Fiction House: From Pulps to Panels offers the entire history of this iconic company plus unpublished art and coverage of the many instrumental women creators there! James Montgomery Flagg is the sole feature of the new Illustration #58--it's a great issue. Also we have Adam Hughes' Betty and Veronica, Trina & Sax Rohmer's Dope, The Shadow meets Batman, Ernst Haeckel, The Little Book of Spider-Man, Slugfest: The History of Marvel vs. DC, Li'l Abner, Bettie Page... |
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ILLUSTRATION MAGAZINE J.M. FLAGG #58 Our Highest Recommendation. Special issue entirely on James Montgomery Flagg. This Special Issue features the brilliant work of James Montgomery Flagg, from cover to cover, profusely illustrated with original drawings, superb paintings newly scanned from the original artwork, posters, photographs, and rare tear sheets and covers from vintage magazines. From early pen & ink Life Magazine covers, circa 1908, to personal nudes, to World War II posters and into the 1950s, extraordinary work by one of the finest artists of the Golden Age of Illustration. Illustrated Press, 2017...More. Item Code: IL58 Magazine, 8x11, 80pg, Full Color $15.00 |
See all available back issues on our website. We are currently working on listing a complete set of #1-48, from the Jim Vadeboncoeur collection, issue by issue. A few are already listed in our Rare and Out of Print section. Please email customer service if you don't find what you want and they'll let you know what's available. More will be listed in the next two weeks. Most out of print issues run around $30 on the average. We also just listed a few copies of James Montgomery Flagg in our Rare & Out of Print section. |
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FICTION HOUSE FROM PULPS TO PANELS Our Highest Recommendation. By Mitch Maglio. Art by Matt Baker, Lou Fine et al. From sexy jungle girls to even sexier ray gun toting space women and beyond, Fiction House Comics had it all! Now for the first time the entire history of Fiction House, the leading purveyor of Good Girl art during the Golden Age of Comics, is told in a single volume! Stuffed with breathtaking cover reproductions, original artwork, dozens of cover preliminaries by Joe Doolin (!) and even full length stories. The story of one of the most successful publishers ever, from their pulp origins on, with artwork by Matt Baker, George Tuska, Lou Fine, Bob Lubbers, Murphy Anderson, Lily Renee and many others. IDW, 2017...More. Item Code: FICHOH Hard Cover - No Dustjacket, 9x11, 300pg, Full Color |
This actually came in three weeks ago but our advance orders exhausted our first shipment. So rather than list it without any copies we could send out, we held off until now so we'd have them in stock for your order. |
Comic Book Archives & Graphic Novels |
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BETTIE & VERONICA BY ADAM HUGHES Volume 1 Recommended. By Adam Hughes. It's Betty vs.Veronica! The most highly-anticipated reboot in comics history is here! Betty and Veronica are America's sweethearts - until they turn on each other! Pops' Chocklit Shoppe is being taken over by a huge coffee company. When Betty and Veronica go head-to-head over the issue, all bets are off! Friendships will shatter. Cities will burn. Nails will be broken. Betty and Veronica are back in this all-new collection from comics legend Adam Hughes (Wonder Woman, Catwoman, Before Watchmen: Dr. Manhattan)! Archie Comics, 2017...More. Item Code: BETV01 Soft Cover, 7x10, 104pg, Full Color $12.99 |
See the website for more by Adam Hughes, and more Archie and the gang. |
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SAX ROHMER'S DOPE By Trina Robbins Highly Recommended. Foreword by C. Spike Trotman. Afterword by Colleen Doran. A talented young actress becomes fatally ensnared in London's mysterious and glittery drug culture of the early 20th century. A classic and obscure story by the famous creator of Fu Manchu, adapted into a short graphic novel in Eclipse Magazine back in 1981, and out of print ever since. Includes a fascinating, highly illustrated Afterword by Doran and a long background essay by Jon Cooke, "Sex, Drugs and The Yellow Peril," that puts this all in context, including a look at the "Devil Doctor in the Comics." Nudity and adult themes. Signed by Trina, Trotman and Doran. IDW, 2017. Mature Readers...More. Item Code: DOPT Hard Cover - No Dustjacket, 9x11, 80pg, b&w $24.99 |
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SAX ROHMER'S DOPE By Trina Robbins Signed Signed by all three contributors. Already out of print. Highly Recommended. Foreword by C. Spike Trotman. Afterword by Colleen Doran. A talented young actress becomes fatally ensnared in London's mysterious and glittery drug culture of the early 20th century. A classic and obscure story by the famous creator of Fu Manchu, adapted into a short graphic novel in Eclipse Magazine back in 1981, and out of print ever since. Includes a fascinating, highly illustrated Afterword by Doran and a long background essay by Jon Cooke, "Sex, Drugs and The Yellow Peril," that puts this all in context, including a look at the "Devil Doctor in the Comics." Nudity and adult themes. Signed by Trina, Trotman and Doran. IDW, 2017. Out of Print. Mature Readers...More. Item Code: DOPTS Hard Cover - No Dustjacket, 9x11, 80pg, b&w $60.00 |
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BATMAN & THE SHADOW The Murder Geniuses Collects Batman/The Shadow #1-6 and stories from Batman Annual #1. By Steve Orlando and Scott Snyder. Art by Riley Rossmo. From iconic authors Scott Snyder and Steve Orlando comes the match-up of two noir heroes of the night. The Shadow was a major influence on the creation of Batman, and now appears in this powerful six-issue event, with excellent art not unlike Michael Kaluta's classic work. While investigating a murder, Batman identifies his prime suspect as Lamont Cranston... Batman is not aware Lamont's alter ego is the master detective known as the Shadow. More importantly, Cranston seems to have died over half a century ago! This looks very good!! DC, 2017...More. Item Code: BASMGH Hard Cover - No Dustjacket, 7x10, 168pg, Full Color |
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CHALLENGERS OF THE UNKNOWN By Jack Kirby Showcase #6, 7, 11 and 12 & Challengers #1-8, 1957-59 Our Highest Recommendation. By Jack Kirby and Wally Wood. It just doesn't get much better than this in the Silver Age! Jack Kirby reinvented the superhero genre with his sprawling saga of the Fourth World—a bold storytelling vision that was decades ahead of its time. And with The Fantastic Four he and Stan Lee created the iconic superhero team. But four years earlier, with magnificent inking by Wally Wood, Jack was honing his skills on one of the greatest prototype series of all time. DC, 2017...More. Item Code: CHUN Soft Cover, 7x11, 320pg, Full Color |
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WONDER WOMAN THE GOLDEN AGE Volume 1 Highly Recommended. By William Mouton Marston. Art by Harry G. Peter. Never before at such a low price: Almost the entire first year of Wonder Woman: her first appearance in All Star #8, her first adventures beginning In Sensation Comics #1-14, her first three issues of her own title, and even her appearance in Comic Cavalcade #1. Wow, this is just a fascinating and fun collection--the young heroine travels from Paradise Island to Man's World, where she battles criminals and supervillains like Cheetah and her first nemesis, the Baroness Von Gunther. Her magic bracelets and lasso of truth stop injustice, but usually not before she is tied up--Marston's trademark. DC, 2017...More. Item Code: WWGA01 Soft Cover, 7x10, 392pg, Full Color |
See all Wonder Woman Omnibus editions and much more on the website. |
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STARSTRUCK Old Proldiers Never Die Highly Recommended. By Elaine Lee and Michael Kaluta. The continuation of Elaine Lee and Michael Kaluta's classic science fiction epic, a glorious mini-series, collected here with digitally remastered art and brand new colors, more than half of the material collected here for the very first time! What does a guy do when his droid goes missing? And not just any droid, an extremely rare pleasure droid that's a dead ringer for his long-lost love! Bartender Harry Palmer--ex-rebel, ex-mercenary "proldier"--combs Rec 97, a perilous, planet-sized, vacation station, following clues and fending off enemies... IDW, 2017...More. Item Code: STOLH Hard Cover - No Dustjacket, 8x12, 176pg, Full Color |
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ALSO AVAILABLE MICHAEL WM KALUTA STARSTRUCK Artist's Edition Highly Recommended. By Michael Kaluta. Michael Kaluta is one of the most revered and versatile artists in comics and illustration. He is frequently recognized as the definitive artist of The Shadow, has been praised for his Lord of the Rings paintings, and illustrated the Metropolis novel. He was also part of the legendary artists' collective (along with Jeff Jones, Barry Windsor-Smith, and Berni Wrightson) known simply as THE STUDIO. IDW, 2017...More. Item Code: MKSAEH Hard Cover - No Dustjacket, 12x17, 144pg, b&w $150.00 |
New from PS Artbooks |
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PRE-CODE CLASSICS UNKNOWN WORLD & STRANGE STORIES FROM ANOTHER WORLD Volume 1 Collects Unknown World #1, 1952 and Strange Stories from Another World #2-5, 1952-53. Art by Robert McCarty et al. Ask yourself as you gaze at the magnificently-rendered splash page of "The Serpent Queen" with art by Bob McCarty, from the one-shot anthology Unknown World #1 (1952), "What is the significance of a leashed one-eyed snake in this panel?" This title continued with Strange Stories from Another World, for four more issues (#2 to #5), every one featuring lushly painted covers by Norman Saunders. Each also boasts one or more stories by the under-rated but fine artist Bob McCarty. PS Artbooks, 2017...More. Item Code: PCEU01H Hard Cover - No Dustjacket, 7x10, 184pg, Full Color $44.99 |
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PRE-CODE CLASSICS THE UNSEEN Volume 1 Collects #5-10 (#1-5), 1952-53. Highly Recommended. By Alex Toth, Nick Cardy, John Fawcette, Mike Sekowsky, John Celardo, Jack Katz, Mike Esposito & Ross Andru et al. It was the 1950's -- the Atomic Age, the Cold War, and just before the Space Race. But nothing could match the imagination, the surprise, and the chilling-of-your-spine like the great horror comics of yesteryear. Some of the best non-EC horror stories came out of tiny publisher Standard, whose all-star artist Alex Toth set a high standard for his fellows. Both Mike Ross (Mike Esposito and Ross Andru) and Mike Sekowsky offer multiple wonderful Toth-style stories, inspired by the master. Jack Katz does his over-the-top thing. PS Artbooks, 2017...More. Item Code: PCEUN01H Hard Cover - No Dustjacket, 7x10, 216pg, Full Color $49.99 |
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PRE-CODE CLASSICS ADVENTURES INTO DARKNESS Volume 2 Collects #10-14, 1953-54. Final volume. Recommended. By George Roussos, Art Saaf, John Celardo, Nick Cardy, Alex Toth, Mike Sekowsky et al. The covers alone in this baby are worth the price of admission, by George Roussos and DC mainstay Mike Sekowsky, doing his best imitation of Alex Toth! And his best was very good, as shown on several of his stories here. Also in these issues, two stories by Jack Katz, an Overstreet-identified lingerie panel, and a cannibalism story cited by T.E. Murphy's anti-comics articles. And work by Gene Fawcette (Planet Comics and Avon regular) and the other artists mentioned above. Way above average pre-code stories. PS Artbooks, 2017...More. Item Code: PCA02H Hard Cover - No Dustjacket, 7x10, 184pg, Full Color $44.99 |
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ALSO AVAILABLE PRE-CODE CLASSICS ADVENTURES INTO DARKNESS Volume 1 Collects issues #5-9, 1952-53. Highly Recommended. By Alex Toth, George Tuska, Jerry Grandenetti, John Celardo, Ruben Moreira, Jack Katz et al. The covers alone are worth the price of admission -- three stories by Toth, Jerry Grandenetti, plus, for fans of DC's My Greatest Adventure, a beautifully drawn story by Ruben Moreira --very few pre-code comics come any better than this. The under-rated Ralph Mayo contributes too. More wild work by Jack Katz included two covers. Even a delightful little two-pager by Murphy Anderson. Really strong artwork on fun horror stories in the EC tradition. Standard Comics did not believe in #1 issues so this ten issue run begins with #5. PS Artbooks, 2017...More. Item Code: PCA01H Hard Cover - No Dustjacket, 7x10, 184pg, Full Color $44.99 |
Art Books |
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THE ART AND SCIENCE OF ERNST HAECKEL 16 pounds! Massive, in a special carrying box. Highly Recommended. By Rainer Willmann and Julia Voss. This book celebrates the scientific, artistic, and environmental importance of Haeckel's work, with a collection of prints, each a full oversized page, from his most important tomes on marine biology, including Die Radiolarien, Monographie der Medusen, Die Kalkschwämme: eine Monographie, and Kunstformen der Natur. Like a meticulous visual encyclopedia of living things, German-born Ernst Haeckel's work (1834-1919) was remarkable for its graphic precision and outright beauty, the very essence of Art Nouveau. From bats to box jellyfish, lizards to lichen, and spider legs to sea anemones, he emphasized the essential symmetries and order of nature, and found beauty in even the most unlikely of creatures. Taschen, 2017...More. Item Code: ERNHH Hard Cover - No Dustjacket, 11x17, 600pg, Full Color |
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RUBÁIYÁT OF OMAR KHAYYÁM Facsimile of the legendary 1909 edition. Highly Recommended. By Omar Khayyám. Art by Edmund Dulac. "A Flask of Wine, a Book of Verse — and Thou, Beside me, singing in the Wilderness," is only one of the memorable verses from Edward Fitzgerald's translation of poems by the 11th century Persian sage Omar Khayyám. This magnificent version of The Rubáiyát of Omar Khayyám reproduces the edition published by Hodder & Stoughton in London in 1909, in which the timeless poems are accompanied by full-color images by Golden Age illustrator Edmund Dulac. Critics and collectors have long debated which book represents the peak of Dulac's career, and many agree that his affinity for Persian art makes this gloriously illustrated volume a strong contender. Calla, 2017...More. Item Code: RUBOH Hard Cover - No Dustjacket, 8x11, 160pg, Text/Full Color |
See our website for more classics illustrated by Edmund Dulac, and for all of our Calla books. |
Artist’s Editions, Comics Reference |
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THE LITTLE BOOK OF THE AMAZING SPIDER-MAN Recommended. By Roy Thomas. For more than 50 years he's been a star of comic books, television, movies, and Broadway, and now, with 192 pages of carefully selected images and top notch narrative by veteran writer and ex-Marvel editor-in-chief Roy Thomas, here is your authoritative guide to the everyman super hero! Packed with turning points in his history, with great art by creators from Steve Ditko and John Romita, to Todd McFarlane and Alex Ross. Taschen, 2017...More. Item Code: LBAMA Soft Cover, 5x7, 192pg, Full Color $9.99 |
More Spider-Man is on the website, including the fine comic strip collections by Stan, Larry Leiber and John Romita. |
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SLUGFEST INSIDE THE EPIC 50-YEAR BATTLE BETWEEN MARVEL AND DC Recommended. By Reed Tucker. Slugfest is the first book to chronicle the history of this epic rivalry into a single, in-depth narrative. Complete with interviews with the major names in the industry, Slugfest reveals the arsenal of schemes the two companies have employed in their attempts to outmaneuver the competition, whether it be stealing ideas, poaching employees, planting spies, or launching price wars. The feud has never completely disappeared, and it simmers on a low boil to this day. Da Capo, 2017...More. Item Code: SLUGH Hard Cover, 6x9, 286pg, Text Only $27.00 |
A couple other good books on the history of comics are Comic Book History of Comics [COMBB $19.99] and Comic Shop [COMSHO $26.95]. |
Comic Strip Collections |
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AL CAPP LI'L ABNER Volume 9 Including Moonbeam McSwine and Fearless Fosdick, 1951-52. Recommended. By Al Capp. At long last Li'l Abner and Daisy Mae get married in a story so big it earned the cover of Life magazine! But the course of true love never runs smoothly, especially when the newlyweds adopt Li'l Orphan Hammy. Plus, Fearless Fosdick must save the world from The Atom Bum (goodbye, world!); Daisy Mae and Moonbeam McSwine are taken captive by Sahara Sam, the Friendly Slave Dealer; and Abner falls victim to Nightmare Alice's voodoo powers. The first-ever comprehensive reprinting of the comic strip—dailies and meticulously-restored full-color Sundays. IDW, 2017...More. Item Code: ALL09H Hard Cover, 9x12, 248pg, Partial Color |
See previous releases on our website: Volumes 7 and 8, at the same discounted price. |
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BETTIE PAGE #5 Set Three variant covers with the same story inside. Recommended. By David Avallone. Interior art by Colton Worley. An original Bettie Page photo-cover along with covers by Joseph Michael Linsner and J. Bone. You know that thing where your flight back to NYC is interrupted so you can be debriefed at a secret government base, only to find that base under attack by giant radioactive monsters? And you can't get another flight back home until you defeat the giant radioactive monsters? Sucks, right? But our Bettie can handle it. Interesting new stories with Bettie as model and entertainer...and reluctant adventurer and heroine. Dynamite, 2017...More. Item Code: BP05P Soft Cover, 7x10, 32pg ea, Full Color $11.99 |
Coming in January & February |
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SWORDS OF THE SWASHBUCKLERS Collects #1-12, 1985-87, & bonus content. By Bill Mantlo. Art by Jackson Guice. Spirited teenager Domino Drake was just a normal girl... until she stumbled upon an alien artifact, acquired uncanny power, and became a beacon for intergalactic trouble! With her tabby cat Cap'n Kidd in tow, Domino joins the motley crew of the Starshadow -- a spacefaring pirate ship captained by the charismatic and fearless Raader. Imagine a young, bright-eyed girl on a galaxy-wide escapade, full of high-energy antics straight out of Guardians of the Galaxy and Pirates of the Caribbean...! Dynamite, 2018. Due Jan. ...More. Item Code: SWOSWH Hard Cover - No Dustjacket, 7x10, 496pg, Full Color |
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WOMEN OF DYNAMITE Dejah Thoris J Scott Campbell Diorama Statue By J Scott Campbell. Sculpted by Steve Kiwis. Sculpted by Steve Kiwis of Rvckvs International, the Women of Dynamite: Dejah Thoris Diorama Statue is inspired by Campbell's cover to the seminal 2010 Warlord of Mars #1 comic book. Measuring approximately 8.75 inches high, with a base measuring 9 by 6.5 inches, this cold-cast resin statue comes with gold-colored micro-link metal chain details. This highly-detailed masterpiece in three dimensions ships in a full-color display box with a Certificate of Authenticity, individually numbered as part of a limited edition run. Dynamite, 2018. Due Feb. ...More. Item Code: WODDTJ 8.75" tall, Full Color $199.99 |
See our website for more by Campbell, including several on-sale collections and statues. |
Coming in March & April |
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THE ART OF HARRY ANDERSON Highly Recommended. This beautiful new book explores the life and work of Harry Anderson, one of America's greatest illustrators. His buttery style in the difficult medium of opaque watercolor has been admired by generations of artists. He reminds me very favorably of Andew Loomis and he worked in the famous Haddon Sundblom studio in the 1940s. Now you can examine over 300 stunning illustrations reproduced from vintage magazines, family photos, and original paintings from the family's archives. This is an essential and comprehensive document of the artist's work. Illustrated Press, 2018. Due Mar. ...More. Item Code: ARTHAH Hard Cover, 9x12, 224pg, Full Color $44.95 |
Also coming from The Illustrated Press, we've just been informed we should have it in just a couple weeks (in December): |
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Due This Month! ART OF EDWIN GEORGI Limited, 1000. Highly Recommended. By Daniel Zimmer. This spectacular new book explores the life and work of illustrator Edwin Georgi (1896-1964).This is the first book ever on his work, yet he is one of the stand-out artists of his era, magazine illustration in the 1940s-50s. This volume is printed in full color throughout and features over 250 illustrations. The book is filled to the brim with scores of beautiful illustrations reproduced from the original paintings and drawings, rare photographs, and published tear sheets. Illustrated Press, 2017. Due Dec. ...More. Item Code: ARTEGH Hard Cover, 9x12, 192pg, Full Color $44.95 |
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WILL EISNER'S A CONTRACT WITH GOD Curator's Collection Deluxe Signed Signed & Limited, 125! Recommended. By Will Eisner, Dave Gibbons, Denis Kitchen, John Lind. Will Eisner's A Contract with God--one of the most influential graphic novels of all time--reproduced at 1:1 size from the original art! This deluxe slipcased, two-volume hardcover set contains full-size, full-color reproductions of Eisner's unpublished pencil layouts in one volume and his finished inked pages in the companion volume! This is limited to 125 copies only, includes a signed tip-in sheet from Will Eisner's archives and sports a unique variant slipcase design. Dark Horse, 2018. Due Apr. ...More. Item Code: WEACD Hard Cover - No Dustjacket, 10x13, 416pg, b&w $295.00 |
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WILL EISNER'S A CONTRACT WITH GOD Curator's Collection Recommended. By Will Eisner, Dave Gibbons, Denis Kitchen, John Lind. Will Eisner's A Contract with God--one of the most influential graphic novels of all time--reproduced at 1:1 size from the original art! This deluxe slipcase, two-volume hardcover set contains full-size, full-color reproductions of Eisner's unpublished pencil layouts in one volume and his finished inked pages in the companion volume! Dark Horse, 2018. Due Apr. ...More. Item Code: WEACH Hard Cover - No Dustjacket, 10x13, 416pg, b&w |
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SILVER AGE CLASSICS OUT OF THIS WORLD Volume 3 Collects #11-16, 1959. Highly Recommended. By Vince Alascia, Steve Ditko et al. Back in the post-EC days of the mid-to-late 1950's and early '60's, there was really only one place to go for your SF fix when you'd exhausted DC's output for that month: Out of this World, which would of course become synonymous with the work of Steve Ditko. And now this next volume in PS's Silver Age Classics continues to reprint the whole furshlugginer run the way it should be done. PS Artbooks, 2017. Due Apr. ...More. Item Code: SAOW03H Hard Cover - No Dustjacket, 7x10, 216pg, Full Color $49.99 |
We don't have either volumes 1 or 2 in stock yet, but were just told Volume 2 is on the way to us. Same price [SAOW02H]. We're checking on the status of Volume 1, it might have been delayed due to difficulty in getting the contents. |
Bargain Books up to 75% OffThese books are low in stock, and may have already been marked down once. I've marked them down even further just for this listing, to clear them out to make way for new items. First come, first served.
DC BOMBSHELLS Magnet Set [DCBM. THE WORLD OF A WAYWARD COMIC BOOK ARTIST [WOWC. WALT BEFORE SKEEZIX Hurt [WABSKR. NECRON #3 [NECRON03. You can see all of our discounted items on the website, under Closeouts at the end of each category (such as Artists and Illustration, Comics Related, etc). |
Rare & Out of PrintJust in time for the holiday is The Complete Christmas Card Art of Eyvind Earle. This huge tome is an amazing collection for any Earle fan with colorful images bursting from every page. Just added is James Montgomery Flagg, to complement your copy of Illustration Magazine 58 above. We are currently working on listing a complete set of #1-48, from the Jim Vadeboncoeur collection, issue by issue. Click here to see the list. We just discovered one copy of the Prince Valiant Volume 1 1937 X-LG, and three copies of Prince Valiant Volume 3 1939 X-LG, which is now out of print. With these was a special edition page of Hal Foster's final Sunday page of Prince Valiant, limited to 1500 copies. We also added a few more copies of Wally Wood's Witzend. We have started sending out a special once-a-month email of newly added and newly discounted Rare and Out of Print Books. Click Here to receive this. All | New Arrivals | Artists & Illustration | Fantasy & Sci-Fi | Illustrated Fiction Comic Book Archives | Comic Strip & Cartoon | Comic Artists | Pin-Up | Erotic Art |
Mature ReadersWe've got the nicest Guido Crepax set you have ever seen, this week from Fantagraphics. The Complete Crepax Slipcased Set features the first two multi-story collections, oversized hardcovers in the fanciest slipcase that we've seen in some time, a two-part job that the books slide into vertically. It's a gorgeous package of some of the most wild and erotic early graphic novels to come out of Italy in the 1970s and 80s, by the artist who inspired next generation artists/writers like Milo Manara to push the envelope melding together comic art and eroticism. Also available are the individual volumes, also in hardcover. The volumes 1 and 2 collected here, and volume 3, coming soon. All are $75, your price $65 each [CREP01H, CREP02H, CREP03H.] Nude Photography | Erotic Art | Erotic Films: DVDs | Adult Graphic Novels | All Pin-Up & Adult |
News and Notes |
Valerian and the City of 1000 Planets Missed this at the theater but just caught it the day it was released as a DVD. I loved it. Director Luc Besson has been a fan of the series since it began in the weekly French magazine Pilote. If you have seen his Fifth Element, you know the work he is capable of. However, as the extra features beautifully point out—and you should watch them all—Fifth Element was held back by the limits of technology at the time; Valerian had no such problems, and now only the imagination limits what can be done with special effects. It’s an amazing movie, including entire worlds created by ILM, WETA Workshop and Rodeo. |
The two creators were on set and were like 12-year-old kids, delighted to see their 21-volume graphic novel series finally come to life. I can’t recommend enough that you see this! And of course, check out the graphic novels. Each of the earliest ones are being collected, three at a time, into The Valerian and Lauraline Complete Collections. The first three are in stock now, two more are coming soon. We also have the latest single GNs, and continue to bring in new ones as we catch up on the entire series. And The Illustrated Treasury, all about the series. | ![]() |
This year’s Cyber Sale went out as a special email on November 21. If you were partying hard for the holidays and missed it, you can find it here. Scroll down below the week’s new items. I can’t think of anything that has sold out yet, so you can still have some fun here. We’ve got a whole bunch of items priced under $10, many more under $20, etc. |
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This bargain-priced $14.95 hardcover is finally back in stock. You can also score the same book but in a fancier binding and slipcase for $35.00, your price $29.95. |
Announced just recently, this has been delayed until the latter part of next year. ~Bud |
Our Catalog and Contact Info We publish a color catalog every two months—if you’ve placed an order in the last 12 months, you will receive it hot off the press. If this is your first order, or if you’d like an extra copy, you can add one to your order: click here. Or call or send us your address and we’ll mail one to you. You can also download it here Place your order before noon PST, Monday through Friday for SAME DAY shipping (for in-stock items). Note: FREE SHIPPING OVER $300. If your order total is $300 or more and you are in the U.S., we pay the standard shipping cost. Contact us: or 530-273-2166 Mon-Fri 9-4 |
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Website IndexSee our website for thousands of books of the Unusual and Hard-to-Find ~ Hundreds on Sale! |