 2009; & the Reborn Prologue. Recommended. By Ed Brubaker, Paul Dini et al. Art by Gene Colan, Steve Epting, Jackson Guice et al. Steve Rogers' closest friends and allies may have found a way to bring back Captain America. Or is what they found something more sinister? The Red Skull's greatest plan to destroy Captain America has been in motion and its completion is almost at hand. Will Captain America be lost forever or will he be REBORN? A story that spans the 1940s to modern times, co-starring the original Human Torch, The Black Widow, the adult Bucky, and the Avengers. Marvel, 2021....More.

Item Code: CAPLIH
Hard Cover, 7x11, 560pg, Full Color
$75.00 $45.00
Click here for more Captain America.

DOCTOR STRANGE Epic Collection Volume 3 A Separate Reality
Collects Doc Strange #180-813, Marvel Premiere #3-14 and more, 1968-74. Recommended. Top-flight creators Roy Thomas, Gene Colan, Stan Lee and Barry Windsor-Smith portray Doctor Strange at his very best! Here are The Undying Ones, Baron Mordo, the cosmic threat of Eternity and the eldritch horror of Shuma-Gorath. Then, Steve Englehart and Frank Brunner break new boundaries with their all-time classic Sise-Neg Genesis and Silver Dagger sagas featuring lush art and stories that plumb the depths of Strange's soul. Marvel, 2021. ...More.

Item Code: DOCST03
Soft Cover, 7x10, 472pg, Full Color
$44.99 $29.99

DOCTOR STRANGE Epic Collection Volume 5 The Reality War
Collects Doctor Strange #29-51, 1974 & 4 more issues, 1973-80. Recommended. Roger Stern and Chris Claremont join artist icons Gene Colan, Marshall Rogers and Tom Sutton. Nightmare, D’Spayre and the Dream Weaver twist reality and rend Strange and Clea’s souls with inconceivable fears. Baron Mordo returns, armed with the occult secrets of the Vatican. Wong is captured by the Shadowqueen and Clea and Strange must traverse dimensions and battle the demonic N’Garai to save him! Excellent artwork. Marvel, 2022....More.

Item Code: DOCST05
Soft Cover, 7x10, 504pg, Full Color
$44.99 $29.99
Volume 2 is also available. More Doc Strange here.

Sixty years after its publication in November 1961, this re-imagining by award-winning graphic designer Chip Kidd uses an original copy of the comic book to present the classic story in a whole new way — with each panel as a full page. The book also includes text by Marvel editor Tom Brevoort and historian Mark Evanier (Kirby: King of Comics), and the entire issue as it was originally presented also. Abrams ComicArts, 2021....More.

Item Code: FANTFH
Hard Cover, 9x11, 260pg, Full Color
$40.00 $25.00

FORBIDDEN WORLDS Volume 3 Slipcased
Limited, 300! Collects #12-18, 1952-53. Recommended. By Richard Hughes. Art by Harry Lazarus, Paul Gattuso et al. We love the stories: "Were-Spider's Doom," "Invasion from Hades," "The Subway Spectres," "The Time Destroyer," "The Death Slave," "The Vampire Cat," "The Living Head." Seven full issues and 34 over-the-top horror and supernatural stories, from the peak of the pre-code horror explosion. Every kind of frightening menace and resurrected dead body was fair game in these fun and unusual stories by the fine staff at American Comics Group (ACG). PS Artbooks, 2013. Out of Print....More.

Item Code: FOR03D
Hard Cover, 7x10, 288pg, Full Color
$64.99 $29.99
Volumes 4, 6 & 8 are on sale and slipcased.

Collects #59-64, 1957-58. Recommended. By Emil Gershwin, Ogden Whitney et al. Tales exploring science fiction, dark creatures and the supernatural as ACG thrives in the post-code world. These stories are some of the most readable and interesting from the period, even considering Stan Lee's work at Atlas. ACG editor and chief writer Richard Hughes escaped the typical clichés and presented off-beat tales—more fun to read now than most other comics of the time. PS Artbooks, 2015....More.

Item Code: FOR10H
Hard Cover - No Dustjacket, 7x10, 240pg, Full Color
$59.99 $24.99
Hardcovers of Volume 11 & 12 are also on sale. Click here to see all avilable volumes.

Limited, 300! Collects #8-14, 1953-54. Highly Recommended. By Jack Cole, Leo Morey, Charles Nicholas et al. Weird adventures into horror and the supernatural from Quality Comics Group's premiere title. While EC and Harvey were doing THEIR thing, Quality had their own take on ghosts, skeletons, the undead, and the damned. Featured artists also include Charles Culdera, Bob McCarty and John Forte. PS Artbooks, 2015. Out of Print. ...More.

Item Code: WEB02D
Hard Cover, 7x10, 252pg, Full Color
$69.99 $29.99
See volumes 1 & 3 here.

Collects #2-7, 1954-56. Highly Recommended. Art by George Woodbridge, Angelo Torres, A. C. Hollingsworth, Hy Fleishman, et al. We have a real sleeper here. George Woodbridge was a brilliant artist but wasn't in comics long enough to be well-recognized today. Here he does three covers and a story, collaborating with Angelo Torres on the cover and story in #3—it looks like Frazetta drew it. From here he went on to a 44-year career with Mad Magazine, beginning in 1957. The first issue of this was Horror from the Tomb. Fetid horror stories also featuring more fine work by more unsung artists: Kurt Schaffenberger (Superman, Lois Lane), Richard Doxee (a stand-out at Stan Lee's Atlas) and Cal Massey. PS Artbooks, 2019....More.

Item Code: MYS01H
Hard Cover - No Dustjacket, 7x10, 216pg, Full Color
$44.99 $29.99

PS Artbooks Sale

There are now sale prices on over 70 PS Artbook titles. We’ve put them all together for your browsing. Some are in very low supply. Click here to see them all!



MIRACLEMAN The Golden Age By Gaiman & Buckingham
Collects #1-6, 2015. Highly Recommended. By Neil Gaiman. Art by Mark Buckingham. Atop Olympus, Miracleman presides over a brave new world forged from London's destruction. It is a world free of war, of famine, of poverty. A world of countless wonders. A world where pilgrims scale Olympus' peak to petition their living god, while miles below the dead return in fantastic android bodies. It is an Age of Miracles — but is humankind ready for it? Do we even want it? Is there a place for humanity in a world of gods? Plus 30 pages of bonus material. Marvel, 2022....More.

Item Code: MIRM01
Soft Cover, 7x10, 192pg, Full Color
$19.99 $12.99

Collects Fantastic Four #251-257, Annual #17, Avengers #233, Thing #2, all from 1983. Story and art by John Byrne. New introduction by Al Milgrom. Continue John Byrne's iconic Fantastic Four run! When the Fantastic Four journey on a mind-bending quest through the Negative Zone, the opportunistic Annihilus attacks the undefended Baxter Building. With Daredevil, She-Hulk and the Avengers racing to the Fantastic Four's side, Reed and Sue must make some drastic decisions concerning their future with the team. Plus: Galactus is back, he's hungering for the Skrull homeworld. Marvel, 2021....More.

Item Code: MMFF23H
Hard Cover, 7x10, 344pg, Full Color
$75.00 $45.00
Click here for more Marvel Masterworks, and here for the bargain priced Mighty Marvel Masterworks, all $15.99.

Collects #51-69 original series. Highly Recommended. By Neil Gaiman. Art by Marc Hempel. Includes the zero-hour tale "World's End" — at the World's End Tavern, two travelers tell stories like "A Tale of Two Cities". Vertigo Jam #1, where the beauty and wonder of Dream's Castle is able to be experienced. Also reintroduces Prez; Death appearance; Belushi, Nixon and Wildcat cameos; and the Death of the Sandman in #69. DC Comics, 2021....More.

Item Code: SAND04H
Hard Cover, 7x11, 528pg, Full Color
$49.99 $29.99

Collects Spawn #298-301, 2019. By Todd McFarlane and Scott Snyder. Collected together for the first time, the issues that lead up to and include the record-breaking Spawn #301, which went through three printings. This is the story line that changes everything...Including art from industry giants like Greg Capullo, Jason Alexander, Clayton Crain, Jerome Opeña, and Francesco Mattina, as well as a story penciled by Todd McFarlane himself. Image Comics, 2022....More.

Item Code: SPAWRB
Soft Cover, 7x10, 184pg, Full Color
$16.99 $5.99

Comic Reference & How-To


Highly Recommended. By Robert M. Overstreet. Kevin Nowlan offers an imaginative new take on Jack Kirby's classic image from The Avengers #3 for the cover. Celebrate the 60th anniversaries of The Avengers and the Justice League/Justice Society crossovers; take a look at the influential advertising comics of the pioneering R.F. Outcault, CGC history, Hall of Fame, Key sales, Market reports, and a spotlight on Frank Frazetta’s Death Dealer. Packed with more articles, comics values, artist and writer credits, special issues, key issues and much, much more. Gemstone, 2023....More.

Item Code: CB53AH
Hard Cover, 7x10, 1120pg, Full Color
$44.95 $22.50
Also avaialble in a softcover.

THE OVERSTREET COMIC BOOK PRICE GUIDE 53rd Edition Death Dealer Hardcover
Highly Recommended. By Robert M. Overstreet. Artist Dan Lawlis recreates the Death Dealer cover. Celebrate the 60th anniversaries of The Avengers and the Justice League/Justice Society crossovers; take a look at the influential advertising comics of the pioneering R.F. Outcault, CGC history, Hall of Fame, Key sales, Market reports, and a spotlight on Frank Frazetta’s Death Dealer. Packed with more articles, comics values, artist and writer credits, special issues, key issues and much, much more. Gemstone, 2023....More.

Item Code: CB53DH
Hard Cover, 7x10, 1120pg, Full Color
$44.95 $22.50
Also avaialble in a softcover.

THE OVERSTREET COMIC BOOK PRICE GUIDE 53rd Edition Hero Initiative Cover
Limited, 500. Highly Recommended. By Robert M. Overstreet. Acclaimed artist John Tyler Christopher brings Red Sonja to the cover of the exclusive Hero Initiative edition. Celebrate the 60th anniversaries of The Avengers and the Justice League/Justice Society crossovers. It also includes a look at the influential advertising comics of the pioneering R.F. Outcault, creator of The Yellow Kid and Buster Brown, and a spotlight on Frank Frazetta’s Death Dealer. Packed with more articles, comics values, artist and writer credits, special issues, key issues and much, much more. Gemstone, 2023....More.

Item Code: CB53HH
Hard Cover, 7x10, 1280pg, Full Color
$44.95 $22.50
See all the Overstreet price guides here.

CDQ is a lively, creative magazine bringing inspiration, expert insights, and leading techniques from professional illustrators and artists worldwide. Among this issue’s highlights: Amelia Bothe reveals the process of creating this issue's cover; we go behind the scenes at London animation studio Blinkink, talk to animator Carlos Luzzi, character creator Jeanne Wong, Wouter Bruneel shows how to stylize character designs, Laura Pauselli reveals making contrasting emotions effect character design. 3dtotal Publishing, 2022....More.

Item Code: CDQ21
Magazine, 8x11, 104pg, Full Color
$16.00 $9.95
Also on sale is #22, 23 and 24.

Comic Strip Collections


THE PHANTOM The Complete Newspaper Dailies Volume 23 1971-1972
By Lee Falk. "The Phantom Faces Modern Challenges," Introduction. Continues the Sy Barry years. Six complete continuities: "The Fence," "The Mysterious Passenger," "The Vultures," "The Lost City," "The Witchman," and "The Tanker-Jackers." Taken directly from King Feature's proofs. Hermes, 2021....More.

Item Code: PH23H
Hard Cover, 12x9, 272pg, b&w
$60.00 $39.95
See other volumes here.

Comics & Graphic Novels


BLACK ADAM Rise and Fall of an Empire
Almost Gone! By Geoff Johns, Morrison, Rucka & Mark Waid. Art by Keith Giffen, Joe Bennett et al. Following the events of Infinite Crisis was a year without Superman, Wonder Woman, and it's Black Adam as the merciless ruler and protector of the nation of Kahndaq. He's declared an end to the reign of superheroes. But now Adrianna Tomaz, a former refugee, joins Adam and reshapes his goals to become a hero to the world. Freeing enslaved children across Africa, Adam and his newly formed family offer hope to a world in need...but can such change last? Collects the complete black Adam saga from the 52 series. DC Comics, 2022....More.

Item Code: BLAARF
Soft Cover, 7x10, 360pg, Full Color
$34.99 $17.99

Highly Recommended. An excellent ages 12-up adventure, first published in France. Legend says a Giant's breath has the power to bring the dead back to life. Young Iris and and sister Sophia have lost their mother, so they journey into the far north of snow and mountains to bring her back. They can count on magic, but above all, they will have to conquer their fears. Fagus also has lost a loved one and is following the girls with seeming ill intent. A powerful story about obsession, hope and overcoming fear and danger. Fairsquare Comics, 2022....More.

Item Code: BREAG
Soft Cover, 7x9, 148pg, Full Color
$19.99 $9.99

The near future. Politicians invent their own facts, and independent newspapers no longer exist. The very concept of truth has died. In this world, private detectives serve as ronin, searching out the hard truths that people are desperate to keep hidden. The best of these PIs is Satya — when she's not drinking, anyway — a former journalist turned hard-assed gumshoe. But Satya's former editor has been murdered and the trail points toward the highest bastions of power. To find justice for her friend, she'll have to put everything — and everyone — she knows at risk. A prophetic neo-noir thriller with unexpected twists at every turn. Aftershock Comics, 2023....More.

Item Code: BYLBL
Soft Cover, 7x10, 120pg, Full Color
$17.99 $8.99

CHILDREN OF DOOM Replica Edition
Collects Charlton Premiere #2, 1967. Written by Denny O'Neil, and drawn by the late great Pat Boyette. A full length story with a unique blend of full color and black and white pages. Holocaust, space and time traveling, mutants...a compelling story, especially given the period it was produced in and the audience (kids?) it was aimed at. A rather obvious Dr. Strangelove reference as the world faces an uncertain future in the age of the Atom Bomb. PS Artbooks, 2022....More.

Item Code: CHILDO
Magazine, 7x10, 36pg, b&w
$16.99 $7.99

DJANGO HAND ON FIRE The Great Django Reinhardt
Highly Recommended. By Salva Rubio. Art by Efa. Django Reinhardt is a legend. But Django — which may have meant "He who wakens"—-was twice born. A first time in the snow, during the winter of 1910 in a nomadic gypsy family stationed in Liberchies, Belgium. The second in Saint-Ouen, near Paris, in the fall of 1928, when a fire in his caravan mutilated his left hand. Beautifully told story with borderless panels. 16 page afterword with wonderful vintage photos of Django and fellow musicians. Cue the music! NBM, 2022....More.

Item Code: DJAH
Hard Cover, 9x12, 88pg, Full Color
$19.99 $9.99

By Joe Brusha, Dave Franchini et al. Art by Alvarado Feliu, Mota, Osnaya and Tamayo. When an opportunity comes up for several "adventurers" to escape the confines of their mundane life on land, they board a cruise that sets sail through murky bottomless waters, on a ship said to be haunted. There they will find that some stories of the seven seas are anything but tales. A long, one-shot horror story. Near nudity, sexy girls but dark horror. Zenescope, 2022....More.

Item Code: GRIMUS
Comic, 7x10, 72pg, Full Color
$8.99 $4.99
More Grimm can be seen here, and more from Zenescope.

Collects #1-6. Recommended. By Todd McFarlane. Art by Brett Booth. Gunslinger Spawn is a man out of time, lost in the future and in search of a way back to his past — can the contemporary SPAWN help? He has many scores to settle with those who've done him wrong, but after he's been thrown headfirst into a far greater conflict — one concerning the fate of humanity — he finds his revenge might just have to wait for a bit. Stunning artwork — detailed, colorful, dramatic, fast-paced, innovative, wild. Image Comics, 2022....More.

Item Code: GUNS01
Soft Cover, 7x10, 168pg, Full Color
$9.99 $4.99

HELLCOP Volume 2 The Sasquatch War
Collects #6-10. Strong European style realistic art. Recommended. By Brian Haberlin. Art by Geirrod Van Dyke.A Men in Black for modern times — new technology sends Virgil, new Captain of the Hellcops, down the rabbit hole and into Wonderland — literally. Now he has a whole new world to navigate and a deranged Red Queen to keep contained. When imaginary creatures start to escape the very pages of books they were written on, Virgil must go through the looking glass to keep them from ripping our world apart. Image Comics, 2022....More.

Item Code: HELLC02
Soft Cover, 7x10, 144pg, Full Color
$19.99 $9.99

Collects issues #1-4. By Rob MacKinnon. Art by Luca Casalanguida et al. In 9th century England, a twist of fate enables a poor Viking girl called Hildebrand to overcome adversity and rise to knighthood. She leads an army to repel a Viking invasion of her homeland but her victory celebration is short-lived when her estranged father reveals their secret lineage. Now the two embark on a perilous journey to Rome. Caliber Comics, 2022....More.

Item Code: HILV01
Soft Cover, 7x10, 128pg, Full Color
$24.99 $9.99

By Brian Pulido and Mike MacLean. Art by Dheeraj Verma. After a twenty-year, spellbound slumber, Lady Death awakens. Armed with her new sword, Chaos, she wreaks havoc and rescues Jake, an innocent boy dragged to Hell. She meets an ally, Haxan, and faces the nefarious Hellwitch, decimating the city Damnation and embarrassing the great Hellbourne. Premium square bound graphic novel with gold-gilt cover titles. Coffin Comics, 2022....More.

Item Code: LADEE01
Soft Cover, 7x10, 48pg, Full Color
$20.00 $9.99
See more Lady Death here.

MAKHNO Ukranian Freedom Fighter
Recommended. By Philippe Thirault. Art by Roberto Zaghi. The spellbinding true story of the infamous Ukrainian anarchist and revolutionary. Very well drawn. In early 20th century Ukraine, anarchist Nestor Makhno, the son of peasants, was among the most heroic and colorful figures of the Russian Revolution, encouraging his people to find and embrace social and economic self-determination. This is his story, of a military strategist who tirelessly defied both the Bolsheviks and the Germans to protect his homeland. Occasional adult material and nudity. Life Drawn, 2022....More.

Item Code: MAKUK
Soft Cover, 8x10, 120pg, Full Color
$22.99 $9.99

MARCH Book One
Part 1 of 3, winner of five major awards. Recommended. By John Lewis and Andrew Aydin. Art by Nate Powell. Congressman John Lewis (GA-5) is an American icon, one of the key figures of the civil rights movement. His commitment to justice and nonviolencetook him from an Alabama sharecropper's farm to the halls of Congress, from a segregated schoolroom to the 1963 March on Washington, and from receiving beatings from state troopers to receiving the Medal of Freedom from the first African-American president. Top Shelf, 2013....More.

Item Code: MARB01
Soft Cover, 6x9, 128pg, b&w
$14.95 $7.95
Books 2 & 3 also available at the same sale price.

An original graphic novel. Signed bookplate by Billy Tucci! Writer Billy Tucci, along with artists Maria Laura Sanapo and Edu Menna, delves into the deep dark secret of the Nazi regime. This fits perfectly into a continuity gap in the original Tarpé Mills stories, in the summer of 1944! Through the 1940s, several Nazi concentration camps featured brothels wherein Jewish women were forced to work as prostitutes for soldiers. This rarely discussed, dark tragedy of history remains starkly relevant today. Now, Miss Fury and her team of Black Furies have discovered this cruel phenomenon — and they're going to kick some Nazi ass, in an all-female style mission of revenge. Dynamite, 2022....More.

Item Code: MISJDHS
Hard Cover, 7x10, 136pg, Full Color
$50.00 $29.95
Click for more Miss Fury.

Collects #7-12, 2021-22 and Devil's Reign. The brilliant new phase of the Moon Knight continues by writer Jed MacKay. How does he fight someone that no one knows? Moon Knight is out for blood, and hits the streets armed with only a name...Zodiac. Marc is soon fighting his way through the super-crime underworld of NYC, looking for answers to a question he’s barely grasped... Marvel, 2022....More.

Item Code: MOONK02
Soft Cover, 7x10, 168pg, Full Color
$19.99 $9.99
Click here for Volume 1, and the Moon Knight Omnibus.

NIGHTMARE #2 Replica Edition
Cover by Boris Vallejo. Recommended. From February 1971, publisher Skywald's popular horror black-and-white magazine with 68 pages. Bill Everett and Gene Fawcette are here, along with "Children of the Cold Gods" by Ross Andru, "The Phantom of Philip Hawks" by A.C. Hollingsworth, "The Circle of Circe!" by Syd Shores, and "Blood for the Vampire" by Norman Nodel. "Pressed for Time" scripted by Marv Wolfman and penciled by Dan Adkins. All reproduced here completely, like the original comic magazine. PS Artbooks, 2022....More.

Item Code: NIGHM02
Magazine, 7x10, 68pg, b&w
$18.99 $9.99
#1 is also available. Click here for more facsimile and replica editions.

368-page omnibus collects The Resistance #1-6 and 7 more one-shots and #1's. An outstanding lineup of artists and a very relevant story, collecting six issues and seven one-shots and first issues. In March 2020, amid Covid-19 lockdowns, AWA launched a bold new universe for the 21st Century with J. Michael Straczynski & Mike Deodato Jr.'s The Resistance, in which "Reborns" gain incredible powers in the wake of a global pandemic. Other creators followed with series such as E-Ratic, Knighted, and The Joneses. Now, for the first time, each of the initial chapters are available in this super-sized collection. Artists, Writers & Artisans, Inc., 2022....More.

Item Code: RESUN
Soft Cover, 7x10, 368pg, Full Color
$19.99 $9.99

Collects #1-5. Recommended. The true story of Dr. Nathaniel Calloway, a Black physician caught between medicine and the mob in 1930s Chicago. Writer Peter Calloway tells this story about his own grandfather, who graduated from medical school in the early 1930s. Unable to get work at any Chicago hospital (because he was Black) and unable to secure a loan from a bank to start his own practice (because he was Black), Nathaniel turned to the only other source of money in Prohibition-era Chicago: the Mafia, run by none other than Al Capone. Aftershock, 2021....More.

Item Code: SHADOC
Soft Cover, 7x10, 128pg, Full Color
$16.99 $8.99

An illustrated prose novel written by film director Christopher “mink” Morrison, veteran of Quentin Tarantino and Lawrence Bender’s A Band Apart. This urban mix of action and horror is illustrated by world-famous illustrator Yoshitaka Amano (Final Fantasy, Vampire Hunter D). Daniel Legend, in search of his missing sister Angela, discovers the unreal city within Tokyo: Shinjuku, the nexus of realities, riddled with lowlife crooks and subterranean monsters and three rival yakuza leaders who hold control over every earthly crime. Dark Horse, 2022....More.

Item Code: SHINJH
Hard Cover, 9x12, 184pg, Partial Color
$49.99 $19.99

VAN HELSING ANNUAL Hour of The Witch Igor Vitorino Cover
By Pat Shand, Joe Brusha et al. Art by Sergio Arino and Julius Abrera. Liesel Van Helsing has gone against almost every type of monster and creature that the universe can throw at her, and she's out-smarted, out-scienced, or overpowered just about each one of them. But what's coming for her next goes beyond anything she could prepare for, with a power beyond anything she could fathom. Also featuring heroine Gretel and Calabar in this expanded story. Don't cast your gaze anywhere but here, when Van Helsing takes on one of the most powerful beings she has ever faced! Solidly drawn good-girl horror fantasy. Zenescope, 2022....More.

Item Code: VANHO
Comic, 7x10, 64pg, Full Color
$7.99 $4.99

Nude Photography & Pulps


Traditional, Animated, and Stereoscopic Nudes. Recommended. By Byron A. Falk. Falk's favorite photographs, taken over 50 years of capturing beautiful young women. Many lovely nudes in a variety of active (jumping, stretching) and passive poses, indoors and out. Each chapter tackles a decade beginning in the 1950s, and they reflect changes in women's styles and looks. Entirely in full color. Handsome large oblong size, full red cloth with gilt titles and inset photograph. Roxbury, 2000. Mature Readers. Out of print. ...More.

Item Code: HALFCH
Hard Cover, 12x11, 228pg, Full Color
$57.50 $29.95
Click here for more nude photography.

MANEATERS Killer Sharks in Men's Adventure Magazines
Men's Adventure Library editors Robert Deis and Wyatt Doyle present a deep dive into long unseen shark-themed pulp fiction and savage full-color illustration art drawn from three decades of classic men's adventure magazines. 14 complete stories with art by Mort Kunstler, Ken Barr, Earl Norem, Robert Stanley, Syd Shores, Ray Johnson and others. Also: commentary and mythbusting by a celebrated panel of contemporary shark experts who separate the stories' fact from fiction. New Texture, 2021....More.

Item Code: MANEA
Soft Cover, 6x9, 170pg, Text/Partial Color
$19.95 $9.95
We also have six editions of Men's Adventure Quarterly.

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