Illustrators Quarterly #21, the art magazine from England, bats a home run with four outstanding artists examined. The Astounding Illustrated History of Science Fiction is just that, and bargain priced too. We have the last Valerian collection; vintage photography with Hollywood Beach Beauties; a fascinating graphic novel telling the life story of Superman by creator Joe Shuster; and The Black Panther Epic collection is back. Also a new Barbarella set, a fine Pre-Raphaelite art book, on sale; Supergirl Silver Age Omnibus; 1960s & ‘70s Archie, The Shadow, Michael Moorcock and Howard Chaykin, and the History of Pin-Up Magazines. Good week! |
Our latest catalog just went to the printers--you can download it right now, right here. If you are a customer, a copy should be in your hands early to mid-June. It has a special Moebius section, available Underwood Books Publisher File Copies and Underwood sale books. Cover is from The Art of Harry Anderson. |
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ILLUSTRATORS QUARTERLY #21 Highly Recommended. Featuring Rodney Matthews, Stevan Dohanos, J. Allen St. John and Lucy Kemp-Welch. An outstanding issue! Enter the world of Rodney Matthews' fantasy art, his career, and what made him one of the most enduring visionary illustrators. Next, the post-war world of one of America's greatest editorial illustrators, the legendary Steven Dohanos. Famous Edgar Rice Burroughs artist J. Allen St. John is covered, with some fine original drawings and paintings reproduced. Finally, a classic children's book illustrator, Lucy Kemp-Welch, best known for her fine Black Beauty edition and her superb renderings of people and horses. Book Palace, 2018...More. Item Code: IQ21 Magazine, 9x11, 96pg, Full Color $24.99 |
See available back issues on our website. |
Comics and Graphic Novels |
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THE ARTIST BEHIND SUPERMAN The Joe Shuster Story Highly Recommended. By Julian Voloj. Art by Thomas Campi. Everyone knows Superman, but not everyone knows the secret origins of this American legend. Based on archival material and original sources, all incredibly well documented with extensive notes, here is told the very personal story of the friendship between illustrator Joe Shuster and writer Jerry Siegel, and how creating Superman changed their lives both for the better and for the worse. Super Genius, 2018...More. Item Code: TRUJU Soft Cover, 6x9, 180pg, Full Color |
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THE ARTIST BEHIND SUPERMAN The Joe Shuster Story Hardcover Highly Recommended. By Julian Voloj. Art by Thomas Campi. Told from Shuster's perspective, beginning with a policeman who gives him a meal after finding him hungry on a park bench, homeless, this offers us a fascinating graphic novel about geeks and gangsters. It puts Superman's creation into the wider context of the American comic-book history. What's amazing about this is even though I've read the history of these two creators before, this offers new material. And it is also as well documented as anything I have ever seen. 14 illustrated pages at the end of the book carefully detail the sources and direct quotes that are used on the specific pages of this story. Super Genius, 2018...More. |
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ALSO AVAILABLE SIEGEL AND SHUSTER'S FUNNYMAN Closeout Price! Back in stock. Highly Recommended. Art by Jerry Siegel and Joe Shuster. Edited by Thomas Andrae and Mel Gordon. The little-known super-heroic invention by the creators of Superman, their first project after leaving DC Comics. Included are complete stories and runs of the rare dailies and Sundays (in full color). Siegel and Shuster struggled to come up with a new superhero, one that would right their wrongs and prove that justice, fair-play, and zany craftsmanship were the true American way. But Funnyman failed miserably, even though it's a lot of fun to read today. And the art is very good, too. It's a must-have collection for any comic fan. Feral House, 2010...More. Item Code: SNDS Soft Cover, 7x10, 184pg, Full Color |
Jerry and Joe's story is also examined in Masterful Marks: Cartoonists Who Changed the World (three copies left) and Superboy. See our website for Joe's Superman in archives and omnibus collections. |
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VALERIAN AND LAURELINE Memories from the Futures Book 22 in the series. Original edition 2013. Highly Recommended. By Pierre Christin. Art by J.C. Mézières. Even though Valerian and Laureline's adventures have come to an end in Book 21, there are many chapters that haven't been told yet. Simple episodes, post-scripts to their main stories, moments of their lives seen through the eyes of their friends, their allies, or even their enemies. Here's a collection of vignettes that will cast a new light – sometimes funny, sometimes touching – on the saga of our heroes. Both sequential panels and some very nice full page paintings of our heroes and the alien cast. Cinebook, 2018...More. Item Code: VAL22 Soft Cover, 8x11, 56pg, Full Color $13.95 |
More Valerian graphic novels, as well as The Complete Valerian Hardcovers, are on our website. |
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THE MICHAEL MOORCOCK LIBRARY The Swords of Heaven, The Flowers of Hell Erekosë Finally available again, the classic graphic novel from 1979. Highly Recommended. By Michael Moorcock, art by Howard Chaykin. Moorcock himself wrote the outline for this adaptation of his story especially for Chaykin, whom he greatly admired. This was early in Howard's career and he pulled out all the stops on this. It's fully painted--before digital computer work became the norm in comics--and it's wonderful work. An adult fantasy novel (with occasional nudity) starring Urlik Skarsol, an incarnation of Moorcock's famous Eternal Champion. He is now Clen of Clen-Gar, a knight of the Dream Marches. His soul-drinking sword makes him the protector of...Heaven. Titan, 2018...More. Item Code: MMEMSHH Hard Cover - No Dustjacket, 8x10, 80pg, Full Color |
Moorcock and Chaykin are both well represented on our website. |
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BARBARELLA #6 Comic Set Set of four variant covers--interior is the same--by Dave McCaig, Brent Schoonover, Marguerite Sauvage & Ricardo Jaime. By Mike Carey. Art by Kenan Yarar. The great R.U.S.T. rush has pitted Barbarella against fellow prospectors, the Glain family as the old west meets the final frontier (and please, no "Cowboys and Aliens jokes)! With an inconceivable fortune at stake the fighting is getting dirty, and Barbarella finds herself on the defensive in a maze where time and space have no meaning! But the heart of the maze is stranger still... Dynamite, 2018 ...More. Item Code: BAR06P Soft Cover, 7x10, 32pg ea, Full Color $15.99 |
Sets 1-5 are all still available at the same price. Also see the original Barbarella and a graphic novel from Humanoids. |
Comic Book Archives |
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SUPERGIRL The Silver Age Omnibus Volume 2 Action Comics #308-376, 1964-69. Recommended. By Leo Dorfman et al. Art by Jim Mooney, Kurt Schaffenberger et al. Fun stories from a kinder, gentler time....part of the complex Mort Weisinger/Superman mythos of the Silver Age. In these 1960s Supergirl adventures, the Girl of Steel meets the Tot from Nowhere, learns more about the fate of her hometown Argo City and encounters Lex Luthor's sister, Lena Thurol. Linda Danvers enrolls in Stanhope College and considers leaving Earth for a planet of super-powered women! Collects stories from Action Comics #308-333, 335-340, 342, 344-346, 348-350, 353-354, 356-359, 361-372, 374-376. DC, 2018...More. Item Code: SGSOM02H Hard Cover, 7x11, 704pg, Full Color |
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ALSO AVAILABLE SUPERGIRL The Silver Age Omnibus Volume 1 Collects Action Comics #252-307, 1959-63. Highly Recommended. By Otto Binder, Leo Dorfman and Jerry Siegel. Art by Jim Mooney and Al Plastino. I find these vintage stories charming and fun to read. This was back when Superman was still keeping Supergirl a secret--she had to hide her very existence from the world while also doing super-heroic deeds, much like Superboy did in the early seasons of Smallville. Superman creator Jerry Siegel worked on these, along with the talented Otto Binder and they are quintessential Silver Age stories, fun, innocent, each one complete in itself. These are all backup stories from the back pages of Action Comics. DC, 2016...More. Item Code: SGSOM Hard Cover, 6x8, 688pg, Full Color |
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BLACK PANTHER Epic Collection Volume 1 Panther's Rage Back in stock. Fantastic Four #52-53 & Jungle Action #6-24, 1966-76. Recommended. By Don McGregor, Rich Buckler, Billy Graham, Gil Kane, Keith Polland et al. In the 1960s, Stan Lee and Jack Kirby created an unprecedented string of classic comic book heroes, including the high-tech king of Wakanda, The Black Panther. For his own solo series, Don McGregor strove to meet the same high standard with "Panther's Rage." It was an epic adventure so huge it ranged across the savannah, into the deepest jungles and up snow-topped mountains, to explore and expand the life and culture of Wakanda and their African kingdom in compelling detail. Marvel, 2016...More. Item Code: BPE01 Soft Cover, 7x10, 400pg, Full Color |
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ALSO AVAILABLE BLACK PANTHER A NATION UNDER OUR FEET Volume 1 Collects Black Panther #1-4, 2016, and Fantastic Four #52, 1968. Recommended. By Ta-Nehisi Coates. Art by Brian Stelfreeze. A new era begins for the Black Panther! MacArthur Genius and National Book Award-winning writer Ta-Nehisi Coates takes the helm, confronting T'Challa with a dramatic upheaval in Wakanda that will make leading the African nation tougher than ever before. When a superhuman terrorist group that calls itself The People sparks a violent uprising, the land famed for its incredible technology and proud warrior traditions will be thrown into turmoil. Plus BP's 20-page origin story, complete, from Fantastic Four #52. Marvel, 2016...More. Item Code: BLPAN01 Soft Cover, 7x10, 144pg, Full Color |
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THE BEST OF ARCHIE AMERICANA Silver Age 1960'S-1970'S Recommended. By Dan DeCarlo, Stan Golldberg, Chic Stone, Bob Bolling, Jon D'Agostino et al. 72 complete stories, plus six fun "cover galleries" capture each part of the two decades. Every story source is documented. New introduction by Hal Lifson. If you are a boomer like me, this is the Archie you were reading and still feel closest to. The sixties... a time of dreams, hopes, revolution and social change! Even in Riverdale! At the forefront of the decade were the nation's youth--enjoying the latest fads, speaking their minds and defining a generation. And the swinging seventies--enjoying the latest fashions as our heroes stay hip to the times. Archie Comics, 2018...More. Item Code: BESSA Soft Cover, 5x7, 414pg, Full Color $9.99 |
More Archie, Betty and Veronica, and Sabrina can be found on our website. |
Art & Photography |
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THE ASTOUNDING ILLUSTRATED HISTORY OF SCIENCE FICTION Movies - Art - Comics - Pulps - Fiction - Fantasy - Horror. Highly Recommended. By Dave Golber, Jess Nevins et al. A fine all-new illustrated history of science fiction. Using timelines, online links, illustrations, movie posters & well-selected stills, book covers, and more, this amazing new book propels us into the well of modern imagination, from its roots in Frankenstein, through Verne, H.G. Wells, the late gothic and weird horror of Lovecraft to the mass market Pulps. Then a new generation of writers (Bradbury, Bloch, Asimov, Philip K. Dick), televison and film, right up to the present day. Flame Tree, 2017...More. Item Code: ASTIH Hard Cover, 12x11, 192pg, Full Color |
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HOLLYWOOD BEACH BEAUTIES SEA SIRENS, SUN GODDESSES AND SUMMER STYLE 1930-1970 Recommended. By David Wills. 150 stunning vintage photographs featuring beloved female celebrities, models, and stars from the 1930s through the 1970s. Highlights the sexy, carefree attitude of the summer, the elegant seaside couture, and the enchanting and alluring beauty of the female form. Candid and stylish photographs featuring Elizabeth Taylor, Rita Hayworth, Audrey Hepburn, Marilyn Monroe, Brigitte Bardot, Sharon Tate, Raquel Welch, Sophia Loren, Dorothy Dandridge, Nancy Sinatra, etc. Plus period original film posters, magazine covers and fashion advertisements. Dey St., 2018...More. Item Code: HOLBBH Hard Cover - No Dustjacket, 8x10, 224pg, Partial Color |
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FORD MADOX BROWN Pre-Raphaelite Pioneer Closeout Price! A massive volume. Recommended. By Julian Treuherz. Ford Madox Brown had already pioneered a style of painting which came to be known as Pre-Raphaelite before the Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood was founded in 1848. His beautifully observed landscapes anticipated the open-air effects of the Impressionists. His art was anti-academic, rejecting easy solutions, prettiness, and conventional Victorian formulae. He depicted children without sentimentality and poor people without condescension. This major monograph provides a general introduction to Brown's art based on new research; all of his important paintings are included, and each one is illustrated and described. Philip Wilson Publishing, 2011...More. Item Code: FORDH Hard Cover, 8x11, 336pg, Full Color |
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ALSO AVAILABLE FRANK DICKSEE 1853-1928 His Art and Life Highly Recommended. By Simon Toll. Victorian painter and illustrator Frank Dicksee gets the full treatment, a history of his life and works with a catalog raisonné—many pictures previously unpublished. He was born with the first wave of Pre-Raphaelitism and he inherited the romantic spirit of the movement. If you like the work of fellow PRB members Waterhouse and Watts, this is your painter. Knights, beautiful ladies, mythology, in wonderfully detailed oil paintings. He became one of the most popular artists of the late 19th-century, painting in a sumptuous and dramatic style. Antique Collectors Club, 2016...More. Item Code: FRADH Hard Cover, 8x12, 240pg, Full Color |
See our website for more 19th Century artists, such as G.F. Watts, Burne-Jones, Voysey, Arthur Hughes, William Morris, and Alma-Tadema. And books on the Pre-Raphaelites, and Victorian art and photography. |
Pulps & Pin-Ups |
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THE SHADOW #129 By Walter B. Gibson. Art by Tom Lovell. The Dark Avenger teams with an ally from his own wartime secret origins. First, as rackets take over New York, The Shadow recruits wrongly convicted ex-con Cliff Marsland to put “Mobsmen on the Spot." Then, the Master of Darkness and Marsland follow a “Murder Trail” of stolen millions to unmask a hidden mastermind. Classic color pulp covers by George Rozen plus the original interior illustrations by Tom Lovell, commentary by popular culture historian Will Murray, and 8-page Nick Carter comic book story by Bob Powell. Antique Collectors Club, 2016....More. Item Code: SHT129 Soft Cover, 7X10, 128pg, Text/b&w $14.95 |
We keep all issues from #100 up in stock, plus graphic novels and more. |
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DIAN HANSON'S HISTORY OF PIN-UP MAGAZINES Back in Stock. Highly Recommended. By Dian Hanson. The definitive annotated and illustrated history of pin-up magazines--1900-1969. You're about to learn everything you could ever want to know about the world history of men's magazines--not magazines about sports, hunting or fishing or how to build a birdhouse, but those titillating periodicals embracing the subject dearest to all heterosexual men's (and some women's) hearts--and other body parts: the undraped female form. Taschen, 2013. Mature Readers...More. Item Code: HISP01 Hard Cover - No Dustjacket, 7x9, 816pg, Full Color $39.99 |
See our entire Pin-Up art section on our website. |
Coming in August |
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X-MEN Dark Phoenix Saga Omnibus X-Men #97-105, 107-108, 125-138 and parts of ten other comics. Highly Recommended. By Chris Claremont and Jo Duffy. Art by Dave Cockrum, John Byrne et al. The greatest comic book saga ever told, in one cosmic-sized Omnibus! It begins with a shocking story in which Jean Grey/Marvel Girl sacrifices herself...only to be reborn as Phoenix! But when a galaxy-spanning adventure reveals that Jean Grey has somehow attained power beyond conception, Cyclops and the X-Men can only watch as Phoenix is corrupted absolutely. As the team faces the Shi'ar Empire, Hellfire Club and more, can Jean be redeemed? Marvel, 2018. Due Aug. ...More. Item Code: XMDARKH Hard Cover - No Dustjacket, 688pg, Full Color |
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AVAILABLE NOW PHOENIX RESURRECTION Volume 1 The Return of Jean Grey Collects #1-5, 2017-18. Recommended. By Matthew Rosenberg. Art by Leinil Francis Yu, Carlos Pacheco and Joe Bennett. Years ago, Jean Grey died at the hands of a villainous mutant -- and the X-Men mourned her. Jean's teammates have lived without her, and some have died. But now, when strange and mysterious events start happening all over the world, an unmistakable pattern forms, and the X-team can only come to one startling conclusion. Impossible as it seems -- the one true Jean Grey is back from the dead! We liked this; a stand-alone story which doesn't require you to be current on the X-Men universe, with many original X-Men members: Beast, Kitty Pryde (now team leader), Iceman, Scott and Logan. Bonus: 13 variant covers! Marvel, 2018...More. Item Code: PR01 Soft Cover, 6x10, 136pg, Full Color |
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MICHAEL ALLRED MADMAN Artist Select Deluxe Signed Signed, numbered & limited, 999! By Michael Allred. This special IDW Limited Artist Select edition of Madman features nearly 500 pages of Allred's hand-picked favorite issues. From Frank Einstein's first appearance to his amazing flip-book adventure and beyond. Oversized hardcover chock full of Madman. Included is a comprehensive new interview with the artist conducted by IDW's Chris Ryall. Each copy of this 999-copy limited edition is slipcased, hand-numbered, and signed. IDW, 2018. Due Aug. ...More. Item Code: MAMASH Hard Cover, 9x14, 468pg, Full Color $125.00 |
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DAWN FEMME FATALES GODDESS PVC DIORAMA Statue Recommended. Designed by Joseph Michael Linsner. Sculpted by Sam Greenwell. The ephemeral Dawn, star of Joseph Michael Linsner's comic books of the same name, returns to the Femme Fatales PVC statue line with this 9-inch sculpture of her in her Executive Goddess attire! Made of high-qualiy plastic with collectible-quality paint applications, this statue comes packaged in a full-color window box. A Diamond Select Toys Release. Diamond Select Toys, 2018. Due Aug. ...More. Item Code: DAWFF 9 tall, Full Color $55.00 |
We keep all Linsner collections in stock: sketchbooks, Dawn graphic novels and statues, and also see here his work in other places, such as on Vampirella, Conan, Bettie Page, Green Hornet, Harley Quinn et al. |
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CREEPY ARCHIVES Volume 26 Collects #123-127, 1980-81. Recommended. By Nicola Cuti, Roger McKenzie, Bruce Jones. Art by Alex Toth, Alfredo Alcala, Carmine Infantino et al. More bloodcurdling terror than you can shake a crucifix at. Along with the names above, nearly every issue has covers by Ken Kelley and stories by Herb Arnold and Rudy Nebres, plus work by Dan Adkins, Alex Nino, Auraleon, and a cover by Segrelles. Exhume more of the complete annals of the most renowned horror series in comics history! Nearly 300 pages of graphic ghoulishness by the finest writers and artists published in hardcover format. Dark Horse, 2018. Due Aug. ...More. Item Code: CRE26H Hard Cover, 9x11, 296pg, b&w |
All back volumes are either in stock or can be backordered for you. |
Coming in September |
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HERCULES ADVENTURES OF THE MAN GOD Archives Issues #1-12, 1968-69. Recommended. By Joe Gill and Sam Glanzman. This poplar comic from publisher Charlton is collected for the first time! Joe Gill (Flash Gordon, House of Mystery) and Sam Glanzman (Our Army at War, Star Spangled War Stories, USS Stevens, Jungle Tales of Tarzan) brought this Roman hero/god to life, the son of Zeus in Roman mythology. Marvel also had their version of Hercules, appearing in Thor, but like Robin Hood, anyone could publish their own take on famous characters or legends of history. Glanzman is always a delight to read. Dark Horse, 2018. Due Sept. ...More. Item Code: HERCAH Hard Cover - No Dustjacket, 8x11, 240pg, Full Color |
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BILL SIENKIEWICZ'S MUTANTS AND MOON KNIGHTS Artifact Edition Recommended. By Bill Sienkiewicz. Bill Sienkiewicz is a modern master, having worked on some of Marvel's most iconic comics of the 1980s: Moon Knight, The New Mutants, Elektra: Assassin, and much more! His unique style can't be replicated, yet so many artists have been inspired to emulate him. This collection is filled with some of his finest covers, pin-ups, and exceptional pages. All have been meticulously scanned from the original art and reproduced to the exacting artist's edition standards that have won IDW Publishing five highly coveted Eisner Awards (to date)! IDW, 2018. Due Sept. ...More. Item Code: BSMAEH Hard Cover - No Dustjacket, 144pg, Full Color $125.00 |
More by Bill, including his 2012 Sketchbooks, Monsters & Dames and in the Strength of Man signed Portfolio, here. |
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DARK AND FETISH This title showcases a wide range of dark and fetish art works created by 40 contemporary artists from over the world. Categories of artworks include “Dark Art”, “Fetish Art”, “Photography”, “Body Art”, “Sculpture” and more. All artworks show a rich and glamorous decadence and beauty. This is the third title in the “Erotica in Contemporary Art” series. The first two titles, Erotica in Japanese Contemporary Art and Erotica in Japanese Contemporary Art II, were the dark art collections of Japanese artists. PIE, 2018. Due Sept. Mature Readers...More. Item Code: DARFE Soft Cover, 7x10, 352pg, Full Color $39.95 |
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EERIE ARCHIVES Volume 24 Eerie #114-118, 1980-81. Art by Victor de la Fuente, Carlos Jimenez, E.R. Cruz, Rudy Nebres, E.R. Cruz et al. 300 pulse-pounding pages of adventure, horror, and wonder in a deluxe hardcover collector's edition, with stories unavailable for over 35 years. Also features sword and sorcery and sci-fi by Fernando Fernandez, Fred Redondo, and "The Executioners" by Carlos Jimenez. Covers by Erich Torres and Sanjulian. Issue #115 is a book-length story, "Night of the Jackass," by Jose Ortiz. De La Fuente's fine sword and sorcery strip, Haxtur, is serialized in these issues. Dark Horse, 2018. Due Sept. Mature Readers...More. Item Code: EER24H Hard Cover, 9x11, 296pg, Partial Color |
Warehouse Find |
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RIP KIRBY Volume 10 Hurt Closeout Price! 1970-73. Recommended. By Fred Dickenson. Illustrated by John Prentice. The longest-running modern adventure strip continues in thirteen new stories starring the debonair private detective, first created by Alex Raymond. More than 800 sequential comics from April 27, 1970 to January 20, 1973 reproduced from the original King Features Syndicate proofs, insuring that every daily will look even better than when it was first published. Prentice continues his superb work, carrying on the fine line style and exciting storytelling that Alex Raymond began. IDW, 2017. . Note: These copies may have one bumped corner and/or wrinkled or a slightly torn dust jacket.....More. Item Code: RK10HR Hard Cover, 11x10, 296pg, b&w |
See all available volumes on our website: Volumes 1-5 and 8-10 [ |
Bargain BooksThese books are low in stock, and may have already been marked down once. I've marked them down even further just for this listing, to clear them out to make way for new items. First come, first served.
BARNABY Volume 3 [BAR03H. DEJAH OF MARS 1 [DJ01. IS ART - ART OF INSIGHT STUDIOS [ISH. BARON BEAN The Complete First Year 1916 [LOA01H. THE GUMPS The Saga of Mary Gold [LOA02H. SHADOW YEAR ONE Omnibus [SHAY. STEVEN GORDON 2014 Signed Sketchbook [ST14S. STAR WARS PRINCESS LEIA [SWPL. VICTORIAN SCOTLAND [VICSH. WARRIORS OF MARS Volume 1 [WARRM. You can see all of our discounted items on the website, under Closeouts at the end of each category (such as Artists and Illustration, Comics Related, etc). To get on our email list for Sales & Specials, click here. |
Rare & Out of Print
A few books from classic line art illustrators, Gustave Dore Adrift on Dreams of Splendor, Joseph Clement Coll A Legacy in Line, and three copies of Joseph Clement Coll The Art of Adventure. Another addition to the DC archive collections with Bob Kane's Batman Archives Volume 1. Lastly we found another copy of Glamour International Volume 11, Paris. Click here to see the other Glamour International volumes available. All | New Arrivals | Artists & Illustration | Fantasy & Sci-Fi | Illustrated Fiction Comic Book Archives | Comic Strip & Cartoon | Comic Artists | Pin-Up | Erotic Art Click here to add yourself to our Rare & Out of Print mailing list. |
Mature ReadersNearly on top of the first volume, we have a new collection of Pussycats. Volume two is again signed by the illustrator but this time $5 less, just $12.99. "Pussycats mixes Sons of Anarchy with Charlie's Angels to produce ass-kickin' girls going against gangsters and world governments." Nudity, mature themes. Volume One cover was by Ray Lago [PUS01. $17.99]. Nude Photography | Erotic Art | Erotic Films: DVDs | Adult Graphic Novels | All Pin-Up & Adult Click here to add yourself to our Adult's Only mailing list. |
News and Notes |
The Complete Sky Master Sundays I spent much of last weekend trying to get more copies of this—our lead feature last week. Long story short, it turned out we had some of the very few copies in the U.S. Diamond Comic Distributors had solicited it, but the book was so late they cancelled their order. We got ours direct from a contributor, and expected we could reorder more without a problem. But he had no more copies. The publisher and all copies are in Spain. We now must wait until a new container shipment gets here by boat...which means August before we see more copies. On top of that, the print run may not allow all orders to be filled, so we don’t know how many we will be getting. We sold out of this by last Friday afternoon, 24 hours after it went up on our email. |
I am recommending that if you want one, go ahead and order it from us. That way you will get priority for when our new shipment arrives, and if we get shorted, earliest orders will be filled first. If you read my description, you’ll see how enthusiastic I am about this book. I gave it my highest recommendation. |
Sky Masters The Complete Dailies is currently out of stock because we sold out our entire stock last week. More are on the way, these are from a publisher here in the U.S. and it remains in print. |
The new film opens this weekend. Here are our two Deadpool items. Click here to see our two Omnibus (and Minibus) collections. |
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Our new sale email went out Monday night and response has already been very good. You can see the entire sale on our blog by clicking here. We’re also giving away up to two free James Bama books with every order, with a limit one each with each order. See them here. And I might as well mention Free Comic Day...we still have some free comics for you, click here to see what you can score with any size order... |
San Diego Comic-Con My announcement that we would not be exhibiting at San Diego Comic-Con went viral a bit...I was interviewed by the San Diego Times. You can read the article here if you like. Heidi McDonald posted excerpts on her blog Newsbeat, and I left a comment there. And I’m still trying to catch up with all the comments on Facebook. It’s nice to be appreciated! Everyone seems to understand and sympathize. |
You can see my comments here on the blog if you missed them (scroll to the bottom). The headline of the SD Times article could be construed to mean I am retiring, but that’s not the case...We are full steam ahead here at the warehouse, filling orders and all. Just no more exhibiting at Comic-Con. |
You can find us at our next show, The Rose City Book & Paper Fair in Portland, Oregon, June 15-16. ~Bud |
Our Catalog and Contact Info We publish a color catalog every two months—if you’ve placed an order in the last 12 months, you will receive it hot off the press. If this is your first order, or if you’d like an extra copy, you can add one to your order: click here. Or call or send us your address and we’ll mail one to you. You can also download it here Place your order before noon PST, Monday through Friday for SAME DAY shipping (for in-stock items). Note: FREE SHIPPING OVER $300. If your order total is $300 or more and you are in the U.S., we pay the standard shipping cost. Contact us: or 530-273-2166 Mon-Fri 9-4 |
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Website IndexSee our website for thousands of books of the Unusual and Hard-to-Find ~ Hundreds on Sale! |