The new Infected by Art Volume 6 is here! I find this an excellent companion/supplement to Spectrum, with different material and more emphasis on character and the figure. Also a surprising new Jim Steranko study, The Self-Created Man. A delightful oversized collection, E.C. Segar's Thimble Theatre, pre-Popeye! Walt Kelly's Pogo Comics wraps up with Volume 6. A third League of Regrettables is here...this time, featuring sidekicks. The Marvel Art of Alex Ross is in Marvelocity. Another surprise, Wonder Woman and Batman star in an outstanding Celtic-related graphic novel. The Time Machine gets a new hardcover adaptation from France. Joss Whedon's Firefly Legacy features all new stories. Happy Turkey Day! |
Art Books | Graphic Novels | Comics & Comic-Related | Comic Book Archives Click here to see ALL New Arrivals, beginning with the latest and going back 30 days. |
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Art Books |
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INFECTED BY ART Volume 6 Our Highest Recommendation. Edited by Todd Spoor and Bill Cox. With a cover painting by Annie Stegg Gerard, Infected by Art contains one of the most diverse groups of artists ever selected by their jury. 274 artists are represented with works ranging from traditionally painted to digital, illustrations in pencil, pen and ink or gold leaf, to sculpted works. This is a more character-driven selection than Spectrum, with a strong emphasis on the figure, nudes, fantasy characters and horror. Infected By Art, 2018. Mature Readers...More. Item Code: INA06H Hard Cover - No Dustjacket, 9x11, 328pg, Full Color $39.99 |
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INFECTED BY ART Volume 6 Deluxe Signed Signed by ten contributors & numbered from 100! Our Highest Recommendation. Edited by Todd Spoor and Bill Cox. With a cover painting by Annie Stegg Gerard, Infected by Art contains one of the most diverse groups of artists ever selected by their jury. 274 artists are represented with works ranging from traditionally painted to digital, illustrations in pencil, pen and ink or gold leaf, to sculpted works. This is a more character-driven selection than Spectrum, with a strong emphasis on the figure, nudes, fantasy characters and horror. Bookplate laid in with ten signatures by the jury and editors. Infected By Art, 2018. Mature Readers...More. Item Code: INA06D Hard Cover, 9x11, 328pg, Full Color $60.00 |
Missing any back issues? See them on our website. I don't expect this signed edition to last very long. |
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MARVELOCITY The Marvel Comic Art of Alex Ross Highly Recommended. Introduction by J. J. Abrams As he did for the DC characters in his art book Mythology, Alex Ross now brings his dynamic, almost photo-realistic art to the heroes of the Marvel universe. Marvelocity includes more than 50 never-before-published sketches, paintings, photographs and working models, and other preparatory art, plus a 14-panel portfolio gallery of Marvel's most beloved characters. And Ross has written a new 10-page story pitting Spider-Man against the Sinister Six--the webslinger's most popular villains--that ends with a stunning twist. Spectacular fold-out jacket with five more full-sized panels, alternate covers! Pantheon, 2018...More. Item Code: MARVMH Hard Cover - No Dustjacket, 9x12, 312pg, Full Color |
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LINLEY SAMBOURNE Illustrator and Punch Cartoonist Closeout Price! Recommended. By Linley Sambourne. For more than forty years Linley Sambourne was a draftsman for the premiere English satire magazine Punch. He rose to ‘First Cartoonist' in his final decade, a significant contributor to late Victorian and Edwardian political satire. He also illustrated Kingsley's Water Babies and Friends and Foes from Fairyland. A hundred years on, the distinguished scholar Leonee Ormond has written an illuminating biography, using Sambourne's own copious records preserved in his house in Kensington, London—now a museum. Includes three nude photographs of his well-known models. Paul Holberton, 2010...More. Item Code: LINSA Soft Cover, 7x9, 312pg, Text/b&w |
Graphic Novels |
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THE BRAVE AND THE BOLD Batman and Wonder Woman Collects #1-6. Introduction by Jim Fitzpatrick. Highly Recommended. By Lliam Sharp. Art by Lliam Sharp, Romulo Fajardo Jr. Whoa, this is simply amazing. Fabled Irish fantasy artist Jim Fitzpatrick is credited by the incredible Liam Sharp as inspiration for this work, and it shows. At times it also reminds us of Barry Windsor-Smith's amazing Pre-Raphaelite paintings. This is really, really good. When a Celtic god's murder leads to a war between the fairy folk and a possible breach between worlds, Wonder Woman must find the murderer and keep the peace, and brings in Batman for help. Amidst settings in rural Europe and fairytale settings, the two Justice Leaguers must rely on each other to uncover a murder while meeting and battling legendary gods, witches and demons of Celtic myth and legend!! DC, 2018...More. Item Code: BRAVBH Hard Cover, 7x10, 152pg, Full Color |
This is a very, very handsome looking story. It deserves your attention. I will review it as soon as I can. |
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H.G. WELLS THE TIME MACHINE Recommended. By Dobbs. Art by Mathieu Moreau. H. G. Wells‘ classic tale The Time Machine was one of the first stories ever to explore the notion of time travel. Now rediscover this incredible work of science fiction with a stunning, all-new graphic novel adaptation! It differs interestingly from the traditional Disney film and the story we're used to by now, offering enough alteration to keep your interest even if you are like me and know the story practically by heart. English translation of an original French novel, very well drawn with a younger Time Traveler and an unusual alternate ending. Insight Comics, 2018...More. Item Code: HGWTH Hard Cover - No Dustjacket, 9x11, 64pg, Full Color |
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ALSO AVAILABLE ART OF FANTASY, SCI-FI AND STEAMPUNK Our Highest Recommendation. By Hiroshi Unno. The history of fantasy, science fiction and the origins of steampunk--from Romanticism in the 18th century to the modern era. This looks at writers, books and artists, exploring and illustrating masterpieces by William Blake, John Martin, Albert Robida, Jules Verne, H.G. Wells, Rackham, Charles and Heath Robinson, Lefler & Urban, the Oz books, Little Nemo and more. Nothing modern here, this begins and ends in the last two centuries, packed with really great artwork. PIE, 2018...More. Item Code: ARTFAN Soft Cover, 7x10, 360pg, Full Color $49.95 |
Looking for for more by H.G. Wells? Both the Time Machine [CI123. $9.99] and War of the Worlds [CI124H. $14.99, your price $7.99] in the Classics Illustrated series are in stock. And there is more H.G. Wells on the website, Steampunk art, and also Jules Verne's work. |
Comics & Comic-Related |
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STERANKO The Self-Created Man Highly Recommended. By James Romberger. Art by Jim Steranko. James Romberger's long-awaited examination of the comics and film work of Jim Steranko, America's first comic book auteur. It is presented in three parts---a biographical overview; a comprehensive interview with Steranko that articulates 144 graphic and narrative innovations found in his comics from 1966-1984; and a critical analysis of his film conceptualizations for Alain Resnais, Steven Spielberg, George Lucas and Francis Ford Coppola. Romberger's unique perspective offers an insightful and readable commentary about one of the most enigmatic and influential creators of our time. Ground Zero Books, 2018...More. Item Code: STERSE Soft Cover, 6x9, 162pg, Text/Partial Color $24.00 |
We've just finally cancelled Steranko's Artist Editions, it was announced more than two years ago. But good news, on our website are a few more Steranko books, and we will be restocking his thought-to-be-out-of-print Steranko's History of the Comics Volume 2 in a month or so. |
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BETTIE PAGE #1 SET (Series 2) Set of five variant covers--interior is the same--by John Royale, Scott Chantler, David Williams and Julius Ohta. By David Avallone. Art by Julius Ohta. The brand-new Queen of England has mysteriously vanished, and British Intelligence needs a helping hand from the world's greatest model spy! Can Bettie the First find Elizabeth the Second before the news gets out and panics all of Great Britain? Are UFOs involved? David Avallone (Elvira: Mistress of the Dark) and Julius Ohta (Sherlock Holmes) present Bettie's return in "The Princess and The Pinup!" One of the five variant covers is a photograph of Bettie. Dynamite, 2018...More. Item Code: BET01P Comic, 7x10, 32pg ea $19.95 |
Here's the sets we have left from the first series—#1 is gone—and our other Bettie books. |
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NOT TO TOUCH THE EARTH Signed Publisher File Copy, 2010. Recommended. By Joseph Michael Linsner. Dawn has many faces and wears many masks: this time she is a Faerie Queen, and Darrian Ashoka, Linsner's hero character, is a Knight who saves her from a demon. After her rescue, Dawn takes Darrian to the faerie realm, where he discovers unearthly delights and heavenly secrets. 2010 marked Dawn's 20th anniversary in print. This book celebrates that with an essay by Linsner and pin-ups by himself, Michael Golden, Adam Hughes, Brian Stelfreeze, Jay Geldoff, Greg Williams and Michael Turner. Images, 2010...More. Item Code: NOTTOS Comic, 7x10, 44pg, Full Color $20.00 |
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ALSO AVAILABLE GIRLS & GODDESSES Closeout Price! The Pin-Up Art of Joseph Michael Linsner. Highly Recommended. By Joseph Michael Linsner. Wow, have we got a bargain for you. Linsner's first art collection, in hardcover, at half price! Well known for his Dawn graphic novels, portfolios, convention books and prints, Linsner has taken his sexy girls one step further in this ode to female beauty. He captures the voluptuous, perfect female form, the goddess among women, much like fellow good-girl illustrator Dave Stevens once did. Beautiful, artfully done pin-ups in an assortment of skin-tight costumes and poses. Luscious curvy beauties and hard bodied heroines as vampires and bad girls! Plus full nudes. Linsner's art is fun and sexy, and these are all superbly finished paintings. Image, 2007. Mature Readers...More. Item Code: GLSH Hard Cover, 9x12, 112pg, Full Color |
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THE LEAGUE OF REGRETTABLE SIDEKICKS Recommended. By Jon Morris. More than one hundred of the strangest sidekicks in comics history, complete with backstories, vintage art, and colorful commentary. Forgotten helpers like Thunderfoot (explosive-soled assistant to the Human Bomb), super-pets like Frosting (polar bear pal of space hero Norge Benson), fan favorites like Rick Jones (sidekick to half of the Marvel Universe), and obscure partners of iconic heroes (Superman Junior? Really!?). Includes pernicious profiles of henchmen and minions, the sidekicks of the supervillain world. Casual comics readers and diehard enthusiasts alike will relish the hilarious commentary and vintage art from obscure old comics. Quirk, 2018...More. Item Code: LERSKH Hard Cover - No Dustjacket, 7x9, 254pg, Full Color |
The other two books in this series are Regrettable Superheroes and Regrettable Super Villains [LERSH and LERSVH, |
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DC COMICS DETECTIVE COMICS The Complete Covers Volume 1 Highly Recommended. Explore the origin of Batman as well as pre-Batman Detective Comics in this miniature art book. Here are the first 300 covers, from April 1937 with #1, to Feb, 1962, just after comics went from ten to twelve cents cover price! It's comic book history with fun and very, very cool covers. The first 26 issues are now icons themselves, before Batman, with Fu Manchu and hardy, two-fisted detectives and criminals. Then follow Batman from lone warrior to Robin's start, through the creation of the Batmobile, first cover appearances of Clayface, Catwoman, The Joker, The Penguin, Riddler, Two-Face, on and on. Insight Editions, 2018...More. Item Code: DCDET01H Hard Cover - No Dustjacket, 3x4, 304pg, Full Color $11.99 |
The upcoming book Detective Comics Before Batman Slipcase [DETCBH. |
Comic Book Archives |
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WALT KELLY'S POGO The Complete Dell Comics Volume 6 Collects Pogo #15-16, Four Color #254, Our Gang #6 and the unpublished "Giants of Siants." Highly Recommended. By Walt Kelly. Walt Kelly's Pogo first appeared in Animal Comics, in Dell's Four Color series, and finally in its own title, Pogo Possum, in 1949. This sixth volume finishes off the complete reprints with Pogo Parade, a Pogo story from Our Gang #6, a Pogo Christmas Story from Four Color #254, an unpublished Pogo story, an unpublished Pogo Possum cover, original art from the series, including complete stories and a superlative full color gallery containing all of the Pogo Possum covers and bonus art! Hermes Press, 2018...More. Item Code: WKP06H Hard Cover, 8x10, 192pg, Full Color |
Four previous volumes remain available. Vol 1 [ |
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THIMBLE THEATRE AND THE PRE-POPEYE CARTOONS OF E.C. SEGAR Highly Recommended. More than a decade before he created the world's most famous cartoon sailor, E.C. Segar began his comics career in the movies. He drew cartoons for silent movie theater slides, the Charlie Chaplin comic strip, and a daily strip about Chicago's movies and entertainment. Then, in 1919, he penned his own “small screen” creation for the newspapers, Thimble Theatre, where Popeye was to be born. Here are all of E.C. Segar's early comics and illustrations, and 125 pre-Popeye Thimble Theater Sunday pages, including the complete run of the famed Western desert saga, a series that rivals his later work in superb art, storytelling and humor. Sunday Press, 2018...More. Item Code: THIMH Hard Cover - No Dustjacket, 11x17, 125pg, Full Color $85.00 |
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ALSO AVAILABLE LITTLE NEMO Dream Another Dream Back in Stock at a great new Sale Price! Our Highest Recommendation. By Bill Sienkiewicz, Charles Vess, P. Craig Russell, David Mack et al. Contemporary artists pay tribute to this beloved and imaginative Sunday page. They have created 118 entirely new Little Nemo pages, all full Sunday page size! Contributors also include Paul Pope, J.H. Williams III, Carla Speed McNeil, Peter Bagge, Dean Haspiel, Farel Dalrymple, Marc Hempel, Nate Powell, Jeremy Bastian, Jim Rugg, Ron Wimberly, Scott Morse, David Petersen, J.G. Jones, Mike Allred, Dean Motter, Yuko Shimizu, Roger Langridge, Craig Thompson, and Mark Buckingham, among many others. Locust Moon, 2014...More. Item Code: LNDRH Hard Cover, 16x21, 144pg, Full Color |
This would make a perfect and a very impressive Christmas gift. It's huge, it's all new stories of Nemo, and its been very popular since the price went down to almost 2/3's off. ‘Nuff said. |
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FIREFLY Legacy Edition Volume 1 Collects seven complete episodes, 2005-2012. Highly Recommended. By Joss Whedon. Art by Zack Whedon, Patton Oswalt et al. Serenity rides again, in these official sequels, several by Joss Whedon himself. Buried histories and secret identities are revealed, along with all the heist-takin', authority-dodgin', death-defyin' space-cowboyin' you've been missing from your life, as this ragtag crew of mercenaries, outlaws, and fugitives travel the stars in search of their next adventure. Cool all-new stories plus outstanding variant covers by Dan Dos Santos, Jo Chen (several), Steve Morris, Adam Hughes (several), Tim Bradstreet, Sean Phillips, J.G. Jones, Joe Quesada, John Cassaday. Boom!, 2018...More. Item Code: FIRE01 Soft Cover, 7x10, 288pg, Full Color |
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DISNEY MASTERS Volume 5 Mickey Mouse The Phantom Blot's Double Mystery Recommended. By Guido Martina. Art by Romano Scarpa. Mickey's diabolical arch-enemy--the Phantom Blot--is on the loose! But when Mickey, Goofy, and Chief O'Hara set out to stop his crime spree, there's something they don't know: The Blot has Mickey hypnotized--our hero is unknowingly doing the bad guy's bidding! Also in this anthology of Scarpa's best, Mickey goes on a wild sea adventure as a deckhand in “The Eternal Flame of Kalhoa”--and Scrooge McDuck takes Donald and the kids along on an alligator-infested adventure to Malaya--and also meets his old flame, Brigitta MacBridge. Fantagraphics, 2018...More. Item Code: DM05H Hard Cover - No Dustjacket, 8x11, 178pg, Full Color |
See our website for more Disney Masters as well as slipcased sets of two volumes, 1-2, 3-4, and 5-6. |
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FURTHER ADVENTURES OF RED SONJA Volume 1 By Roy and Dann Thomas, Doug Moench, Frank Thorne et al. Featuring a collection of stories from the original Marvel Comics series in Savage Sword of Conan, with each page painstakingly re-mastered for this volume! Plus, legendary Red Sonja writer and former Marvel Editor-in-Chief Roy Thomas provides an introduction. With Esteban Maroto, Howard Chaykin, John Buscema, Barry Smith, Ernie Chan, Neal Adams, Pablo Marcos et al. Dynamite, 2018...More. Item Code: FUR01 Soft Cover, 200pg, Full Color |
New and On Sale |
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CARTOON COUNTY My Father and His Friends in The Golden Age of Cartoon Make Believe Closeout Price! Highly Recommended. By Cullen Murphy. Now on sale, as heard on NPR's Fresh Air. For a period of about fifty years, many of the nation's top comic-strip cartoonists, gag cartoonists, and magazine illustrators lived within a stone's throw of one another in the southwestern corner of Connecticut. Here lived a tight-knit group of creators responsible for Superman, Beetle Bailey, Snuffy Smith, Rip Kirby, Hagar the Horrible, Hi and Lois, Nancy, The Wizard of Id, The Heart of Juliet Jones, and Joe Palooka, among others. Written by John Cullen Murphy's son, who grew up in this amazing era as his father first drew Big Ben Bolt and then was tapped by Hal Foster to take over Prince Valiant. FSG, 2017...More. Item Code: CARCH Hard Cover, 8x9, 260pg, Partial Color |
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BRITISH POSTERS OF THE SECOND WORLD WAR Closeout Price! Our Highest Recommendation. By Richard Slocombe. One hundred posters, a great many fresh and entirely new to us, from this amazing period. Some proclaimed in bold type that “Victory of the Allies is assured” and featured stalwart British soldiers alongside exaggerated enemy figures. Others, however, hung on the walls of bus and railway stations, town halls, and pubs, called for continued self-sufficiency, urging Britons to raise chickens, conserve and repair, join the Wacs and Wrens. As the threat of espionage became extreme, posters cautioned soldiers and civilians alike against talking about the war: “Furtive Fritz is always listening” warned one; another, “Keep mum--she's not so dumb.” IWM, 2015...More. Item Code: BRITPO Soft Cover, 7x9, 88pg, Partial Color |
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THE DEFINITIVE BETTY BOOP Closeout Price! Recommended. By Max Fleischer. Art by Bud Counihan. Introduction by Brian Walker. Before Marilyn and Madonna, Betty booped and wriggled her way into hearts with her unique mix of wide-eyed innocence and sensuality. Even while her short cartoons were making history, she was also starring in a full color Sunday Page--125 of them here. Plus 160 dailies. Here is a naïve young chorus girl and star, trying hard to survive in Hollywood, amidst the screwballs, crazy directors and looney actors....essentially, the creators were spoofing their own industry with the delectable Ms. Boop as the innocent heroine. Titan, 2015...More. Item Code: DEFBBH Hard Cover - No Dustjacket, 9x12, 240pg, Partial Color |
Stocking Stuffer Suggestions |
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The Little Book of...series from Taschen offers something for just about anyoneand under $10: Wonder Woman by Paul Levitz, and all these Marvel titles are written by former Editor-in-chief Roy Thomas: Spider-Man, The Avengers, Captain America, The X-Men, Fantastic Four, Incredible Hulk, and Iron Man. There's also a G-rated Little Book of Bettie Page which is fun and The Little Books of Vargas, of Gil Elvgren and of Peter Driben (this is OP, we've just 3 left)..and one more adult title for the more daring gift. Our latest catalog, see below, has four pages of Christmas Gift suggestions, in all categories, beginning on page 23. You can download it here.
Coming in January |
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STEVE CANYON Volume 9 1963-64 Dailies and Sundays. By Milton Caniff. Six white horses laid a President to rest as a nation wept, but Milton Caniff knew that a man-and a nation-must carry on. In these stories from 1963-64, the globetrotting Steve Canyon foils diabolical enemy plots in half a dozen countries. Steve goes undercover in Turkey, tries not to get clawed by his old "friend" Cheetah during an encounter in western Mexico, and tackles a communist plot in Africa. IDW, 2018. Due Feb. ...More. Item Code: SC09H Hard Cover, 11x9, 336pg, Partial Color |
Volumes 1, 3, 4, 7 and 8 are available and in stock. We can get 2 and 6 as special order items. Volume 5 is out of print. See the website for more by Caniff and more related to his work. |
Mature ReadersAll the Stefan Soell books have sold so well, we brought back one, Bavarian Landlust, and found out the out-of-print Waldlust was back in print. so we brought that one in also. So two new titles just in case you missed them. Here are our other Soell titles, and here are all of our nude photography books. Nude Photography | Erotic Art | Erotic Films: DVDs | Adult Graphic Novels | All Pin-Up & Adult Click here to add yourself to our Adult's Only mailing list. |
News and Notes |
Our annual Holiday Sale email went out Monday evening, November 19. If you didn't get it, you can see it here on our blog. I discovered too late that I had not reviewed the descriptions for the new Bill Schelly titles that went on sale. I've just finished that, so if you click here, you'll see vastly improved descriptions AND lots of extra scans for each title. |
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Stan Lee in Memorium With the passing of Stan Lee last week, his upcoming Taschen book written by Roy Thomas quickly sold out, from us and also from the publisher. We ordered extra copies but they were quickly spoken for.
Short takes on recent books: Gorgeous fine-line artwork, and a very strange story of an old antiquarian dealer who somehow gets wrapped up with a man who cannot die...Mort Cinder. As the multiple stories develop, our elderly protagonist actually goes along with Mort into the past to experience World War I and other historic events. Very strange, very unique. I'd always heard good things about this strip, and it has not disappointed. Love the art.
Isola by Branden Fletcher and Karl Kerschl I really enjoyed this. It collects the first five chapters of the Image comics series, but it's entirely in animation style artrich, detailed, not unlike a Miyazaki film. The princess has been cursed and turned into an enormous tiger. Her loyal-to-the-death first warrior is her sole protection as they travel the wilderness, trying to escape from unnatural forces that want only to eliminate the last crown ruler. It's an unpredictable and special story, and although this first sequence covers a lot of ground, I'm eager to see what is to come for our very special pair of heroines. ~Bud |
Our Catalog and Contact Info We publish a color catalog every two months—if you’ve placed an order in the last 12 months, you will receive it hot off the press. If this is your first order, or if you’d like an extra copy, you can add one to your order: click here. Or call or send us your address and we’ll mail one to you. You can also download it here Note: FREE SHIPPING OVER $300. If your order total is $300 or more and you are in the U.S., we pay the standard shipping cost. Contact us: or 530-273-2166 Mon-Fri 9-4 |
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Website IndexSee our website for thousands of books of the Unusual and Hard-to-Find ~ Hundreds on Sale! |