Spring/Summer Sale! |
Here are 80 closeouts—60 of which are listed here for the very first time at new discounted prices. As always, we have very limited quantities available, sometimes as few as two or three copies. Act now for the best selection. For more sale items, click on the special CLOSEOUT links at the very bottom of this email. James Bama Personal Works ($45) and The James Bama Sketchbook ($24.95) are both available FREE with any order from this list. Just order one regular sale item for each one Bama book that you want. Limit one of each book per order. In our last Spring Sale I offered a special reduction on the signed and limited Art of Jeffrey Jones ($140, now $99) and the hand-colored Age of Innocence print ($200, now $125). Both are still available for a limited time. Also see these other Underwood Books at half price by clicking here. |
Comic Archives & Related | Artists & Illustration | Graphic Novels Artist Editions | Walt Disney | Statues & Prints Pulps & Pulp Related | Special Interest | Pin-Up & Adult |
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Comic Archives & Related |
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BEYOND MARS 1952-55. Highly Recommended. By Jack Williamson. Art by Lee Elias. Written by renowned science fiction author Jack Williamson and superbly drawn by Lee Elias (in his best Milton Caniff/Harvey Horrors style), Beyond Mars is one of the rarest Sunday strips--it only appeared in a single newspaper, The New York Sunday News. This oversized book presents the complete series--all 161 pages from 1952 to 1955--in their original color! IDW, 2015...More. Item Code: BEMAH Hard Cover - No Dustjacket, 9x12, 160pg, Full Color |
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KIRBY KING OF COMICS (Anniversary Edition) Highly Recommended. By Mark Evanier. Introduction by Neil Gaiman. Almost everything that was different about comic books began in the 1940s on the drawing table of Jack Kirby. This is his story by one who knew him well—Mark Evanier. Originally issued in 2008, Kirby: King of Comics was the first overview of the legendary comic book creator's career. It is now available in a smaller, more affordable package, revised and expanded for Kirby's centennial. Abrams Comicarts, 2017...More. Item Code: KIRKC Soft Cover, 7x10, 240pg, Partial Color |
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SUPERMAN The Golden Age Sundays 1946-1949 Highly Recommended. By Alvin Schwartz and Jerry Siegel. Art by Wayne Boring. In a full eighteen adventures, Superman goes around the globe as well as through time and space. He solves the case of the Curiosity Crimes, becomes a rival for Cleopatra's affections in ancient Egypt, is exposed to radiation that turns him into Superbaby, encounters an ancient civilization in a lost valley, reprises the "Superman's Service to Servicemen" and more. IDW, 2014...More. Item Code: SUSG02H Hard Cover, 10x13, 180pg, Full Color |
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BRENDA STARR THE COMPLETE PRE-CODE COMIC BOOKS Volume 2 Good Girls, Cheesecake, and Other Delectable Things. Collects #9-12, 1949 & more. Recommended. By Jack Kamen, Matt Baker, Dale Messick et al. Introduction by Dale Messick. Featuring artwork by the legendary Iger Studio and Brenda Starr creator Dale Messick, this presents the remaining four Brenda Starr Pre-Code comics, issues #9-12, and the very mod and 1960's Dell Comics Brenda #1 drawn and scripted by Messick. Plus lots of back-up features, including an interview and cool, rare art and ephemera. Hermes, 2015...More. Item Code: BSP02H Hard Cover, 8x11, 176pg, Full Color |
BRENDA STARR, REPORTER The Collected Daily and Sundays Volume 1 1940-46. Recommended. By Dale Messick. This collects the earliest newspaper strips featuring that fashionable and hard-hitting journalist, Brenda Starr! This post-Depression, pre-War hero taught America that a woman can be both sexy and empowered. Creator Dale Messick was the first female cartoonist to write and draw a daily strip. This collects Brenda's early adventures in black and white along with the first two Sunday storylines in full color. Two new introductions, one by the renowned Trina Robbins. Hermes, 2011. Out of Print....More. Item Code: BS01H Hard Cover, 8x11, 208pg, Partial Color |
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COMIC BOOK PRICE GUIDE 47th Edition 2017-18 Batman Cover art by Jim Steranko. Highly Recommended. By Bob Overstreet et al. The Bible of serious collectors, dealers, and enthusiasts since 1970. One of the most influential comic book artists ever, Jim Steranko, brings us new cover art and a new nicely illustrated interview. More special features: Interview with CBCS's Steve Borok; CGC, how it has grown and how it works; the strange story of the IW/Super Reprints; The R..F. Outcault Legacy; Anniversary celebrations of Black Canary, Captain Marvel, The Question, and Spider-Woman, with lots of color repros. Gemstone, 2017...More. Item Code: CB47B Soft Cover, 7x10, Partial Color |
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COMIC BOOK CREATOR #14 Kelley Jones Recommended. With Raina Telgemeier, Bob Kane, Sonny Liew, Drew Friedman et al. Spotlight on Kelley Jones! From the early years as inker at Marvel Comics to his rise to present-day greatness at DC depicting Batman, Deadman, and Swamp Thing, massively comprehensive interview chockful of rarely-seen artwork! Plus Will Murray examines the nefarious legacy of Batman co-creator Bob Kane in a feature-length investigation into tragic ghosts (artists and writers) and rapacious greed. They also look at Raina Telgemeier's comics for kids and her magnificent army of devotees. TwoMorrows, 2017...More. Item Code: CBCR14 Soft Cover, 8x11, 80pg, Full Color |
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CLASSICS ILLUSTRATED #23 Oliver Twist Highly Recommended. By Charles Dickens. Art by Reed Crandall and George Evans. Outstanding art, drawn in 1961 by EC Comics veterans Reed Crandall and George Evans. Set in 1830s England, Oliver escapes to London where he meets Jack Dawkins, a boy his own age, and a career criminal by the name of Fagin who trains orphan boys to pick pickets for him. Jack Lake, 2009...More. Item Code: CI23 Soft Cover, 6x9, 48pg, Full Color |
CLASSICS ILLUSTRATED #134 Romeo and Juliet Recommended. By William Shakespeare. Art by George Evans. Wonderful artwork by EC mainstay George Evans, who first drew this in 1956, just after EC's demise. Romeo (a Montague) and Juliet, (a Capulet) are the star-crossed lovers who rise above the feuding and pronounce their love for each other. Thought provoking and beautifully illustrated, this classic comic graphic novel captures the imagination of readers of all ages and inspires a love of literature and reading. Jack Lake, 2008...More. Item Code: CI134 Soft Cover, 6x9, 48pg, Full Color |
CLASSICS ILLUSTRATED #144 The First Men in the Moon By H.G. Wells. "No title in the Classics Illustrated series boasted a more distinguished roster of collaborating artists than First Men in the Moon. EC veterans Al Williams, George Woodbridge, Angelo Torres and Roy Krenkel all contributed..." Full history of this title by William Jones, plus the original Gerald McCann painted cover. Jack Lake, 2012...More. Item Code: CI144 Soft Cover, 6x9, 48pg, Full Color |
CLASSICS ILLUSTRATED #77 The Illiad By Homer. Art by Alex A. Blum. First published in 1950 and still a classic. In the tenth and final year of the Trojan war, Chryses, priest of Apollo, attempts to ransom his daughter from Agamemnon, leader of the invading Aecheans who has taken her captive while on a raid. Enter the immortal literary heroes on both sides: Achilles, Hector, Patroclus and Priam, the King of Troy. Jack Lake, 2013...More. Item Code: CI77 Soft Cover, 6x9, 48pg, Full Color |
CLASSIC COMICS #22 The Pathfinder By James Fenimore Cooper. Art by Louis Zansky. Cover art by Norman Nodel. An early classic, all the way back from 1944. This features the one and only Deerslayer as chronicled in Last of the Mohicans and The Deerslayer, part of the trilogy of novels known as the Leatherstocking Tales. Here our hero is again caught between Indian, British and French in the war of the early 1700s. Jack Lake, 2016...More. Item Code: CLC22 Soft Cover, 6x9, 48pg, Full Color |
CLASSIC COMICS #79 Cyrano de Bergerac By Edmond Rostand. Art by Alex A. Blum. Quintessential Golden Age classics adaptation, this one from 1951 and drawn by the artist most closely associated with the series, Alex Blum. Blum also was a regular at Fiction House, probably the best known of their talented artists. He was a regular on the Eisner-created Hawk of the Seas. Here he tackles the classic novel of humor and pathos, the hero of the long nose and the unmatched skill at swordplay. Jack Lake, 2016...More. Item Code: CLC79 Soft Cover, 6x9, 48pg, Full Color |
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DEJAH THORIS AND THE GREEN MEN OF MARS Volume 3 Collects #9-12. By Mark Rahner. Art by Jethro Morales. Covers by Jay Anacleto. She's faced the cannibal Thark, Voro, and he's dead. She's stopped his plot to terrorize Helium and destroy the peace between red and green people. Now, consumed with survivor's guilt, Dejah Thoris does something beyond reckless: joins a team of Thark warriors formerly under Voro's command for a suicide mission. Dynamite, 2014. Mature Readers...More. Item Code: DEJG03 Soft Cover, 7x10, 120pg, Full Color |
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TEENAGE ROMANCES 14 Replica Edition. Originally published 1951. Highly Recommended. By Dana Dutch. Art by Matt Baker, Carmine Infantino and Everett Raymond Kinstler. This is an exact replica of Teen-Age Romances #14, 1951, published by St. John. All editorial and ads are included. The cover image by Matt Baker is one of the most recognizable and classic covers from this genre. Writer Dana Dutch rose above all others to create realistic, excellent stories, perfect for master good-girl artist Matt Baker to draw. Canton Street, 2016...More. Item Code: TR14 Soft Cover, 7x10, 36pg, Full Color |
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TURN LOOSE OUR DEATH RAYS AND KILL THEM ALL The Complete Works Of Fletcher Hanks Recommended. Edited by Paul Karasik. Fletcher Hanks wrote, penciled, inked, and lettered all of his own stories. He completed approximately 50 stories between 1939-1941, all unified by a unique artistic vision. Whether it's the superhero Stardust doling out ice cold slabs of poetic justice, or the jungle protectress Fantomah tearing evildoers limb from ragged limb, contemporary readers--and fans today--are stunned by the surrealism and outright violent mayhem of Hanks' work. Originally featured in two paperback volumes, this deluxe hardcover collects—for the first time—all of Hanks' previously published material, including stories newly discovered for this volume, plus rare early non-comics artwork. Fantagraphics, 2016...More. Item Code: TURLH Hard Cover - No Dustjacket, 9x11, 376pg, Full Color |
BATMAN SHADOW OF THE BAT Volume 1 Collects #1-12, 1992-93. By Alan Grant. Art by Tim Sale, Norm Breyfogle et al. Batman isn't the only masked crusader in town—and Arkham Asylum has many, many cells beyond those detaining the Penguin, the Joker, and Poison Ivy. And now he's been committed! But this is not the dark, dismal Arkham Asylum of old—this modern Arkham is run by the son of the original founder, Jeremiah Arkham. He is determined to improve on his father's methods, and in doing so walks perilously close to the abyss of madness himself. DC, 2016...More. Item Code: BATSB01 Soft Cover, 7x10, 320, Full Color |
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THE COMPLETE CALVIN AND HOBBES Set Four book set! Our Highest Recommendation. By Bill Watterson. This includes all Calvin and Hobbes daily and Sunday strips that have ever appeared in syndication--3,160 total strips! In addition, you'll find color cover and spot art from Watterson's classic book collections. The heaviest and most expensive book ever to hit the New York Times bestseller list. Now in a new affordable format in four volumes instead of three, and in a slightly smaller size. Andrews McMeel, 2012...More. Item Code: CALV Soft Cover, 11x10, 1456pg, Full Color |
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FORTY WHACKS and Other Stories Recommended. By Al Feldstein with Ray Bradbury. Art by Jack Kamen. Kamen's precise, clean style was subversively perfect for EC Comics tales of seemingly normal men and women who coolly act on the rage, jealousy, and greed just below their glamorous façades. "Contract for Death" (a suicidal man agrees to accept $5,000 for his fresh corpse, then changes his mind), "The Neat Job!" (Her "neat freak" husband drove her crazy, so she chopped him up into little pieces...), "Just Desserts!" (A madman bent on revenge hosts a dinner for his victims). Fantagraphics, 2015...More. Item Code: FORWH Hard Cover - No Dustjacket, 8x11, 188pg, b&w |
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STAR WARS LEGENDS THE ORIGINAL MARVEL YEARS Epic Collection Volume 2 Collects Star Wars #24-38, Annual 1, Star Wars Weekly (UK) 94-99, 104-115, 1979-80. Recommended. By Mary Jo Duffy, Archie Goodwin, Michael Golden, and Chris Claremont. Art by Carmine Infantino, Mike Vosburg, et al. Marvel's original exploration of the Star Wars galaxy continues! Luke and Leia are trapped in a siege at Yavin! Obi-Wan Kenobi fights alone! Cyborgs clash when Darth Vader takes on bounty hunter Beilert Valance! And Han and Chewie answer the question, "Whatever happened to Jabba?" Lightsabers clash, there's thunder in the stars, and a red queen rises as the Dark Lord of the Sith finally discovers the identity of the young Jedi who destroyed the Death Star! Includes the rarely seen Star Wars Weekly serial in black and white, as first published in the U.K. Prepare for a Skywalker showdown setting the stage for The Empire Strikes Back! Marvel, 2017...More. Item Code: SWLE02 Soft Cover, 7x10, 448pg, Full Color |
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KA-ZAR Savage Dawn Collects #1-5, 1981. Recommended. By Bruce Jones. Art by Brent Anderson. A new world for the jungle lord! A hunt for his faithful sabre-tooth Zabu takes Ka-Zar beyond the Savage Land...into the ancient paradise of Pangea! But from shining citadels to the lofty heights of the Aerie Shalahn, it's filled with newfound friends -- such as Leanne, queen of the crystal city--and Shanna the She Devil, Marvel's own version of Sheena and now part of a romantic triangle. Uh, oh... Anderson shows his Neal Adams influences, nicely so, with bird-people and pterons aplenty. Marvel, 2017...More. Item Code: KAZSA Hard Cover - No Dustjacket, 7x10, 120pg, Full Color |
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SUPERGIRL BOOK Volume 2 Collects Supergirl #10-20, 1997-98, and Annual #2. By Peter David. Art by Leonard Kirk and Greg Land. Can Supergirl defeat Leesburg's toughest villains, or will her battle with her own identity cause her to fail? After being kidnapped and left near death, Linda Danvers was saved when she was fused with Matrix, a protoplasmic version of Supergirl. Struggling to balance her life between her two identities, Supergirl must learn to be Linda while fighting some of her toughest foes—like the soul-stealing Silver Banshee, the mind-controlling giant Despero and the ultimate agents of destruction, the Extremists. DC, 2017...More. Item Code: SUGB02 Soft Cover, 7x10, 312pg, Full Color |
SUPERGIRL BOOK Volume 1 Supergirl #1-9, Annual #1, Plus #1 and a story from Showcase ‘96 #8: 1996-97. Highly Recommended. By Peter David. Art by Gary Frank. The start of the classic series that created a revolutionary new identity for the Maid of Might! Who is Linda Danvers? To her parents, Linda is a former good girl who now dabbles on the wrong side of the law. To her friends, she's a struggling artist and the ultimate Supergirl fan. To her boyfriend, Buzz, she's an eager accomplice as they try to harness dark forces more powerful than either of them can control. And after Buzz tries to use her to summon a demon, Linda Danvers is...dead? DC, 2016...More. Item Code: SUGB01 Soft Cover, 7x10, 144pg, Full Color |
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MAN-THING The Complete Collection Volume 2 By Steve Gerber. Art by Mike Ploog, John Buscema, Alfredo Alcala, et al. Continuing the definitive collection of Man-Thing's macabre misadventures by his signature writer! The lumbering behemoth goes truly giant-size in one of the most notorious Marvel titles of all time, with stories ranging from a battle of the swamp monsters against the Glob to a portentous flashback to the life of Ted Sallis before he was transformed. Those who know fear burn at the Man-Thing's touch, but what will happen when he joins Daredevil, the Man Without Fear, in battle with Death-Stalker? Marvel, 2016...More. Item Code: MANT02 Soft Cover, 7x10, 408pg, Full Color |
WALKING DEAD Coloring Book By Robert Kirkman. Art by Charlie Adlard. This oversized adult coloring book features art from throughout the long-running series. Sure, The Walking Dead has never had color, but don't let that stop you from coloring in all your favorite survivors and zombies! Just make sure to stock up on plenty of red... Image Comics, 2016...More. Item Code: WDCOL Soft Cover, 8x12, 96, b&w |
MARVEL MASTERWORKS Sub-Mariner Volume 6 Variant Cover Collecting Sub-Mariner #39-49, 1968 and Daredevil #77, 1964. Recommended. By Gerry Conway and Roy Thomas. Art by Gene Colan, Gil Kane et al. The Lady Dorma is dead, and the Sub-Mariner is on a rampage that will leave a swath of destruction across the surface world! But in his pursuit of vengeance, Namor learns that his father--the long-thought-dead Capt. Leonard MacKenzie--is still alive! In the quest to find his father, Namor will cross paths with Spider-Man, Daredevil and the Human Torch before he faces a gathering of his greatest enemies. Marvel, 2014...More. Item Code: MMT6H Hard Cover, 7x10, 280pg, Full Color |
RED BARRY UNDERCOVER MAN Volume 1 Highly Recommended. By Will Gould. Red Barry was one of the most visually innovative adventure strips of the mid-1930s, combining fluid brushwork and noir shadows (in bold blues and purples) with figures that were constantly in motion. And a level of violence that brought cries of protest from its syndicate. Red Barry and Secret Agent X-9 were King Features' answers to the Tribune's Dick Tracy. While X-9 continued for decades, Red Barry by Will Gould (no relation to Chester) was an auteur's vision that lasted less than four years. IDW, 2016...More. Item Code: RBU01H Hard Cover, 9x11, 284pg, Full Color |
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MARVEL COMICS INDEX Volume 1 #4 Fantastic Four Warehouse find, 1977. Jim Steranko cover! Well-known fan George Olshevsky began a series of indices of Marvel comics runs, in which this was the 4th volume. It lists full credits for every issue of FF from #1 through 179, plus 11 Annuals, Silver Surfer #1-18 and a bit more. Includes all credits, storylines, guests, first appearances, and commentary on each issue, with a b&w picture of each cover. Marvel, 1977. Out of Print.. Note: Scuffed covers, more so on the back but still somewhat on the Steranko front cover....More. Item Code: MARV04 Soft Cover, 8x11, 100pg, b&w |
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SILVER AGE SCI-FI COMPANION Highly Recommended. By Mike W. Barr. In the Silver Age of Comics, space was the place, and this book summarizes, critiques and lovingly recalls the classic DC Comics science-fiction series edited by Julius Schwartz and written by Gardner Fox and John Broome! The pages of DC's science-fiction magazines of the 1960s, Strange Adventures and Mystery In Space, are opened for you, including story-by-story reviews of complete series such as Adam Strange, Atomic Knights, Space Museum, Star Rovers, Star Hawkins and others! TwoMorrows, 2007...More. Item Code: SLVER Soft Cover, 8x11, 160pg, b&w |
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STAR TREK CLASSIC UK COMICS Volume 1 1969-1970 By Angus Allan et al. Art by Harry Lindfield, Mike Noble, Ron Turner et al. Published in the U.S. for the first time! In 1969, six months before the Star Trek TV series premiered in England, British comics readers were introduced to the characters in an original comic-book series. The stories were serialized, generally 2 to 3 pages at a time, in 257 weekly magazines spanning five years and 37 storylines. Handsome painted artwork in the style of Frank Bellamy. 17 complete adventures. IDW, 2016...More. Item Code: STC01H Hard Cover - No Dustjacket, 9x11, 244pg, Partial Color |
Artist & Illustration |
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HARVEY DUNN Illustrator and Painter of the Pioneer West Our Highest Recommendation. By Walter Reed. Harvey Dunn was one of twentieth century America’s most powerful illustrators, painters and teachers. This comprehensive volume covers a major portion of his illustrations and paintings for the first time. Content includes illustration art, pioneer and western works, and his powerful World War I pieces inspired by his battlefield sketches. Also included are rarely seen nudes, portraits, and murals. Paintings from museums and private collections showcase the full range of this talented American artist. Flesk, 2010...More. Item Code: HDH Hard Cover, 9x12, 304pg, Full Color |
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TRANSCENDENT LUXURY German Art Deco Poster Masterpieces 1912-1927 Deluxe Includes set of 10 mini-print postcards. By Thomas Negovan. Variant edition includes ten separate, full size prints on heavy paper, with postcard backs. Rare and beautiful artworks from the Golden Age of Vintage Poster Art. During and immediately following The First World War, advertisers in Germany presented romantic elegance in a manner that bridged the sinuous lines of Art Nouveau and the hard lines of the Art Deco period to achieve a unique style that would inform the rest of the century as a pinnacle of graphic design. Century Guild, 2016...More. Item Code: TRLUXD Soft Cover, 6x8, 92pg, Full Color |
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ROBOTA The 2003 Novel with a new Preface and Artwork. By Doug Chiang and Orson Scott Card. A captivating prose novel of action, romance, and betrayal, Robota features breathtaking illustrations that add a cinematic scope to every page. Orson Scott Card, author of the award-winning bestseller Ender's Game, collaborates with artist Doug Chiang. A visionary work with additional, never-before-seen art that Chiang developed for a prospective Robota film. Plus, Gareth Edwards, the director of both Godzilla (2014) and Rogue One: A Star Wars Story, provides a new Preface. Dover, 2016...More. Item Code: ROBO Soft Cover, 8x11, 222pg, Full Color |
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ILLUSTRATION MAGAZINE #53 Featuring Mel Odom and Eric Pape. Highly Recommended. Eric Pape (1870-1938), a golden age American artist, teacher, book and magazine illustrator, with a realist style. He studied in France under the famous master artists Jean-Leon Gerôme and Benjamin-Constant. Trips to Egypt and the Near East cemented his love of Orientalism and exoticism, which became a key part of his work for paintings in the Paris Salons, in magazines like Scribners, and in fabulous books including Lew Wallace's The Fair God (author of Ben Hur). Never before has there been coverage like this of his career and work. Illustrated Press, 2016...More. Item Code: IL53 Magazine, 8x11, 112pg, Full Color |
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RAVILIOUS & CO The Pattern of Friendship By Andy Friend. Introduction by Alan Powers. Eric Ravilious was one of the best-known twentieth-century British artists, but this is also a biography of the group of fellow creators with whom he associated--men and women who inspired, challenged, and influenced one another--from their student days up through the Second World War. For many, his watercolors capture the spirit of midcentury England, as do his wood-engraved works, recalling the work of Lynd Ward and Clare Leighton. Here are his fellow students at the Royal College of Art such as Edward Bawden, Barnett Freedman, Enid Marx, Percy Horton, Peggy Angus, and Helen Binyon. Thames & Hudson, 2017...More. Item Code: RAVILH Hard Cover, 7x9, 336pg, Partial Color |
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ART OF MOUSE GUARD 2005-2015 Signed Signed illustrated bookplate! Highly Recommended. By David Peterson. Since its debut in 2005, Mouse Guard has become a New York Times bestseller, Eisner-Award winner, and an influential staple of comics. In honor of the ten-year anniversary of the series' debut issue, a stunning celebration of the world, characters, and artistic process of David Petersen's beloved series, with his personal commentary throughout. Exclusive: each copy comes with a full color, specially illustrated bookplate David created and signed for us. Archia, 2015...More. Item Code: ARMGHS Hard Cover - No Dustjacket, 12x12, 224pg, Full Color |
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ILLUSTRATED By Lynd Ward Recommended. By Robert Dance. Published to accompany the exhibition "Illustrated by Lynd Ward, From the Collection of Robert Dance," on view at the Grolier Club November 19 2015-January 16 2016. Probably in a limited printing. Expensive, but a rare glimpse at some fine and very scarce Ward pieces, some from the original artwork. 246 bibliographic entries, 36 color and b&w reproductions. Impermanent & Grolier, 2015...More. Item Code: ILLWA Soft Cover, 7x10, 160pg, Text/Partial Color |
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NOCTURNALS Signed Signed! Recommended. By Dan Brereton. A twenty year retrospective celebrating Brereton's Eisner-nominated series of dark pulp heroes, the Nocturnals. Packed with many never-before-published illustrations, special commissions, as well as paintings and drawings spanning the twenty year history of this influential "monster noir" series. Big Wow, 2014...More. Item Code: NOLH Hard Cover - No Dustjacket, 9x12, 176pg, Full Color |
ART FOR ALL The Color Woodcut in Vienna Around 1900 Enormous 10x15 inches, 414 pages. Recommended. Edited by T.G. Natter, M. Hollein et al. With Kolomon Moser, Carl Otto Szescha, Marcus Behmer et al. At the turn of the 20th century, Secession artists reclaimed the humble woodblock, short-lived and long overlooked by established art histories. Art Nouveau, Arts and Crafts and particularly Japonisme all influenced this bold style. Through prints, books, magazines, calendars and pages from Ver Sacrum, the official magazine of the Vienna Secession, this offers figure studies, portraits of animals, landscapes, patterns, and typographical treasures, with detailed captions and essays. In German, French and English. Taschen, 2016...More. Item Code: ARALH Hard Cover, 10x15, 414pg, Partial Color |
IMAGINATION The Art & Technique of David A. Cherry Warehouse find, 1987. David Cherry's best science fiction and fantasy book covers and other work. An entire section is devoted to his technique. There are many paintings for his sister C.J. Cherryh's novels (they spell their names differently), including the Chanur series plus a look at astronomical paintings. 43 full-page color plates, plus b&w drawings. Donning, 1987. Out of Print.. Note: Scuffed covers and bumped corners....More. Item Code: IMAG Soft Cover, 8x11, 112pg, Full Color |
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PERFECT NONSENSE The Chaotic Comics and Goofy Games of George Carlson Highly Recommended. Edited by Daniel F Yezbick. Harlan Ellison calls Carlson "a cartoonist of the absurd," whose work stands alongside that of Winsor McCay, Rube Goldberg, George Herriman, or Gary Larson. I'm also a huge fan and eager to dig into this massive, unparallelled collection.--Bud. Here is the complete story behind one of the most innovative and under-rated Golden Age artists, classic children's illustrators, and nonsense poets in American history. For more than 50 years, George Carlson created thousands of distinctive and dynamic cartoons, comics, riddles, and games that thrilled both children and adults with their fanciful spirit and nonsensical humor. Fantagraphics, 2014. Out of Print....More. Item Code: PERNH Hard Cover - No Dustjacket, 9x12, 316pg, Full Color |
THE WIZARD OF OZ WADDLE BOOK Warehouse find, 1993. By L. Frank Baum and W. W. Denslow. The timeless tale of Dorothy and her motley crew is retold in this charming reproduction of the 1934 classic tale for children of all ages. The graceful pen and ink illustrations of Denslow adorn many pages and even the original large-sized type is faithfully recreated here. Includes illustrated instructions for how to make a Waddle, which was a popular toy when the book was originally produced. Includes a four bookplate set by Oz illustrator Eric Shanower. Applewood, 1993. Out of Print....More. Item Code: WOZWADHC Hard Cover - No Dustjacket, 7x9, 211pg, Text/b&w |
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J. GARCIA Paintings, Drawings and Sketches By Jerry Garcia and David Hinds. Jerry Garcia's (1942-1995) artwork is collected here! Marvelous and brilliant--and this is what he did for fun! This collection offers these wonderful drawings to Deadheads and art lovers alike, as Jerry's soul shines through in each charming landscape, each pleasant dreamscape, and each whimsical and insightful portrait. Visual improvisations of great sensitivity, this is the first published collection of his sketches and watercolors. Celestial Arts, 2005...More. Item Code: JGAR Soft Cover, 11x9, 96pg, Full Color |
J. SCOTT CAMPBELL'S THE RUFF STUFF Volume 3 Signed Highly Recommended. By J. Scott Campbell. The Ruff Stuff comes back bigger and showing the best compilation of art in rough form in landscape format. More than 400 scribbles, sketches, thumbs, pencil from one of the hottest artists in the graphic scene. Packed with multiple images on every page, from nudes to long-legged heroines to Wolverine, Jungle girls and Spider-Man. Mafufo, 2014...More. Item Code: JSCR03S Soft Cover, 6x8, 48pg, b&w |
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DAVE STEVENS Selected Sketches & Studies Volume 2 Limited, 1500. Highly Recommended. By Dave Stevens. The second-ever sketchbook produced by the premier good-girl artist of recent times. Dave created The Rocketeer and was the prime mover in Bettie Page being rediscovered. Published by Dave himself, here are the last copies (Dave didn't sign them all, thus these are unsigned), full of amazing full nudes, character studies, unpublished art--good girls to die for. Bulldog Studios, 2003. Out of Print. Mature Readers...More. Item Code: DAVE02 Soft Cover, 9x11, 32pg, b&w |
GLENN FABRY Sketchbook 3 Recommended. The very first sketchbook by Fabry we've handled, very sharp--and also already out of print. Supply is very limited. This comes from the U.K., with 100 illustrations--half in full color and fully finished. Many unseen Preacher, Hellblazer, and Batman paintings straight out of Glenn's personal collection. Plus Hellboy, story thumbnails, Death from the Sandman series, Judge Dredd, Domino, and a simply wonderful cover packed with characters. Minor nudity. Berserker, 2015. Out of Print. Mature Readers...More. Item Code: GFS03 Soft Cover, 6x9, 54pg, Full Color |
Graphic Novels |
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NOCTURNALS Black Planet Signed |
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NEIL GAIMAN'S MIDNIGHT DAYS Recommended. Art by McKean, Mignola, Bissette et al. Six classic stories from Gaiman's early years at DC. Ranging from playful to somber to strangely chilling, these eloquent tales showcase the depth and range that have become a hallmark of their acclaimed author. Artwork from some of comics' finest artistic talents, including Teddy Kristiansen, John Totleben, Richard Piers Rayner, Sergio Aragonés and more. Collects: Swamp Thing Annual #5, Hellblazer #127, Welcome Back to the House of Mystery #1, Sandman Midnight Theatre, 1989-98. Vertigo, 2016...More. Item Code: NGMI Soft Cover, 7x10, 200pg, Full Color |
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NEIL GAIMAN'S LADY JUSTICE Volume 1 Collects #1-11, 1995-96. Recommended. By C. J. Henderson and Wendi Lee. Art by Wendi Lee, Michael Netzer, Dan Brereton et al. From the mind of New York Times best-selling and Eisner Award-winning author Neil Gaiman, Lady Justice is the living embodiment of justice. She's a spirit who takes over the mind and body of beautiful but abused women, different in each story, and makes them judge, jury and executioner against crime and injustice. Violent, sexy, and well drawn. Super Genius, 2015...More. Item Code: NGLJ01 Soft Cover, 7x10, 272pg, Full Color |
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NEAL ADAMS' BLOOD Volume 1 Collects #1-3, 5-8, 11, 28-29. By Neal Adams. Flowing through Blood's veins is an arcane, unfathomable power whose origins stretch back to the very dawn of human history. An ancient struggle will come to a head in a single fiery night of war! Collecting Neal's original stories from Dark Horse Presents, this unique book features an genuinely amazing animated 3D lenticular cover. Dark Horse, 2016...More. Item Code: NAB Soft Cover, 7x10, 88pg, Full Color |
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HARLEY'S LITTLE BLACK BOOK Collects #1-6, 2016, plus new bonus material. Recommended. By Amanda Conner and Jimmy Palmiotti. Art by Palmiotti, Neal Adams, Simon Bisley, Joseph Michael Linsner et al. The fan-favorite creative team of Conner and Palmiotti joins forces with a slew of superstar creators—including Neal Adams, Simon Bisley, Joseph Michael Linsner, Billy Tucci, and John Timms. With the Joker firmly in her rearview mirror, Harley Quinn has become an antihero like no other. But sometimes she runs into threats too, uhh, threatening for any one person to beat. That's when she turns to a who's who of the biggest, baddest, most bodacious heroes in the whole universe! Superman. Wonder Woman. Green Lantern. Zatanna. Lobo!? DC, 2017...More. Item Code: HARLBH Hard Cover, 7x10, 256pg, Full Color |
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PAPER GIRLS Volume 1 Collects #1-10, 2015-16. Recommended. By Brian K. Vaughan. Art by Cliff Chiang and Matt Wilson. From Brian K. Vaughan, New York Times bestselling writer of Saga, and Cliff Chiang, legendary artist of Wonder Woman, this gorgeous, oversized deluxe hardcover is the perfect way to experience the first two storylines of the smash-hit series that The Chicago Tribune named one of the "Best Books of the Year." In the early hours after Halloween of 1988, four 12-year-old newspaper delivery girls uncover the most important story of all time--think H.P. Lovecraft and aliens! Suburban drama and otherworldly mysteries collide in this critically acclaimed story about nostalgia, first jobs, and the last days of childhood. Image, 2017...More. Item Code: PAP01H Hard Cover - No Dustjacket, 8x11, 320pg, b&w |
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PETER PAN Recommended. By Regis Loisel. For the first time in English, collecting the entire 6-volume series that's sold over 1,000,000 copies worldwide. Before he became Peter Pan, before his arrival to Neverland, he was a boy fighting for survival. Born into the harsh Dickensian London suburbs, Peter's only retreat from reality was the fantastical stories given to him by a friendly neighbour...then Tinkerbell arrives! Soaring Penguin, 2014. Mature Readers...More. Item Code: PETPH Hard Cover - No Dustjacket, 9x11, 336pg, Full Color |
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ADVENTURES OF DIETER LUMPEN Recommended. By Jorge Zentner. Art by Ruben Pellejero. The first English translation of the most famous work of the Angoulême award-winning team of Jorge Zentner and Rubén Pellejero. Dieter Lumpen is a man of the world, an adventurer who wants no part of adventure. Nonetheless, he is swept along to exotic locations from Turkey to the Caribbean, from China to Venice. As written by Zentner, Dieter's irony is gentler, more subtle, more reflective, and more tongue-in-cheek than hard or bitter. Collects all eight short stories and the three graphic novels. Foreword by Tim Sale. IDW, 2016...More. Item Code: ADDL Soft Cover, 8x11, 264pg, Full Color |
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JAMES BOND 007 Volume 1 Vargr By Warren Ellis. Art by Jason Masters. Dynamite presents VARGR, the debut storyline in the all-new James Bond comic book series, as crafted by masterful writer Warren Ellis (Transmetropolitan, The Authority) and artist Jason Masters (Batman Incorporated, Guardians of the Galaxy). Well-drawn, fast-paced, and Bond-violent! It's vintage Bond. A new mission involving tainted drug trafficking starts in Berlin, but there is far more to this story. Bond is walking into a killing field. 27-page BONUS section of MANY variant covers by guest artists. Dynamite, 2016...More. Item Code: JB01H Hard Cover - No Dustjacket, 7x11, 176, Full Color |
Artist Editions |
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ALEX TOTH BRAVO FOR ADVENTURE Artist's Edition Highly Recommended. Of every comics story Alex Toth ever drew, the only one that he kept the complete original art to was Bravo for Adventure. This is a virtual "how-to" course in drawing comics. We see how he would draw all the detail in a scene, from thumbnails to pencils to inks--only to black it out in order to focus the reader's eye on what really counted. Also included are variant versions of the Bravo saga, dozens of never-before-seen pencil roughs, preliminary drawings, and story fragments, and twelve pages of Toth's own coloring for an edition that never saw print--until now. IDW, 2016...More. Item Code: ATBAEH Hard Cover - No Dustjacket, 12x17, 136pg, Partial Color |
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DRAWING BEAUTIFUL WOMEN Studio Edition Deluxe Signed Signed and numbered, 500! The Frank Cho Method. Highly Recommended. By Frank Cho. This deluxe edition has an extra 16-page section with bonus artwork, an exclusive Frank Cho interview, and an alternate cover featuring a new painting of a nude woman. Two gatefolds are included. Frank Cho, the acclaimed creator of Liberty Meadows, shares his secrets to drawing the lovely women he is renowned for. Flesk, 2014. Mature Readers...More. Item Code: DRBWDS Hard Cover, 12x17, 140pg, Full Color |
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MIKE MIGNOLA'S HELLBOY Artist's Edition New cover for this printing. Recommended. By Mike Mignola. Features the first five issues of Hellboy in Hell as well as a wealth of historic supplementary material: the first three Hellboy stories, the two initial four-pagers produced for promotional purposes, and the 10-page story from John Byrne's Next Men #21, plus "The Corpse," and two other tales selected by Mignola for inclusion. All but three pages of Mike Mignola's Hellboy Artist's Edition have been shot from the original art to showcase Mignola's gorgeous work. IDW, 2017...More. Item Code: MMHAEH Hard Cover - No Dustjacket, 12x17, 200pg, b&w |
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JAIME HERNANDEZ Studio Edition Recommended. In this millennium, every page Hernandez draws is die-cut flawless and ready for reproduction; but it wasn't always that way. Fantagraphics Studio Edition: Jaime Hernandez collects almost 200 pages of the raw, un-retouched original art, via select stories from the first fifty issues of the Love and Rockets comic book. These include such classic and beloved stories as “The Death of Speedy,” “Chester Square,” and “Wigwam Bam.” Plus a new interview conducted by Gary Groth and 30 pages of never-before-published material in various stages of completion. Fantagraphics, 2017...More. Item Code: JHSTH Hard Cover - No Dustjacket, 11x14, 192pg, Full Color |
Walt Disney |
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WALT DISNEY UNCLE SCROOGE and DONALD DUCK Volume 4 Last of The Clan McDuck The Don Rosa Library 4. Recommended. By Don Rosa. In this new volume we meet characters like Magica De Spell and learn about Scrooge's youth, his teen adventures, his first paddle-boat race and much more! Uncle Scrooge, the world's richest duck, knows exactly where he got every coin he ever earned. And in this fourth book of Duck epics by Don Rosa, that story begins to unfold at last! Relive Scrooge's Scottish boyhood as "Last of the Clan McDuck," then his teenage years as "Master of the Mississippi" on Uncle Pothole's steamboat! Witness Scrooge's first fights with the Beagle Boys and Flintheart Glomgold--and in a bonus "Chapter 0," his earliest meeting with Magica De Spell! Fantagraphics, 2015...More. Item Code: WDU04H Hard Cover - No Dustjacket, 9x11, 192pg, Full Color |
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WALT DISNEY UNCLE SCROOGE and DONALD DUCK Volume 5 The Richest Duck in the World The Don Rosa Library 5. Recommended. By Don Rosa. More new stories about "The Richest Duck in the World," as the brilliant Don Rosa carries on--and fills in the gaps--for Carl Barks' Uncle Scrooge. Scrooge's youth as a Klondike Gold Rush participant begins this, and then Scrooge halts the invasion of Fort Duckburg, teams up with the Junior Woodchucks to hunt down the legendary Library of Alexandria, is the Billionaire of Dismal Downs, travels to Lillehammer, is the Empire-builder from Calisota, and more...seven complete stories. Fantagraphics, 2016...More. Item Code: WDU05H Hard Cover - No Dustjacket, 9x11, 192pg, Full Color |
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WALT DISNEY UNCLE SCROOGE and DONALD DUCK Volume 6 The Universal Solvent The Don Rosa Library 6. Recommended. By Don Rosa. Uncle Scrooge accidentally digs a tunnel to the center of the earth in the latest collection of the world-famous Duck stories, and risks destroying the world in the sixth complete, chronological book of Duck adventures by Don Rosa! Plus here are "Hearts of the Yukon" (an untold tale of Scrooge, Glittering Goldie, and the Klondike Mounted Police), "The Lost Charts of Columbus" (featuring the evil Azure Blue), and the Beagle Boys face bug-size battlers in "The Incredible Shrinking Tightwad!" Plus 50 pages of strong>Bonus Features! Fantagraphics, 2016...More. Item Code: WDU06H Hard Cover - No Dustjacket, 9x11, 208pg, Full Color |
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WALT DISNEY'S MICKEY MOUSE Volume 9 Rise of the Rhyming Man Daily Strips, 1946-48. Highly Recommended. By Floyd Gottfredson. Mickey and the space and time traveling alien Eega team up to save Mouseton from the Rhyming Man... a poetic master spy with an arsenal of chemical weapons! And 35 more stories, plus all kinds of cool additional material, profusely illustrated Afterward with storyboards, pencilled art, international all-original covers of various Mickey Mouse magazines, and a complete full-color story with Eega, "Lost in the Microcosmos," from the Italian Mickey magazine Topolino from 1957. Fantagraphics, 2016...More. Item Code: WLT09H Hard Cover - No Dustjacket, 10x9, 286pg, b&w |
WALT DISNEY'S MICKEY MOUSE Volume 5 Outwits the Phantom Blot Daily Strips, 1938-40. Highly Recommended. By Floyd Gottfredson. Mickey's greatest villain steals the spotlight! The vile Phantom Blot--dressed head-to-foot in his ghostly black cloak--is leaving a trail of danger and destruction! Can Mickey thwart his plans? Also, Mickey battles "Mighty Whalehunter" Peg-leg Pete on the high seas and meets a powerful genie in "Mickey Mouse and the Magic Lamp," as well as Robinson Crusoe, and the Miracle Master, and he even gets a sidekick, Thursday, in three more great episodes. Fantagraphics, 2014...More. Item Code: WLT05H Hard Cover - No Dustjacket, 10x9, 288pg, b&w |
WALT DISNEY'S MICKEY MOUSE Volume 6 Lost in Lands of Long Ago Daily Strips, 1940-42. Highly Recommended. By Floyd Gottfredson. Decades before Jurassic Park, Doc Dustibones brings Mickey to Cave-Man Island--a lost world where fossil monsters survive alive! From stampeding brontosaurs to saber-tooth tigers, all of Goofy's least favorite Stone Age scares are here... and Dustibones is building a blimp to carry them to America! What could possibly go wrong? Fantagraphics, 2014...More. Item Code: WLT06H Hard Cover - No Dustjacket, 10x9, 272pg, b&w |
WALT DISNEY'S MICKEY MOUSE Volume 7 March of The Zombies Daily Strips, 1942-44. By Floyd Gottfredson. It's World War II, and Uncle Sam wants Mickey Mouse's "'Lectro Box," an amazing ray cannon that can shapeshift living matter! But also hot on Mickey's trail is gruesome Dr. Grut, who wants to use the ray to turn humans into plants--so Grut's mind-controlled "Aberzombies" can rule the world! Fantagraphics, 2015...More. Item Code: WLT07H Hard Cover - No Dustjacket, 10x9, 262pg, b&w |
Statues and Prints |
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BATMAN ANIMATED SERIES NURSE HARLEY QUINN Statue Limited, 3,000! Recommended. Sculpted by Clayburn Moore. I don't recommend every statue, but this one is pretty cool. I may have to take one for myself. On the TV classic Batman: The Animated Series, Harley Quinn played dress-up almost as often as she wears her costume. This all-new 12-inch resin statue depicts one of her most memorable clothing swaps -- a nurse's disguise! Nurse Harley blows a kiss--holding a tiny red heart in her hand. She's wearing a delightfuly short white mini-dress and standing on a black, red and white logo base. Numbered both on the base bottom and again on a full color Certificate of Authenticity. Diamond Select Toys, 2016...More. Item Code: BANHQ 12" tall, Full Color |
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BATMAN ANIMATED SERIES FEMME FATALES BATGIRL Statue Recommended. By Bruce Timm, sculpted by Varner Studios. This is nice! Gotham City's gorgeous guardian is the new Femme Fatales PVC Statue from Batman: The Animated Series! Based on Bruce Timm's perky design, this 9-inch tall statue depicts Batgirl, a.k.a. Barbara Gordon, in full crimefighting mode with excellent coloring. Diamond, 2015...More. Item Code: BATBGS 9" tall, Full Color |
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DC DESIGNER SERIES WONDER WOMAN By Adam Hughes Statue Designed by Adam Hughes. Sculpted by Jack Mathews. Wonder Woman takes her lasso in hand in this new Designer Series statue envisioned by Eisner Award-winning artist Adam Hughes, whose work has appeared on so many issues of Wonder Woman. DC, 2017...More. Item Code: DCDWW 12" tall , Full Color |
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MARK SCHULTZ XENOZOIC TALES Print Highly Recommended. By Mark Schultz. Colored by Jim & Ruth Keegan. Mark Schultz returns to Xenozoic Tales with this fine art print from Flesk Publications. This new illustration depicts Jack and Hannah in a terrific battle against a swarm of dinosaurs. Schultz's exquisite brushwork brings this scene to life. Flesk, 2008...More. Item Code: MSXT 18x24, 1 print, Full Color |
Pulps & Pulp Related |
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TOMORROW The Complete Saga Deluxe Limited, 50! By Arthur Leo Zagat. The complete saga of Dikar and The Bunch is collected for the first time in a single volume. Set in a decimated post-invasion United States, Dikar and The Bunch fight to restore America to its former glory. A classic post-apocalyptic saga from the pages of the highly regarded pulp magazine Argosy, published between 1939 and 1941. The stories begin with “Tomorrow”: What will they be like—those Lost Children of Tomorrow, the survivors of Armageddon? Altus, 2017...More. Item Code: TOMD Hard Cover - No Dustjacket, 8x11, 184pg, Text/b&w |
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JUSTICE INC The Avenger Volume 1 Collects #1-6, 2015. By Mark Waid and Christopher Sequeira. Art by Ronilson Freire. Cover by Alex Ross. In the raging flame of tragedy, millionaire adventurer Richard Henry Benson was forged into something more than human... the ultimate master of disguise and deadly scourge of the underworld known as The Avenger! As world war rages in 1940, The Avenger dedicates his fortune to building a crack team of scientists and thrill-seekers, sworn to protect the homeland from gangsters and terrorists... but in this dangerous world, even the headquarters of Justice, Inc. can be infiltrated! Dynamite, 2016...More. Item Code: JUSAV Soft Cover, 7x10, 152pg, Full Color |
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SHADOW Master Series Volume 3 Collects The Shadow (1987 series) #14-19 and Annual 1&2. Recommended. By Andy Helfer. Art by Kyle Baker and Joe Orlander. The Shadow is dead, a victim of a biological weapon... but his soul survives! Believing that his ultimate fate rests in the hidden city of Shambala, the twins Chang and Hsu-Tei carry The Shadow's body deep within the Tibetan mountains, only to find themselves hunted by Chinese authorities. Meanwhile, without their master's guidance, the agents of The Shadow struggle to find their place in a violent, corrupt world. Dynamite, 2015...More. Item Code: SHM03 Soft Cover, 7x10, 264pg, Full Color |
Special Interest |
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ELIZABETH TAYLOR Highly Recommended. By Kathryn Dixon. A mini-book of photos, both black and white and color, of Taylor as Cleopatra, a cowgirl, at an award ceremony with Bette Davis, meeting the Queen, with husband Mike Todd and little daughter Liza in 1957, in Ivanhoe in 1952 and hundreds more glamour shots. Here she is as leading lady, jetsetter and adulterer as well as a pretty, down-to-earth person seeking happiness. TAJ, 2014...More. Item Code: ELITH Hard Cover, 6x6, 96pg, Text/Partial Color |
ELIZABETH TAYLOR Her Life in Style By Susan Kelly. This book brings together excellent, high quality photographs and commentary celebrating Elizabeth Taylor's beauty, on-screen and off. From rare early teen-aged shots and first films, to her marriages with actors and creators, to high glamour Hollywood gowns and jewelry. A&C Black, 2011. Out of Print....More. Item Code: ELIZH Soft Cover, 9x11, 128pg, Partial Color |
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THE ULTIMATE HISTORY OF PORSCHE By Stuart Gallagher and Helen Smith. The rich and storied legacy of Porsche, one of Germany's greatest automobile manufacturers, is told here in exacting detail. From the humble beginnings of Ferdinand and Ferry Porsche through to the record-breaking 911s and Targas, this is an unexpurgated story of automotive precision. Loaded with great color photos, stats and technical data, this book is as exciting as a trip down the autobahn. Parragon, 2002. Out of Print....More. Item Code: UTIH Hard Cover - No Dustjacket, 11x13, 192pg, Text/Partial Color |
Pin-Up & Adult |
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CAVEWOMAN THE RETURN #4 Limited, 500! Art & story by Rob Durham. Cover by Budd Root. The conclusion of "The Return" has our girl battling Maggie, who's now a slavering beast, and a modern-day invasion of reptiles. And that's behind a handsome Budd Root All Audiences Cover. Bagged & boarded, with a certificate of authenticity! Amryl, 2015. Mature Readers...More. Item Code: CAVTR04 Soft Cover, 7x10, 24pg, b&w |
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EROS GONE WILD Highly Recommended. The masters of European comics lend their talents to an erotic anthology that is as classy as it is titillating. In keeping with European and French sensibilities, many of these are quite humorous. 50 spicy short stories from Altuna ("Sweet Ride"), Bilal ("B.K.'s Panties"), Forest (creator of Barbarella), Varenne ("Hot Line" and "Chic Destroy"), Beltran ("Smutty"), George Pichard, Victor de la Fuente ("Fantasy Compartment"), Caza, Gillon, Loustal and many, many others. Humanoids, 2014. Adult Material...More. Item Code: ERGOH Hard Cover - No Dustjacket, 8x11, 310pg, Full Color |
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HONEY BUNS DVD From 1973. By James Chiara. With Uschi Digard and Rene Bond. Hot adult film starlets Uschi Digardand Rene Bond appear in this crazy fantasy-themed erotic feature. Harry is a clumsy sad sack who works at the “Internally Yours” feminine hygiene company. Destined to remain eternally alone, Harry meets “The Magician." He gives Harry a pill that will make all his dreams come true. Soon, Harry is making beautiful women appear and do his bidding, but there’s a catch! Just as soon as he gets aroused, the women vanish! Impulse, 2014. Adult Material...More. Item Code: HONB DVD, 1 disc, Full Color |
VA VOOM Hot Rods & Killer Bods In Amazing 3D Features fast wheels and high heels in this unique poster-book featuring 3D photos of some very rare vehicles and even harder to find nude girls! From cover to cover, each of the 12 pages (folding out to a huge poster) is stuffed full of new, full-color 3D photos of classic hot rods and vintage cruisers, along with fast girls and naughty nudes Sarah Heartbreaker and Trixie. Shh!, 2009. Mature Readers...More. Item Code: VAV Soft Cover, 9x11, 12pg, Full Color |
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